THE BANQUET OPENS Everyone had been seated, after singing America. After waiting half an hour, were finally served. You could have your choice between sal-- mon loaf or roast beef. The menue consisted of mashed potatoes, peas, buns, roast beef or salmon loaf, pick-- les and last, but the best, was appx pie. There were many other su songs as There's a Long, Long Trail, and Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Beouts are Marching. Thoere was a row because the speakers started be-- fore all were through eating. The speeches were made by Mr. Werts: ler, district commissioner of Liber-- tyville and Mundelein: Mr. Brewer ton and Mr. Rybolt, scout executive of North Shore Area Council, and a few scouts The sveeches were fin-- Iished, the camp scene was shown up-- stairs.--Scout Robert Nelson, Eagle Patrol, Troop 11. Thg--entertainment end of the fath-- er armrd son supper at the Methodist chureh last Friday was an event of amateur and professional acting, am-- ateour acting by the boys and profes-- stonal by a magician who g£@A¥ve a very interesting show to both sons and fathers. The boys put on a camp scene with Bud Carroll as the boob. Ewerybody enjoyed the pro-- gram and it sure was worth while.-- Allen Hudson, Flying Eagle Patrol, Troop 11. CAMP SCENE AT BANQUET 'The scouts were all seated around the campfire when the men came up from dinner. We were telling storles and jokes,. "Pikes," our assistant scoutmaster, called for attention adn i ominn -,-vvg, bo couts UTiilcel §Ct NC Vauscs. uc VueCd UQ For just 18 years th 7 8 get awards were Gearge Spoor, Ken-- have been organized in/America. The neth McSarley, August Radloff, Mar-- movement has been very popular. ,,, Laycock, James Munson, Leo Boys have learned how to work @BRd |roj _ wijliam Whitney, Russell play and be good sports. SCoutin§ prorror George Madole, Russell has taken them out of doors @20 prown 'rrank Docauer, Glen Disney, made them acquainted with w0o0d8 jyypa)g Busch. Wm. Schneider. The and nature. It bhas taught theM g;pcong class scouts were -- Robert many useful activities which Bay® ;[2uL angq Robert James. The first heiped determine their life WOTK. ~|yy,. gooyt was Olof Edmon. There Today --couting offers meiit badges ,.., ,;.,, many merit badges award-- in 89 subjects. The scout may study ,.,, _ scout Marvin Laycock, Moose aviation or seamanship, electric:ty Patrol, Troop 71. or agriculture, to his t;sle. | w Beveral scouts of L:bertyvyille have | won merit bauges in a dozen or more ! 638 3 D:LEEEIL'N19R OFOOPR subjects. It is estimated that at| least 2.000,000 such badges have been We had ten at our meeting last awarded since 1911. During the h-ll{h'aturday morning at the home of year 12,000 boys hgvehbzzn enmlled;xwv. Jevne. _ Mr. Weight was in at Lone Scouts in isolated commun-- charge and Mr. Jevne and Mr. Mc-- Ities where it is impossible to form 8fManus helped. Now that the big ban-- large troop.--Scout H, Nelson, M008e ; quet is over, we are working hard for Patrol, Troop 71 awards at the next council. Signaling -------- ts our weakness now, but we will SPRING $ SOON HERE get our 30 words per minute with a The first sign of spring is to most little more practice. Next week peodle the coming of the birds. Yet |judging will be the subject of study there is something else besides the|(0r the second class scouts. We ex-- birds. As you walk along the street pect to get a good many awards at on the first baimy spring day, you the Highland Park Court March 18. will meet someone who has beaten --Raymond Kublank, Scribe Troop the birds to the outdoor life of our 77 Mundelein SPRING 1S$ SOON HERE | The first sign of spring is to most people the coming of the birds. Yet| there is something else besides the | birds. As you walk along the street on the first baimy spring day, you will meet someone who has beaten | the birds to the outdoor life of our| vicinity. It is the scout wamng[ with his knapsack, canteen and cook--| THANKS MR. SUTER The Boy Scouts of Troop 71 wish to thank Mr. Suter for helping get the fathers for the big father and son banquet last Friday.--Scout Maryitn Laycock, Mgose Patrol, 71 ing utensile over his shoulder, be ginning his hikes to the outdoor life --Bceout H. Neison, Moose Patrol, 71 ENTERTAINMENT AT BANQUET are now trying for first class pins. They are also working on their merit badges. There are several boys who are working on their second class requirements. The scouts of Mun-- delein thought the scout banquet was a great sguccess.