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Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1928, p. 5

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ItilUEPENDENt-DELIVERED-TO -ArOUIt DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. ai M Anne McDonalds Commercial School Register Now For Fall Classes Libertyville, Ill. Capital and Surplus $150.000.00 JOIN NOW! Lake County National Bank 6hristmas Club - COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates assures you of a merry (Ehriatmaa Next Year Membership In Our "WHONE 130 t2Eza2Ez2r= JOIN NOW I Santa From Take Tip AU [1112?!" M Melvin Kohner and Olaf Edman, local troy scouts. attended a patrol londoru' training session last FY:day and Suturdu. gold at the Northahore Area Training Camp at tho Cabin In the Woods, located In the Forest Pre- serves ot Cook county. about a In lo west of.Cr1enooe. The two scouts agent the two days in the camp and returned home illlod with now ideas and plans for the handling of a patrol. P110 county officials, A V. Smith. states. attorney; i. J. Wilmot. Cir Cult clerk: L. o, Brockway, mum,» rerolder; Dr J. L. Taylor, coroner. and Charles Rutssell, county survey- or, started tour yur terms Monday. They were elected Nov. 6. All have served In their respective office! tor mom than one term and some as high as seven. J, S Davis. Willys-Knight 70 sedan. and Lewis Mills, a Willy's-Knight truck. Suhltng Motor Sales continue the same large and regular number ot sales ofuhe W llysrknight product bum winter and Bummer. "are tbre a few of last P?."'?"! ttales: (Thu. Kaiser. a Willy's-Knight 66 sedan; Ray Miller, Whippet " coach; Dr. circuit court In Waukegan Tuesday. Fury claimed that Suhlmg failed to miner a car on which a trade had bt't'n made, and the jury. alter listen. ing to the evidence, n-lurned a Vet- dirt 111 hig favor. 7 Tuesdav, Wednesday December 11 and 12 Captain Care' laughs at tuatrb--on land-on "a-in air- a daring fiyer---a new." fighter ---tte wrest. a captive girl from cannibal. in the South ttea.--. smashing thru to freedom. Thursday, Friday December 13 and 14 BEBE DANIELS, in "Take Me Home" with NEIL HAMILTON. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Adamson and daughter. Irma, accorrynanied by Mrs. W. E Adamson, of Iowa, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis at Round Lake. with RALPH FORBES, ANNA Q. NILSSON and LOWELL SHERMAN. Thrills galore, In w. turf CIIIIIC " Get your Christmas cards at Me Donald's Jewelry and Gift Shop. C. F'. Wr0tht was a Monday din- ner guest or Mr. and Mrs. B. Carr at Dverf'eld. Mr. and Mrs. Leed Reaby of Law. n-nsglowa. relatives of Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Bartlett. e Visiting tor a few days at the Eugen home. Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, who has been x-njoying an extended visit with her son, H. M. Bartlett, 172 w. Lincoln Ave, has returned to her home In Hvanston. Mrs. R. C. McComb, of San Angelo Tm." who has been making an ex ro-ndvd visit with her father Dr. C it. Galloway left Friday on her re turn home. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wilson and Mrs. P. B. Wll'son were Deerfield vis- llors Wrdnesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mra..P. G Osborn spent Thanks; viug wuh a sister of the .urvr. at Ottawa. Their nephew :mddy returned nth then to Ltberty- .Al..- and Mil visit for some time. Sunday, Monday December 9 and 10 Local and Personal --AL60-.- MICKEY MCGUIRE COMEDY "Mickey's Rivals" BUSTER BROWN COMEDY DOROTHY MACKAILL, in Sat., December 8 BOB STEELE, in "Capt. Careless" MILTON SILLS. in " " The Crash with THEIMA TODD ---ALSO--. "The Whip" Review and Fable LIBERTYVILLE Also Comedy. THEATRE --A LSO--. LIBERTYVILLE ItrrW'jiitlprihl'J',/1lHURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 th'y meoting of Tm Chamber of 1 Monday night. was tmdsnctrd bf tho nomm'Ho-v ln~t Henry ew Flary in; Twenty-tour .beaut fttl Christmas cards. 