proposed killinx th dog and roast ing it in the fire. "A big wave had purched a hote in the cabin. Ne!l: plugged it with a epat and the jce froze around it and sealed it. But the fire had gone out and the old was terrible 1| fainted made it worse h\ how a good juicy 'The boys woere 1 n "The second day, 1 was still no sight of quit working the pu using buckets for h: rigged up ansiznal | eoat to a fish ~o soon coated it with i« the white. stift flag \ ibte on the gray lake "The fuel ramn out and I broke up some chairs and benchese for the fire while the boys worked away at the pumps. The leak seemed to gain, so I grabbed a bucket and worked with them. We didn't sigsht a living thing all day--nothing but wavres crowding down from all sides Burn Life Preservers "There was no wood left for fuel that night so we ripped upjthe life preservers and put them on the fire We knew we'd go anyway if the boat foundered. The burning cork and canvas gsayve off a choking smoke but we didn't dare open the cabin door ftor fear the w a V er would ewamp us. Emmet Jensen ran to the wheel as | a second wave lifted the craft hish-l He attempted to head her nose into the gale, but with only one man at | the pumps the water rose in thef cabin, so Emmet dropped the wheel | As darkness fell the Uncle Sam turned her stern +o the wind andl scudded southeast before it. Saw Lights of Waukegan ' For a tin Wedne day nisht the hapless three could see the lights| of Waukegan, but the winds gradu-- | ally washed them farther and {arth-] er out into the lake and they finally ; saw the ligzshts of the city disappear over the horizon. Fven then they coultd not con--| ceive of the days ut suffering that| lay before th m. They held hopes that help would come to them. "The boys worked 'away at the pumps all night," said Mrs. Jensen The two men, forced to spend their time in bailing the water out of the boat, were unable to tinker with the engine and the small craft ar'fted _ helplessly in the terrific gale "We werse sick when dawn. hroke'lf'"fl SALE and we saw no land. The weather| [ 7, mah was colder and our soaking clothes | Meut wWil began to freeze stiff. 1 had wrapped | \ill rent . Peggy under my coat like a papoose | allow this i for warmth and she scratched me , P!ad0 Shoj terribly as the boat rocked like a Chicago. J tobozgzan. | or n n Waukegan when the gale blowing The boat, badly damaged, was 42 miles an hour at times struck |permitted to remain at South Chi-- the lake It was then that the fight |cago for repairs while the three af-- for life which. lasted 72 hours be--|ter a good night's rest and after gan. » spending most of Sundavy with Wave Damages Cabin friends, returned to Waukegan Mrs. Jensen, wearing only light Relatives Had Given Up Hope street clothes and low shoes, sought J. Jensen, lighthouse keeper on an the shelter of the cabin and there |!sland near Marinette, Wis , and fa:-- found warmth until a wave striking }!her 0f the two young men, came to it rent a large hole in the wall and Waukegan -- Sunday afternoon to water pouring through the opening |4Wait the return of his sons and wet the igznition and stopped the en-- daughter--in--law. _ Mr. Jensen, who, 'gine. and at the same time pluoged | With other relatives of the three be-- the three into suffering from the;llt'"ed them to be dead, was over cold stinging spray and into long.'lfl.