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Libertyville Independent, 11 Apr 1929, p. 11

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Born to M# and Mrs. Albert Lu-- cas. April 1. a daughter: Thae pupils of the grade school at-- ieonded a Health show given at the tnurnee grade'school Montay. > Mare Edwards from River Forest relurued to his hom« Saturday after spending a week with his grand-- 44 President--G. L. Foossland. Trustees--C. Randle, A. G. Abra-- ramsen, F. 0. Sorenson. There are three trustees and _ a president to be elected. Richard Owens is the purchaser fund Next Tuesday is the date 0 regular village etection. The : wil read as follows: Republican President--Nelson Gonyu Trustees -- Nelson Byington Hyeiberg. J A. Godin. People's George kKirk who was ill at his home following a fall from a step ladder, is now up and going. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fargher of, Camp Logan road have returned from Chl-- vago where they spent the winter. Mrsg. Janette Alken has been call-- id to go to Springtield, on Thursduay. where she will speak in favor of the State Park at Camp Logan and the purchase by the state of land alonsg the lake store between Manville and Beach. Miss Mae Lindsted who has been confined to her bed for some time is reported as improved. The Pareént Teachers held their card party in the red brick building just east of the postoffice Satur-- day. April 6. Prizes were won by | Mirs. Raiph Johuson and Alvin | schmidt, bridge; Paul Jemnsen. Mrs. l George Zettler, 50v. Refreshments were served. ! Philip Anderson is the purchaser of a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fago and won Charles, visited in Milwaukee Sun day. -- -- Mrs. Mary Taylor oft Grand Rap-- ids, Mich., mother of William Taylor® spent a week visiting the Taylor | family. She returned to h>tr home on | Monday. l W m I he a new The L. saay. April 1sth at 2:00 o clock exhibit of hand work from La te, Ind.. will be on display a{ chool house Friday evening« P 12. from T o'clock on ~alsec OUuT Visl popular of all elec-- tme refrigerators-- more Fr:jg:daires are sold than any other make. )1 comes in seversal sszes and aty ias, Frigidaire MILLBURN Ariens who has been ill f me -- with Influenz:a is nc aproved. Maryv Jane Jones spent $u WINTHROP HARBOR > 5( Dmes f t Ou Ant embe mrpos THE Cold Control is a new 1929 feature, found only on the Frigidaire, which gives an accurate control over freezing speed. You may set the dial to freeze ice cubes extra fast, or to freeze a dessert at the most suitable speed and have it ready at the hour you want it At the same time, the proper temperature for refrigerating foods is automatically maintained. 8 () Y IPr 14 Cold Control Demonstrations-- Entire Week of April 9th to April 16th PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY dition by ready and H i Jhe Exectric Refrigerator with the Corp Contror 1e M meet Saturday m. at the Lo: liss. Sedman's e mothers on £05h0 In. Wiid Sunday, April organizing a Aptil 13 on! by_ \he W T n Mi You are cordially invited to call at our store and see the interesting demonstrations of the new Cold Control. 21 and vot ---- board O 1B enl Buu 16 le* J 11 OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Public Service Store NO W the cket be. foMcers Tumesday evenmning at the he / school house. The following were _ felected: President, Mrs. L. J. Sio-- :: ?rum: vice president, _ Mrse. Ethel ov |Bonuers secretary. Mrs Mabel Bon-- U TV be t} J¥ 1 Libertyville Telephone 1000 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Torfin and fam y called at the Carl Chope home Sunday. W. M. Bonner is the proud pos-- sessor o' a unew car. George Edwards and D. Be Webb are having their houses painted Mr. and Mrs. Darnell Alshouse moved to the parsonage Saturday The Httle daughter of Mr and Mrs. Carl Bruckner is recovering from het recent iliness. Miss Theda Watermao, the county nurse, visited the sehool Friday a" ternuoon. An excellent supper was serve the Ladies A'd, Thursday eve at which a large nuinber were ner aud treasu Miss Joyzelle