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Libertyville Independent, 27 Dec 1928, p. 2

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Selma" claims that Rotter flreel tour times Into the machine. Hall. man drew a revolver. He tried to are but the weapon did not work " self detense he threw the Run at 'Cotter. Hallmann and his wife were sit- ting in their car then. The motor 'was running. Tutu. to Hospital The electricians then tried to nan their can It failed so they brought Halttrtatttt and his wife to Waukegan in their machine. After tenvittlr them at the Victory Memor- ial hospital they reported the shoot In: to the sheriff. Thu was two hours after it had happened. IU careful." Mrs. Kotter said tn she saw him get his automatic shot- gun. Christmas services will be held In the M. . church Sunday eveulng. Mum will b. shown. There will to readings and carols sung. An adoring for the Lake Bin! orphan- up]!!! M, in... - " He brushed her aside and rushed out of the house. Careful watch is twins: mm at the otrtces of hw attorney mm). at the juvenile urn! th at the home of his sun Ho have been m juwznlv cum" tccordin: to !.ier,', 3mm] in (him: Tho mu. talto mm l Kotter Gets Gun Enrazpd Rotter ran into the house "That q . . woman." Kotter trim! to his wife, Mr. and In. M. A. Wilton and Mr. ad In. Juno. Aurel! were Christ- - thawing tn Wnukonn Monday. Mr. All Mm. "baloney were minute YttutHArstttnrt at u can. In. but. reports hor Magma. Inns. In 3 "a "no" condition Deputies rushed back to Fourth Lake in ltallmann's our. On the way out they dtscovered in the blood and flesh spattered car the thumb and tInger of the woman. In. Kottor Afraid Mrs. Rotter was , a terrible state of tear when the arrived. She stated that her husband had threat- ened her life and that since they were married in Waukegan two years ago that they nave lived apart frequently. She via taken to Chicago and re- turned to Wuhan Friday. A Mailman" H-nr out two electii i , tins, H. C. and H. A. Schnuer. They f Pa am out to mak'e numerous repairs. Cy.;. Haiimann cam" nut Thursday at (s't; noon. He and Kotter argued owrihu the fire. Hallmann uphraided him ' for failing to keep the place up in Lu tood shape. Schauer told the sheriff Ch Fight Start, l g Mn. Kotters claims that Hanmann "'15 striack her husband and that a that; . erht followed. She claims that tho i'.',"" woman beat him over the heed with _ (i a broom. , i' r, 00000000000000 A number of promi, such as an additional home and modern none nf thaw. an" ( lived up to. Since Sun Kennratlnz p has been no o LAKE VILLA o would n Kotter She explained that when Kotter came back Into the house that he changed his clothes. The last she law of him was when he was cutting across the fields toward Grayslake. In Trouble Before Kotter once worked tor E. E. Leh. mum at Lake Villa. When he was there he got into a dispute and was forced to leave. . Hotter. her by Mailman place. 00000000000000 He purchased a tlpket t ttoo line for Chicago hut have Gmyslake. awarding sheriff Rotter then went into hi4 mom. changed his clothing. and cut through the ttelds for Grayslake. af" cording to his wife, whom he mar tied two years ako. There is " "u- tant tor his arroit issued by Jus'im- Hervey, Cottkton. oa While Dr. Besiey despalred ot .-av iaitt either of them Thursday. hr ex passed the Opinion. after leavin: the Victory Memorial hospital Pri, by morning. that both would live. In case they do Hallmaun will luv his left hand and his wife her right A thumb and forefine were shol away from the woman's hanl Hunt the Gunman Sebmtlan Rotter. to, Cur-Maker of Hallmann'a Fourth Lake property, where he has two "Mult'c'a', ls brill! sought for the shlmllm: In a tit of anger. accordin: to Slwrll'l Law hence Doolittlo. Kotter rushed from the cottage and Jrillol tour shulx' from an automatie shotgun at the couple. Rutter wns in Waukegan " 10 o'clock Friday morning. He drew $50" from t.ht. First National bank of Waukt-gan. They were aiming in with the motor running, at Schauer Rays that this did not ha would otter a 32')" reward August A. Hallman, Ir, of G'..'" No "irfteld avenue, and his, wit'v. Hilda were the victims ot" m.