\'*'d when he Clearnhed that they seemingly interminable hours of| Were safe. So certain were rela: bailing. *"\H of the three that they wouldy Thae twa men foreed oto sbnend |Teéturn that the personal belonging@s -- The two men had set their nets and in the evening were headed for Waukegan when the gale blowing 42 miles an hour at times struck the lake It was then that the fight for life which. lasted 72 hours be-- The three left Waukegan at | o'clock Wednesday morning to go 20 miles northeast in the lake where the two brothers set out some nets As the sun was shining and the laks was calm, Mré. Jensen decidéd to accompany the two as an excursion. Woman Teils of Fears '"My wife is a wonderful ship: mate," Nels Jen--en has confidéd to friends, but the wile, although she Aisplayed rare courage and fortitude during the long str=:gle for their lives by the three, admitted today that she feared for her life and those oft her husband and brother--in--law, "I did not cry teare," she sald, "but I could not keep from scream-- ing as the waves broke over the boat and poured trrough the hole in the small cabin and I knew we were helpless before the storm." 'with a bucket in my boys were pretty wea Trying to Forget Seemingly in full health and spir-- its despite the exposure, hours of hunger and mental anguish through which they passed as their frail craft tossed about on the waters of the lake, a helpless prey to wind and waves, and while crews of other and more sturdier craft found the sea too dangerous to navigate, the two men and the woman were pre-- paring today to settle back into the routine of th--ir lives and determin-- ed to forget the trying ordeal. Although regarded as a heroins and one whose courage inspired the two men to szreater efforts while she likewise gave valuable aid in keeping the craft afloat, MVrs. Jen-- sen, who ijs but 21 years old, de clared today that she would never venture out into the lake in a boat of that type aszain. We The subject of Aundreds of ques: tions put to them by friends and forced to tell and retell their exper-- iences and impressions during their heroic fight of four days and three nights, for their lives in the small 35 foot launch in the storm-- maddened lake, the Jenseens were probably' the most sought after personages in the city today. And to the Jensens their release from the long ordeal which will live indelibly in their minds for the rest Of their lives seems almost beyond conception. Returning from their harrowing fight for theiwr lives while their small craft was buffeted about on the storm swept lake for 72 hours, Nes Jensen, his wife, Mrs. Anna Jensen, and his brother, Emmett Jensen, were welcomed back to their home on the lake front Sunday night by the fisher folk it they had returned from the dead. Regard Their Return From Harrowing Ordeal as That of Return From Dead PAGE EIGHT little Pegg bi1t AFTER LONG FIGHT FOR LIVES w er US Thu in coulrl not con: 1 suffering that They held hopes finally Emmet dog and roast-- nyway df the burning cork hoking smoke en the cabin aves _ would 11 T win : W h ild n As € W the life | FPOR SALE--Two. the fire. | old; 1 Holstein, f the Guernsey bulls, 16 ng cork bassed 100(, ; teste @ smoke ephone Libertyyville . there . W1 Ve had ley [ were dll{ Emmp( 'Hll n @2 petites *T C _._ _ |Waukegan Daily Sun by the Asso-- heroins ; cijated Press and in a few more min-- ired th€ (ures copies of this paper with the ts wbilt'l\.y,," of the feturn of the three to _aid 0 | jife were being eagerly bought on rs. Jt'11"thc* streets and the news within a old, de : few minutes became the outatanding d neye" | subject of discussion in the city i1 a boat | _ Tocal fishermen who have sailed the lake for years in all kinds o' rs weather, as well as cofstguards-- il ship--| men and othermm"lost hope on Friday fided to |that the three would ever return ugh ghe'alm-. They held that no boat of the fortitude | type in which the three were riding or their |could live through such a storm as a today |that of Wednesday night nd those Searches Prove Futile r--in--law. When the search made by an air-- he said, ) Dlane from Great Lakes, the long scream-- |and dangerous trip into the lake by ver the Capt. Henry Smith in the "Sweet he hole]h»'art" and the extensive combing new we j of the lake by coast guard units rm." !lrnm