Joynier, shown here as she stripped off her Eskimo gult at Arrowhead Hot Springs, Calif, was one of the winners in the novel enow--to--tropics race in which Los Angeles girls and boys dashed from the snowy slopes of Los Angeles County Park to a warm plunge in the pool. The winners accomplished the marathon in an hour und four minnutes Beneath their heavy furs they wore bathing suits. The race was a preliminary event to the snow sports carnival @irec{dd by the T%os Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce. patre Milwaukee Ave. at Chtuirch 8t 12Gk" le RACES FROM SNOWY PEAKS TO TROPICS M Mrs. D. B M s "-'-"fi" 'q 1 Y *¥ Ethel IK D THIS HIGH--CUT -- semi--sports shoe of sunaburn kid and water suake for the saddle trim is smart for alternoon. -- LJBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1929 Cemetery Work of Every Kind mONUMENTS & MAUSOLEUMS LIBERTYYILLE, ILL Phones: Res. 17%J; office, 200 Collins & Doane Co. Libertyville Patrons SIDNEY MEEKER CcOMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND Waukegan Nurseries QUICK SERVICE .---- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations .. Repairs ~_ E. W. COLBY LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW LVCE BU!ILDNG Res,. Phone 97 _ Office Phone 18 LIBERTYVILLE, MLIRPOLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave. Telephore 67 LIBERTYVILLE First Nationa!l Bank Bidgg. Res. Phone 204 Office Phone 447 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!I® DR. L. E. GOLDING HARDY NURSERY sTQCK EVERGRE®NS in A| Varieties and Sizes ROCK GARDEN PLANT S Shade Trees, Shrubs. Roses, Perenials, Peonies, Fruit Thees OUR LANDSCAPE OEPT.. AT YOUR SERVICE Green Bay Road BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET 'TELEPHONE WAUKEGAN 30 Pure Artificial Ice REN T TING, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PHUPENTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INEURANCC, sufrKeTy BONDS, SERVICE, SEE FOR Dr. C. H. BETZER Prompt Delivery Telephone Libertyville 560 LIBERTYVILLK, ILLINONWM Thirteen Years' _ Experience R. Douglas' Sons Qull: and Workmanship UARANTEED Shopse at Libertyville and 8ycamore, #!!. Cal D E K T | 8 T e Office: Room 28 Public Service Building REALTOR--INSUROR Opposite Electric S$tation Phone 409 and 209 Professlona PLUMBING Public Service Bldg. Libertyville VANITY FAIR BEAUTY SHOPPE HAIR BOBBING and SHINGLING MARCELLING, WATER WAV-- ING and FINGER WAVING Chicago Office With the Chicago Title and Trust Co., Lake County Title and Trust Company F. $. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L. ROGERS, Seey. DENTIST . Over State Bank of Mundelein Houre: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 Other times by Appointment. Telephone 214 MUNDELEIN DR. O. E. SIMPSON DEWTIEST Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Monday and Thursday Tele~hone §91 LIBERTYVILLE EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Frank Calzavara and Son Teaming Excavating Grading . Sewer W ork Complete Finishing of Basements Johnson Ave. LIBERTYVILLE WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Dr.Otto R.Thompson Waukegan, Illinois 8CIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSSs EYESs STRAIGHTENED Office In First National Bank DR. J. L. TAYLOR DENTIST Room 22, Public Service Bidg Telephone $10 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS 69 West Washington: Street Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Building zl DR MATTHEWS DR. S. J. DAVIS Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO 85 P. M. Telephone 288--J ABSTRACTS OF TiITLES TITLES QGVUARANTEED Mours: 1 to 3$:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Telephone 152 PERMANENT WAVING 220 Washington Street Waukegan, III. -- TELEPHONE 4 TELEPHONE 993 OPTOMETRIST Marton Brennan Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt Built. Up and Tar and Gravel Roofing Ap-- plied on Flat Roofs Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles (Ine.) _ : 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 Guaranteed Roofing THE HUBERT