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Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1928, p. 16

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. PAGE EIGHT Geo. D, George Geo. D. Geo. " Geo. ii Bernard Stationery Co.. Supervisors' record--- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co. Assessor's sheets-. -- George D. Bernard Stationery Co., County warrants-- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., Collector's books--.-- i Geo. It. Beranrd Stationery Co., docket record ledger, lieu. U. Bernard Stationery Co., legal blanks--------- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., letter heads--------- Hen. U. Bernard Stationery Co., qr. blanks----_---_-- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., record--....- Geo. U. Bernard Stationery Co., marriage licenses---- 1leo..D. Bernard Stationery Co., Justice dockets---.-- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., legal blanks--------- lieu. D. Bernard Stationery Co.. Co. Col. Acct. a.- Cash Bk. _------------------------------------'. Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., Post. Tr. Binder---. _ Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., leaves KR., tax forms Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co.. dockets. (index & others) _---------------------------------------- Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co., ex. Record Prob. Rec... Barrington Review, pub. assess. roll--.,.--, Hurrough's Add. Mach. Co., attention to machine-"-- Commercial Printer, expense ttooktc_..,._., iiraysiake Times. pub. tax IUC.---.-.,. tirayslake Times. pub. tax Iii-...-...-.,...-... Highland Park Press. pub. assessment rolis_--------- Samuel P. irwin. subsc. adv. sheet rep.-------------- Jemison's Book Store, 1 gross pencils:---, Keysto'ne Printing Service. 500 letter heads---------- Lake Co. Register. pub. tax 1itrt-....,,.-..-., Lake Co. Register, notices. etc.-......-.-.., Lake County Register, affidavits and misc.-------_-._ Lake Co. Register, spec. a contract covers-----_-_-_- Lake County Newspaper (independent). publication-- H. C. Miller Co., cert. of deaths and blrtha------_--.- National Wttce Supply Co., yellow Marttill-, National Otftce Supply Co., otrvelopi-..--, National Ottice Supply Co., Moc---.---.. National orf1ce Supply Co.. cttstiiomc--....-., Pantadraptt Print. & Stat. Co.', Co. dockets-_--------- P. F'. Pettibone & Co., St. farrtrunitt bianks---------- H. "F". Pettibone & Co., injunction writtc-.-, F P. K. i'ettibone & Co., tniseellatteoug-.._, P. K. Peitibone & Co., tax deeds-...-..., P. K. Pettiboue A Co., application. marriage licenses-- P. F'. Pettibone Co., guardian record-.-.., P. F'. Pettibone & Co., deeds and bonds-...., Frances Pratt & Sons, Gladiator pens-_------.------ Quality Park Envelope Co., envelopes--.-.. Remington Rand. ribbon coupon book-.-, Remington Rand. spec. tmrtrou-.-..-..., The' Benton News, pub. assess. roll-..,-., . The Lake Forester. pub. tax "at--....-..-... Star Paper Fastener Co.. Star "tstttterc.----,---- \\'auconda Leader. pub. assess. roll-....-..-.., Wauconda Leader. pub. assess. roll-_.,.-.-..:-, Waukegan'Dally News, pub. assess. roll-.--,-., Waukegnn Daily News, notices-..-.--'-..., Waukegan Daily News, cert. and notices---.. Waukegan Daily News, publication----_.--;'.