_ * DEMANDSBOARD éf Meats, Fruits and Vegetables Priced Right --~-- --~ROYAL BLUE STORE x € 5. g the walls on the east and west * A be repatred, that the boiler en room be done in tile, or concrete, or brick and made fire proof, and that s fire proof doors be placed on the bridges. He also suggested the re moval of the dumt elevator and the complete freproofing of the interior of the structures. % Standpipe, hose connections and fire extinguishers were suggested by wmnmthwam'g';{ the county poor farm buildings E. Bertram, deputy state fire mar shal, today laid before the board of annarvisors nlans for remodelling PAGE EIGHT Lays Out Plans for Remodel-- linguilf County Cannot id New Structure dr.%omwudby SBupervisor Bert C. mpson, of Zion, chairman of the poor farm committee. Two years board that he had condemned the buildings as fire traps. "I have just Sunished>--a new sur-- vey at Libertyville," Bertram stated. .mum-hfllflfifl he found a boiler room would engulf all buildings in flames in a few moments and burn a number of aged inmates if fire broke out in it. Open stairways, a dumb elevator Bbuillt of combustible material, wood-- "In the past few days I have con-- midered a plan that I think would improve the buildings but I do not want you to draw the concJusion Uthat I am recommending it," he en bridges between buildings, and Inflammable partitions were among things he condemned in his talk. "When I appeared before you two years ago I was relieved after I had spoken to think that the blame could not longer rest with thesstate fire marshal's office.: "Later I heard that the board had presented a bond issue for the peo-- ple to vote upon and I was elated to "I do not know why the bond issue was beaten (he referred to the $250,-- 000 building bond issue snowed un-- nuwlmm,c}g::w.mgm and 4 to 1 for the en county) but I do, know the same problem is back | The Friends | _ We Have Made Bertram, in the course of his talk, declared that there would be a num-- September 14 to 20 Inclusive BEST------QUALITY.------ALWAYS Bertram had been MHe then followed by suggesting Fig Bars per Ib. -- -- -- 12; Borden Eagle Brand Milk 18c Log Cabin Syrup pt. 25c Royal Blue Coffee 1 Ib can 49¢ Large Chipso SPECIAL® The greatest reason growth. It is gratifyir daily, to serve new C State Bankol Mundelein growth. It is gratifying to us, daily, to serve new customers who have accepted the testimony of our depositors concerning our banking ideals and a service, it is said, one always remembers. ns for remodelling so as to make them H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, Prop. . Our greatest strength Our greatest asset ber of the aged ~and infirm who would burn to death before anyone could reach them and carry them to Several reasons were given for the defeat of the bond issue. -- Some thought it too large and the fact that the board was in disagreement on it failed to impress the. public favorably. There were factions. who favored building on the present site, others who wished to sell all of the land and build back of the county hospital, and still others who wished to sell a part of the farm and build came at the time taxes were being Mundelein To Have More Paved Streets The board of local improvements in Mundelein Monday night opened bids on three local improvements, and awarded contracts as follows: For street paving in --Vacek Bros. subdivision, Diamond Lake, the ~'J. A. Melloy & Co.. was also award-- ed the contract for water service tflpuanaeek Bros. subdivision, the bid being $2,196. The estimate of [$137,2134.29. --The usual list of bills North American Construction Com-- pary submitted the only bid. Their tigure was $69,662. The estimate of the engineers was $73,915. Work is to be.commenced at once. 3 For water mains in Seymour Ave. J. A. Melloy & Co.. was given the job at $3,580.