--Melvin -- Rouse, Troop 17-- junior leaders, including scribes, pa-- trol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, senior patrol leaders and junior as sistant scoutmasters. The costs is §$2.25 for the three days. They go here to have a good time, get good camping experience, to learn things to hbhelp their respective patrols.-- Bcout Richard Wrrtzler, FPlying Ea-- gle Patrol, Troop 71. MUNDELEIN SCOUTS ADVANCE There were five scouts of Troop 11, Mundelein, who received second class pins Friday, Jan. 8. The boys SPRING CAMP OPENS sOooN Monday, March 25 Tuesday, Mch. %6, and Wednesday, March 27, Jun-- ior leaders' camp conference will be held at the Cabin in the Woods. It begins at 8:30 Monday morning and ends at 4 Wednesday afternoon. All PAGE TWO Infants' and Children's Wear SCOUTIN The father and son banquet went over with a bang. They had a fine supper, and while they were eating the were speeches, two by scouts Olof Edmund and Herman Nelson, and some by fathers. After supper they went upstairs and saw the Ten-- derfeet get their badges. The ones to get awards were Gearge Spoor, Ken-- neth McSarley, August Radloff, Mar-- ion Laycock, James Munson, Leo Kroll, William Whitney, Russell Proctor, George Madole, Russell Brown. Frank Docauer, Glen Disney, Donald Busch. Wm. Schneider. The second class scouts were _ Robert Hawk and Robert James. The first class scout was Olof Edmon. There were also many merit badges award-- K. P.; Bob Nelson as waterboy. BHreakfast was finished and dishes washed. Ready for inspection. Pass-- ing tests was next. Herm and Fat were to do scout's pace, fifty steps walking, fifty running. Ole Edman and Clarence < Wilson on signalng. Bob Hawk and _ Nelson on knots. Picks took Vernon of First Aid. We all got busy, especially Fat. He was pretty well fagged out by the sixth time around the church Auditorium, but Herm kept him going. We fin-- ished up by going swimming.--Scout Hawk, Eagle Patrol, Troop 71. er "Taps" was sounded. Eight hours elapsed. Then "Reveille" was sound-- ed. All of us were about half dress-- ed when we came piling out of the tent. . Fat was the last one out-- couldn't stand up straight or keep his eyes open. We were assigned our work. Herm Nelson, officer of the day; Fat and Vernon Andrews as we repeated the scout benediction. We all made a rush for the tent, "Fat" Carroll being pushed in. Nois-- es of all kinds followed, most of it from Fat. Everything was quiet aft-- Sunday and Monday, March 17th and 18th TVESDAY, MARCH GERMAN PRODbuUCTION YOU'LL MARVEL aAT Comedy -- Cartoon -- Hodge Podge COLMIAR »a Rescue Saturday, March 16------------Matinee and Evening 6 9 DAVID ROLL PREP ano PEP' wirn DAYID, ROLLINS Deerpath Theatre MANY SCOUTS GET AWARDS PHONE 321 "LOOPING Comedy LOOP" POLKA BROS. Latest News |27. This team will be entered by 'thu Libertyville Recreation Center, and will be known as their team ; No. 2. ; Franzen Lumber Co and Team No. |1 of the Recreation Center will roll 1in the Congress April 4 Franzen's |team lists W. Johnson, Gus Krum-- rey, Fred Wilkening, E. Philes and _ H. Olsen, while the other team in-- cludes H. Lill, C. Dietz, Art Winkler, | Wayne Bell and Roy Waters. | weeks' duration. The Libertyville Club will be rep resented by & five man team com-- posed of Frank Wright, Walter Stang, George Ives, William Peter-- son and Harry Titus. Chas. Setler, |Tom Suydam, Orin Muhlke, Robert Lill and Eugene Luce will 'do their best to knock wood over on March NEXT WEEK WED. and THURS., MARCH 20.21: Comedy FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MCH. 2223 : RICHARD BARTHELMESS in Local Bowlers to ~Compete in Chicago Four bowling teams, made up of the best pin hitting artists of Liber-- tyville and Mundelein will compete March 27 and April 4 in the Ameri-- ican Bowling Congress, which got under way a week ago at the Dexter Park -- Pavilion, Chicago for six Police believe that the jar con-- taining the tiny body was thrown from a car to the parking as the lid was lying some distance from the par where apparently it had roll-- ed after the container struck the ground. Highwood police first learned of the presence of the tiny body when a young man informed them that a companion of his had made the dis-- covery some hours before, but was The matter was referred to the Lake Foresat police and the small body wasitaken to Lake Forest po-- lice heaiquarters where it