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Libertyville Independent, 27 Dec 1928, p. 4

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Hurrying acrnss the Chleazo' and _ 1"l. North Western railroad tracks Inf") Fi Hubbard Woods yesterday, Mm.1 Emma.Loeb. 61. of 5758 Kenwoodr avenue stumbled over a rail and fell 9 Audi on,the tracks. She was struck by al Sum train and crushed to death. Mn f Chm Loch had been visiting her daughter, tre Mm. Walter Bachrarh, 1283 Ashury o-m'v ~w avenue. Hubbard Woods. wife or the Han S attorney. She. wan the wife of Julius I Loeb,; 231 s. La Salle St,, brokvr. I um Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Mayo, Mun. doleln. are the proud parents ot a baby boy, born at the Conden Mem, orial hospital on Wednesday night. Mrs. Farrel Rood, isttperentendent of Condell Memorial hospital was in Rochester, Indiana. visiting with rei, atives on Christmas Day. Cantos Brawnim; was operah-d Wednesday by Dr. M. I). Ptuinro, thr. removal of, tonxils follower of tht. that time. He back in th.- (la when mun: l clubs and stab posted to notii the approach of iut5-dhmnkidn.raoubU "in" mummy togi-up,iuseakkat1 ova. FolerPilis,adiuretic Wk! tukidn-cuatssdit5-inme. Had Ink-mocha mum's-ad teak ammnm ttittlle Since the "llnuiw mission camo mm in lionor Gee tran hum: I' tor Lake county and along the lines at box! ling have kept hm: I: with all of the loutlwrs Friends ot Commissiottor Gee tn. "eve he has an excellent chattrmo of: bein ttappointed to tho commission at because of his lone experienco and 11 his capabuitie ot handling tho " I fairs of the office " has in my war." FOLEY PILLS Commissioner Gee will ttttond tho Emmerson inauguration on Jan. 13 and at the tinte will confer with hm Md friend, Prod Lumlinl and with Willlam J, Stratum. secretary at state. in regard to the appointment Ind they will talu- tln- matter up with Gov. Emmprmu. Handoulnuhm 350""me hmcmomZSVm th-yqHyoiwe " -- so City Commissioner With.Long Experience in Boxing Game Seeks Position WILSON L 655 OUT FOR BOXINO COMMISSION JOB PAGE FOUR " McDonalds Commercial School 311 Park Avenue Register Now For Fall Classes It mm thlit . aim 1 I, (low. 4"tty- comrttNitonet' C Mann 13ml suh-ry. today rd 'tttatt actiott has' been mwud securing tor him a on tho) Atlinois ,Mhleth- inn ti-irmointrd by GOV As We are about to turn and wind the clock of time fOr another twelOe months, the echoes from the hours tolled off come floating back as the old year "ticlotocks" away. yours. an eternity of PEACE, GOOD WILL AND PROSPERITY. Ray Furniture :3 Paint Store Your confidence in our ability to scrOe re-o interrupt you a) this time is the season 9 priw le-t Loans L., Emmoraun " thr' latter takes ottte. nsiotttst' Gee has bEren.itttttr m m bnxim: and wrestling r almost Hymns. having .!" in both Hunts when but i2Ett2Etl COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates [Sin-d] San E Wanna. Belvideee.lik 'I \' In H " been a close ever since boxers {fem l you"; ago in private TELEPHONE I30 tt FOR A GLORIOUS J NEW YEAR 'I'"""'""""'"'""""""--.---"""""-' wr m TELEPHONE 9 LIBERTYVI-LLE, ILLINOIS 'rl rr " 4. New Ytar's mart) l 'at 7:30 p. m. and El 11 p m. On January-l 192 'm m-rman servit'e,at fan anllsh sawin- bwlrh Lord's Supper. Annual meeting m nary 6 at 2 D. m. l ST. JOSEPH? CATHOLIC , Rev. NI. J, Noam. Pam! ' ' Firs? Mass at 5:30 1. In: Second {Man at a a. m: 7mm a". at a. m; F'nurth Mass at 10 I. In ' vl'oals, who tter' brund llil't'l'mi' pttout the rear of m- store atrvtt the link ma burg.ary wa, 'totritt.ittvtt. b lr, because or io.ek or evidence. mine oi' them Were half. The sf'n- has mu- Mosul all :les wow-k. It X: lo. Ho SERVICES OF THF. LOCAL CHURCHES Sunday .Morning will hm t' wiU but all? " Auditorium Theatre. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m Church Services at 1015 I m Tyr. suhjrtt fur Co. Christan l ST Hi "I in the b im' h m PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Guy E. Smock. Pastor m LA\\'HEXCE'R ENSCOPAL lev. F? P, P,:tkor. Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ST. JOHN'S MI" w " [Ammann icty"Nehooi at 9'3 ish sersiiee at lu; v tit Electra notion Libertyville, Illinois m mu m n'cloek M tt "mp1 at 9:46 a. m. ,nrship at H. Tho .uastor 1 messagv to the New , mwaazv suited to the Tro. choir will lilo will ral ~xm1~! numbers. All H) "u m',',r,r with us. who ,nlar Marv of worship. rrifl run" ctt ,'tp.m l1 an " '?16 nt below a")- shop, in th: t IV lg talks. who have er"nt collages and past three months "wk enjoying the and zm-hvrings. several weeks in tt 9'3011. m. at 10:30 a, tlt. you Irecember 31, English Inc-mice at ol it 10 f) Fun m h TUBMAN " Won ot the xo'rmnu on It a ins I 'N a m ay " will be m and "I JCS n morn tt IS If Al 10 to tune and mum h oncl NEH for you and jumw Anxhrn-innvnf M" Mawman avennv. Lake Rm". was driving wert in Grand ayonuv with Mrs. " y mnrm nfnny ll M one bone m his mam amm- unu wa- cut about th" tare . Raymond Bergstrom of the mam Mix. Cram Lakes Naval Traimnz untinn. was drivimv south in Jnrk- son Ietreet and applle" hh hrnkm when ho approached a bump tn the road HR car sOtidded sr."dtocTtvtt and an In front cf (HUI Flora north or Waukrurrut, T, Harry Srhlvgo-l. ot 1oy street, Waukraan, was Jurcd, a u." mmpumun th CAR sums mm l llhy0E;hlhNls (, . Sfilll0ijfogar HIS car {LING and Harry Sehlegel Internally In- lured in Dash Down Ra- vine Near Glen Flora jurcd. a a." and sttalom ad, wrm-ke th'rrm-k r vines I trot" At rim" quonv-d try are: Curiae!" tr tt nto the ditch, 'ik 1l through the KIN aviue and pl mum leep emhankmont rrek and act-mu C80 inhythe CDW' IX ll " I"? tum Wi d ml, Plow: Through Creek women Are Hurt n n LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1928 1M6] M Jttt U n moat svrmuyi n: (no) ("ulvnts rv'pnrted for nine atrl Christmas "K " tehin " mind In: th u was driving In tl wishins:ttrn " l C', l'ttrtr n 1h'6 " 'sday night. Washington c-riously in, TOVO war? l an up in an run In and Christmas ms " tho trted him Thr 2nty in IV a of all Carney tttid rnvr Ho w Wo at , w"ay n weat ll an th th it n Use your ears. Most 'of us, men DIME" " women, talk too much. And we thereby'mlss I lot. Joseph Jet. terson, the great actor. wrote in hip autobiography, "I have seldom had occasion to regret my trllonvese."-- Grit. Accordion in Jazz it has been a sort of musical tra. dition that the accordion could not he played in harmony with other instru~ nwnts. but Its usefulness In combina- tion was revealed with the coming of 1:122. but no one was injured. Banker Hit: Pout , CHerzv Stroker, cashier of the Wauconda Trust & Savings bank. Tuesday lost control of his car while driving through Wauconda and crashed into a telephone post. The var was badly wrecked but Stroker vivapf'd Injury Deputy luIHlt Deputy Sheriff A. Knodel. of Grayslake. was struck by a car driv- on by L B. Bartels. Chicago, Doc. 23 near Grayslake. it was learned today by the sheriff. Bartels wt: arrested and ls scheduled to have a hearing before Justice F'. H. Smith at Grayalake. State's Attorney A: V Smlth plans on tl1intt information in the coimty court eiGriitir-iiG, tels with driving while drunk. [uh-ml Hm LI-smnnst'llltnll was tho fulluu'in: ir/n, lln- Hit-Iv "All Lord! (but? lwhnhl, llmu lm<t Illrltlt' Qt!" [mum-n and th" varth by thy twat [NHVt'r and htrrldnrd nut tll'llt. um! tlwri- is nothing to" Imrd for Hum" (.h-rmniuh T..'