--------_ Waukegan Daily News, Publication--.-., \Vaukegan Daily-Sun, miaeellapeous----.. Waukegan Daily Sun, letter Iteathc.-._,.-..., Waukegan Daily Sun. ceruiteate--.-., Waukegan Daily Sun, praocipe summons--_--------- Waukegan Daily Sun. notice ot "letc-...-.-. Lake County Newspaper. Ine., postal cards----------- Wnutregan Daily Bun, letter heads-..-.-., Lake County Newspaper, Ine., highway notice-n--.- Lake Couttty Newspaper. inc.. postal cards and misc.- Waukegan Daily Sun. sttttetnenta-..-.-d, Waukegan Daily Sun. notice, prop. drainage--.--, West Publishing Co., lake tttyou-,.--.-.., Zion institutions & industries. ittkwelu-.-.., Zion institutions & industries. Gladiator pens-------- Zion institutions it Industries, Jos. Gillette pens----- Zion institutions & industries, Giymers pens and null pens _-Y--,.-.-.--.,...-..-.,.,., Zion Institutions & industries, dater "amp--.--..-, Zion institutions & industries. Jute Stoke envelopes-- Zion Institutions a industries, bands. erasers. etc._--- Zion institutions & industries. bottle T. W- Cleaner-- Zion institutions a industries. cuspidor mats-----_-- Zion institutions & industries. repairs. pad----------- 'di n institutions & industries, miscellaneous--------- ZiZn institutions & industries. pads. cards. pena---'--- Zion institutions & industries, sheet. binder----__--- Zion Institutions a industries. pad ink, blue a red---- Zion institutions & industries, pens---. ----------- Zion institutions a industries. Pet"----...., Zion institutions & industries, "tMc----. Zion institutions & Industries, sponge rubber, 18" wide "m---"'--""----"-----------------.---------..-- Zion institutions & industries, bks.. paper, pens, keys. Zion institutions a industries. chair pad-----------_ Zion institutions & industries, felt Pad---.., Zion institutions & industries..folders index..--------- Zion industries a institutions, pads. envelopes. etc...-.. Zion institutions & industries. crayons. fasteners. etc- Zion institutions a Industries, envelope..,-..-....-. Ion institutions a industries. col. clasp on. plain--- Zioa institutions & industries, recorder and binder--- Zion institutions ' industries. red pad ink, daters. etc Zion institutions a industries. steno. books-.-------- Voting "aye" were Supervisors Brown. Burke. Bletscb. Cory, Cra90, Diiger. Uronen. Fiche, Harbaugh. Herscttttertter, Holdridge. Kelly. Kelley. Meyer. Saber. Oboe. O'Connor. Stanton. Strntton, Thompson. Udell, You Patten, Ver,coe, Wilcox and Wright-Mr. Voting "ttay"----. Abunt and not voting were Supervisors Funk. Hoban. Mew-on. Montana. Short, Stadtteld. Thomas and Worack---8. . Supervisor Hoidrige. Chairman of the Printing, Stationery and Sup- plies Committee. submitted the following report: Allen & Co., merchandise---..-.-" 19.20 Antioch News. pub. assess. ML.-.--_--,-__--____-_ 394.20 Antioch News. pub. use". lint--..-..,.-... 127.20 Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co, mortgage record----_ 15H: Geo. It. Bernard Stationery Co., mortgage record,.., 151.68 Geo. li. Bernard Stationery Co., mortgue record----. 202.26 Geo. D. Bernard Stationery Co.. mortgnge record--.-- 16471 Geo. D.raerna' Stationery tu, mortgage and deed record _---..------------------------------------ 30350 Geo. " Bernard Stationery Co.,Probate Court cub Geo Geo Geo Gio "s. Cape & Sons Company, Sec. 36-t6d Lou; Luke- Round Lake No. I-A--,.....