Meats, Fruits and Vegetables Priced Right _ _ ROYAL BLUE STORE -- _ September 7 to 13 Inclusive O _ BEST----QUALITY.----ALWAYS -- : Three damage suits, asking $21,-- E 000 from A..J. Anselm, formerly of Waukegan, but now a resident of Lake Bluff were filed Thursday in cir t euit court for Floyd, Marguerite & and Marilyn Brown, who -- charged & they received serfous injuries Jan. ~DREAMS OF OLDEN \wom INJURED AS nivs CNAME TO MEN | CAR THRNS TORTL ; ' mmx't.ormmcc;:;m* OL gang following 7 §*> %h( ceremonies gare expected * ___~ to be frequent occurrences in North Resilents of North Chicago, who gathered at the police station Friday Twelve Barrels of Beer 'D nated' to the Fish in . take . MWMichigan morning "smacked" their lips and dreamed dreams of olden days, as they witnessed Patrolman Fred zmnhurdsdnn "real down the drain in ftront of the city ball. The 12 barrels, which now will be enjoyed by the.--fish in Lake Michi-- gan, were the mw:m ida on Hquor distribu May-- a;mm uc-b'-p- lice : Chief of Police Frank Tiffany and boots and a Puring the "dumping . ceremony discussion was prevalent as to the great amount "of waste : that ~has been caused by prohibition, for pre-- vious to that act of congress people NMquor which has been coming into Tom Williams, alleged distributor in North Chicago, furnished the ma-- jority of this beer. -- He has been ac-- tive in the city for some time police MYSCBIENREN | CAR TURNS TORTLE AT BEER DUMHNfi' Mré. Mike MeKutis of Round Lake T TE SXA hains HnFan eape while being taken to the police station, but the mayor had warrants nomen an#t tar tha alezed "boss" of (ve campaign. _ _/ * 1, last, in Lake Bluff in an accident with Anselm on Center avenue. .4 Ibs. R. B. Jam .-- -- 69¢ Rex Mineral Soap P & G Soap Life Buoy Soap }+0® Minute SPECIALS TRADE HERE AND SAVE LOYALTY continue to operate as The close personal touch between a customer and his bank gives rise to a feeling of loyalty. Such loyalty is the product of long traditions of service. + Proud as we are, of our growing list of customers, we are prouder still, of the many customers who have been banking here for years. "The Bank for You Too" -- State Bank ol Mundelein H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, Prop. © an exten-- Mrs. Mike McKutis of Round Lake sutftered a bad cut on her right knee Thursday afternoon,.. when, as she was riding toward Lake Zurich with ber husband and three little girls, their car was forced off the road and turned over in thé ditch near Wau-- conda. (Mrs. McKutis was taken to the office of Dr."Ross where her in-- jury was treated. None of the other occupants 'of the 'car were injured, rate of speed, was reported to have forced McKutis off the road, and did not stop when the accident occurred. POLICE SEEK MAN MISSING FROM HIS play, Mre. Frank Sebert of 112 North Sheridan road, called the lo cal police station Tuesday nite and mmturwmm since Monday. ish any clues as to where he might have gone or why he disappeared. lhpu!dhobftutzo'doctlm- day afternoon and up to this noon had not returned.. She furnished the police with a picture of her hue-- band and a sample of the material from which his clothes were made. He is described as being 37 years old, weight 145 pounds, dark hair and was wearing a gray suit and cap and black oxfords when he left bome. Police are unable to advance any reason for the man's disappearance as his home life was apparently good. Police in surrounding cities hve been asked to search for him. A second disappearance was re ported when H. Greiner--of 208 Bur-- ton avenue, reported at 10 o'clock Tuesday nite that his11 yr. old son Bud, had left home at 8 o'clock yes-- terday morning to go to school, and had not returned at that time.: _ He got back a Jlittle later, however. Fearing that he had met with foul Monday From Home on SheriJaan.lsReW't HOME THREE DAYS 10 BARS 37¢ 17¢ 10c 21¢ P%F AUC " to P -':H ."' '- chines, He Explains A. W. Lindroth's hat cost him bis freedom Sunday night at the Chan-- Lin 20, come out from his home in Oak Park with a friend to attend a dance. Before the eve-- ning was over Special Deputy Sher-- | iff Harry Schumacher bhad him in m,,,.mo:mmums "'L';lm'm w | Lindroth,} coun ex-- Mdo.;?nw"um' take.-- He that be left his hat ed to is nosiness. In reply Lind--; cago, ia8' roth told them that he was a federal | Saitsburg, agent making investigations. The | and took wild tale reached the ears of Schu| 'The W1 oi eaornncr bome of the. pottors chine to ar some of the. petters who were sitting out dances protest-- START EXAMINING erman, county nurso. Jhe. L&®® County Dental society assists in the examination as does the medical so-- ciety. Wm"mvm" de are dzem ed necessary suggestions are made to the parents of the pupils. . Hup dreds of children submitted to these tests: last yoar. 0000 0000000 000 o 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 Clyde Heim started Monday for a trip to Minnesota: He was accom-- panied by relatives from Dundee. They will make the trip by automo-- Mr .and Mrs. Will Peterson and children drove to Burlington, Wis., this week to visit Mr. Peterson's sis-- ter and family. t Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wilton and young son visited his parents and brother Howard Wilton recently. Henry J. Rentner, visited -- his daughter in Chicago, Thursday. + Mr.