. , 17) Thu Lssssion-s'vrtuon HIM) in, cluded tho following passugvs from the Christian Sojvnm- It'xilmuk. "8txience and llvnlth with Roy tn the Scriptures." by Mary linker Eddy: "Mind's mntrol "Per the universe. inrludirut man. is no Ionm-r an upon question, but ls demonstrable Brie-ave" lp. 171); Hit Auto in Rear As he pulled up to atop for an ac- cident on the "S" curve on Sheri slum Itoad at 10.50 Tuesday night. P, C, F'nl' .m. 916 Highland avenue. was struck by a car following driw ed by H. T. Puttinrer of Chicaro,No ode wag injured. T . Car In Rut Causes Craah Robert Hogan of Milwaukee and Fl A, Gainer of Lake Oadcaa, Mich, collided on Green Bay road, test of Winth "P Harbor. according' to county motorcycle police, the night of Dec, " (when car hit a rut and in "tinting back it collided with the Hanan machine Taxi and Auto Hit ' Elmo Horine. of 408 Ravine ave- nue. and Kendrlch McCall, of 41 N. Orchard Ave, Wankexan collided with a Checker (ch driven by C M McCormick, 222 ..'nrt'.i West street. last nivht on the "S" curve bn Sheridan road County motorcycle police reported that the ca', was accused of helm: unllghted Me Cormit-k. they reported, stated that burninz. .lorine but no one was police reported that the ca'o was 800mm! of being unlighted Mc- Cormlck. they reported, Mated that h had a spotlight and Cowl litrhtt, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Joe Arbit of Bench, Ill., and Mrs. Robert Brown of Libertyville in his car. Just west of Butrick street timir ear collided .with one being driven West in Grand. avvn'le by Mrs. Norman Brown of Gimme. Itrokon u!rus,,. was <tn-wn dwr the Hif'i'v'i 21ml hath Clt."q WNW- dum- ttRed while Mrs. Arhit and Mrs. Itoh on Brawn mm» rushed to tho-Court. Seldom Hurt by Silence :m- and , idero Show 'nm of th, ll 1m 'H-illl' ill'ivvll by Hill hath o? Hz. Waukegan, collided at an n "\O'HIN' and Judah»: Hrowl IradvN var skill, Morric an ot I,",,'..' ttttlt turn-t who ridtnct ir, tlt" "uh guru-rm! it anmn nty m 3M ll, unty urn-Ls. 11'aultre in danmgo to both car Other Crashes Occur. Hutu l" Hf H'- M . --'r! ' streot. Waukrgan, r'oliided of the Waukswan National I damarred both cars. Cab In Col Tl l 'i h tr 'm M ll ll th hrist lid, m ar inc fl [my Wirr(iow, t thw corndr n s in WaukOrat mum-d. 'ill lmlin as Mrs. Brow turn of 'l I . "urlly ('V rk w racked 1mm M 'VPII'I LVN" Si In ll IN an ll itt. ONE BUICK COUPE ONE ESSEX SEDAN CNE DODGE COUPE 3'; (it. PONTIAC CABRIOLET ONE DODGE SEDAN ONE NASH TOURING ti it ' 'ii __, i Telephone 202 _ ' 611 N. Milwaukee Ave. ' LIBERTYVILLE Wmammvmx) g Friday and Saturday . iiii.lllll?tlii)lllllllltllli)lllllil 2828 SS 'F.tgrd TWO 1927 CHEVROLET COUPES ONE ST ONE 1925 CHEVROLET COUPE ONE ST TWO CHEVROLET COACHES ONE, ST. TWO STUDEBAKER COACHES ONE HL ONE BUICK COUPE- ONE ESSEX SEDAN PONTIAC CABRIOLET -ONE DODGE SEDAN Below, are a few of the many to he offered for sale on We are determined to clear our floor of ALL re-conditioned cars- All these cars have been put in good condition and have a great many more miles of unused transportation left in them. RIGHT NOW, is the time to GET A GOOD USED CAR AT A PAIR PRICE. ii'; gauge" 'i,i'iiii, "on If: "SI ~.,:;} -,-.:I: r...- Z. .A.. (:5. ._', (: -_- 'iii"", E: -___- If" _4 __ iii 6 (i" 5;: £24 5' If" 0? "iii'"' 'iii' 'iii' '35 :2: i USE!) GARS Easy To Start-Easy To Keep Up 1iiii5,iN Nh" _ "V _ hh av}! all Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank l A Club for Every Purse and Purpose ", 'Irs' Yijdun BirAtMIEii ax - ., ",......_.._,--jiiiii1iiHitoL,L,E,t:t? (.""'itll", 0 a" - (c". 32'2"" State Bank of Mundelein . dp" T" " N 611119 And ONE STUDEBAKER SEDAN ONE STUDEBAKER ROADSTER ONE STUDERA KER PHAETON ONE HUPMOBILE TOURING "sotiirir)'il'il;i/ JOIN TODA Y! " Es', at Iii sil ' PI

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