-- The estimted cost of the work was $4125, s was allowed. Poli¢ce Magistrate Overholzer ask-- ed that a docket. be purchased for recording police court cases, and the clerk was instructed to procure it. A street light was ordered installed at cornér of Crane and South Ave., in the extreme south part of the meet Monday night, Sept. 24th. At the meeting of the board of trustee the~report of the treasurer Charles Cossman, of Round Lake, suffere@ a severe laceration on the scalp and bruises when an automo-- bile in which he was riding was struck by another machine on a highway near Milwaukee Wednes-- day, Sept. 5. He was given first aid at Milwaukee and then taken to the Victory Memorial hospital in Wau-- kegan for treatment.. He is being at-- tended by Dr. J. E. Walters . ROUND LAKE MAN HURT IN A CRASH neers was $2,618. awarding estimates to con-- Mundelein, IIL for our 19¢ '-- ~~Lpthe, Ladies' Aid Society. The first day of obtaining right-- of--ways for the first section of pay--| ing on Route 173. Zilon 'to Rockford,| brought a milé: of roadway in Ben ton to'::)b upownm report. submitt ay . Amstuts to R. I.m' county. superin-- tendent ~of bhighways. -- He expects that most of the Benton township route will be acquired <this week. . Newport township will then be ap i proached. More difficulty had been anticipated. Lobdell is pleased wmi' the progress. C. of C. to Hold Meeting in Mundelein The Board of Directors and all committee chairmen of the Liberty-- yille--Mundelein Chamber of Com-- merce will meet in the Community House in Mundelein next: Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. en £ This is the result o faction tak--| en by the board at the last meeting. At that time it was déecided flpt'd-' ternate meetings should be held in | Mundelein. <This will be first of & series of quarterly meetings, atl which all committee chairmen meet | with the directors. It is the wish of ; mmmmmatm. directors'--meefings and have a voice | in the affairs d'thoornflnthn-! 'The Mundelein members are espec-- tally urged t> attend the meeting on , next Thursday evening. | SERVICES OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES Sunday School at 10 a. m. German service 2t 11 a. m. No English service in the evening. The pastor will--be preaching at the afternoon service of the mission fes-- tival in T. Maine, Rev. Toepel. The mmm has been cordjally in Saturday school opens Sept. 15, at 9 a. m.-- A cordial welcome always awaits all. "Matter. 'fiora-ll the members of the cradle iroil and their mothers. --Mrs.Hubbell .will have charge. There will be a ST. LA WRENCE'S3 HPISCOPAL Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. 'The services for Sunday, Sept 16 (the 15th Sunday after Trinity) are: Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon, at 11. Church School at 10 a. m. 'The pastor officiating. Rt. Rev. 8. F. Grizswold, bishop sut-- ragen, of Chicago, will be here on Sunday, Sept. 23, at 11 a. m., to ad-- minister the sacrament of Confirm program and refreshments.. The Harvest Home ~Festival of Lake Bluff Orphanage will be. held on Friday, September 21. Dinner will be served at noon, and various .uucluvrmuonule. This is held \ for the benefit of the. orphanage. | Mrs. Frudy and Mrs. Bader have icharge of the group who will attend '*tronhon. Evil With Good -- > "World Evangelism" is the subject for Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Evening subject: "Life in Christ." Epworth League is held at 6:30. Sunday School meets at 9:45. _ On Monday afternoon, September 17 a party will be held at the church meet at the pa ing, September 17, for the annual election of officers. The pastor will have office hours' eyery Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 @clock at the parsonage. Persons are invited to come and discuss pro-- blems, plans, difficulties, or any matter about which 'they desire to talk. Young. people especially are invited. If we can help you in any Auditorium 'Theatre. Bunday School at 9:30 a. m. Church Services at 10:45 a. m. way, we shall be glad to do.it with-- out any obligation on your part. Those who are not members of the ehurch are invited also. Conference meets October 3. All rubscrivtions for benevolences ani current expens's should be pald by Octoaber ) or before it possible. Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday School at 9:;:45. Mr. Roy F. Wright, Superintendent. Mornire worship at 11:0) The mfi,&o& First church at 9 a. m., daylight saving time. Ivanhoe, at 11 am. standard time. Worship services, First chm a. m., daylight saving time, t at 10:10 a. m. standard time. _ On Wednesday, September 19, the Ivanhoe 'Womian's Society will meet with Mrs. C. Arthur Jevne. On Friday, September 21, the hd: 8T. MATHEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH FAIRFIELD German service at 9:80 a. m. English services at 10:45 a. m. ied Aid Society has its at i2% fatme of Thic. Choige 4. Tlogk -- On Friday: evening, the Ivanhoge ehoir will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doiph. . On Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, the .Junior Choir will meet at. the home of Miss Genevieve Kane. . . wmnmmnm-gm of the "Stunt Social" which is to be PLYMOUTH LARGER. PARISH omm inetienincitliaisimmueen | 4 ~ 5 . 