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Libertyville Independent, 28 Feb 1929, p. 3

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TEAM NO. 2 Molter Lusk . Beitzel C Wheeler _ CcONVENIENTLY LOCATED In the Genesee Theatre Building., you will find this a most charming place to shop for Ju{ants' and Children's things. We feature well known lines, such as VANTA GARMENTsS and Mrs. Day's ldeal Baby Shoes LAYETTES, $15.00 TO $25.00 TEAM NO. 3-- Fendtck Hubbard Brown Tubley Kruckman Jeppe .. Sitz TINY TOTS SHOP Genesee Theatre Building WAUKEQAN TEAM NO. 4-- Porteous Henning TEAM NO. 1 Madden _ Team No senator Roy Vgoods. troduced his bill "calling tension of tax penalties Rep. N. L. Jackson, of Belvidere, yesterday had his milk bill, calling for the licensing of milk dealers by the Hlinois Commerce commission, introduced in the house of represen-- tatives. JACKSON'S MILK BILL INTRODUCED With respect *to census appoint-- ments it has be--r agreod that Re-- pub.can congressmen in Hlinois will make recommendations for the appointment of snzrervisors in their districts and that the :{wo senators wil}l control the appointments in the Democratic districts. Senator Glenn also objects to the aisplacement of Mrc; Mabel Rein-- ecke as collecgr of internal rev-- enue in nort£n Mnsis district According to the contention of Senator Glenn th: part of the rorthern Illinois district outside of Chicago gave a 'ar;ser majority for HMoover than Chicag» d4'd. Both of the other federal judges of the district are from Chicago. If Senator Deneen has his way, It is understood that he will rec-- ommend to the president the ap-- pointment of Judge Danie!l Trude of Chicago for the Cliffe vacancy on the federal bench . Senator Glenn,. on the other hand, believes that the judicial ap-- pointment should ¢p~ to someone from the northern @'strict of IIl}-- nois which is outside of Chicago. He is said to favor he selection of either Judge E D Shurtle!f! of Marengo, one of ths three sitting Judges of the Seventeenth judicial elrcuit, of which Rockford is a part, or Judge Charles Woodward of LaSalle county, who has Con-- gressman John T Buckbee's sup-- port for the post Senators Deneen and Glonn have confered almost daily G@uring the past week,. but thus far have falled to settle their dispute. Rockford, Feb. 23. -- Because r:l';"' V United Statee Senators Charles S. CY ¢ Neville . Deneen' and Otis F. Glenn are L orst deadlocked over the selection of a h federal judge for the northern Nl-- nois vacancy to take the place of +gam NCO the late Judge Adam Cliffe of SY-- Gruenwald camore, the official appointment vyoekjrrick of the new judge will be assigned Muhike _ to clean up the crowded docket of federa)l rases from this terri-- tory, now pending in the federal TEAM NO. court at Freeport, may be delayed )e Lacey unt!l after President--elect Hoover Neville . is inaugurated. Borst _ ....... Prestdent Coolidge is prepared to make the appointments for three or four Illinois federal positions TEAM NO. iptluding the northern Illinois. fed-- H. P. Gotti eral bench post oefore he goes out Brown . of office it the two IHitnois sen--.Coonfer ators can reach an agzreement, but Washington advices today were that the impass» still exists IE_A_M NO. Marengo Jurist Not Interested and Has Stated That He Would Not Be Candidate SHURTLEFF FAVORED BY GLENN FOR U. S. JUDGESHIP, IS WORD Infants' and Children's Wear Dad's League Woods, Chicago, in 530 127 121 153 119 128 135 )63 534 168 98 144 124 ng IOr The es 30 days 584 98 133 151 §0 135 149 596 141 116 136 909 Won Lost 36 18 30 24 185 198 149 128 632 138 144 25 185 498 547 M DPoughboys ... _....,.. . ... 