Racine, Kerosha,' Evanston, an at 1| Chicago -- harbor, _ Jackson Park. to go 20 , Ssouth Chicago and other points on » where | Friday failed to disclose any trace me nets |O0f the missing craft, it was not the lake ) thouzht possible that the small ideq to | boat was afloat. cursion. It was generally thouszht that the eir nets | boat had foundered during the storm ideq for| Wednesday night s W a V we other Invi his Libertyville P I C4 ACCC CEMIVME WOLI To anet P Onel ~L°C uL iirst Monday of May next 1929, sunday -- afternoon at the Dowell when and where all persons having bome, # claims against said estate are DCti-- Douglas Waite of Round Lake was mhed and requested to present tiL a business caller in this locality last same to said court for adjudication. Monday. CLARA WEIAND, _ | Mr and Mrs Harry Passfield and Administratrix. 'son. John, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pass-- Waukegan, Iil., March 11, 1929. | field and sons Donald, and Harry, 59 mch 14 21 28:~'lr. and Mrs. Joe Passtieid were W Emmeéet, who is but 22 years old. has also revealed the fact that the experience of being adrift in a storm was not new to him. The same in-- cident occurred once before. Two years ago he and two other youths were lost two days on the lake off Naubunway, Mich., but were picked and enking West Lake est 796--Y-- POI The two Jensens were discussing the possibility today as to-- when they will be able to raise the nets., the setting of which almost cost them their lives. They _ probably will have to wait until their boat is repaired and there i; some specu-- lation as to whether or not their catch of fish will be a gooq ene. Adrift Once Before of all had been 'taken to of a sister of the two n FPOR SALE--Full pedig:1 volice dogs: ten mont Naubunway, Mich., but up without enduring hardship Emmet withst ond time. "OR SALK--Flield weather, as we men and otherm that the three alive. Thev hel three Wauke ciated '"The boys puttered with the igni-- tion ior hours in the darkness but each time they whirled the flywheel the engine choked and died. At last dawn came and we could see the shore line faintly thrdugh the erayness. Finally Reach Haven At 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon the "Uncle Sam,." vith Mrs. Jensen at the wheel and the small cra'ft covered with ice, was brought to the dock of the coast suard station at 91st street, South Chicago. The three staggered up the path to the coast guard station and were greet-- ed by Capt A. A. Brown, who him-- self had spent many hourse on the lake during the three days in search-- ing for the missing craft and its three occupants Within an hour the fact that the Waukegan Daily S ciated Press and in utes copies of this story of the feturn life were being ea "With renewed hope Nes and Em met worked at thr balky engine while I kept bailing with a bucket. About 10 o'clock, after trying a hun-- dred times, Nets got two cylinders hitting and we began to move, I steered a straight line west for the "The boys were so exhausted they sat down and slept in a foot of water on the cabin floor. I forgot the cold and hunger as the boat chugged on slowly. The land close on either side looked like paradise as I steer-- boys were pretty weak, too. In Water to Knees "It was the same all day Friday-- no hbheat, no food, only the work of bailing with the buckets with the freezring water up to our knees. The ice was gathering thicker on the hull and Neis feared the boat would sink under it, although the sea was calm-- er. "Finally, > few hours before dawn Saturday, we saw-- a Elow in the southwestern sky. We thought it might be Chicago's loop and it bear-- tened us. M shore slowly. The 1 side looked like ed up the river complete 10+ W 0o Late to Classify onsin Pedigree ay home grow n se« late seed pola@to« sCh, Mundelein ADJVUDICATiON NOTicE ~AlLFM_--Rnabe grand piano, 5 7, mahogany; a beautiful instru-- Will take $500U0, delivered rent six months for $50. and this if purchased later. Alden's ) Shop, 134 Tenth St, North £0. Phone 388. I! tf SALE--Pres 1 ALE --Knabe gra were s W Herschberger Phone 656. 