5. 0 Ivanhoe chu';enl:-~m First church, at NOTICE OF AWARD mc m"m'l'm Public notice is hereby given that mmm ur "m'"'tmch h at 9 an award of the contract for the ;n..mmmt time. Ivanhoe, WM&L"&M at 11 a.m. standard time. to North 'American Construction Waflivm'm"hm Company, and that pursuant to the a. m., daylight saving time, I¥@An20®| _4,zure in such cases made and pro-- FIRST METHOLDIST EPISCOPAL John E. DeLong, Pastor .-- The Church That Overcomes | Young peoples meeting at 6:30 p.'| "° * yonn Aimond, Executor _ io Emianince mngetintieet shsgcnd . _E. W. Colby, Attorney. ol enc on c t se «Te Sept., 13--20--27 subject iAge Monday even-- Mizht Y¥our i WANTED----A : Permanent place on |, dairy 'or general farm; references. Carl Mahiler, care: George Panzer, WANTHD----Girl for general house-- | work and to help in stand. Phone 482, Libertyvilie. sns ag 4: WANTED TO RENT----Modern farm medium size cloge to Libertyyille. Care of this office. B7--23t WANTED--to rent for cash for <a *term of years, 60 to 80 acres, eclec tricity perferred. Phone Lake Villa 134--M or address Box 263 R.--F. D. No. 1., LiAke Villa, lilinois. $7T--1t Gurnee, IIl. FOR SALE OR RENT modern room bungalow and garage. W to Box 23% or Phone 487, Libe FOR RENT----5 room apartment with garage. Heat and hot water furnish-- ed. Apply 131 8. Stewart Ave. --35if FOR RENT--6 room cottage, electric lights, large barn, chicken Aouse, milk house and 1 acre of land. will lease for one year at your own terms House will be re--conditioned and pat is first class skiape. Rent reasonable phone 242R 191--W. Paul Nielsen. FOR SALE--Queen Ann dining room suite, consisting of table, 6 chairs, cupboard. Will sell for $500.. Phone FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE > ~REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, I!1.. -- Phone 496 FOR SALE--Steel! range, condition. © Mrs. Wmn. H Independent. CHANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE $550 TAKES ALL -- WORTH $3,000 Beautiful 3--pilece: parlor suite;" 8 »iece walnut dining room suite; 4-- MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con siderable amount of special funds piece bedroom set complete, with spring and mattress;' library table; b--plece breakfast set; °> silverware; lamp; two 9%12 Wilton rugs.> Must be seen to be appreciated. ~Will ar-- range for delivery. 832 Leland Ave-- nue, one block east of Sheridan Road Chicago, I!I. Phone Sunnyside 6190. gobirty. We invite your inquiry. rst National Bank, Libertyvilie, II1-- LONG GROVE CIDER MILL will be from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m. and on Sat-- Public Notice is hereby given tW#at the Subscribe+t Executor of the Last Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Couht House. in Waukegan, in said County, dn the first Monday of No-- LOST AND FOUND ¥ember next, 1928 when and where all ~persons having claims against said estate are notified and request-- ed to present the same to said Court for adjudication. Waukegan, I!L, September 6, 1928 SERVICE, : RENTING, REAL: E8TATE, 3 MORTGAGE LOANS, > PROPERTY MANAGSEMENT, . Tuesday September 4, Black i1 pouch bag with initials N. eward. Return to Libertyville andnunt' > ST--At ADJUDICATION NOTICE FOR RENT and Testament -- of-- Henry FOR SALE all day. Barrels and kegs . Phone Libertyville 657M1. S {' + #4 $--Used pipeless furnace, condition, cheap. Phone --office desk and chair, 447, Libertyville. "l;ollot- B8 S Player 'piano, kitchen JNSURANCE, 86 4t mumhw | :aw r and paving, with _ ASSESSMENT NO. 50 : mm-uwm:u'mw in an Ordinance passed and ap s ed by the President and Board. of Trustses of said Village of Munde-- lein, on the 4th day of. June, A. D. 1928, unless the owners of a major-- ity ot the frontage of the lots and lands abutting upon said proposed improvement or their agents, elect 'tonkonuz;:trkandenterlntou iwrttton con within -- ten --days from he first publication of this not-- ice, to do said work and make said 'tmpmmnt'ct ten per cent less than Sixty--nine Thousand Six Hun-- (::llxv-t'o and ~no/100 Dollars, ($69,662.00) the price at which the same has been awarded to gaid North American Construction Company. Dated this 13th day of September, A. D.