81.00, at McDonald's Jewelry and Gift Shop. Basketball prospects at the high school look none too good at the present time. With only mediocre material and several of the most litter ly cnndidnte: ineligible nnd out with injuries. Coach Martin taces 1 real task to get h a team: ready tor the league opener on Dec. 14, when War. ren comes here in the in tial tilt: ot the sensor). Grimes, n int yenr'a letter min and enable guard, sprain- ed an ankle in last week'l ornctlce. and will be out for some time. Mar. tin he likely looking material in Litchfield." Horenberger. Thoma Shed and m'erett Tromblee and Te. gen, and 1 large squad of ready but inexperienced players to pick from. was ctrtertcd lp Libertyville Sigur- day morning by Utilcvr Irruba, tor dmmg at the rate of sixty miles an hour on South Milwaukee Ave- uuc m the Village Imus. The Wom- az. spt'tu'ier, who "as travellng north, Witty overhauled by llmba, on Miltvaa, kw- Avenue, at the St. Raul Rallmad crosslng. She was arx'aizno-d 13 local police court, where we entered a plea of guilty to the charge of speed- lng and was guessed a tine of 815' and cons. which were paid. and the was released. The rcgular monthly meeting ot I" the P. T'. A. will be ehld at the high pl: school Thursday, Dec; 13, at 3 p. m. l A sort play wilt be than by ("rive in l .. my. Mom ' uppeu grades. They i:? "ll; u..~u gnu a short prugxalu. 1:wa 'lv vim ls hhh'd and 1'. ls [mind We WAX fs- in". " wry good attendance. 'i.., Julius Treptow has moved his un- dvrtakiug business trom the rooms bc,oxs the Frtst'Nat,oiral Bank, to um quarters, m the rear ot McDOn- auis Jeuclry, Store. Mr. Treptow has been in the undertaking bu~inesa ill lem'tyxhle sum-e 1W6. Mr. and Mrs. George James, ot Waukegan, were guests of their un- cle Alvin and sister M253 Frances Crrary on Thanksgiving. The finest Christmas cards made are to be found at McDonald's Jew- elry and Gift Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyd, of Libertyville, are the proud parents ot a baby boy, born on Monday at thta Condell Memorial hospital. Mrs. George Abott and three dau, ghlers. of Chicago, visited at the Al mond home on Sunday. hr. Penney is spending a. week or ten days studyng at Mayo Bros. Clinic. at Rochester, Minnesota. and at the General hospital " Minna apolls. Mr. and Mrs. George Adeihardt an- noutlce the birth or a daughter, on November eo, in the SanClemeute [lamina], Californian ' _,'sts Women's Club "lanes to ah. muuu- Ural $360.61 was collected 1n 'mzz.m:'am;:s and douatmns tor the uuuaal Ital (than roll call. The corn Hutu: Mmln'.) to rxpu-ss its mum-re :xumudu to those who Contributed o (In: worthy cause and to those who gave the r tune and ettorta to baking this a. auLCcssful drive. Yard Phone 415 _ A. NAOEL, Manager. Ruldom Phone 1064 YARDS: 123 no? 000K AVE. q LtBllERTYhftLUt, MIMI. LIBER " VILLE CEMENT WORKS WITHOUT OBLIGATION Jewelry and Gift Shop. The Home of Gifts Th alAre Different. Home of WA TERSEAL Roofing ASK FOR INFORMA TION AND SPECIFICA. MOMS FREE M TELEPHONE 6334 ()pvn Sunda: l'ntil 3 p. m. Uléidoom If 'laln "We Take 'em Apart and Sell'the Pieces" America's Finest Tableware. PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS Mc0onald's Glass Installed for All Makes of Cars WAUKEGAN AUTO WRECKERS Cir turn nun to Ctenrrat um w. "all. of Lake VII QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS 213's Tires and Tubes FOR P'TTER HOMES 423 MARKET STREET ot The architectural section of last ', of the Finstad lSunday's Chicago Tribune carried an "a birthday Pa,' 'architect's ske-tch of npw $1000.000 3 held m honor ol chapter house to be erected at Cham iFinstad fiat, on paign. Ill nois, by Delta Alpha En r Ptrvrrd in the I ton fraternity chatrtir, at the UniVer- -wh ch the part sity of Illinois. A number of Liber- lwher'e "they en.' i fyn'iio- and Grayslake young men, playing games a im'aduau-s from Libertyville Town-'guosth prehpnt. whip high school are mvmbers ot the ville apd Chica; "vita Alpha Busiion chapter at thatl lpiace. 