1¢ W evat] early and late oats; Pedigree and Velvert bar d n Lt Y a Pressluire water system, with two pumps, tank reasonabte Geo. L. Yore, 'orest. _ Fhone Lake For-- 11 it tatives of the three be to be dead, was over he Clearnhed that they so certain were rela: three that they woulds ie personal belongings , 16 mos. old. tested Feb., 192 wo milk cow$3 yrs ife was flashed ~walnp, scouts in the White Mts., NNi See e ie rninspemrmmatcecens lund scouts of Bakshire, by Eaton; * scouts of the Wolf Patrol, Corcoran; > to Cl&'llfy Scout Year Book; Boys' Book of Electricity, -- Smaill; D)ebating _ fo: 2 e y i Bboys, Foster; -- Evening@gs With the :;ah:' li':ii?mfi"?'?&ms_|Sld;a_ l'ro,cxur; Handbook tor Boys ; Ke $50000, dell\'ered""m"m?' Book tor B40ys, Camping months for $50, andJ""'l scouting, Indoor Book -- for chased later Am"n.s'l"uyfi, Qutdoor Book for Boys-- all 4 TenthlSt NunhHour by Harper: Lives of the Hunt-- e 388. 11 ";vd, weton; Make It Yourself; Raven ~----..--.--------------__--__.__, | Patrol of Bob's Hill, Burton; Roif in ill pedigreed ('..-rman}rhw Woods, seton; Shelters,. Shacks ten months old; low and Shanties, Beard: Ted Sheldon, PA h wet en to the home« two men at Ra 667 thouzht that the during the storm O Bros., Prairie' Boy Scout, Wilson; Trees, Rogers: 2. 11 2t Two Little Savages, Seton:; -- Your ~--------o--_------ i self and Your Body, Grenfell; Wild water 9)'8'9m.,:\nimal Ways and Wild Animals at pum ps, '3nk'}{onw, Seton; _ Wild Flower Book, Geo. L. Yore, Sounsberry. d-- --New Pro W hand and the 1eTnse corn; early Call L. A. Telephone 11 2t nearl )ba H m ereot to n th« Herd Tel-- It §C( hat de-- urt th the 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0o 0o 0o o o and ship sued witn Boy Scout Book Shelf -- At the Public Library 0 0 0 0 o0 o0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o conlaln {[D the next n America by Bond; uilding an W I There are but 22 beds in the sani-- tarlum and officials of the society believe that there should be 33 more |to bring the tot@l up to 50. I "There is no room now. Every 'bed is filled and it is impossible to separate women, men and children ,T'ne only way to admit a tubercular now is to wait for a patient to die .er get discharged," Miss Theda Wa-- 'terman, county nurse, stated. _ Lewis B. Hanby, Libertwrille -- Hearing on proof of will continued to March 11 John Kalal, sr, Town of Cuba-- Will proved and admitted to record Heirship proved. $25 given to each of his children, balance of estate to his wife alue of estate 03,000 personal property Letters _ testa mentary issued to Charles T. Allen Bond of $§6,.000 Proceedings in the probate court Thursday were as follows: Reuben H. Donneliey, TLake Forest --Petition for probate of will filed and set for hearing April 1. Heirship proved. Theodore H. uwurst, Waukesgsan ---- Report of sale of real estate approy 4 M | The board goes into session next Tuesday bus Assistant, Supervisor Frank Cory, chairman of the hospital committee, advised the members oi the society to wait until the June meeting due to the fact that the election will change the personnel of the board to such an extent that all the work would have to be done An addition to the tuberculosis sanitarium at the Lake County Gen-- eral hospital is to be asked at the June session of the board of super-- visors by the Lake County Tuber-- culosis society, it was learned today. over sfton Lack of money, it is understood. has deterred the county board from making additions to the hospital. Approve Nurse Helper The society also voted to retain another graduate nurse in the coun-- ty. The work of