was ex amined by Dr. A. J. Rissinger, who declared that it might bhave been born a month or two prematurely. Finding of the body of an infant in a glass candy jar on the parking alongside of Sheridan road near the Sacred Heart academy in Lake For-- est, Friday night, resulted in an in-- vestigation by Lake Forest police and Dr. Maurice Penney, acting county coroner. afraid police The body, that of a developed Infant, is believed to have lain on the parking for at least 24 hours be-- fore it was found. Police and Coroner's Office Seek to Identify Body ® _ of -- Babe BODY OF INFANT FOUND LYING ON PUBLIG HIGHWAY "SCARLET SEAS" overwhe'ming odds. treachery, elemental craft and pirates 5t blue, battling for |fe against Interference Four Sons Uncle Tom's Cabin An Adventurer of the briny +r PM "*THE WIND" with LARS HANSON to report the matter to th@ Lillian Gish NANCY DREXEL Cartoon LIBERTYVILLE INDODEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1929 Dynamic News LAKE FOREST Novelity AUDITORIUM ADVERTISEMENTS AND NEWS ITEMS CONCERNING THEATRES--DANCES--RES TAURANTS--RECREA TION , Mother love, brotheriy love, and the love of youthful sweethearts; all three are woven into the story of-- { 646 99 FOUR SONS with MARGARET MANN, JAS,. HALL, GEO,. MEEKER, FRAN:; CIS X. BUSHMAN, Jr., JUNE COLLYER and CHAS. MORTON. Comedy: "Newlywed's Headache Thursday, Friday, March 21 and 22 'NAUGHTY BABY Wednesday, Mch. 20 ON THE STAGE ; Libertyville -- Munde: _ lein Spring Style Show ' New styles for the men, a n d beautiful creations 'in Easter frocks for the ladies. Rose was a splash on the beach --Dut a tidal wave in the Ritz. Conrad Woolrich's story that won the College Humor $10,000 prize-- Comedy: "WATCH YOUR STEP" Tues., Wednesday, March 19 and 20 ... The struggle of a girl who had to decide between the man she loved and her country. Sunday, Monday, March 17 and 18 'Children of the Ritz' Saturday, March 16 . Yhe,Badger State's Unique Rythm Masters George O'Brien ----A N Q-- Lois Moran --IN-- "TRUE HEAVEN®" Saturday, March 23 Open Every Night for Bowling, Billiards Following policies of formen years, the Antioch Palace will have only the best dance orchestras, furnishing only the highest qual-- ity of music. The Antioch Palace is known throughout the middle west as being one of the cleanest amusement places of its kind. I hat's why the Palace is becoming more popular each year. U & 4A UA &A dA And His Artists of Modern Dance Rhythm SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1919 COMING ATTRACTIONS "LAND o'LAKES ORCHESTRA" SPRING OPENING One Mile South of Antioch on Highway 21 ALSO REVIEW AND FABLE 'Chuck Dorothy Mackaill --A N D-- Jack Mulhall 8:30 TO 12 MONDAY: APRIL 1, 1929 MUSIC BY PAUL'S ENTERTAINERS AT ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL HALL, ANTIOCH PALACE Alice White LIBERTYVILLE THEATRE MARIAN CLUB 1 A N C B TO DANCE LOVERS-- given by the Newhouse Our chef knows how to prepare food in a home--made way to guit your taste . . just as you like it and just as you want it. Dine At FINSTAD'S DIETZ'S STABLES Saturday, March 16 Dancing Until 2 a. m. 2/ |H ANNUAL MASQUERADE FRIDAY, MCH. 15 ; USUAL PRIZES GIVEN Brandstetter's _ Jockey Club Orchestra IICKETS . ------ 50c aA PERSON GRA Y SLAKE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY OPERA HOUSE 624 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE Usual Admission Prices in Effect ST. PATRICK'S EVE DANCE CELEBRATION GRAYSLAKE, ILLINO!IS FINSTAD'S EAT SHOPPE Favors for All To--day' --GIVEN BY-- D A NC E. 50c A PERSON at i TITO CAFE | _ _A dance will be given by the Mar-- 'lan Club at St Joseph's Hall. Danc-- 'ing from 8 to 12. Music by Paul's | Entertainers. -- Because of popular demand, the management of the Alcyon Theatre at Highland Park, will show "The Singing Fool" one day more, Friday, March 15. The Alcyon Theatre, which is equipped with the Vita-- phone, bhas been filled to capacity with folks desiring to see the pic-- ture, 'considered one. of the best "talkig@s" ever produced. There will be a St. Patrick's eve dance and 'celebration at Dietz's 8t4-- bes, Ivanhoe, Saturday, March 16th. It is announced that there will be dancing until 2 a m. Favors will be provided for all who'atoend, and the management has made arrangements whereby everyone will be assured of having a good time. "Singing Fool" At Highland Park Long before it was announced that the "Womanless Wedding" was to be presented at