in" of telephone No. l. The Indwendent has the addresses of nun] manager: of basketball teams who are desirbua ot schedul- " one. with tum: In and thont WM"; We will be glad to -etheirettddr-tornanadters mr_herrtarwanttherrt, culum One of 'the_other two teams to be emailed will compete in the Lake County Basketball League. The th rd team will schedule games with "any team: whenever possible. Games ere tilteady being booked. and several fast contests will be used before the holidays. A pne- tiee nine in lined up for next week. The second practice will be held Pridsy night ot this week. Any can.- didnle w sizing to try out tor any ot the teams are invited to come out. The candidates on the teams will be We up or former high school stars. town players and from men employed by the company. The three teams will consist of both heavy and light weight players. Several members from last year's crack team will be in action ngain this year. This team will play in the North Shore League. which inciudm tearns from Waukegan. Fort Sheridan, Lake Forest. Highland Park. Great Lakes. Gloucoe. Winnetka and Kenosha. l'oulds Milling Commany will make its appearance in North Shore and we county basketball circles this winter with three teams. C. J. (Buck) Carlton. an empioye of_the "may. 1nd former athlete nt Lake Forest College, will have charge of the teem; Practice sessions started this week " the high school and will continue two nights a week through- out the season. Foulds to Have Three Basketball Teams Clartmce llvrr, (harm-l will Shud- lng an uulmnuhilv- {rum Jillllt's' Daws, [lo-m store animal, was num- ed in a true bill tor lu-rwny. The cut was stolen Nov. 23. Herr is trom Great Lakes. The E. Erhart (use. in sshich Or. ian",.Theyrien charged an embezzle- ment, apparently was not presented. Tht defendants will be arraigned tomorrow. , Bonds ranged from $2,000 to $30,- 000. which was set tor Weyant. Those tor whom capiases were Ja- sued Included Marshall, Broivn, Knuse and Gleason. The others are in ML Slum theif Aprd H cum ley M rg '38 David Ackerman was named in a true bill accusing him of "attacking Mrs. Margaret Smith. ot Chirago, in I Lake Forest woods June A where he lurvd her and tam-d'hur to a tree umlvr thv yum-new ot painting an Indian scour. Peter Alagna and Dominick Ser- rntore. both Chicago youths. were indicted for rubbery and larceny ot 861 from Urban Hyde. filling station proprietor at Belvidere street and Sheridan-road. Sept. 22. Thomas King. Elmer Brown. and Jack Briggs. all nomads, were indict- ed on charge; ot attempting to burg- larizp thd yet l W. Shephard home at Hixhlul Park, Nov. 19. Those indicted were as follhws: Orvel Weyant, 19. 627 No. Butrick street. self styled "Lonely One," who was named in three indictments for burglary. He is to plead guilty. The three burglaries on which true bllla were voted were the Frank Burke Hardware store Oct. 17 where Weyant was caught; the Texas com- puny Sept. 26. and the Waukegan National Bank building Aug. 2". Un the Waukegan National bank burm lary the following oMces were named: Sarah K. McCann, Hazel Stahl Cnrr.hutorney Chas. E. Jack. Ira Pearsall. John Hodge, Charles O. Armes. Richard Barnum. Attor- ney E. V. Orvis, Joseph Oltusky, John E. Reardon. Martha Popular; um, Joseph and Anna Watry and Alec and Clara Hein. Name Depot Burglar Clarence Gleason, Chicago, was twice indicted for the hold-up and burglary of the North Shore Line nation Nov. 12 when Ralph R. Ross the agent. was kidnaped. A sum of 81,000 was taken. 'Glegson. at the time ot arrest. denied any compliéity in the crime. The indictments were tttr burglary and kkinupim. The jury did not wander from the list of criminal cases presented by States Attorney A. V. Smith. " did. however. vote no bills against two. Arthur Prevost. of Highland Park. who had been charged with an at- tempted attack on a liizhland Park nurse maid, and Harold Nuttall, 'ot Waukegan. who had been charged with obtaining credit falsely at a bank. After its inspection of the county in" the jury. through its foreman, Fred Converse. ot Grayslake. ap- proved the manner in which it was kept and the treatment "orded the prisoners by Sheriff Lawrence Doo- little. Twelve true bills were voted ngainsl l3 defendants br the Decem- ber grand jury that complotud its work in a day Monday. VOTE 12 TRUE. BlLLS AGAINST lil I)fffN)hlfl1i Lonely One Named in Three and Gleason Is Indicted for Station Robbery VOLUME XXXVI-NUMBER 49 1r (1 Take Up Auto Theft new Herr, (harm-1 Alt 1 Sir? , attel wo Arse X Mnrc " kerman Named AI I.55.:I1r€g'.