---.- Jas. Cups & Sons Company. Bee. 36-1$d Long Lake- Round Lake No. 'e-A-..-..,..-..-., Prank C. Penn Company, Sec. 37-15d ivothoeG'rays- lake LA Ptttal__._.-.-.i_., Marquette Cement Mtg. C0). Sec. 36-15d, Round his. M. E. Inn-tun. tterTieqs nnd upon-u M. E. Amtntz. sorvicu-----------.' M. E. Amatutz. aervices--------_--_ M. E. Amstntz. "rvteee.,.-..-...., M. E. Annuals. lenicu-----_---_-- M. E. Amstutz. "_.-......,.., John C. _Broectter, "rvh?el.....,....., John C. Broader. unicol--------- John C. Broecker, services---_----- John C. Broeckor. nrvlcu--------- John C. Breaker. service-"n---" John C. Broader. services--------_ Ranald M. Brown. services--------_ G. M. Dixon. "rvieea..,...-.., G. M., Dixon. l0hic0:------------_- G. M. Dixon, services.......____.._ G. M. Dixon. trervieetc_....-, G. M. Dixon. "reicer.-..-...., G. M. Diton, "rrieec_..-.., Eugene Dutatten Co., prone! paper" Eugene Dietuen Co., (new; pour" K. D. Pay. services and expenses--_- K. D. Pay. services.-.-.-., E. D. Pay. ttervieetc.-..-..._, M. H. Hussey Lumber Co., merchnn M. H. Hussey Lumber Co., merchnn M. H. Hug-ex Lumber Co.. merchnn M. H. Huasey Lumber Co., met-chm B. P. Thncker. surveying----__----- B. P. Thacker, gurverttttt-..-.., Long Lake Nu. C. Marquette Cement Mfg CHAS. J. HERSCHBERGBR, Chnlrmnn; A. w. VERC0E. Supervisor Brown moved that the 'roport'bo wanted and adopted. Aye and nay vote being had. Supervisor Brow'u motion wu carried by the {ulluwing vote: Voting "aye" were Supervisors Brown. Burke. Bletsch. Cory, Crnpo. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., Bee. "16d. Round Lu. wilithttts Bros. Antioch Store. on. Zenith Detroit Corp., Icahn"--- Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion 'di n 213:: Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Zion Total Total Total ----- Grand Total _-f--.-.---,---.. All ot which is respectfully submitted, >OUK D. l Total ....-- - Bernard Stationery Co.. Sheriff's procou dock 0?!!! Tout --------------- Lake County Bond Bee. 36-15d, Round Lake Engineering mortgage record----- mortgage record-., mortguc record---_. mot-tun record..-.., . mortgage and deed felt pad..-...., .90 folder: tttdex-.-....... 1.80 pads. envelop". etc., 8.95 onyona. fasteners, ete, 4.85 envelopes-.,.-...-., 9.50 col. clap our. plum-.- 2.40 recorder and binder--- 12.20 red pad ink, daters, etc. 6.75 Grd/Giulia-YC. C...,..............---,.. GirGai:.ricrr.r. lrep.-------------- clu:.--., ter u.m.-------<-- airi,iiC.::.r; tt coven----------- spider mata-------- aim. pad----------- Icelltneons--_------ la, cards. pann---'.-- eat. btnder-_--__--- Link. blue & red---- pens--_. .---'------ pet"-.----..- "ttB-,---.. bonds.....-....,., 2.08 pens-__--_--.------ 15.00 'ec-------., 13.20 Kyo...--,...., 7.00 "_..-------..----..---- 6.00 il-....,.-., 284.30 _-----------.------- 206.60 tttter'----,----- 4.00 I-...-.-.., 61.40 'l.,..-..:.., 100.80 M. roll---,-, 115.50 __-.--..-...', 19.50 ioticesc-..,-, 33.50 a-.----)----.- 729.60 a-.---, 175.20 tts--....-.-,. 16.45 -------q-.-o---------- 12.50 -_-_--_---_-_----__ 8.00 ImmanI--_--------- 12.00 Jett.,-.....-.-.. 35.00 :31 cards--------.-_ 6.75 ------..------------ 6.00 :hway notice-------_ 26.40 tl cards Ind mug.- 11.75 ------------------- 12.50 drulnnge-----_--u 38.50 ----------------..