- gunman Hallmum has a gum! u-hanw- to luv aeeordutg to Dr. P L. Fuviy, "ml. the wife is in a precarious (mun um. tt taker of their In shots at them T SYCICS Attorm would offer a " f t .111'00TS C,,,, arilill FIGHT- AT FOURTH LAKE Victims of Enraged M: Have Chance to We " tho They're Badly Shot n her to. Ru n Argue Over F wo rk " liqht I" W W " and Cook county the man, the cam.- 'let', who fiyod the mrsday afternoon. v Smith said ht- if It " ll " ttn (n! ed Man th to Mrs th 1011i. tt Wt Clark ls wry " Mr and Mrs W. M "ontter, Ethel and Ralph mama-e and Mr. and Me Fl W l-'ullo-r wt-r» dinner guests of Mr and Mrs (1F. Denman. Mr Hoffman of Lake Forest trans acted huslm-ss in Millburn Tuesday. Mrs Clarence Baum-r and daugh- tet have lwo-n ill 'with the "tlu"" for sewral days Mrs, John Thaht and Lyman Thain had their an!" Friday They have sold their farm to parties of the LJwentsla club. Word mu revolved this week of the death of Mrs. Emma Holmes. wife of Isaac Holmes, of Rockville. Ind., formerly of Millbum. School closed Friday (or a two weeks' vacation. Miss Ruth Minto rammed home from Beloit, Wis. Thursday. as they closed Liv college on account of the "thr" Miss Doris Jamison returned m day from Downer college. Mllwau Kee. for the holiday vacation Mrs. Clinton Ravln and children. spent Tuesday at the home or her harem». Mr. and Mrs. It. Dom-H Miss Alice Bauman at Dekalb will return home tor the Christmas hob Mays this week. Mrs. Mary Dowe moved to Mr new home in Mellenry on Tuesday. Mis Beatrice Wilson has been wry seriously ill for the past week, with the influenza. Milton Dowell and Roy 1tioray spent Saturday evening In Wauke. gun. 00000000000000 Ooooo0oooooooo: Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Wauke Ran shopper on Friday. Miss Vera Vasoy spending her Christ the home ot her l Mrs. G. A. Yaw-y. Lloyd Flam r Has a Mch-my caller on Monday. Mr. Andwrmn of Hull Day was a business cullwr m m xicinity last Monday. A large of familiesdn this vminit)' are lll with the Inrluenaa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie- havls and family were McHenry shoppers last Saturday. 00000000000000 m "do. for becoming m opti- nllt In that! ttnd um. Forget your allure: and remember Four successe- --rMr. and Mrs, Lloyd Fisher were Tuesday callers at the George Schied home. in Wauconda. Mrs. Joseph Paulie-Id and family have moved to the John Dowe farm. Roy Huey called on his uncle. In Wauconda. on Sunday. businwa Mr. and Mrs. Robeth Kirk and ttutr lly. of Aurora spent last Sunday at the Dowel Bros. home. Carl Pink W as Saturday. ther 00000000000000 (It ma her" Buch MI W M tending thc It show in Chiratto Inmuhvred as h Lehman Mute. and Mr. Cook Wt Mr. and Mfg: Oliver Wilton am sun from Chicago Visited their par onta' home hone over Sunday. Mg. and Mri. Sherd Hurnr-lt am tami y were in Waukegan Tue-"lay as wns Virginia Murphy, who durum pattivd them The Royal NviKhhurS Clmp Mot M Mrs Miss Anna See-ck has returned to William Weber's after being con- fined to her Miner's home for a week from using concentrated lye In cleaning a floor where she was em- ployed. It affected her hands in tl' serious mannpru Howard Wilton has been ill with a sun-re cold tor a wreak. Wt at the Lake County General hospital. _ infection has not Into the cuts on her face. She was injured m an auto ac. I cident. , Warren