29 ed #ergeants P inee en pesrevees + l Buck Prvates ... fe + s: +ss CB C "| Shavetails .02 n0l.....2€ Corporal®g . ... ... _0 23 Leathernecks | . _..0. ___...21 _ TEAM NO. 1--SnaveTails :: DelLacey _._._.188% 143 13 "_ Neville ..c....cl112% 141 i2 "© Borst __ 22182 194 18 || _ After a much disputed argument between the Dietz Stables and Hart-- 'mann House, the former settled it by winning three straight games and taking the league lead by four fult | games, over the Rouse Dairy, and eight games ahead of Hartmann i"'inklrr,_of the <Stables, was high 'with 586. Roy Titus, the new addi-- R Kiemer, of Hartmann House, was big man with 532. The Hartmans are in a slump, with six straight de Kennedy Johnson Sub. _ Kohout. Herzing RECREATION CENTER JOS. KOHOUT, inc SUYDAM'S BOWLERS-- B. McCormick ... 142 H. Kranig .141 i Suydam ... ie«A 48 M. Suydam . _..__ _ _l._180 Nutt ... Kaping Firnoback lon to the Stables, is not hitting 'hat he ought to, but nevertheless _ 417 457 TEAM NO. 2--CORPORALs Flagg ... Triggs _ E. Kennedy 424 TEAM NO. 6--BuUCK 449 4023 TEAM NO. 4--SERGEaANTS R. Kennedy ... 114 127 Carlson ............ 154 158 H. IiAll ..00 00 159 186 461 434 4 TEAM NO. 7--SHAVETAILS )e Lacey --. 188 143 1 Neville | ........l0 112 141 0 Borst | ... 2222221820 194 1 Commercial League 482 481 4146 TEAM NO. 5--DOuGHBOYs Th 482 481 446 1406 EAM NO. 3--LEATHERNECKS ; Household Finance Corporation NEWS OF THE PIN HITTERS 308 Waukegan National Bank Building S. W. Cor. Genesee and Washington Sts. Phone: Waukegan 4583 WAUKEGAN 0: leous We loan up to $300 to men and their wives for domestic use. We do not require outside signers -- signature of husband and wife all that is necessary. Emplovyers, relatives, frie . or tradespeople are not notiffed --no one need know. Business League Probablyv nine out ot ten tamilies need extra cash, at times. And usually, the need is urgent. It mavy be for sickness, an operation, or an accident. Per-- haps, for perfectly coud reasous, vou haven't the ready money for ijj{!s that must be paid. When vou need additional funds, come to us. For nearly half a century, the Household Finance Corporation has served families without recular banking connee-- tions. Here yvou may borrow what vou need, secure the cash usually the same davy, and re pavy us at your convenience. American Legion When YOU Nee Extra TCash Team Standing Feb. 25 comt You get the entire amount--no fees or deductions. Loans may be paid in full at any time. You pay ONLY on unpaid balance, for actual time you keep the money, $ 50 average $100 average $200 average $300 average How We Make Loans Loans payable in twentv c1ua| monihly payments cost as follows: New Reduced BRate 115 202 139 105 168 182 137 130 168 108 185 CALL, WRITE OR PHONE 4717526 1 PRIV/AT ES 143 170 145 139 169 164 769 743 181 214 201 146 128 611 146 122 117 621 415 136 137 130 139 110 185 580 152 99 4 123 169 1143 140 188 148 138 191 194 # $T 154 157 132 149 148 156 621 610 Won Lost 111 431 122 187 194 160 137 130 136 467 121 374 189 565 189 136 133 142 460 1355 121 185 28 26 mum.H: monthlyv monthlyv cost _ 66¢ monthlyv cost $1.32 1344 393 M Ssuydam 366 Nutt . 