-- 66.50 :wolln..------------ 9.00 diBtor pens-----_-- 2.00 L Gillette pens---" 5.25 'meu pens and quil ------_---_-_------ 10.20 let lump-_---_-_-- 4.75 tnerettandl vi, "-3. nvla_ ld------------ 56.121211: Mop". etc--- "new", ete.. I..----------- p env. plum-.- and binder--- nd lune Long Latte. ---" 6,531 bong Lake ' ----------'- 294.20 -------.--- 127.20 record----- 15L?! record,.., 151.68 record---- - 202.26 record--.-- 16471 -..-t59,83i.t4 ....$ilr,664.50 - - -".103.78 "41,390.8 12.526 11,575 4763 40.37 65.79 1,436.91 "hr: 4.17 n s", 3,243.2 was." 89,103.78 6,068 " 2375.8? Kiss 116.65 116.65 36.20 35.13 67.50 175.03 150.30 19.35 18.90 317.00 53.20 480.20 6.00 G 00 4.50 66 120 9017 145 " 293.20 15.75 " 50 918.75 27.48 13.1: 4.08 8.10 74.50 2.08 13.00 13.20 7.00 6.00 284.20 206.60 4.00 61.40 100.80 115.50 19.50 33.50 739.60 175.20 Trr- 1.50 1.90 8.00 92.00 t;4.'d5 4.08 4.50 18.00 10 25.00 12.90 1.00 . .50 24.50 13.25 4.50 4.44 .86 3.60 .50 8.15 2.00 1.50 12 " 00 Sn " . I. L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the Jail for the County aforesaid. do ml- omnly swear that the food nad provisions-reported u tturrtuu"rd. were ltr/tttti. and used solely tor the prisoners in said jail. and that the Ic- (counts tor employment are tor employes authorized by the County Hoard, jhll amount to the total sum of F'our Hundred Sixty-seven um 25 loo [ML , Ins, which amount is due and unpaid after allowing all just means - ' b lo. A. DOOIJTTLPI, Keeper ot the Jail. Subscribed and "row to befuru me this Nth day of July. A. Ir. 192-, _ ' LEW A "FINDER, ('qulr. , Supervisor Holdridse moved, that all printing, stationery and sup- fpliea of all tttttees " through the Printing Committee, 7 J I Motion carried, t , . Supervisor Harbaugtt moved that the County Clerk be authorized to draw warranta on the County Treasury for all billa tor repaira at the [County Farm upon approval or the County Farm Committee. t Aye and nay Tote being had, Supervisor Harbauxh'a motion was car- ':ried by the following vote: T , Voting "aye" were Supervisors Brown, Burke, Bletsch. Cory, Itrapo, !Dilxer, Droneu. Fiche. Harbouxh. Herochhertrer, Holdridge. Kelly Kelsey. 'Meyer, Saber. Oboe. O'Connor. Stadtteld, Stanton. Stratton. Thompaon. 'Udell, Van Patten. Vercoe, Wilcox. Wright-M. Voting "Ni-atoms. Ab- .sent and not voting were Supervisors Punk, "Chan. Mawman. Monahan, Short. Thomas and Woratk---7. I. and that nil the "pulses fur to be employed to prepare an In and Jail for the month end follows. to-ww v Mrs. Lawrence iksolittle. " " Minnie Belpnsky. '.'.t days 7, tied by the following vote: Voting "Aye" were Supervisors Brown. Burke. Bleach, Cory, Capo. Dilxer. Drench, Fiche, Herschberger, Hoban. Holdridge, Harblugh. Kelly, Kelsey. Meyer, Nnber, Ubee. o'Conttor., tltadtfeld, suntan. Suntan. Thompson, Udell, Van Putter). Vercoe. Wilcox and wright-Wi.' Voting "star"---. Absent and not voting were Supervisors Funk, Newman, Short. Thomas and Woraek---ti. Supervisor Meyer moved that the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue orders for the several amounts to the seVeral claim. am: for all bills allowed at this meeting. Aye and nay vote being had, Suw-rnsur Meyer's motion wan carried by'the following vote: Voting "Aye" were Slipervisors Brown. Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Crapd, Diner. Dronen, Fiche. lierschberger. lloban. lioldridge. linrbaugh. Kelly. Kelsey, Meyer. Saber. Obee. U'i'onnur. Sladtield. Stanton. Stratum. Thompson. Udell. Van Patten. Vercoe, Wilcox and Wright " Totlng "nay"----. Absent and not voting were Supervisors Punk, Mawman, Monahan, Short. Thomas and Worttck '6 The following reports of L. A. "unlitliexhupur ot the Jail, were presented tad read. . STATE OF ILLINOIS ', Total -----'--- --_- r, . and also attached are all the In": than of food um provlsions, lotto ployed, which amounts to the total _ All ot which is resppcttully su E Total _--.-......,-:.,.--.--..-...-....""." 'and also are attached all the bills, vouchers and other evidences of pur- ichuse of food and provisions. together with a statement of the help pm- lployed. which amounts to the total sum ot 8495.87. " l All ot which is respectfully submitted. . STATE OF ILLINOIS' LAKE COUNTY l , To Lew A. Hondee. Clerk of the ('tsunty Hoard, Lake County, Illinois: I. L. A. Doolittle. Keeper of the, Jail of the Couuty aforesaid, in pur- none. at the duty imposed upon me by law. do hereby report that the bills tor food and provisions tor the feeding of the prisoners contined in said 1:11 tur the month ending the Sth day of August. A. D, 1928. are as follows, to-wit: . Callahan Dairy company. milk--..-..-...-..-..,," 40:. M. Devonian. potatoes. etc i------------------------------------.-- 43.2" Bun Rite Bakery, bread -_- ---s-e---e--------------e------_---_ 95.1w Steele.Wedelo Cu. beam. etc _. ._.-__- V - ---_-_--- ----...--- _ . _-- _ qt Sm Denmnn & Thom". that Mr _ _ _ .1,_,_1|!3{G o. K. by Commilee iSenh JAMES KELLY. Chairman tSeah PETER STADTPELI). tSeal: I H. D. KELSEY. and that all the expense for employes. authorized by the ('ounty Board to be employed to prepare 3nd sen/o- the toad tor the prtsonvrs 1onifned in said jail for the month ending the 5th day of August. A. Ir, li. tire as tut Iowa, to-wit: Mn. Lawrence Doolittle. 33 days-----..--)"))) Minnie Belensky. " days _ . ._ _-_A__--_.__.__ ' _- t------------e--- 90.00 Supervisor -.iiire/iilGed"tut the Couniy Clerk be nuthorlzed and Instructed to extend taxes on all levies on tile tor the year 1928 so " to bring the amount required, not to exceed however, the limitation allowed try law. Total .---. _-lc..-----.-...'.','.'.' ti", ISetlt . JAMES KELLY. l'halrmau. .lSealu , . PETER STADTFHJ). (Seal: H. " KELSEY. and also are attached all the bills. vouchers and other evidences of pur chase of food and provisions. together with 3 statement or the help rm played which amounts to the sum or $526.67. All of which ls respectfully sushrnitted. . ' l. W. HOLDRIDGE. I FRANK CORY. ' PAUL L. UDELL. . 'tttp-iso, Brown moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aye on my vote being had, Supervl'sor Brown's: motion was carried by the following vote: T Voting "aye" were Supervl fa Brown. Burke,. Bletsch, Cory, Crapo, Dilger, Dmnen. Fiche. Hawaii? Herachberrtrer, Holdrldge. Kelly Kelsey, Meyer, Nebor. Oboe. O'Connor. 