-- and Mrs. Elmer Rentner drove to the city one day the past Monday calling on his pupils and friends Father Lynoh--from Antlioch was a pleasant caller at William H. Shee han's, Thursday afternoon. Dan Shechan attended the fair at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petersen ¥isited their daughter in Milburn this week. SBand Lake were callers here this week at John Walker's home. The Swanson family are about 'to move inta their new home, A vyery nice suite of rooms have been built on the west side of the Swanson Wagner is a cousin of Mr. Sheehan. Miss J. M. Retzman of 1172 South Lombard avenue, Oak Park, visited over the weekend in Lake Villa. Examination of pupils in rural and bntitims Pas Aoared o sek, according to Miss "Theda Watr over the weekend in --Lake Villa. AA l!r.ndlx't.#vm_ ard <Kerr and | We daughter, Jean, from Bloomington,| D8" NIL, visited with Mr. Kerr's parents, :"" Mr. and Mrs: James Kerr over the| 4°* weekend. -- sewe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poetersen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petersen, Caroline to Chicago Saturday and remained Mrs. William Becker entertained the club she belongs to in Chicago on the east side of Deep lake Wed-- nesday. A bus load--of 20 spent the day there. It is a card and bunco elub 'but when the 'group arrived in the country on a lovely day with a beauntiful lake as a setting they changed it to a plicenic club. Before leaving they drove to Lake Villa for lunch.~ * x Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thayer drove to Antioch and Pleasant Prairle to Professor Beckwith was in town Mrs.: Agnes Blankenship -- and daughter, Versal, and: son, Harold, were guests at the <John: Walker home for several days last-- week. They all motored to Lake Blufft on one day during their visit. * Orvel Talbott was in town Satur-- day en route to Fox Lake with & pirty of friends. BE The Lake Villa school will open Monday, lent.'g Grades one, two, five and six report at 8;:30 a'-- Rev. and Mrs. McKelvey and fam-- '5. h2 dvs dndcb hugedBtic Di c > CAnk \covery, which we are glad to hear. Miss Bluhm has been a Yery agree able and active member of our Sun-- 3w|ehoolmuoehlmnemm in our community. _ . | ' Miss Anne Gerbert has been' indis-- mmgw'wflj&fln" term, '%\.m"" ¢iple and Auna Gerbert in the primary room. With the cooperation of the parents and children, we are looking forward to a Yery pleasant mwmm. We are very sorry ¢o hear that Miss Cecil Bluhm, who is at La Porte school there, was stricken with ap-- pendicitis and complications, and for a time was in a very serious con-- dition, although at this writing she is reported as well on the raad ¢o re-- m h c h a cuedh i Arststntt enb fienaitatmenieings on & 'week or ten days, but has regained ' sufficiently to start her duties as m:udmmnml. 'staying with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bockman and other relatives for the fwgrevvnh.mmwmi- ' cago, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray m DC io t s aonreme e e ne M CM0) > d d | Saltsburg, visited at the Brockmans !mmkhrahuhcttom. The Wildbagen children had their tonsils removed the past week and have recovered so that they entered Knedler Bros. have been doing the arnusl repairing on their flour and grist mill, preparatory to the fall Sunday at Fond du Lac, Wis. \ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Englebrecht and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall-- Schroe-- der attended a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Butler at Wauke-- -- Mr. and Mre. J. G. Cook entertain-- ed some twenty friends at-- dinner last Sunday. Mrs. Cook loves to "cook." Herschberger BR ros,Jr., of Prairie Vlovmn-d'%uduirmlm and fitting up an office in one of them. 'The boys are preparing to Sup-- ply you with everything from a radio to a Frigidaire dnd antomobile, in addition to their implement line. Town Hall. > Plenty of auto accidents every day and the Vernon Garage is always full of crippled cars, elither their front, side or rear ends crushed in, this is a fast age, but you know it all |~ bunsueifils s 6 dn cantiiiient: mc ee deapce micon Te dhe in antrem e it so we don't pay a great deal of at-- tention to it. The P. T. A. held their first meet-- ing of the season at <the Town Hall, on last Friday evening. B. W. Smail presiding, during the business ses sion a vote was taken, authorizing the school board to buy a scale for use in the school. Elec:ion of offi-- cers for the current year was also President, George Staton; Secre:ary, H. E. Englebrecht; Treasurer, John Carlson &nd on the Membership Com mittee Mrs. Carlson, Bert Small and ments were served by the program commit:ee, after which <~Mr» Whitt-- acre, our new school principal was introduced and welcomed. A sort of farewell party was staged for the Brownells and a very appropriate gift was presented Mrs. Brownell, by the adult Bible class, as a re-- attendance enjoyed the meeting. Our road commissioner has graded up the Cooney road in nice shape, preparatory to putting crushed stone and sand on it. This piece of road, everyone declares, is entitled to a li.tle attention. 