+;'~é.§:=}3; BELIEVE FORMER _,.c,',,,/',r','l,C"," ",r' EVERETT PASTOR (,'._,_.',_"ii,',1,"r,li,)"',: KILLED IIIIISELE LIBERTYVILLE IlhlDEPlliiyl)irDiE,?iilT LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _','?enty't Rig Jrek.1.y. VWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Monday he starts his third term in office. During th, first tour you: he collected $179,981 and dar. in: the ascend term he received $221,330. The total I. $401,317.50, ,ney A. v. Smith. trimmer of the "sponze squad" plan' which talk for the wanting of raidinx squads out of the prosecutor'- office. The deveaeod hm relat 0320 who took char-Eon New: of his death can tinet shock to Deertiold priest wag well knoer beloved through his! Ion work and effort In belt; dents ot that community, tlli,Bl LIQUOR FINES COLLECTED Liquor fines, paid bv bootlezzers for this tut quarter year, ruched $15,131. aecordirur, Jo States Attor Elude: Nurses Thursday nleht he slipped out of tho hospital without tho knowledge of his nrxmes and a few minutes later his form was found lyin: In the street. Where he had nhtahmd 019 pistol has not hem: tio-minted, It is thought that his mental con. dition had reached a condition bor. dering on Insanity. He was very despondent during his more ration~ al moments. After having spent some time In Florida without noticeable Improve ment in his health he returned to Chicago and entered the Alexian brothers hospital, where. he had been a. patient up until the time of his death. his outstrihed hand. . i In Everett Marty Years I The deceased was stationed at, Everott tor many years up until about a year am when he left tori Florida in an 'tfort to regain his; health. ' Although 65 years of an. he worke dtlrelessly for years for the good of his congregation and the unusual strain on his mind and body finally resulted tn a. nervous breakdown a year ago. A whilo t the fact that a his outstretl s; tak" 3.0th c when it open Year. A great Rev. William J. Ryan Found Dead of Bullet Wound in Chicago Street superintendent. south walls an spersed with w tr, mums. all the souhn there A are brick wall Tllt' bulldir southeast Ct Fourth Stree Construction Michiul G/uor Pen Factoy Will Open January lat w t'l 1nd HINTS article: rapidly has M ty of roorr " More "st. oth If m of hard nearing A "I loca tonntuin Pt co I or st cornvr c two small tttw of the, room for yt n " a being crow m-r of C u by the.", Corn-nanny, Company Corirnanny, for thr Company, maaufac Cain pons'and '01th I rubber stthstanee, I: .' compition and wl occupancy in a to" lath came in a dis eerfiold whore th, Knowrt and much his! lone year, 01 In behalf ot res! w 1 tor 5 ill be In! by imam was to in " ttree depart- hallways. In the bu Ming Obtained ermined. s in chi, ho EMMY. a: a dis- lore the 1nd t on " I) if The don-eased has sutYered for some time with appendicitis before she was removed to the Lake coun- ty hospital. two weeks RRO, where she underwent an operation. Weak. ened by her long period ot illness she was unable to rally trom the shock of the operation. Besides her parent. she in eur- vived by the following sister: end brothers: Alvin H., Meade: Trax, Merceline C.. Mortimer F., Fremont. C., Alice E., George Pulver end hire. Grace Knesge. Mist Margaret Birdette, Ames. 13. ynar dd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Amos of Wadsworth. and a student " tho Brow school, died at the Lake county hospital Sunday morning after an illnoss ot a month or mute during which time she un. derwent an operation tor the re- moral of her appendix. Young Girl Dies in Waukegan Hospital William J. Stratton of Inglesldo. Secretary of State-elect left last week in company with Governor elect L. L. Emmerson tor Hot Springs, Arkrwhere both will so- journ for a week or two. 