Odette In working in Watt. Kegan for a tear weeks. George Helm is on the sick "at this week sunning from the flu. Stars for pe-r It ing her Christmas vacation at unw of her pawuts, Mr. and MILLBURN ll Good Recipe " th H SCHOOL NOTES VOLO Ch D. wtitine Mr, Frank "' " lo caller npelli l'rbana, ii IN Simpson "trt tiled will ap- the next Mill " last hav c,onrstp000000Oo00oOO'r'rr"ttt tt and Dan the .oOooOoo0ooO0Oo .l ,,li. M, held their annual installation of others and It the whom-ion ot the rervnmnles enjnyvd an oytrter sup- [u'r whigh art'urtiihx to all reports vum especially appo-tiziugn The om. cun Installed were: Worshipful Maswr, Herman CuUbon: Senior Warden, A Hawaiian». Junior Ward 1. A. Pauli, Samar Deacon. "Uh silinu, Treasurer. H. R. Ad arm: Junior Boston, Wat. Morley; Tyler, s. La Manta; Secretary, P. it Huber, f"haplam, K, Garrett. Mar. shal. Arthur Hawkins. Wethu'sday and Thursday ("m- nlngs of la-' "volk the children of the seventh and eighth grades. tltV dor the leadr'rshlp ot Miss Patterson and Miss Royal went about town' singing Christmas carols in front ot various homes, Miss Toutnn la worming tho to" days at her home at Jmsvillp. Mr. and Mrs, John, Moore " spending Christmas with relatives in the centnl part of tha state. M M, Hurke brother in law, ll Chicaspo. this week Mrs. Ruby Rivht-y Ind sun It? spending ttto holiday vmtion with ralatlves in the southern part ot the ante. can Installed Master, Herr Warden, A Ward 1. A. I not, Sinai]. an": Junior Tyler. S. La P Huber, ('hapl shal. Arthur I Mrs. Chas. Lux spent "tiaturday in Chicago. Miss Ruth Nixon spent a few days of this week at Bloornirtgtoti. Mrs. Robert Wilton spent Satur- day in Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Bock and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wisner spent Wednesday in Burlington. Miss Margaret HUldernesa from! Kenosha is spending the holiday vacation with relatives in A','l'lll'e"dl Lester Nixon and sister Miss Ruth Nixon will spend the holiday vaca- tion with friends at Palm Beach. Fla. Miss Harwood ls spending the holldays.at Normal. W. R. Willittmtt is among those to be ill with the " this week. Mrs D, B Sabin is vorwalescintt from a severe attack ot the tlu. The annual Christmas party was held at the Antioch high school on F'riday afternoon. There was a pro- gram.- Entree With presents and an unusual amount of Christmas spirit and good cheer. o WAUCONDA o 00000000000000 00000000000000 Misses Anita Baaeley and Laura Hut-rig spent Saturday at Waukegan. Harry Franciaeo was an Arlington Heights caller Sunday. A R. Schramm of Ravinia was a business caller Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dickson and Andrew Sorenson attended the funeral ot their cousin In Chicago Saturday. Mitut Emily Davidson spent tho weekend with her parents " Him- dale. Mr. uni Mrs. Clarence Janka were Wuukogun culls" Monday. Mr. And Mm. Rat Seymour nnd alum". Marie, spent Mood" at Wuhan. M! that hr took a train for Chlcago. The) laut known of him is when tte m-nn- In the Firqt National bank hvn- and withdrew $500 from a sav- IHLH :u-vnunt Thu Hallmann's. who were hit by tour charges or shot trom a shot- gun, wore reported to be in a very favorable condition ar the Victory Memorial hoapital today. Th" sheriff la confident that Got. tor wilt be located in time. A re- war-l of mm, 0mm: by Starr's Ar um") A. A', Smith, is an irnititlve that will keep the hunt alive, the sheriff believes. Dr. J. A. Ron wu called to cu. Soach for Sebastian Cotter. care. take-r of a Pnurrh lake sumnu-r rm- tact, who shot and seridmly injured the minor. August A."Hall:iiaun and my wife' Der. 20. has fail»! thus Car Sting! Lawn-mm lh)olittle .'mtml to dar. . . (INTER UNFOUND BUT TWO WTMS ARE IMPROVED Hallman and Wife