Libertyville, re-- ports came in of the tremendous hit it had gcored at Deerfield and other places,. As a result the sale of tick-- ets has been very gratifying to the committee in charge. The play will be presented tonight (Thursday) and again tomorrow night. Dance at Ivanhoe St. Patrick's Eve levi, in his etforts to attend an invitation. is another big And the wedding itsel:-- trance of the bride and groc altendants and. finally the b The "Womanless Wedding," given | under the auspices oft the ladies Aid Society of the First Methodist Church, is comuosed of an entirely all male cast : Some sixty prominent business men of Libertyville and vi-- cinity help to make this one of the funniest entertainments ever offered locally. | Ceremony, -- provides -- a funny ending to an ev+ laughter. In addition :o well known nation-- ai cnaraclers, such as President Hogver, ex--President Coolidge, Chas. Lindbergh,. . Ann -- Morrow, -- Henry Ford and the Prince of Wales, many Other folks of fame will be present. Uncle Josh and Aunt Samantha will come to the wedding and provoke sige--spiltting laughter. molomon Sixty Business Men in 'Womanless Wedding' window trimming contest to be sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce If careful preparation means any-- thing, the dance to be given Monday evening, April 1st, by the Marian Club, in St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty-- ville, will be a big success. Paul's entertainers have been secured to furnish the music and the committee in charge of the dance is planning so that everyone in attendance is assured of a pleasant evening. Thursday, March 21-- semiannual style show offered at Auqitorium Theatre, by merchants of Libertyville and Mundelein "Our-- Missions in Brazil" an illus trated lecture, under auspices of St Matthew's Lutheran cbhurch, at Fair field hall. Thurs., Friday, March 1418-- "'The Womanless Wedding" to be presented at the Libertyville high school for benefit of Ladies' Aid So-- clety, First M. E. church. Concert by the Rhondda Welich Male Glee Singers at the high school auditorium, under auspices of Liber-- tyville band. Tuesday, March 19-- _A winter picnic will be held by the | Hosvital Auxiliary. [ Wednesday, March 20-- Marion Club to Give After Easter Dance Monday, April 1-- Wednesday, April 12-- 'THE onLy PLACE OF ITS KIND on THE NORTH SHORE Friday, April 12-- And you have the privilege of enjoying our wonderful music and dance floor. «No cover charge. Tuesday, March 26-- varg party at Countryside by the Hospital Auxiliary, We serve that famous Itallan dish--Spaghettl. . For fried chicken, whether for dinner or sandwich, we can't be beat; and when it comes to a steak dinner, we serve the choic-- est T--Bone Tenderioin _ steak. Toasted sandwiches, two, three and four--decker--club style. fiTo caAFE It's true enough that our prices are above the'average, but you can digest our food. Your stom-- ach, above everything else, is your best friend. Watch These Dates NORTH CHICAGO Telephone 5257 *) (©) (®) groom. their he burlesque screaminkly hit. The Club Organ Overture Concert Orchestra Comedy with James Murray and Barbara Kent. A thrilling drama of the Prize Ring -- and a new kind of Racketeer. BIG TALKING SCENES MmONDAY, TUES., and WED MARCH 18, 19 AND 20-- wWHEELING, ILLINO1IS. PHONE WHEELING 10 OR 18 A BEAUTIFUL HALL AVALIABLE AT MODERATE RENTAL FOR PARTIES, BANQUETS, WEDDINGS AND DANCES Reggie: I say, old girl, you're ripping! Margie: Oh dear, where abouts? Reggie: No, no; I mean your appearance. Margie: I thought you meant I had eaten too much. I AM ashamed of my appe-- tite tonight, but they serve such wonder-- ful steak and chicken dinners here that ~one almost turns gourmand. [alk! Sound! Talk! "The Shake Down" Al Jolson in Alcyon Theatre HIG H L A N D P A RK FRIDAY, MARCH 15 _ THE VIRGINIA CAFE Tyy our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the excel lence of the food, and moderate prices. For a Well--Cooked, Well--Served Meal, Patronize BY REQUEST OF HUNDREDS OF OUR PATRONS GIEINIE $E |E ON THE SCREEN The Best of all Talking Pictures ONE DAY MORE MA AGREAT STATES THEATRE | SUNDAY ONLY, MARCH 17 WE SHOW UNION MHOTEL (OVERHEARD AT UNION HOTEL) OPEN ALL NIGHT AT WAUKEGAN The Smene oo THURS., FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 22 AND 23-- Organ Overture; News; Comedy Frank Wallin and Joyboys 'Wearin' o0' the Green' with a great company of Entertainers ON THE SCREEN oN THE STAGE