'VAMPIRE DRIVER' SljlllllNEllS; SAID m: FEARED HOLDUP "ft would he fitting, I think, to the it to this widow and seven on". dren who have lost their sole source ot aanrt." Mr. Wmet wanted " an Indication as to what the STRATTON LEAVES WITH EMERSON rm dnnu a: tho raw yam-med =0 na, 2mm," hr- dnchrod. Present: a Puzzle Now that Loteman has sun-on- dered It pimp; him in tho pnc'rirm of being the one eligible to the re" ward; "is vorrUnn of the cane. and his willinmess to submit to arms! here when he miettt have evaded it, garments a problem. board mleht do Kenneth B. Bowman, 25, who lives near Woodstock. Saturday sur- rendered to States Atturney A V Smith and admitted maybe was the driver.ot the "vampire' gar" that struck~and killed John C ske'r. 5%. of Fox Lake. late Wednesday after. noon. Nov. 28. . Fox Lake Meanwhile Offers $100 Reward for Appre- hension of Motorist , tr"."',,-",",)'.:',)':",:',."'),.",'.':'-':!:'.":",'-"-,-')-' BRINGS BODY OF ll LHIERTYVLLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLNOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 tnce that m ttt n of tho drh'nr Prmidnnt L. P "rmisQYhia under w village thn: Show!!! seemed so na, ll The Christmas Spirit w I F'uneral servlr'es mr Mrs. Viola Keller Elkins. aged :2. whose death occured October 15, in the Island of Guam, where her husband, a ':naval officer, was 'Mationed, was 'held on Saturday Mternooh at 2:30 o'clock at the Holland Funeral home. ;ln ivau4resrap, Rev. Whan' of the Lr/fe) Baptist church, otm'iating. In- terment. took pliee in Mt. Ayr, iii/iii,' where her husband's relatives 'rreslde. The journey {mm the Island Cot Guam to Waukegan, covered a [distance of 12,00hmiles. . TH. INDEPENDENT FOR $1.50 A "tAR-DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. NO DELIVERY CHAN. Besidvs her husband. Mrs. Eiklna is aurlePd by her mother. Mm. Fred Woodward of Waukegan. Mr. Elk%s will wit return to the inland of Guam as he has been re-assigned to the Great Lakes station. _ The trip was made on board the I' S. tttttsport Grant. The trip was made hv way of Northern China and Southorn Japan; ' Mrs; Elkinn was born in Wauko- gun, Feb. 12, 19ml In May, 1927 she was united in marriage to Henry ET kins, then a pharmat-ist's mate, tlrut class. stationed at the Great Lakes Naval training station. in August of that your Biking was transferred to the island ot Guam and his wife ac- companied. Mm: Biking taught school at Guam. Her doath 'Wns'due to heart disease, following an illnoss of two weeks, and time at a time when she appeared to be on tho road to re- (-owr)'. Mrs. Hiking always had ex- pressr-d a desire of returning to Waukegan so when her death oc. ourod her husband made arrange- monts to have ho-r remains brought back for intormcttt. Mrs. Viola Elkins, Born in Waukegan, Dies in the Island of Guam Mrs. C. I. Casey, 59'years old, for (he past ("gowns a res dent of Lib ertyxille, passed away at the Casey home on 1lomcsoodavenue. W: Idnetr day morning, Nov. 28. Mrs. Casey was operated on at CoadeU Memor. 3.11 h( opiul a few weeks ago. She did not rally from the crown. and two "mks ago it was decided to rt-moxe her (rum the hospital to her home. when: she died Wednesday morning ol last ueel. surrounded by her im. mediate tummy. The. Cawy farnrly I sex) on a farm north of Libertyville bc-zou- mourn; to this what-r two years ago." Supine Dorothy boring "as born Sopi.1c Dorothy February _ 1869. many. When she Mrs. C. I. Casey Died Wednesday, Nov. 28 ikt Mend n the Poatorttee at Ubenyville. "hunts. 93 Second Class Matter WIFE 12,000 MILES FOR FUNERAL I! V o Circulation Greater than otter Wet Hits in Cunt) Ccnlined 00 " boring "as burn in Hauonr, Ger was 11 years old mg ot hr! mother, n M ty M O I Springfield. 111., Dec. 3.