the new member will be in the county schools for the Imnost part. Oo0K, (C ave walnbp-- Sc T. B. ADDITION AT COUNTY HOSPIT AL WILL BE SOVUGHT 22 Beds There Are Crowded Will Ask County to Build Addition for 33 More LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1929 I+€ month : an Boys' Engineering Book ; _ Birds. Bilancluan; Boat ind oating, eard; Book of Collins; Boy scouts at w ell. Corcoran: Haok a' presented at the March ses storie shel fol VOLO mcouts Corcoran: »<. Mathiews for Boy Scouts wili owing books du:iinx n issued to of _ $14,.000 hland Pafk 1 wil} filed tho 140 Heir otdered obs lions of the Book 0 ; Hike Dismal _ Jos. 0. Earnshaw I hereby announce my candidacy for--the office of Justive o f the Peace for the Town-- s hip of Libertyville, subject to the will of the voters at a Republi-- can caucus to be held Ssaturdayvy after-- noon, March 16, 1929. I resnectfully ask for your support at this caucus. ' 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Constable for Libertyvyille Town-- ship subject to the will of the voters of the township at a caucus to be held Saturday after-- noon, March 16, 1929, and I respectfully ask your support at this caveus. Libertyville Township A Man of Service Sunday dinner guests at the Llioyd Eddy home in Grayslake. The din-- ner was in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield's wedding anniver-- sary . -----_--_'------__--'--4""0" SALE----Chicken scratch feed, WANILU POR BALE OR RENT --80 acre farm | _ mixed ready to feed, $2.25 per 100 =--------=------------------------------------------ with new T room touse, other build |lbs.; corn, ears or shelled; wheat, WYANTED--By married man position ings of little value; on Kenosha and 'barlPY. oats. baled straw. Ber-- 48 Caretaker of summer home or Racine county line; has been in one|E€eron Stock Farm, on ILake street {4"m©; 20 years experience. Frank family since taking from government |Road, two milés west of Libertyyille. Ka@stner, R 1 Antioch, IIL 3 4t in 1846; land best in southern Wis--|Phone 678--J--2. \00 § {! smm i lc mm memnmomm e e mm mm consin; $1104 per acre; $2§500 cash, |To------T~----------------_--w._--__--___l__-------- WEBHAVING--Will weave rag rugs and terms to suit; or will exchange for| FOR SALE--Lot 50 by 150, at Park _ carpets. Mrs. John Haggie, Deer-- Waukegan improved property. Philip}, A¥e and Third St., Libertyville. fieg, II1. Phone 232R2. . T 6t DMonegarm, Rt. 2 Waukegan, I!!. 10 6t }\ rLllta to Agzggt \_olling.. c_arc:_0f Wmm nommnrmmnrmmammmnnnnnnmmmmmnnnnnmmennnn___ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser _ of Waukegan, were visitors at the John Kaiser home Sunday. miiton and James Dowell, _ Earl Hironimus and George Passfield at Lecued a show in Waukegan Sunday Ihe local pastor of the Volo M.E.;M""d""'m' Phone (-hn:'f b, l(of\ Boma, and .RQ"\'. llf)o»t~r m f»( Greenwood, were vleasant cal®ers $30 per mont». in this locality Saturday + H. 8. Schrader 7 Mr and Mrs. Martin Wagner have St., Chicago. Dear| moved to the Frank Wilson tarm. _ j _' _" "° °_ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and |FOR RENA--4 ro« son, spent Tugsday evening, at thei month; also a 1 Meyer Bros. home in Fremont. and bungalowa. at A. B. Anderson of Prairie Vfew was |Inquire of R. G-- K a cailer in this vicinity on Saturday. hn in onl tm intattint Roy Rigney, of Wauconda, was a |FOR RENT--Flat Volo caller Sunday. $45 per month. , Miss Fern Nicholas of Chicago vis-- l}" S. Schrader, T ited aover the week end with her par 'w_c_ua_r ents, Mr and Mrs. Win. Nicholas k n h o in 8. W. Gunderson of Highland Pk., | FOR : was a caller here Sunday. | ce _2 c 0c _ The codunty veterinarian was busy | POR SALE-- 256 | in this locality the past week test-- gus steers, wt 4( ing cattle for T. B [ed in even sizes in Mrs. Richard Dowe!F and son, Jas, loads fine T. B. tes