1 Joseph Earns] Svab1o~s.ar Ivanhoe. Ml in the Liberty" He and w!;o-n arraiznm Hw-rholsvr {hr :1.ny Hn-rholsrr {hr mu mind to hate Hm I until Saturday Thr: upon furnishing the r Following the trial or defendants NI d fhelr (1901110 and 1mm Jonkina resid- inc on Sunni! ltriv-, wt-re our!) fined 33 and rush: an t-rmrgrs of disorder- ly ('nndIu-tvin the court of Justce Will's Ove-tlol-r. fry, Saturday morn ing, in Mundo-irm. The two men m-rv takrn in umody by the Munda- lvm police on "Why day mum. Nov. ember 28, when' they errand a dis- :urbunm" at a Charity supiwr and damn held at Div-f2 Rm! Haven rvlease A number of local businegs men who are huntsmen as well, enloyetl the fruits of their hunting quests on Tuesday night." the Finitad Eat Shoppe, in the torm of a quail d n. ner. The quail were brought back home by general hunters, from a hnuting trio in Southern Illinois. Six men participated in the dinnor.. The Village Players will attend the performance of "The Tr'al of Mary Dustin" at the Adelphi theatre on Friday evening, December 14. Anyone interested in Joining the par. ty, may communicate with Miss Dor- othy Shanks, Dorothy Sayre-s or Har- old Mason. The Holy Name Soc'ety. of St. Jotri Mrs. Clara Taylor left Sunday for eph's Church will hold their regular San Benito, Tex., where she will monthly meeting in St. Joseph's spend the winter months. . school on Friday evening. Important , business will come up at this meet- Dr. Chas. fPllotyTrf11Trd home in: and all members are urged to Monday trom a two week B. deer attend. hunting trip in Michigan. The date Mr. and Mrs. Simon Alkofer en- tertained as their guvsts on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Tennorman and children, of Deerfield. Mrs. Fred Jockeim visited her daughter, Mrs. Perry Walton ot Waukegan, Sunday. 'N. vaolflktatgsrtvew Coupe and Sedan Bodies Blue, Dink and ebony-col- mod handles -- cord P' match.\Dexac:xable clamp. Twxrplece plug. In Amorica one says "ELECTREX" when thinking of one's comma. is a serviceable iron which is guaranteed against all defects . "POUR ETRE BELLE" That is the war a woman in Rama would say, "to be beautiful." Phone on Llt"rtyvllle Decker & Neville WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS calm Wilma ll (gl WINE! th Complete in box I at bit-f2 Ivanhoe Th $2.50 TILES MADE IN ANY' COLOR AND IN ANY QUANTITY lwfnro Justice} morning they rial corrinued were friaasod vrwsary bond. Saturday. the LID-S at»; were 'hry "WW .'trlg jail that night BUY AND BUILD Libertyville's . Scenic Subdivision B. H. Miller G. C. Gridlc-y George Holland, John Krlloy and Clarence Garland, ail of Waulowan, charm-d with assult ,wth a dead ' wvapon in .the local, pol te court. on Nm'rmhwr 1l,-tollotr:ng an auto. mobile crash north of Librrtyvrlle, in whivh Clydts harm", of Ittrritr Ill, was killed, "no: discharged by the court on Monday, when State's At- tormay Smith ordered the men not held. The Inquest which was delay. ed by Coroner J. L. Taylor to allow time tor 'nvetrtiratioil inLo the cash was held last Saturday. Phone. " and 93 Joseph Earnshaw is back in Liber- tyv'lle, after a two weeks' trip in eastern 'srates' as chauffeur "or H. M. Bartlottm When passing owr some or the "high eastern hills, Joss was heard to remark "more is no bluff about these hilla:' He is 51:11 puzzled concvrning the manner in which the state Constabulary fr: Pt.nn, aylvanla patrol the