-Noticeg Mimi bids will be received here Dec. HS in what will probably be the iaszt letting of hard road contracts gunder the Gov. Len Small adminis- "ration were mailed to hard road I contractors today. Mr. Fincutter was among the best known men 'n his community. and his passing will bring sorrow to 1 large circle of friends." Funeral Bere. icés were held this (Thursday) morn. ing'at St. Mary's Catholic church a Round Lake. Interment was in " cension cemetery. nor-meat ottitr. ertyvillo. ' 7 ' It mile muting! Grayslake Monday morning. after a short illness with pnmnmm'n. Mr. F'incutter was born orb the old f'incutter homestead north vast ot Lllwrtyvllle. October b2, 1879. Besides his wife, ten children. all living at home, survive and mourn his passing. 'They are Francis, George, Margaret. Edward, Mary, Anna. Raymond, Agnes, Rosemary and Iletre. George Fincuttor, 49 years old and a lifelong resident of Lake county, passed away at the home on his farm George F inoutter Dies of Pneumonia More than 148 miles of paving, nu- merous bridge sections and some grading are included. At the state's basic rate of $30,000 or less per mile. the paving will cost in excess of $4,000,000. _ F alumina} or the University of Chi, (340, public utilities cvnipanhesitnd municipalities. ' . By the time the Worhi's Hair cen- tennial Celebration is hold in 1933 Chicago will boast a population ot C',5o0,ouo and the Chicago region of 5,410,000 at the present rate of growth. READY TO LET PMN CONTRACTS " tion t) to ths LAKE COUNTY T0 HAVE 110,000 IN 1929, PREDICTION Chicago Regional Planning' Commission Forecasts I Great Growth .: at! med H M Lake H Th ll "a u " K have a popula. your. according I) tl I ve h The 800 Line has dropped its appeal from the ruling ohtainod by the Department of Public works be- fore the Commerce Commission forcing a grade separation at the croBsiturrat Lake Villa. The state and county became active when two men weer killed on this crossing. It is assumed. from this notion that the state ttmrrttihotut have reached an meement. m F 'This, however, is nothingunew u it has been impossible unfer the carrying out. ot the election laws hrre to make Gumrate 'troorts, "Thv vrrnrs are against all, not one lr_tgislative candidate'," one of the canvassers of the vote declared Examination of the reports ot the vote filed with County Clvrk Lew A. Hendee show without question nu- merous errors. "If there were any errors made the Democrats were a patty to it," one leading Republica'n declared aft- er stating that the was only passive- ly 'interested. . . McDonough and Lyons had little to say:» Both declared Bolger had taken a step provided for by law and that it he believed he could pick up more than 2,200 votes it was his right try demand a recount. RAILROAD DROPS CROSSING APPEAL Republicans are a trifle elated over the inslstance of the Democrats a few months ago in getting judgen and clerks of their party in each polllm: place. The fact that one or more Democrats served In each poll. lng place will 'immediately strtfle any rumor that counters were pro judlced. _ _ In one precinct, Waukegan II, whore Bolger claimetrerrors, were made, It ig said that the Democratic officials: out numbered the Republi- cans. in finam'in: the recounts Rolzor tlaitns' that he is bowing supported in his actjnn by friends, but does not seem inclined to state who they are or if they are official membersnf his party. , Sun-ml minor crslliil injuries and huh: pram Were reported in midi! two that awn: motorist! l piml. N I" Tho injured, found to bo lrlizhrly hurt, We?!" harm- to th, {Rory Momorial hnsplml. whorn Birc Hammad tty Dr. Callahax Ethan rolvasm'l,' I They "The: Car] annm'. '('vmoar manna Chitrizo; Ram [Mike Pruewalt. was Nortbwn 'avenue, 'Chittapn; 'Julia mm. li'a/.