8tadtteld. Suntan, Stretton, Thompson. Udell. Van Futon. Vereoe, Wilcox. Writrht--26. Voting "l0r"-ootte. Ab. sent end not voting were Supervisors Punk, Hoban, Mawmnn, Monahan, Short, Thomas and Woraee---7. - ', LAKE COUNTY , I, L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the Jail for the County aforesaid. do sol. emnly swan that, the. food and provlslous reported as purchased, were purchased and used solely for the prisoners in sold jail. and that the new counts tor employment are for employes authorized by the County Board.; at amounting to the total sum of $526.67. which amount ls due and un-, paid after allowing all just credits. . . . I L. A. DOOIJTTLE. Keeper of the Jail Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day ot Aug.. A. D., 1923'. LAKE COUNTY i To Lew A. Hendee. Clerk of the County Board. Lake County, tilltnois: i, L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the "ll of the County atoresatd,.tn pur- suance ot the duty imposed upon me by law, do hereby report that the bills for food and provisions for the feeding of the prisoners egnttnctbtn said Jail for the month ending the 5th day of September, A. D., 1928. are as follows. to-wit: - ' _ Callahan Dairy Company, milk....-.,..,..-,,.-.-..-..' 4.03 M. Levantan, potatoes, Ptr'.-..-..-...,.,'---..-...., 29.70 Denman & Thomas, meats-.-.,.----.-.-.-.- 108.24 Belle Rite Ba'kery,,tietui-___....e_....--.-. 102.17 Steele-Wedeles Co.. beans, etc. m------------------.---------""----" 90.73 0. K; by Commltee: , ' (Seal! L. P. STADTPELD. ' (Sealr H. D. KELSEY. . and that all the expensa for employes, authorized by the County Board to be employed to prepare and' serve the food for the prisoners confined in said jail for the month ending the 5th day of September, A. D,, 19 ' are as follows, to-wit: , ' ' a X3 Mrs. Lawrence A. Doolittle, 23 days.--.-..-...-..-]...-" 80.00 Minnie Belensky, 28 darts--.-..-...--..-...-...-.. 7200 STATE OF iLLIN ols STATE or" ILLINOIS LAKE COUNTY j _ I, L. A. Doolittle, Keeper ot the Jail for the County aforesaid, do sol- emnly swear that the food and'provislons reported as purchased. wete purchased and used solely tor the prisoners in Enid jail. and that the ac- couttttrtorsemp1oyment are tor employes authorized brite County Board, all amounting to the total sum ot $495.87; whiph amount is due and un- paid after allowing all lust credits. . . L. A. DOOLITTLE. Keeper of the Jail. Buttoertped and sworn to before me this 8th day or September, A. u, 1928 LEW A. HENDEE. Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS STATE OF' ILLINOIS LAKE COUNTY LAKE CUUNTY All of which In respectfully nubmltted. Gl, 1nd nay voting being had, Supervisor Meyer's motion was car Supervbor Kelly moved the reports In ic'cepted fink, Adopied. loam: atarrud. _ . LIBERTYVILLF. INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. -p1ifye'lf2LE,J3..,fta1dl.i?f SS employ , y S mm. euuchers am worm-u with a at; otal sum of $167 25 submitted I. A "tt1tl.lTTI.F'. L. A. DOUIJTTLE. Keeper L. A. DOOLI'I'TLE. Keeper of the Jail. he th JAMES KELLY, Chairman PETER STADTFELI). H. D. KELSEY. day LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk 'l DrylFUIUEl. 3. LI" Ajuu, an: w..-..-.....-..-...-' 4.03 _lt_.-..--.-....--- 29.70 i------------------"-'- 108.24 ---------_--------_--_ 102.17 m.-,.-------..