roads and is aim wondering about tho nunzu-mUs wh ft' (#0811 on tho stats. highways in Ohio. About twenty {bends and relatives ot Miss Gyda F'instad, proprietor of the Finstad Eat Shoppe, attrnded Dr.' Chat. Gallotvtirrttturned home Monday trom a two weeks deer hunting trip in Michigan. The date of the annual venison banquet. has not been announced. germ-g] in the Eat Shoppv,af10r wh ch the party repaired upstairs, wher'e "they enjoyed themselvm by playiqg games add ,rumirtist'inz The guests preb.ent, were trom Lihmfy- ville apd Chicago. County Tuhiulucis Lauri» ty. His Ict, tor h_appened to be the flret returned out of the 8,000 sent out. The eaxly morning mail mntaim-Il about tl" for the society. a birthday party and (Io-'vbratihn held in honor of Miss Finmad. in the Finstad fiat, on Monday Dinner was Mr. and Mrs. Roy" him; are happy over the arrival of a. daughter, born Nov. 20. Mrs. Elizabeth Boehm left Tues. day tot Rapid River, Mich., where she will spend a few days with her daughter, Marie, who is a teacher of French in the high school there. W. C. Egan, Higliund Pa:k, today was the tirrct donor to thr. animal Christmas Seal sale 'of the Lake The Menus family who formerly lived here has "moved to Cicero, where they will make:the1r future home. COPELAND ' MANOR I s/k/warrant illlhihexrir ' . W lllltAlllDllro _ FRANK Fil, EGER culina- For Ito-tA, volt, 60." ads Mung 'eurrent, Auto- Intic in. voltage cannot (in. oLCJIh-und {mm 'ttt (without ML Canbininu electric receiver and qtekee "I satin-tity) foam Quality performance and beauty are ear. pected in Atwater Kent Radio. But such nerformnnm and such beauty in a complete moderatasprieesd cabinet set are more than vou dreamed of. all-'inuone ELECFRIC I MODEL 52 All. SET w S2-a.d'ibetectrie radio tret-receiver and speaker both in one compact cabinet-all made by Atwater Kent. Model 52 isonly 30 inches high,' 11 inches deep, 18 inclies Wide. It is absolutely new in design. The two.tone' satin finish extends to all four sides. There is a speakttgrille' at the back as Well. L the All; proud to offer the new Model S2-c-ii1belectric radio tret-receiver Int. mo'rn' kn" G. an- Mun-sun. TELEPHONE " 1929 PRESENTING "The set of tomorrow" "can 46 ILd 167 't""'"1c"da'ds"t"tc'rairasdscra-aaraaataaacaestestrstcssraatatatatenramra, 540 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE LIBERTYVILLE ILLINIOS Telepho'he 57 Trust Company Central Trust Company Your orders solicited. At The Market The Stocks of the following Banks: National Bank of the Republic Continental National Bank and WE RECOMMEND FOR INVESTMENT s T A R T A CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB NOW! There's sound foresight in joining the Xmas Savings Club now and making almost negligi- ble weekly deposits throughout a year. Next December'when others are moaning about their inability to meet llolfxiay expenses, you'll be able to draw out a tidy little sum that will cover all your expenses. Miller Investment Co. First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS And wherever you put it, all it needs is a snap of the switch and your touch on the FULL-VISION Dial to bringyou program - , " , ' after program. with its a ' r' c, : grvahfr puvu'r. and its . 2'"; ) fine. sensitive voice. front-for your convenience in listening if you want to place your set out in the room instead of against a wall. The antenna and ground connections are 20 feet long; you can put Model 52 almost anywhere in the APITAL AND SURPLUS $110 00000 LIBERTYVILLI, ILL. 120 5. LA SALLE ST-c CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telephone Franklin 4071 "i'l,r]ll,ii' Atwater Kent steps ahmd again! Model 52 istln :('l formmorrow ---ltrr" now. Lame m and see it todayl PAGE FIVE if."

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