Certain to Recover From Gun Wounds Inflicted Thursday ANTIOCH b "ntertained his Wm lam: trom LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1928 M " ' haw tll th Yitr'tt (-Iuo has 'nil is as the man is as man may lon 'rn iev " Our school closed on Friday for the holidays with a program and Trtw an th" school-house'ln the afternoon. Several from here attended the program and tree at the Milburn church on Saturday owning. The church was wicked. _ Chicago ape-m munday heré tsith friends. l Mr. and Mrs. Ruswll Iraley of lee-rtynllr 16t'rt' Sunday callers at the C T. Iraley home. Mi. and Mrs, Sidney Osgood aw o-nlmlaininx [Malhrs 1mm Custal Lakh. wvm Hu- Mt Fuller home. Mr. and M: Ruuml Ink.- rvcotly. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Hollenbeck of Chicago announce the birth of a daughter, on Thursday, December 20th. V . 0000000000000 Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Ilollonbock and Shirley snout Monday and Christmas with F'ravier Hollenbeeks at Edison Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edwards were Waukegan showers on Friday. . Miss Caryl Tillotson and girl friend ot Delevan school are spending the holidays at H. A. Tillowons. Fred Pullen and Mrs. Pullln and Mr. 1nd Mrs. o. L. Hollenbeck spent Sunni" morning in Wautren. Harold Thompsbn Called on Ber. and Mn. Phillip Gould at Gmysltke Int. Sunday. Hospital 00000000000000 Mt M at l'hilauu . Mr; Wm J Mo nmrinJ hos M Tuesday. Mr and Mrs, the par-mm of 1 'lay. noe. 19, at at Fyein' August Shaw-r a Inhinm'u rallor Hurrv Kirwan M ll Mrs Arrhi's Wallls is helping to turn fur the Alvin Fuse family who ilf'" all ill with 1rvrtuenga. . Tho Tuesday waning chub had a Christmas' party at tho home of Mi.qn Anita Hasvlvy on Tuesday. Wt.'liam Blumn and daughter, My Flax wvrs- callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Milton Rudslns'kl ot 1.akp Zurich railed on friends here Tnmzda)'. 7 m Mrc. A. C. Smnn of Home", Wim, spent Tuwday with relativotr.l Thi, urammar serum! hai been ohm-d on account of so many cases of inflmnza. Andrew Snrenson was a Chicago caller Monday. Mrs. Androgen and son of .ray Frown, Wis. spent Tuesday at the Arthur Stop-n home. Mrc. A. C. Smxnn of Basset» Wim, Spout Tuesday with relatives/ T Tht, urammar school han' been William Johns and daughter call- ed QAMrs. Johnsnt the Victory Me- moriq hospital Tuesday. cago Monday tor the trerlottiii1.1netm ot his mother, Mrs. wuuani Rose, who has been some time " the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Harrop. t M orgu In ol WI] Saturday. Wuhan: Gumm- and childrvu Saturday In Wankmm: and Mrs Ed Underwood, of s'lI-nt Wanna-day at the r.» of Mr and Mrs C W Jenks mum m spending his amnion hom" at Charles. Illinois. to Mr, and Mrs. Albert " ~0n." at the tlt Jusep.n il at New Wednesday. IM-c. HICKORY H H" " (W M M Motritt of k rm! at II t't"t " Mr Irs it Run "or" Wedn-t- St Jumph Hospimf 1lhert Thu tkt " Harrington callers l ll A r IN (anago the Miles wn tho Via It "Md Zurirh " ll IV he H m ll ll " " "8"iMtt 3kgS"imgSttt$héStd3tffde'd 'tgaeStgSt_tgitatgt$tfatmmm"tgagatatggtC "tr-rt-r-mr-trr-A'."--.---'---- Applimtion of tho city of Zion tor a permit m opvrate the Z'nn radio station, "TDD on he: did wave length of INS motors: has 'tnu-n de. nied by the {Nivrnl radiufrumxnis- .rriott at Washington, Ir. I'.), it was admitted Friday by C-ral 'thrsH-x" Wilbur ("mm Volivu. Orticial an- fortune In .V "immismun nmnvr would sidvratinn "new? this bow-n Itfst,o he "Not at al reply. "We nied by the fedvral rutliuirmr .rrirrtt at Washington, Ir. ('., it admitted Friday by (Minna! bum Wilbur (51mm Volim. Ofticial nuum-omvnt of this refusal rvuvhud Zion . _ In tic-Hymn th" ahnlivarion. iC"fusoies"c"usdrdfurdseroiettarsttaattsicattrdruattsttagagsttsa Overseer Voliva of Zion As- serts, However, That Fight Is Still on APPLICATION OF THE ZION RADIO STATION DENIED 530 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville bhhstad fat gkoppe Telephone 59 Friends in business, are as precious As friends in social life.' With the dawn of a bright New Year We feel a deep gratitude to our friends For their loyalty. ' . 