Were in Wauconda Saturday. ers _ Two loads con llichard Ditlevsin of Round Liakt, Wilp sell one load 1s employed at the Herman Putpket Ball Fairfle!m?o Inwu ichard Dowell and Mrs. Clinton Ravin and sons were in _ McHenry Saturday, Mrs .Lloyd Eddy spent Monday with ner parents, Mr. and -- Mrs. Harry Passfield. William Monoghan is employed at the Alvin Case home, after several weeks' iliness. Thomas -- Varney and sons were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Herman Dunker home. night Uscar Hammerstein is spending a [few weeks with relatives in lowa. TRERE NEVER WAS A e BETTIER TREAT---- THAN JUST THE PROPER KIND OF HEAT RONDOUT, ILLINOIS I ELEkPMONES 679--M--.1 and SAFE INVESTMENTsS For SBale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SsAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS BORST'S COAL QUARTETTE A T Chris. F. Peterson JOHN G. BORST qual CONSTABLE 18 EVERYBOD Y . D. HUBBARD A aGA V S @ (Bismarck) Candidate U W eping warm and NOTHICE-- NOTICE aTe st you should g with the su 11 for If b as a hobby your hobby e.r and son, Jas, 'loads fine T. B. teste aturday. lrrs T wo loads cows, of Round Lakt, Wilp sell ojne load o Herman Dunket | Ball, Fairfield, lowa. ness meth that perior You'll et aC 1Ve com and Toulouse geese. T+elepmhone 676 M 1. 1tf POR SALE--Mammoth Bronze tur-- key toms and bens; White Holland toms; pure bred Barred Rock cock-- erels; pure bred Rouen drake:; Mal-- laig drokes and ducks _ Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Liber. tyville on Lake St Road. Tele-- phone 678--J--2 8 tt FPOR SALE--Fresn eggs, chickens POT Dull erty sch £ V oAliL----SslA mOW Dariey, neavy yielder; $1.25 per busbhel. ERarly 103 lowa oats, best producer for this country, T5¢ per bushel. Both graded and cleaned sacks included. Extra choice timothy hay in barn, $18.00 per ton. Gilskey Bros , Round Lake, I}}. Phone Grayslake 17--W--2 9 3t POR SALE --First mortgage notes, in denominations of $500 and $1.000 by owner; »ay T% interest:; on Take county property. Address Box 15, cafre Independent 10 bt FOR SALE--FA!lson disc phonograph and 80 records; machine alone cost 2265 00 _ Will take $25.00, Inquire of R. G. Kaping, Phone 469 or 269. FOR SALE--Six Row barley FOR -- SALE --Aic FOR SALE--BHolsteins and Guern-- i seys. _ Cholce cows and heifers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retesat. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, 'llinois. 52 t! Ave and Third St., Libertyyville. Write to August Volling, care of Wm Pohlman, Route 2%, Prairie View, or Telephone Lake Zurich 46 J 9 6: month; also a number of houses and bungalowa, and gpeveral stores. Inquire of R. G. Kaping, Phone 469 $30 per month. 808 N. Mil. Ave. H. 8. Schrader, 77 W. Washington St., Chicago. Dearborn 8578. §1 t!t FOR RENT--Flat 6 rooms and bath $45 per month. 808 N. Mil. Ave. H. S$. Schrader, 77 W. Washington St., Chicago. Dearborn 857%. 511 FOR RENT--Flat 4 rooms and bath apartme{.t with garage, and 6--room furnished house, with garage; also one store in good location; all in FOR RENA--4 room cottage, $15 POR SALE--256 Hereford and An gus steers, wt. 400 to 9060 lbs. Sort ed in even'sizes in carload lots 'I'w. FPOR RENT--Five room furnished County. In the past four years your interests have been safely guarded, and funds collected from fines being placed on Township Roads. Your children, are ever--in our minds when inforcing the Motor Vehicle Violations. _ We have rid the Township of all undesirable Violators so that your mother or wife may feel safe on our Village streets and highways after night fall. I have interested myself in legislative matters at Springfield to enable the Villages to control and safe guard their highways and still maintain their Safety Lights, Signs and Gas Pumps. Every Merchant is aware of our efforts which means much to their future welfare and