4 Our thistle. commissioner, Mr. Frantk, finished his work some time ago and considering the magnitude and complications of the job, he has done remarkably well, for the first year. Some farms are litterly cover-- ed from one end to the other with thistles and it is a tremendous task to destroy this weed. After a cen-- ne The Conklin sisters of Chicago ve been visiting at the Lockhaead me the past week. Mr. Whitacre, our ceacher in the per room is boarding at the home ' Mr. and Mrs. Dashek, near the Sunday, at which time, we will ob-- is cordially invited to attend. Sun-- day school at 9:30 and worship--serv-- fee at 10:15, The ships that most poor . men °%-- pect to come in are those that pass in the night.--American REAL ESTATE, MORTGaAgGE --LOoaANS, PROPERTY <--MANA3EMENT, GENERAL INSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, RENTING, Mason. After this a social If at All lating# Eiter, of Fox.Lake, who paid a fine of $400 for violating the prohibitory law, -- were arrested over Labor day by Constable.George Stried and the Sponge s%nd Cuts Wide Swath : Over : Holidays sponge squad working out of the of-- fice of States Attorney A. V. Smith, Those taken weer as follows: Nels mmmmmm of Chicago charged with having nine pints of moonshine in < their. grip. fnuyvoor'unnut!ox Lake. Walter G. Carlson and Albert Mc-- Leod, both of Oak Park,-- charged with gambling. * _ Helen Wilson, Pearly Crayle and Gus. Zar¥tas, all of 151 So. Genesee street, charged with disorderly con-- duct. The girls paid $25 each and the Pauline Sokolowski, Nippersink Hotel, Fox Lake, was fined $150 on a charge of violating the prohibitory law, Fred Eiter, Fox Lake, paid $400 o 0 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 o CLASSIFIED ADS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0O 0 0 0 0 0 WANTED ---- Girl for general: store work. Phone 29. 36 1t Female Help Wanted Getting 10 Victims p iz i $5 TK 2 & | * | -- * E f s $ $s $ f f J | § § L 8 § s n e : 2 m -- i# o $o ! a i w § e ;':'( fa ' « s h % . f m d j +M : 6 ; 4 e F s . F P . £ p 4 8 f l Mess d i h 4 i Friday and Saturday, September 7 and 8 SPRING LAMB .--_---- 34c lb. LITTLE PIG SUGAR CURED HAMS XXZF;: SUGAR CURED BACON 0: VEAL ROAST 35¢ Ib. HIGHEST QUALITY i AI Reasonable MEATS Justice -- Hervey 52¢ lb. LIBERTYVILLE'S LEADING QUALITY MARKET WANTED--2 or 3 rooms furnished WANTED=--A ~Permanent place on dairy --or general farm; references. Carl Mahler, ~care <~George Panzer, Gurnee,, II1. * 86 4t or partly furnished for light house-- keeping, near business section, Call 211W,° Libertyville. : 86 Lt FOR RENT--5 room apartment with garage. Heat and hbot water furnish-- ed.© Apply 131 8. Stewart Ave. 35tt FOR RENT--6 room cottage, electric lights, large barn, 'chicken Souse, milk house and 1 acre of Jand. . will lease for one year at your own terms House will be re--conditioned and put is first class shape. Rent reasonable Alex Barr, 8 Elaine Place, Chica-- go.PhonnggeehdHn 36 it TLibertyville. Everything modern. For information, call Libertyville In-- dependent Office. *~~/ ~. . SOH Milwaukee -- Ave., wfl%m J. --A. Raabe, 8781 School st., Morton Grove L -- x $4 3t FOR SALE--Ford coupe in excellent eondition; cash or terms. Call Al Hagerty, Libertyville 21, or Liber:y-- ¥ille Independent, No. 1, for addi-- tional information. FOR BALE----Titan-- tractor, tractor plow and disc, Hoosier disc grain drill and International feed| grinder. N. Redmond, Everett, IIL. 85 2t 606 MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ~Reputation Thousands of housewives shop with absoiute confidence at the Palace Cash Markets. Years of tonscienticus dealing with the public, have given "The Palace" a reputation of dependability as to Highest Quality, Good Service and Fair Prices. Come to the PALACE the -- following -- for Arlington Heights, III. °* Phone 496 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? All parts and labor bought in our shop carry the sam eguaran-- tee as the parts and labor on any new car. Seainy: Jeb rrneeplhigp ie e o Countryside Motors Mundelein, III. GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE SERVICE J E. LEONARD Mgr. We have something you are looking for Chrysler Dealers POT ROAST Rib Roast scr 45¢ lb. BONELESS ROLLED MONBY 'TO LOAN--We havre a con-- siderable amount of special funds to louol'hlnwol farm or city -"u' ." w,- LONG GROVE CIDER MILL will be open --for business op Tuesdays, from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m. and on Sat-- urdays all day. Barrels and kegs for sale. Phone Libertyville 657M1. $3 6t 2 LBS FOR HIGH EST QUALITY PRIME MEATS AT Phone 103