----------'- 90.73 and other erlde aed by tor the r.lulv. the L the County Board prisoners ronthted A I). l'.C."s. are as U the Jail nce " pur le help em H67 7 Minutes of the preceding meeting I were read and upon motion of Super- !visor Meyer unanimously approved, l The following petition to abandon land vacate part of a public road was presented and read: t Petition STATE OF ILLINOIS' } ent Supervisors Brown, Burke, Bletsch, Crapo. Dilger, Dronen, Fleke. Funk, Herachberger. Hoban, Kelly. Kelsey, Meyer. Menuhin. Naber. Obee, O'Connor, Short, Stadtfeld, Stanton-, Stratton, Thomas, Thompson. Udell, Van Patten, Vercoe. Wilcox and Wright-M. Absent were Supervis- ors Cory, Harbaugh, Holdridge, Maw- man, Worack-0. To the Board of Supervlsors of the County of Lake, in the State of llllnols: Your undersigned petitioners here. by represent to your honorable body that they are the owners of all or this Iota and parcels ot land in Williams Wilmington]! Second Sub- dlvlslon at Deep Lake, Late County, llllnola. as shown by the plat thereof recorded in th-- recorder'a once of Lake County, lllnois. on June 1. 1911, in Book "I" of plats, news to and 11. as Document 135x62, mm- of Waukeun, Illinois. September 19, .1928. , Board met pursuant to Idjourn- ment with Chalrmnn Murphy presid- lng and the following members pres- Supervisor Thompson moved to. ouijouin to ten thin M .. Wednesdny. September 19th, 1928. ' y? o'clock, A5331" ' Motion carried. ' _ y r LA K E COUNTY tit' 2802 Elisha Ave., Zion, Ill.'; James Turner, 2710 Emmaun' Ave., Zion, Ill.; J. W. Bauzlénan. 2708 Eschol Ave., Zion, 111.; Ghdstone Riehl, 2801 Elim Ave.,"Zion, Ill.; W. A. Edgar, 2705 Enoch Ave., Zion, IIL; Gi F. Bennett. 2811 Gideon Ave., Zion, Ill.; John Steiner, 2805 Gideon A/ve., Zion, Ill.: Geo.. Ldruhort, W. '29thnuit., Zion, Ill.; Albert Hosken. 2802 Ezek- iel Ave., Zion, 111.; H. o. Brown, 2810 Eschol Ave., Zion, Ill.; ..N. S. Detl. enne, W. 27th St., Zion, ill.; James 325th bi, Zion, ill.: J. Unlike Ava, Zion; w. 26th St. Lori, Ill ttty, 2702 Bethe! Are C. Brunkhhrst. Nu? F. Mintoo,, 2711 Gabriel Ave., Zion, Meson. Iris) Ill,; Otto Kolkera, W. 26th St., Zion, :Louis its 111.; Va. T. Nattgig't Kenosha' MI., ,han. Wa Benton Twp.; Henry C. Heiken, W. sell; its 26th St., man. ill.; F. E. Will, 2700 ;Leroy I) Eugen Ate., Zion, Ill.; Joseph Hézol- 't-ph Adar dino, 2804 Elizabeth Ave., Zion, Jll.; (as. Wu Frank Seaccia, 2708 Euchol Ave, Wadswo Zion, Ill.; Earl Cook, 2306 Esrimi Ave.,/Zion; Claude Judd, 2702 Elizab Arthur Avec Zion; James M. Finn, 2803 Em- Dalziel, gnaw; Ave., Zion, Ill.; J. A. Main, W. Dowel] with bi, Zion, ill.: J. H. Dolan. 2619 Darling}, Galilee Ava, Zion; Harley FYiend, Mimu-n, w. 26th St. Lon, Ill.; John Mehar Jr.; Mv: toy, 2702 Home] Ave, Ziun. iii; E. Lamar 'p C. Brunkhhrst. :NL'S, Gideon Ave., MM"), C. Brunkhhrst. '2v.3, Gideon Ave., 21011.1"; W. M. Edwards, 2820 Hzek. iel Ave., Zion, Ilr," P. S. Loy, Jrt13 meuapn Aw. Zion, Ill.: Witliam Farrar. 2920 Elisha Ave.; Zion, Ill.; L. B. Boyd. 300:3 Enovh Ave, Zion, Ill.; c.. E. Holcomb. 2917'Ezra Ave., Zion: Luke Hall, 2909 Gabriel,Ave-, Zion Herbert Mill, 2809 Esohol Avg. Zion; c. M. Bazg. .'tir1.'9,,Giltroa Ava, Zion: Thus. Mole. 3014 ("had Ave, Zion; Claudo Pfemer. 