CO. OoF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BUILDINGS Jobbing a Speciaity 160 Sunnyside P!. Libertyville bSheet Metal and Furnace Work "LET GEORGE DO IT!' . Now is the time to look to your roofs and check up on gutters, lead pives, valleys, etc. ¥For the needed repairs, Phone liberty-- ville 132 for prompt service. ApPlied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on residences Public Service Bldg. T A XI Telephone 890 Libertyville, IMinois AUCTIONEER See Mo Before Listing Your Sais FARM BALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L--15 GURNEE, ILL. SNOW'S T A | L O R Cleaning and Repairing 8 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Prompt Service Quaranteoed FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Cinnerarias -- Hyacinths Tulips Cyclaman LIBERTYVILLE FLORAL CO. Cut Flowes and Potted Plants Delivery Service 08 N. First St., LIBERTYVILLE Office Phone--Libertyville 10 Res. Phone--Libertyvile 4322W S. J. GROVES & SONS CO. >« Wm. A. Chandler FRED CROKER George Lawrent:, Prop. PHONE 306 GEORGE'S TIN SHOP ROOFING Contractors Excavating Business Filling GENERAL h d Unb c 1. NmCB nau i qungioa sc ult T a6 AND Transfer Phone Libertyville 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling OF ALL KINDS 28 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SERVICE LIBERTIYVILLE PAINT STORE Phone Libertyville 901 MILLWORK Scroen;Cabinet Work, Storm Sash TELEPHONE 7684 411 First Street Libertyville HAROLD WILCOX ALL KINDS OF HEATING PEANTS For Residences, Stores and Institutions PUBLIC SERVIcE BuiLDING 350 N. MILWAVUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 555 Phone Libertyville 570 Chicago Phone Haymarket 1416 To and From Chicago, Libertyville MOTORS Crysler Dealers SALES DEPARTMENT 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYVILLE T!LE!HQN! 108 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street MUNDELEIN TELEPHONE 198 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES 'OF CARS. OUR JHOP 18 FULLY EQUIPPED AND READY To sERVE Yyou. onLy TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK oN YOUR caAR. s LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C. L. C?ONFER & General Trucking 140 E. Church §t. Libertyville Tailored to measure; fit guaranteed Fdr appoi"ttment call ># *# or write . k: SUIT or TOPCOAT $23.50 Anderson & Exon Motor Service Residences Stores Public Buildings LARGSCAping Farm Buill:iingc W. H. SHUGART Insurance Agency Satisfaction > Guaranteed ~ COUNTRYSIDE raw Call on Us for Estimates Telephone 440 359 N. Mllwapkeo Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOQ!I8 Telephone 388--W DAILY TRIPS SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR _ Schools Landscapi al and Long Dis-- tance'Moving Contractors S 1IG N S Antioch HEATING Libertyville )Irectory ~ o * PACE THREE ROOFING TILE y COLORED CEMENT ~ ; GARDEN FURNITURE .*; TERRAZZO FLoQRs ' ORNAMENTAL Cement STUCCO Mundelein _ * Concrete Works Concrete Products of All Kinds \ General Cement -- Contracting > Ask for an Estimate on Your Needs E. W. FENNER, Proprieter Office Phonp--Mundelein 168 Res. Phone--Mundelein 4944 Fixtures and Supplies SGROWERS OF a GENERAL LINE OF NURSsERYy sTock WHOLESALE AND RETAIL *A t t 4 4; _ Visit Our Nursery Any Time POLICE MAGISTRATE Collections Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public 604 N. Milwaukee Libertyviile TELEPHONE $ LIBERTYVILLE 177 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville Telephone 400 Libertyville, IHinoi Electric Wiring and _._ Contracting ~ . MERLE'S BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP > 614 N. Milwaukee MILK THAT i8 PERFECT IN LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP IF YOU WANT aA BOTTLE OF Radio Equipment E. M. WEISKOPF, Prog. iBelephone PAE '---- DAIRY AT 224 BROADWAY Battery Service Radio Supplies > FRED H. SMITH Generator and Ignition Sevice TELEPHONE 94 EVERY WAY, GIVE US a LEESLEY'S NURSERIES _ HAFEMANN'S DAIRY . LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL J. J. Alkofer, Prop. TRIAL

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