526 Alkofer ... ------ C Hapke . 1285 A. Hapke . 659 1424 146 167 166 164 234 141 149 138 733 167 50 192 399 48 4 539 V /gaime, al | Borst 467 |hit s718, 374 Exides. 566 tor. Eve ' Chasg. . 14906 | |te is the 148 476 411 390 401 440 360 () 28 30 22 912 812 HARTMANN HOUSE-- Grewes | ... 1750 148 Keimer _ 177 169 C. Moeller _ 150 145 E. Moeller 145 169 Seller _ 163 183 DIETZ STABLES-- Winkler _ .. . 198 H= Liill se l 22171 K. Lill ....0.0........819 Krumrey ... 168 R. Titus . 220 156 Bell Dasher Sloan Luce vevess Vanders pool Meyers | ... Dietg -- 200. Wright ave Schnaebele H. Titus ... T. Suydam lindroth Jochheim 866 MERLE'S EXIDES-- Testmeyer ......113 Weiskopf _ ... .149 Porteous s222.. 188 Doughert y Mubhlke BORST COAL, WAL@TE .......... Atkinson _ Borst oo Dielz Stables Rouse Dairy . Hartmann House Borst Coal Libertyville Garage Merle's Exides ... tee Motors __ fhee Motors, with the Havke Bros. sure need watching. With a little lueck they should win a lot of games. Nutt has a lot of body Engiish. schnaebele hit his first 500 seres. Swan's five pin miss and F. Titus's blow beat the team out of a big 1000 gime, although they hit 993. Borst coal team is going good. It hit 2718, good for two wins over the Exides. Muhlke's 594 was a big fac-- tor. Every man hit over 500. Chas. Jochheim is coming to life. He is the live king pin of the team The Dietz Stables scored 23 wins out of 24 games, or 22 straizht wins. schnaebele's Realtors are the just ROUSE DAIRY 834 743 835 2411 SCHNAEBELE'S REALTORS-- Dixie Jackson, the hard luck guy got 533. v cost $2.63 he opposite 7 cost $3.94 Tommy "Guessed" It MOTORS Motor leam Standing LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 810 146 783 141 161 791 784 993 878 2655 905 788 W T8 185 U n 814 185 157 188 156 150 891 $23 201 916 194 131 134 183 146 1¢ 195 193 191 163 839 137 145 184 187 186 182 200 199 196 148 231 Won Lost 41 16 §14 190 130 141 191 162 936 226 206 162 00 15 11 xV i0 2463 W 510 532 432 459 630 2505 586 547 555 535 2118 601 415 534 525 511 448 493 574 505 519 564 it Lr 532 407 445 536 491 06 557 410 461 559 518 533 536 594 W Ne 548 £At 11 24 26 B8 35 9( "MoTCE ELulG TEAM NO. 4-- Dasher Seiler Stang DerErRPATH THEATRE TEAM NO Smith ... G. suydam T. Suydam TEAM NO Boyd ... Borst Wilkening Bel] Franzen Johnson K. Lill TEAM NO. 6-- H. TLAill _ .s2200. Winkler BORN & LAWRENCE IN VIIAPHONE VAUuDEVvILLE TEAM NO. 2 Waters ... Luce OF STARsS IN GLORIOUs soOunNnp! SY M. PHONY ORCHESTRA accom. PANIMENT! oNE or THE ouTsTtaANDING PICTURES OF 1929. Also-- NEWS OF THE WORLD iN soUuND. HEAR AND sEE! LAKE FOREST, ILLINO!S SUN. & MON., MARCH 3--4 Sunday Continuous 2 to 11 with Margaret Mann, Charles Morton June Collier, James Hall and Francis X. Bushman, Jr. THE SENSATIONAL EPIC OF MmOTHER LOvE--a cast OF THOUSANDS, WITH A SCORE MONDAY, TUES., WEDNESD'Yy MARCH 4, 5 and 6 WILLIAM FOX PRrEseENEs 'THE FOUR SONS' A Racy rumre Basketball able -- News -- Vitaphone Acts -- Orchestra ickets: Adults, 50 cts.; Children, 35 cts syncopated stage show LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM C IEIN 1E $E SUNDAY ONLY------MARCH 3rd Dorothy Mackaill and Jack Mulhall _ _ "CHILDREN OF THE RITz" FRANK WALLIN and JOYBOYS _"MARCHING