3W7 Esrhol Ave., Zirin, Ben)". iyfrnor, 3H1!) Ezvk- iel Ava, Zion: Hugh Mill, 2900 * Fred Zion ', 1 'Leroy Alcock, Wadsworth: Georg .Bartlett_ Wadsworth: J. C Cermacl éRusse-ll; George Doyle; Gsuorge Fort tWadsworth: Prank Hauser, Wad worth; Arthury KPH}: Wadsworth iOtto Mara, unwell; Oliver Parr] ;Wadsw0rth; ,Imslk- Shields: Wad :worth; Prank Strahan, Wadswmth Names G.'Weich. Zion: John William Egon, lint);- Gotdon "Enters. Zion :Louis quke. Wadsworth; Hred Str, Ehan, Wadsworth; Dan (Miler, Ru Isell; Eérl Crawford, Watlswortl: vLeroy Dietmeyer, Wadsworth; Jo Irt'ph Adams, Wadsworth: Humid lt was, Watlsworth:. Frank Eduard Center str,' C.. w. Kendall. Uh H. County bit,; Mm. N. Jensen. ml N. County 81.: Chas. fr. Hons, 3l.'s lx'dgt-laud'Aveg J. C. Denman. T.10 4th St.; Theo. Brackpr,'401 Gillette Ave.: Lloyd White, yer, Ridgelund Ave.; Frank Boles, 316 Franklin ft.: (LA. Talbert. 41y Hull Ctr, Harold Potter, 410 Center Str, Harry It. Thomas. 731 North Ave.; Geo. Hul- lowell, 710 N. Genesee St.; E. J. Green; 429 Ridgelund Ave.: li. M. Western, $25 North Ave.,' Jack Ban- ta, 931 N. County/tit.; H. L. Murphy, 616 Sheridan Rur,..c. S. Gustarson. 241 Gillette Ave; F. C. Herve. 421 Fourth Ave.; B. Mackey, 1321 Hull Ct.; F. ll. Clark, 333 North Ave.; Wm. Whyte, 624 N. Genesee St.: M. B. Sammou. 424 Center 81.; A. L. Lake, 43rGillette Ave.:, Geo. Ettin. ger, 334 Fourth St.; John Whalen, 714 N. Cbunty St.; .1P." Moxie, 321 Fourth St,; B. Swanson', 414 Center St.; John, S. Geersten; S. W. Tit- tany; o. €Hibbard, Chas. McGuire; Paul Stricken Prim Setfert; Fred Nelson; Andrew Thomsen; G. ll. Owens; Harry E. Whyte: William Oaks; James Leckie: W. C. Brown; Gus Metz;: George Croat; Carl Ros. engrcn; Clarence Redding; George James; 1.. H. Haas, Jr.; A. L. Fox; Wtilter N.,' Piquette; M. P. Rasmus- sen; John Lindberg; Herman Ton- lgan; Edward Doyle; Fred A. Gul. HO y d " OCR, "auswortn: (wing; ldSWONh; J. I' Cermack urge Doyle; George Ford ', Frank Hauser, Wade hury Kully. Wadsworth Russell; Oliver Patch Sm. Gamble, 1122 In red Sv'nutwells. 161: . ti. Stanley. Itr44 il Ayer, Ho'ldridge Rd: Joe Aimee. Jug 11:" "human tAve , Cur.ard Berg. 1M: Lincoln :4. ' George luckieuxz. 217 Wily-'1; Jun-p11 Kttsmikus, 1o.1',7 Lincoln >1; 'Stanley ('WEtun. 1106 Wadsworth [Frank Marlon. 35 1srtlt St; .Tum I'I'ruhu, Ills MvAliswr Ave.; Math Hezplatis. Iti'rt Adams St.; Ben Babel, So lull: St.,' 'Prank_Yrujeviis, IN 1?!!1 St , Math Pabst, 1035 Pres, 'um St.; John Mozina. llul l'resmtl 51.; Frank Sxele, 142 10m St., 'Mike ()peka. 26 Nth tit 1 1John Ku. has. Its 12m St ', Tony Zelenik, 1135 manner Am; Frank Cuden, 42 '10": St..' John Caprice, 1046 Lincoln 13L: Prank Suhadolnik. 1018 Prel~ {you 'st.: John G. Aahmus., 118 10th 'tit.; William Kaires, 164 Tenth St.: 'Antun Mozinu. 1024 Lincoln; John 't'rerar. 1022 McAlister; Math Slant, l104.3 Wadsworth Ave.; 1Pritutlg Gan- 1'ii':i', 1201 Wadsworth Ave.;" John Ko. ihocki. 1017 MCAHiter A"; Frank yStanczak, 1245 Jackson st"st.; hte 'ir'elesnik,. 1105 Adams St.; Wk iLatz. 1128 Pram-on St.: 00hr: " }barce. 1203 Victor-In st.; Luther iLadke, 1018 Adams St.; Georg. y. get, 415 Clayton St.; M.-Hltdnon. an 'h'. County SC; Prank Gmnick. to"; "N. Shaman Rd.; B. R. Jtithaida, Mike Ope has. lh lil McAlister mm St..' . Merlock. Jr.. 'JN' Itil, ian, 1036 Wadsmn' I'Hrik. 1103 Wands" tcudenilr. P)L'Y w I Park Aw; Math Wadsworth Axe, zer; Walter Zuber. . J. L. ',Nehauts. 37 I sarnairki, 1339 John Strobbe. 41 Walter Konlewrny, r.; Earl' McKinney,' Fred Whnke, 1712 w Atkinson, 1616 M:lroy, 1619 Ptrk l 1624 S. Jackson "M vii-totha Flt.; Wtn. Park Aug; Bol Gul- n Rd; W. P. Breen, mt ('udivorth, 1634 (has. Knk-klebeiu. h '.; Main Are. {martin

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