(/i.Vr/,iid Vurvo and Alma 9 V I) IT" Tan people l rtously in neck end \u-rw bluul. pawment. One' of'the crashos, it thnny Kuhry, 2\, of 7 street', Milwaukee, rpm)" fracture. is shroud,ed yum of a mystery. " All that Chief Deputy F rould:learn was the! an Homing out' of the north, Democrats Here Deny They Financed Step: Had Work- ers in Each Forum Place mm," acridr-m. The, Wow Gem Kuhry, 37, and hie wifr. SC. of E. Dalaware sheet, Chiraerr KO was cut about the right hand a Mrs. Kuhry Wits injured in the ric ankle but \'ir'tur'. Mo-mpriul hospi " Mum} there' was 1m f: ture, ' i, road. Jars- lan mm: .4 It Ct tar hurt- ling" throucrh a Harv and down an vm'enkmont with the rvszm "hat all seven occupants wprn injured, according to a report iptadt to the Fhariff's oftiro hy hmnrtivo Ser. r'orttiWilliiun MacDanald. Tmr'ks got the skidding var woie rliorv, on 't.he? pavement for 200 feet, witnos'aeS fl()uifll RECOl'N'T FAILS T0 STIR PARTY LEADERS All that Chief Deputy Frmi Brown rould:learn was the! another car. oorning out' of the numb, had cut in front of the Kuhry machine, which was going to Chicago, throwing it off the road and into the diteh. He was told, that it happened on Green Bay toad between Waukegan and Lake Finest but although he madora careful tsearch he Milo-d m find tho wreck. o Passing: motorisv people in the tmst/ oi'clock this morni been retur1i'ut't fo. C Waukr-e whrrre tl 'rhanksvlvine. ' mil the Anthony Ku.hry, Mi!waukce. Semi-conscious After Re- ceiving Skull Fracture 'rlhp0ljllfl), l SERIOUSLY, my COUNTY CRA-SHES So Two others vwoné in) P. ll avoidwm o'clock at ni I) O 'lt, wan injurwul. I acc'dmns over the It in pan. to Ll remunt Jan.) "tnlrly convenes nmittoomvn 1 PM us, "in: no N:- damage. ttlv rt that of Kghry and and in the IN " I an _ did not want to N that Harman Gehl, 32.4 red,ithe mother of foul the _ reriding,on a farm I Ser. '. leaped 'xto a ti,.tr, arks'mvm of the hum ton morning. Her body 9893;by her husband a we he 10 in The newly married couple will re- side l'm Evanston. where Mr. Hou. guard itt in business. Comrrptula- tions are extended to the bride and groom. _ V Among the outcHoxxn guvsts wore Mr. and Mrs. James Sknrda, of For. es: Park; Mr, and Mrs). N. Houzaard. of Elmhurst; Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Kéller and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Novak, and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Skarda and Mr. and Mrs. John Skarda Jr., of Chicago. Aftrr a wook end trip, the couple "turned to Ingleside, where thd par- ents of the bride gave a sumptious dinner. The newly wwis roccived a gre"at many beautiful gifts. The bride vicin'ty and younger set. Mics Agnes Skurda, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Skarda, of Ingle- side was married on November 28, to Mr. Pasrry Hougaard, of Evanston. The bride is well known in this vicin'ty and 8 Very popular in the M ss Lillian Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C., L. Wright, of Hills- dale, and Charles Trenner, Jr., ot Libertyville, Illinois, Were united in marriage at 11 o'clock on Thursday morning, November 29, at St. Peter's Episcopal church by Rev. E. L. Aid. worth. Only a few immediate rela- tives and a few close friends were present. The attendants were Miss Ruth BeSSeguie and William Wright a brother of the bride. Miss Leah Ilibbard of Lansing,-sang "At Dawn. ing" and Charles Natheson of Lane ing, played the march. Following the ceremony. the wedding break- fast was serVed at the "Orange Lan. tern Tea Room. Mr. and Mrs. Tren. ner left on a short honeymoon trip and W" return to Hillsdale, before leaving for Waukegan, Illinois, where they will make their home. Thc'followin'g piece of news is tak en from a Hillsdale, Mich. paper: T WOMAN BROWNS IN a ClSTERN; BELIEVED TO BE l SUICIDE SKARDA-HOUGAARD WEDDING Famed was given as the motive for the act or the wom- an. 821:: had 10m: bven 12:.der the impression. that she was ill and a numhr-r of physicians had examined her only to report that she was nor- mel in he Ith., The thought that Aer mudirinn was incurable seemed to per-s" t in her mind however an". it is br-'lt'r'wd $an it Milt"?! tn fr?» n later Body of Woman Found Float- jng in Well in Basement of Home at Long Grove After {mum band in whic did not want Norman Gobi WRIGHT-TRENNER NUPTIALS (Dom SAG Down mm Ju? EASY JOB amuse vows JUST Au oncmmzv GUY'THE SEATS 0: we mam ARE FILLED WITH OROMARY GUVS WHO august), wane