's, May we Aiatinue to serve you in an Sincere spirit. of co'-op.eration And mutual helpfulness "The Store for the Lad and His Dad" To our faithful old friends, and to Those whose frienéiship we Strive to deserve, T We tender best wishes fer a Happy and Prosperous New Year "We Our Bradford Barber Shop ' '; 's E, 'tB, T "q .' , . -. 9}: - v, :3 mt.' ';" ' m 112,41" l', ' '._ a new .3; "r.., '3th . t 1'..." T 3, . t _ ' ' " , J , ' 3:. "' " ;.:1' qs? tr, , I"; E" n 3 Jt V ' .- " 'd (9:: ', /t'i1,l, l 3;» b?:)'):"")'?), L, _ tlk C: "))"'.'r?,3r) t,li'ce8tt, tgels, J) tjiil:?U .'. A222,»... _ we» _ a he wa all," l C. 0. CARLSON M r havo tttorney lil! 'rtictrl:,'rltciitu!.t'li)',r)rra1, 1m; New Yaw will Whig yourom'inued Health. Happiness and Prosperity . ' was the émphatlc VI' just ttr'gun try no" urn "working up are nonti0ent _ will make it evpn twin: to Twin Ifp1 ' application, ac- 'rrliva, the federal mum-d Iran the pivo furthvr coir " tho fight has -gt.g.rt"-a.atirit".rtNt.5tMBPgl.' hours m 0C silpm ho h ll Lula Fins,tad Prop. :mn mum Radio station WCBD represents an investment to Zion people ot ap- proximately SZOONOO. Unless a more favorable wave length, can be ob- tained. together with permission for hromit-asting at night the effect will be to practically junk the expensive apparatus. 't Thousands of letters and tele. grams from radio listeners all over tho ('numr'.' 11"'ryt filed with the fed- "rul radio cornrnissitm when it was "-itrnt-tl that Iiisicrimination had Mm. Khow" the Zion station, all wiring: a protest. and asking that 'lw station hr restored to its rights. (Manner V,oliva, Judue Theodore "why. J. H. Dd'ow. votnran an- Old Roman Goddess Motor Car Advice Tiny Congregation H ll! It H kn I). Than of the stat Cashing! At the hat tlu m thetetlera nztnn to iire he time the: thrir applim ll x232 ttion as dviss PM? ir"i 'lt Ile" M! It,il' iEN lag H: "a he ' as is: pro- all (Aral tii "a tii H M! tIii "a M: ttii ?lii M: tii "a H "a ilii Pl' tii *5 Eu Ith' 53! an a?! iiit I, 1te"t"tmat"t"a"iotg'rd3kcsttieeeoestatatgatatttrtatatat-gtmatttrigassc ii"trrtir-rt'rtrrtrrtrrttrrtrmmmrtsr-mytsysrtsrtsmysxsxossrtssi" "suatc-assrastc-araruagseststtststr,esteurarurur,areacreagatsrarxruruscrit (it w. in 3 It ! tttatr%MMr' 553x95».- , tPsrsrsmsmrt-srsrsmsmrsmsrsrsrssrtsrsmss-s-rs wsrs.wsr] C. M. Bernard, Prop. Phone 456 345 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS A Happy New Year Telephone 756 It is with pleasure we acknowledge the many favors extended to us in the past and how to merit the comiiiued good will of our patrons and friends during the coming year . and lo one and all, we ex- tend our best wishes for A HAPPY NEW YEAR Telephone E NEW.*:.;_.;'EARE g" ROUSE BROS. DAIRY to f". . ff'-', ' ts- Q} . . '9;T$?4é223u' ber9 "w-s-. o"i"S f tO pkg!" '_ . "t7? 1 ' f-i-V-Cider-e-ft-cfs' _ ', '\s8 MAIN GARAGE A HAPPY NEW YEAR 'siPgrmPsPsrtgPsrsrsA;sPst,crgPsrgysPgrspsrsrsPcPsrsra" " " t) FRANK H. EGER 'dl 'at3tg9t"lKi$W$lEMgtetgatmg 54543338 hl Luncheons H will be biuru ll (I nxwtmu's an any before 1110M) 1l)l'0sl)0l'Otli; ti auzaasxua "8833888 ODE {hill Mundelein, Illinois OUTNUMBER TEARS, AND HAPP'LY SPENT IN PEACE AND LOVE AND HEARTS OUTWEIGH OLD FEARS, O MAY NEW HOPES 3111 @119 Km {Ivar SUNNY SMILES brighten C) tl "INC; BE MOST DAYS THAT ARE CONTENT LIBERTYV ILLE to all v" i1 B

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