BARRINGTON WILL VOTE MAR. 30 ON VILLAGE BOARD The Barrington village board to'|G. Suydam day set Saturday, March 30, as the !'T. Suydam date for the village primary elec--| tion. ,' Barrington elects this year a presi-- 'TEAM NO, 2-- dent of the board, three members | Waters of the board, a police magistrate, Luce ... l and two members of the library hKrumrey . board. | Cadwallader to Be Candidate for Re--Election as Presi-- dent, Is Report Two For Mayoralty J. C. Cadwallader, outgoing presi-- dent, is a candidate for reelection Foster Weigel, now a trustee, whose term expires this spring, is opposing Mayor Cadwallader. Geo. J. Hager, another outgoing trustee, is not a candidate for re--election. Sandfort E. Rieke, the third trustee whose term ektpires, will run agatin. R. F. Kocher, Sr.. who served as a vil-- lage trustee for two terms,. {m an-- nounced bhimself a candidate ffor the board. Geo. W. Nightinuul;'a-_ anoth-- er former trustee is also & candi-- date, and Fred W. Homuth, who twice made an unsucceseful attempt for a place on the board, has also filed. Mr. and Mi . James Leonard came back to Lake Villa Friday last. They are now well settled in their home and say that they enjoyed the three months' visit in Chicago with their and say that they enjoyed lne U"}~?" months' visit in Chicago with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ebeler. Mrs. Elmer Rentner is expected home from Mayo brothers clinic at Rochester, Minn., this week. She has been operated on and is much im: proved in health. A. D. Church or Magistrate A. D. Church is a candidate for police magistrate, and T. M. Creet,. outgoing police magistrate, has in-- formed the press that he would be a candidate for re--election, but he has not yet filed with the clerk No candidates have announced for the two library board membership»@ A&> i+ erands now. the lineup wi'" o -- LAKE VILLA _ o 00000000000000 tertained h from Chicag The funeral of E. AaA. Wilton was held here in the M. E. church Wed-- nesday afternoon. It was largely at-- Mrs. Frank Slazer, nee Arleane Sheehan, is expected home today from the Victory Memorial hospital Mr. and Mrs. Slazer are happy over the arrival of a baby girl. As it stands now, the iine\ be as follows: For President of the Board Cadwallader and Foster Weig For Members of the Board: fort E. Rieke, R. F. Kocher, G Nigbhtingale and F W. Hom: Nigbtingale and F. W. Homuth For Police Magistrate: _A Church. o o o 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 Homuth, wh 'ceseful attempt board,. has als© ed as a Yib )3A V rim's. %im an: | idate ffor the : m:ul;'t'. anoth-- I{TEAI lso 'a candi. ) Boyd {omuth, whe \Borst s«ful attempt ; Wilk« Creet. | tend as in-- ;num ild be | will ut he the clerk | M d for xed t shipe 'erty W D 1. |TEAM NO. 5 TEAM NO. 34-- | weirich ... \Franzen ... Johnson ... TEAM NO. 1-- Smith | ......2> TEAM NO. 4-- TEAM NO. 6-- Sta Dasher Seiler R H tended. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Mr. Wilton will be missed in his home and in the entire community. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pester visit-- ed their daughter and family in I4b-- ertyville one day this week, Lawrence Thayer visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Thayer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haley were in Waukegan Saturday. John Walker was at his home Sun-- day but returneq to Delavyan, Wis,, where he works. Mrs. Daisy Riney was at her home here over the week end. She en-- tertained her daughter and family from Chicago Mr. and Mre. William H. Sheehan returned to their homes here from Florida the first of this week. They report a very pleasant winter but they /are glad to be among their friends here again. Edward Leonard visited over the week end with relatives here in town returning to Chicago Sunday evening where he is taking a course of law studies. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Avery and children drove to Chicago Saturday returning Sunday. Mrs George Gooding and baby daugzhter of Libertyville visited her parents and other relatives here last week Helen Willlamson visited ber pa--| rents home over the school vacation. [ returning to Waukegan Sunday. | NEWS OF THE PIN HITTERS Winkler n&# & City League 124 167 447 156 158 185 500 536 508 190 191 478 159 193 163 dd 152 190 179 159 128 191 183 502 2 00 189 159 194 148 183 169 168 200 181 549 176 196 191 563 509 189 134 186 542 154 187 190 191 11 'TEAM NO, 4-- Tulley | ....._.....__ Kruckman _ _ Jo'p{)e mitz: .. TEAM NO. 3-- Fendick ... Brown ......... Hubbard | ........ Steir TEAM NO. 2-- TEAM NO. 1-- Moelter | _ .. IAMISK | .essccssisscnlss Beitzel sl! C. Flagg -- E. Kennedy K. Trggs Henning Krase . Porteous Madden 497 492 464 TEAM NO. 5--DOUGHBOYS 416 493 41 TEAM NO. 7--SHAVETAILS Pre Lacey _lull_2_cl5l 145 15 Noeville . l...128 l41 195 American Legion TEAM NO. 6--BUCK PRIVATES U ruen wialiCl McKitrick Muhnlke _ Wheeler 455 422 TEAM NO. 4--SERGEANTS R Kennedy 173 151 Carlson 2222222222152 167 H Liil L170 1690 N E. A. Wilton Wednesday of the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wiiton and son from Chicago spent Sunday at the E. A. Wilton home. Mr and Mrs. Anthony Leonard of Round Lake, Mr and Mrs: John Leonard and Mrs. Leonard's father, Mr. Markuec from lake Forest were guests of Mr. and Mrs: James leon: ard Sunday. Lorst Dad's League LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1929. 188 139 144 130 4%5 478 497 152 97 139 139 531 137 110 103 181 141 i83 640 158 164 151 133 131 130 185 152 129 151 170 152 155 178 676 591 133 128 181 137 155 149 =U02 114 149 130 185 161 133 110 450 151 153 140 505 191 166 122 154 150 1453 1321 1303 1478 182 182 646 152 156 121 184 584 141 567 132 169 390 555 blo 111 187 452 422 366 482 510 496 168 ) 1) Temporary injunction was issued Friday by Circuit Judge C. C. Ed-- wards to halt excavation in Rail way averue, Fox Lake, where Louis O}-- son, a member <of the board of trus-- tees in Fox Lake, is digging to the depth of four feet according to the charges made by Frank Gerretsen, a brother board member. _ EXCAVATE STREET IN FOX LAKE; GET COURT INJUNCTION Gerretsen _ and -- Wallace Mann, Anna F. Sulltvan and William L Sul-- livan, in the petition for injunction which was filed by Attorney E. V. Orvis, charged that -- Olson gained permission from the village board to haul dirt onto his lots. to haul dirt onto his lots. It is charged that the lots involv-- ed are not owned by Olson but by the Sullivans and that if the exca: vation is continued that the street will be dug out to a depth of four feet causing irreparable damage tOo the property owned by the petition-- ers. Date of hearing on the final in junction will bring a fight, it , was predicted in court. R C Hallock, who has been quite ill at his home, is able to be around again. The trained nurse, Miss An-- derson, who cared for him for sey-- eral week:, returned to Waukegan Member of Board of Trustees Charges That Lots Will Be Without a Street Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley and sons. Dean and Vernon, were Wau: keran m{lvru Tuesday. Asa Crabtree called on friends here Thursday afternoon. Miss Belle Taggart, Mrs. Albert Gossell and Miss Mar,yaret Duers were Waukegan visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoeéen and fam-- ily were Woodstock collers last Wednesday. o o 0o 0o 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0o 0o 0 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 o o WAUCONDA _ o ern States since last November re turned home last week. Mr and Mrs. Herman Brown ol Forest Park, were guests at the home of Mrs: Frank Dickson a tew days laat week. Mr. and Mrs William Jobnson, who have been traveling in the west: last wee Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer enoter tained a number of friends and rel -'.Avrtl-m-r_"'l:ilva_wr of Pleasant Pral: rie visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thayer one day the last of bere Sundd@y the week Auzustus Rentner returned to town after an absence of a few weeks. He is now employed at the Reutner Haley filling station. visited at the John Walker home gan-- cCO Herman Brown 0o Mrs. Stewart of Ashland, Wis., is visiting relatives in this vicinity for a few days . otives Sunday evening, in honor of Mrs. Gainer's birthday. Several ta-- bles were filled with euchre players. Mrs. Al Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powers called on friends at Waukegan Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Dowell went to the Con-- dell hospital in Waukegan Tuesday or _treatment. Lewis Hubbard has a new radio, installed recently. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beseley werk in MceHnry Sunday. . The three weeks old infant daugh-- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gossell LUDLOW MOTOR CO. of LIBERTYVILLE Dan E. Winn, Manager, 608 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, IIl. THE NEW FZI LKRA RL LR1°C J ALL AMERICAN SIX speed and acceleration. That's what you get in the New All--American Six . ... This greatest of all Oaklands is enjoying ever-- increasing popularity. Simply because in-- vestigation proves that it has no equal in all that it offers at its price. More for your money. _ More beauty, luxury and style. More balanced power, Prices $1145 to §1875, §{. 0. b. Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges. Spring covers and Lovejoy Hvdraulic Shock Absorbers included in list prices. Bumpers and rear fender guards estre. Check Osakland delivered prices --they include lowest handling charges. UGeonersl Motors Time Payment Plan available ot minimum rets. Investigation proves that it has no equal at its price PRODUCT OF CENERAL MOTORS OAKLAND Mr. O'"Toole of Aurora, ws a guest at the home of Mrs. Jane Eatinger and son, George, a few days lost week. Ralph Stoen and family have mov-- ed from Fremont otwnship to the farm they purchased near Wood:-- stock. -- was token to a Highland Park spe-- cialist Morday for treatment, and it was found to be suffering _ with xpenumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew -- Sorensen visited friends in Libertyyille --the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children and George Deinlein attend-- ed a show in Waukegan Saturday. The Coupe, $114§. + Body by Fisher LUBERTYVILLE RECREATION , CENTER _ N. Milwaukee Ave. INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. --ELECHRI C--RADIO--_ Is Kinc/ Mighty Monarch of the Air NFEW MODELS we READY PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 64 NOW AND LET US ARRANGE A DEM-t ONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU"~" IN ANY WAY. CONVENIENT TERMS. * The WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed E. L. YELDEN Have Your Dmousm;én;: vyow) General Contractor Libertyville, Ill. PJ 501 N. Milwaukee Ave. \_-- Telephone 64 l?gowling' Our modern, Brums wick alleys offer cvcr'Y convenient facility for playing and enjoying this pre mier indoor rec-- For that exhausted fecling so prevalent among people who work inside all day the modern physician prescribes bowling. He knows just how this health--building recreation benefits the human body by eliminating sluggishness, promoting the activity of dormant muscles, and effect-- ing a general stimulation of every bodily function. ~You needn't use valuabie business time to bowl. A spare half hour can be turned to good advantage in our health "shop." LOUIS XVI LNUT CABINET, DOORS DIAMO HED ORIENTAL WALNUT WITH G 1D MARQUETRY BORDER INSTR NEL ALSO OF DIAMOND MATCHED O AL WALNUT FRAMED WITH BUTT WALNUT AND BIRDS EYE MAPLE PANEL oA TITUS BROS. Doctor Prescribed s '%'\ \5\ n __-- > _ Ts 3'?; \"\ S Libertyville, Hlinois PAGE THREE Phone 554--J Libertyville 16797 5°