business. | Y our vote on March 16,1929 at the Caucus will express your confidence and apprecia-- n of your faithful and law inforcing body. _ . In line of Libertyville Township future election, I call the attention of the People of this Township to the Spring Caucus held at the Town Hall in Libertyville, Illinois, March 16, 1929, at 2:00 p. m., at which time everyone is urged to attend and vote for your law enforcing body, which means a great deal to the Township, Village and i SALK -- Sanitary couch, nearly w; jrom bed and few other art PUBLIC NOTHICE vill rec} n o 14 FOR SALE ® ¥ W'f'}""fff')"'vf"v';'i'r'ffi"f'&'t'»'"p"'/"o"'o"':'p'o"',l,4,¢,4,4,4,4,\ FOR REN] FPOR SALE--One _ team of black }l()rsr,fl_ weight 2900 pound Let uie i acmmamemmommmemmmtemmmtemmmams [F110004,°MilWAtikGe gdvenle °n iles NT Piv. Lawes puacastolca d oven} lHiKe n« phone -- 66T--R Harry MaDill Bartlett erosent nc like l1 Ccalioad Jots. 1 wC tested springer heif azrar ccombin J 4 Yours very truly, calves by side all. -- Harry | range,> wWiltl ew. Call Lib 2. Carl oA 10 2t 11 3t with 11 2t 10 itf GOT SOMETHING TO SELL*® AaAD VERTISE INX THIS COLUMN Piano Tuning "OoRDERs FOR PIANO TUNING _ _ WILL BE GivEN PROMPT ATTENEION carpets. Mrs. John Haggie, Deer-- field, II!. Phone 232%--R 2. 8 71 6t siderable amount of special funds o loan on improved farm or city property We invite your inquiry First National Bank, LAbertyvyille, IIl inots. WAXNXTED-- Womar MONEY TO I0AN--We have a con your property, list it with Fred H. Smith, Realtor. 604 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 275: 5 tf IF YOU WANT TO REXNT OR SELL Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. Kriington Heights FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China Sow with 11 pigs, tliree weeks old. Inquire of George Hironimus. Tele-- phone 624--J--41, 11 2t north of Libertyville WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure it is a good one. Let us tell you about the well known HAD-- JORFF and GULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSHC W ith nDQusework Lake Villa Ph JAS. C. O'SHEA Miscellaneous BALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE -- What have you? REPEKER -- WANTED man or g11 irk. Mrs. I Phone 133]J 111 Wm. Web J--2 10 2t on mile 11 | 496 Remarkable Radio Bargains! THE FAMOUS MODEL 40 --Arwaree Rext Mundelein Representative, Wesley Froland. Phone Mundelein 798 R INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EX TRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. (A New Atwater--Kent Mode! on Display at Tegtmeyer's Mundelein) We have on hand just two of these splen-- did receivers, installed in beautiful High-- boy type cabinets. They are offered at the low price of Prairie View, Ill. 606 N. Milwaukee An unusually powerful, selective and compact receiving set which takes its power directly from the AC house cireuit by simply inserting the attachment plug into any convenient electric light socket. Utilizes 6 AC tubes and a power supply tube. 1845 Iilinotis Merchants Bank Building 230 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE DEARBORN 2360 Friday and Saturday, MARCH 15th and 16th MEAT SPECIALS FOR Let us arrange a demonstration in your Own Home, without obligation PALACE _ Cash Market Rib Roast "Mffp' _ 32i¢ Native Pot Roast 22¢ to 25¢ Best Frankforts -- -- 17c Bologna Sausage _ -- 17c Veal Roast "Séilfs 3M4ic Pure Lard 2 rounns ror _ 25¢ Corn Beef socaX"tikep 24i¢ Sugar Cured Ham _-- _ 25¢ Sugar Cured Bacon -- 22c Best Creamery Butter 53¢ 240 Acres, with modern buildings,. will be available for rent. effective March 1st Located on St. Mary's Road. immedi-- ately east of Libertvyville GREENBRIAR FARM HERSCHBERGER BROS. (Complete, including tubes) EASY TERMS®S $123.00 each C. H. KIMBALL ( Formerly Folly Farm ) ee Libertyville, Hlinois Telephone 180 Phone 656--J--2