wee TALENTED Assam/was SAT AROUND WAMUG PDQ we WORLD TD same THEM we 'Auo WEAUH on A SILVER 'esyeres = Puma! M Dan Winn Says: m Gehl, and 35 St /ti, and other of four small children ton a fitrm near Long Grow, 'lxo a t/stern in the base, of the home early ,Sunday lg. Her body was discovered r husband about two hours p rm'n [ n Hr pennin nth TI Inf road w W ll " VP to Mr she US J Ima, KILLED I IN CAVE=IN, HAS E $3,750 ESTATE as she was riding north in "Sheri. Swandale of Kenosha, a truck be Iontring to the narden Store com- pany of Kenosha, going in the op- posito direction. crashed into the side of the doctor's car. Tourist! passing took Dr. Swandale and the woman to Kenmha. An aged Kenna); woman was considerably cut about the faée and arms late yesterday afternoon when. The accident was causéd' by the',. breaking ot the steering "manual" on the truck. Both can werq badly; damaged. ' l He could not understand, he do- clared, how Pot: could legally so before the board to ask a patch. "The only thing now is keep Potz In until then and allow his freedom this rear." said. _ WOMAN INJURED IN . CRASH NEAR ZION: Col, Smith said that any effort to knock out the communion order, setting the release for 1980. would be useless. Pot: shot and killed Potenc- when the latter attempted to I!" rest Mm for speeding in Winthrop Harbor Ignatz Potz. who was given n reprieve by governor Len Smell June 16, 1922, e few hours be- fore he was to have been hanged tor the murder, of William Peter. son, motorcycle policemen. todey faced the possibility of eating MI Christmas dinner nt home. Pot: went tram the kaem jail as 3 liter but tn July "" the governor commuted his eel- tence to expire in 1930. saw. attorney A. V. Smith received word that e petition for Pots' im, mediate 'releaee will be bend by the parole board. Col. Smith, lncensed at Two Commutations, to Protest Third Vigorously POTZ PLANS FOR XMAS DINNER AT Mi Cii'(i0 HOME closed. John Frank Kendall, thkenn. Haarinz on final report continued to Doc. 17. John Malik. Antioch Heinhip pstablishpd. ' ' Carrie Woodworth. Wanton". Psrition to mtablisb heirship ttled and set for hearing Dec. 17. _ Jamvs E. Pagan, Highland Put. Final hpurt approvd. Educ dour ed. Hulda Schmidt, 11$;th Put. Report of sale of stock approval. Heitrch1p proved. Final account " prmwd. Distribution ordeted. - Russell chen. Letters at zuardianship issued to Emma Thar er. Robert MoMichaels, Zion. Lotta-I of administration heretofore "no! to Robert A. Robinson revoked. Ae Alex Skwarkownki. Gumee. Let. inrs of administration issued to Frank Skorpfrustrt. Bond of 8200. Edward M, Gallup. Highland Park. Final report approved. lb- tate closed. mum to be filed by Dee. 17. Bert f" Thnmpsnn named an new gnu-CI- an and bond fixed at 81000. m' ar',r"V'~""' . ".75", shaming in rerordse filed boforo Prom Judsn Martin C Bucket Thursday. Lettprs of administration were In: sum] to Anitro Pucin with bonds ho ine not at $7,500. The full proceedings toe the dny worn as follows: Cunt?" Putin, minor, Lake "GYM litter: of guardianship tuned to Max Calm. Bend of 31500. Glui- ian authorized to settle accident. ('Iitim for $750. Gnome Miller, North Chump. "warm: on petition for probate of will continued to Dec. IO, Virginia May Sink, mindr. Guardi- an authorized and ordered to mic snttiement on or before Dee. It. William R. Behannn "maimed new guardian. Bond find "13000. Letters of Administration ls- sued to Andre Pucin in Probate Court in Zion wlwn a dm-h was working caved in, August DeBona, Hizhlind Park. Final report approved. Em Mir Thomas Downing Highland Part. Ti.' wry and appnisement bill - Amm 1302013 .92. ttl., minors. Re rt cr di<1ributinn approved. ib- Dim Iw-zirh o"Artstin, Lihrrt.vville Pint] approved Estate closed. If Jane Austin. Litiertrvtk rrport approved Estate clou- 0mm, Waukezan. Petition of rnal nstatp under con- .d and set for hearing Jan. $1.50 A YEAR ff 'nrpman. Harrington. Plu- xnproved. Estate closed. "nor Putman, Zion. tb. thorhed to pay' interest MHod of North Chien. t Wednesdu in which ho left an out". he to