INTO MARCH" Fedmand bivese lully Marshoil Saturday, March 2nd Team Standing Feb. 25 City League i T B m 20 EP ET B CA A E_2 Spicy, Peppy Drama of the "poor little rich girl'"' of today _ ON THE STAGE: Libervtsyville A"GREAT STATES" THEATRE Palatine 148 205 195 548 536 007 164 163 191 191 194 166 168 189 150 243 188 206 610 228 203 148 564 189 162 213 179 () 559 197 162 482 Won Lost 30 18 271 21 -- 24 24 21 27 21 27 20 28 161 182 139 603 167 557 540 525 168 169 212 110 177 | 199 512 518 195 157 160 01 THE SCREEN with a big company oif 535 152 221 548 162 119 198 231 538 188 136 201 186 139 193 _al.o_ PARAMOUNT News CARTOON CONLIN & GLASS in VITAPHONE VAUDEVILLE LORETTA youna _ _ Thrilling _ Adventure! Young Love, Compelling Drama, Action --In-- "SCARLET SEAS" ON THE STAGE: A BIG PROGRAM OF RADIO-- KEITH--ALBEE BOOKED f VAUDEVILLE i oN THE SCREEN: RichardBarthelmess Saturday Matinee A: 2 "MOTHER MACHREE," with BELLE BENNETT, N. HAM-- ILTON and VICTOR McLAGLEN A picture to stir the heart and become a treasured memory. THURS., FRIDAY, sATUROAY MARCH 7, 8 AND 93-- TUES., WED., & THURS. f March 5--6--7 RAMON NAVARRO, in "THE FLYING FLEET" The Star of "BEN HUR," in Another Epic. FRI. & SAT., MARCH 8 and 9 Mitt HERR LOUIE Undt Der [ WEASEL from W G N Chicago Tribune Radio's Funniest Comics with BETTY GOMPSON and \|Nearness of March Term Brings More Than 25 Mari-- tal Problems for Week The | in} the it is be thp las March was 21 years old inste h*¢ obtained his mat Jiune 18, 142%. Mrs. Ida Brenton, YX mi_ a bill againet Ja: charging desertion, an Jchns sued his wife, tat the matrriage be the grounds that she with Fred Hartwell pr Je ged second marriage The total number of in} the last week exce it is believed to the fa« the last date to file due to the Kan,. asked Nbolert Huck formerly of {Mrs. YViolet Young, W mother of . five children, y fIP('d a bill for divorce in u:)'.nrl against her husband, J. Yourlg,' charging cruelty were maurried Junue :1, 1916 Continuous 2 to 11 sUNDAY MARCH 3 One Day Only On Our Stage In Person LOUIE'S HUNGRY FIVE TWO ANNULMENTS, AND TWO DIVORGES SOUGHT IN COURT Mary Eiizabeth H term of court of Wau TELEPHONE 321 that A ( 1 that e fact that it wae file suits for the entertainers he Ja m and Al1 d rlagt Ruth, aisa. «nnulled was marri or to the divort marrlage 80 Hrenton Gilbert St of 18 when hicago Waukegan In. CIfClil , William ty. They vyester d fal ited W licen 11 bill: du« bu 1t A V | CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE INDE 'PENDENT GET RESULTS A diuretic stimulant to the kidve y3 Quick to relieve _--_--_Try them Foley Pills Satisfaction Guaranteed For many years, men and women eyerywhere have been using and recommending Libertyville Recreation Center Sold Everywhere We offer the finest fa» FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Libertyville Independent THE MARKET PLACE as a means of relieving that ""tired feeling,"' rebuilding atro-- phied muscles, and "tuning" up the system generally. T IS AN OLD AXIOM that '"'an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'" Modern physicians find that bowl-- ing is an effective means of counteracting the daily inertia. They prescribe bowling where buyer and seller of Lake County meet is the Want Ad Section of PAGE THREE ~ i n rTUIT

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