--1928. f * R.--F. ROUSE R 3 j GOoRDON RAY ' EDWIN E. RODER '» R, J. LYONS . } E. H. BLUHM _ Members of the Board of Local Im-- provements of the Village of Mun-- delein, Lake County, lllinois. _ B. H. Miller, Attorney. Public notice is hereby emn that an award of the contract for the con-- struction of the improvement here-- inafter described has been made to Joseph A. Melloy & Company, and that pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided, a contract will be entered into with said Joseph A. Melloy & Company, not less than ten days from the 13th day of Sept-- DRIVE and other streets in the -- SUGAR CURED HAMS JX NOTICE OF AWARD ® A{ % + s 2 & & KB -- f ' s ( M 7 ' | E Friday and Saturday, September 14 and 15 SPRING LITTLE PIG SUGAR CURED BACON VEAL ROAST 35¢ lb. HIGHEST QUALITY AT + Reasonable 606 MILWAUKEE AVE., LIBERTYVILLE, IL MEATS ~52¢ Ib. 36c lb. SHORT LEG OF BONELESS LIBERTYVILLE'S LEADING QUALITY MARKET Sn Moon Avankn m me vil 'SEYMOUR AVENUE in the Vil-- lage of Mundeldin, Tilinois, R SPECIAL ASSESMENT NO. 53, in the mannéer shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved. by 'the President and Board of Trusg--. tees of said Vi.lage of Mundslein, on the 16th day af July, A. D. 1928, un less the owners of a majorits of the frontage Of the luts and lands abut-- ting upon said proposed im»rove ment or their agents, elect to take said work and enter into. awritten contract 'within ten days from the first --publication of this notice, to do said work and make said improve-- ment at ten per cent less than Three Thousand Five Hundréd Eighty and 80/100 Dollars, ($3,580.80) the price at which the same has been awarded to saif Joseph A. Melloy & Company. Dated this 1¢th day of September, A. D. 1928. . 4 ; R. F. ROUSE GORDON RAY * EDWIN E. RODER P & R. J. LYONS ~© Members of the Board of Tocal Im-- provements of the Village of Mun-- *delein, Lake County, llinois. B H. Miller, Attorney. . _ . ---- _ NOTICE OF AWARD Public notice is hereby given that an award of the contract for the construction : of the improvement hereinafter described has been made to Joseph A. Melloy & Company, and that pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided, a contract will be enered into with said Joseph A. Melloy & Company not less than ten days from the--13th day of Sept-- ember, --A. D. 1928, jfor the following described imorovement, to wit: 606 MILWAUKEE AVLE. That a connected system of vit-- _ Come to the PALACE Thousands of housewives shop with absolute confidence at the a Palace Cash Markets. Years of conscienticus dealing with the public, have given "The Palace® a reputation of dependability as to Highest Quality, Good Service and Fair Prices. LEG--LAMB 32i¢ lb. Reputation the following for BONELESS ROLLED in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approv-- ed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Munde-- lein, on the 16th day of July, A. D-- 1928, unless the owners of a major-- ity of the frontage of the lots and lands abutting upon said improve-- ment or their agents, elect to take lfid%mterhto;vflm conract ' ten days from"the first publication of this notice, to do said work and make said improve OR HALF Countryside Motors Mundelein, IIl. All parts and labor bought in our shop carry the sam eguaran-- tee as the parts and labor on any new car. GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILE SERVICE J. E. LEONARD Mor. We have something you are looking for Chrysler Dealers PURE LARD POT ROAST MAc lb. KETTLE RENDERED BONELESS ROLLED 2 LBS FOR Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-- six and no/100 Doliars, ($2,196.00) the price at whigh the same has been awarded to said Joseph A. Melloy & Company. Dated this 13th day of September, A. D. 1928. ment at ten per cent less than Two 42¢ lb. Members of the Board of Local Im-- provéements of the Village of Mun-- delein, ZLake County, Illinois. PRIME HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS AT Phone 103 R.°F. ROUSE GORDON RAY R. J. LYONS E. H. BLUHM