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Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1929, p. 10

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Dr. Harrison, an invalid in his §outh, but sound and robust at the "\30 of 80, cites bhis own case in sub-- stantiation of his theory. "Too often,. bhowever. in a vain at-- tempt to recapture vanished youth, he is induced to take up golt. He buys himselft a shiny outAt, joins a elub, and after violent exercise in the bot sun, lingers too long at the 19th hole. The autopay reveals cere-- bral hemortrhage. a nervous disorder that in recént vears has taken an appalling toll. "One should remember that he hasg only one hbheart and that this organ has a tremendous amount of work to go. When it begins to faltl him, he bas nothing in reserve. If wo will accept its limitations gracefully, we can'stretch out our usefulness over a much longer span." SPAIN FEARS REVOLT London, May 1. --(AP--A message to the Exchange Telegraph from Perpignan, southwestern France, re ports that a revolutionary plot has been discovered in Barcelonia and all troops confined to barracks, Nu:-- merous Arests were said t have been made but censorship prevented any further details from reaching the French side of the frontier. "Age," said Dr. Harrison, "is noth-- #ng but a point of view, Many men are old at 40; others, like myself, a&re young at 80. But at the pace we are going today, the average man reaches his zenith at 35. At the age of 40 or 45 he has attained his max-- imum earning capacity, and at §0 he is ready to be oslerized. While sixty «an no longer duplicate the physical feats of twenty--fAve, the man who has passed the hbhalf century mark should be intellectually at his best. That the richest and most useful years of life come after reaching the slxtieth milepost, and that eficiency is not impaired by age but should wontinue well into the eighth or ninth decade of life, was the state-- ment made by Dr. Wallace K. Har-- yison. supreme medical examiner of the Royal League at the opening session of that order's biennial con-- wention at the Hotel Sherman here. Chicago--If the man of middle age will rid himself of the idea of try-- ing to be a boy again, indulge in golt less vigorously and limit his ex-- ercise to garden work and walking. he will reach His maximum efficiency at about the time he would ordinar-- 1ly be relegated to the old men's Pome MEN OF FORTY ARE WARNED NOT TO BE CGHILDISH AT PLAY Long Life Follows Moderate Living Program During Middle Age. PAGCE TWO AwaAy Sydney, N. s. W., May 1 --(AP)-- The tragic aftermath of the search for the airplane Southern Cros was closed today with the report from a land party of searchers that the boady of Robert Hitchcock hbad been found under a wing of the airplane Kookaburra and the body ot Lieut. Keith Anderson about 40 yards Miss Louise Baseley was an.Elgin caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and daughter Mary, Mrs. Mary Harris and daughter Laura, spent Thursday at Racine, Wis. . Mr. and Mrs. Denonis Putnam were Grayslake callers Wednesday. Mr.. and Mrs, Andrew Sorenson and Miss Laura Harrison spent Tuesday evening at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Bergham and . daughter, called on their son Emorv' at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan Wednesday. . 3 Dr. Warren Johnson and several friends of Chicago, spent Wednesday here. ; August Pohliman of Lake Zurich, ' was a Wednesday morning caller. j Misses Lounise, Leiala and Claude| Baseley were Fox River cellers Wed--, nesday evening. <ot | Mrs. J. A. Ross and daughter Jac queline kbeft Thursday for Davenport, lowa. to attend the funeral of ber grandfather. RBen Smith of Chlcago, was a bus! ness caller Wednesday. Dick Donlea and grandfather re--| cently' erturned to their home at , Volo after sperding several months | !'in California. | | Dennis Putnam was a Wau,\\(enn. lca)ler Monday. ) Miss Della and Harry Kirwan were callers at the James Kirwan bhome at Volo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boehmes of Barrington, and their daughter Mrs. Andrew Bangs of Amarillio, Texas, and children who are visiting rela-- tives and friends spent Wednesday at the Lee Brown home. Dr. Chester Sowels of Waukegan called on his sister Lucy Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wylan of Chi-- cago, were business callers Wednes' day. Dick Donlea of Volo, was a visito; at the high school Tuesday. Pa Dr. J. A. Ross was a Elgin caller Thursday. -- Donald Brown had the misfortune to fall and dislocate and break his right elbow. He was taken to Wau-- kegan for an X--ray picture Wednes-- day. Frank Dickson was a business caller at Waukegan Monday and Thursday. L. H. Kingsley of Lake Zurich, was a busines scaller Monday and Wednesday. Jasson Walton of Volo, ecalled on his sister, Mrs. Henry Kreuger Mon-- day. AIR PARTY FOUND DEAO WAUCONDA The Libertyville Independent |[LAKE COUNTY'S BIG WEEKLY |._ _ Mrs.. Velma Wilton and .dsaughter itrom Detroit, have been vasiting rel-- | atives and friends in this vicinity. 'She visited Mr.. and Mrs. Dick Wil-- tton last week and spent one day | with Mrs. E. A. Wilton, going from | here to Avon Center for a visit with | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilton. ||| . LAKE VILLA -- | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilton and| daughter visited at the Wilton home' Tuesday evening. "";'v.g'wlu'- -;m mn-tom""'; ! The sehool children had a vaca-- Miss Evelyn SWangon from Wau--| ,;,,,, Monday of this week. Profe#-- ::::.n, spent Sunday af her homelc sor Beckwith, Miss Mabel °S.fA Sceott, Mr.-- «h4 Mrs. Gus $wanson nndf Miss Norma Sabora and Migs Ruby Miss Eisie Swanson were Waukegan | Falch attended the teachers insti-- callers Sunday evening. ) Sbowrensenamnenmmpemmenmmmetanmyememmantenmmmmnemmettimommememmmenenmmnm Mr. and Mrs. Kolzow, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kolzow and baby daughter, Dolorges Fdith, of Forrest Park, were guests of Mr. and Mrse. E. C. Rielass and Miss Edith Sielaft Sunday. Mrs. Carl Kolzow is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sielaft. New Houses Built Old HMHouses Remodgeled Rootfs--New and re--roofed Painting and Decorating Lathing and Plastering Mill Work--Specia! Cabinets Concrete Basements Concrete Walks Concrete Drives Houses Moved and Raised Carpentering ZION BUILDING INDUSTRY Call or write local representative F. WM. HART, K. C. A., Waukegan LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929 «> Miss Daisy Ehrenberg of Chicago is a guest at the Wilton home here this wéek. . Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Steve Hurd-- ish and William Fisbher were dinner guests at the Walker home Sunday. Mr. and Mr§. John Walker were in Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Jnmq leonard has been on the sick list the. past week. _--_ SPECIAL HARNESS WORK Heavyy Jeather halters, made 0 first grade leather. Magde large adjustable . _ Frank Burke Hardware Div 18 Sou!hchnesce St. «im ¥ Fine quality haruess, made of the best oak harness is hand-- made. éxcellant workmans ¥you and buy When in need of harness or harmnesg repair thirrk oft oi harness shop. Y ou will find the work of ex-- ceptional quality and very qurick service, Ace Stores inc. $2.50 .. $3.00 eas is hand-- made, excellent workmanship, a set that will give many years of service. Every part of the harness is finished dressed, edges sealed against weather. See these before you your next set. Leather Halters $86.50 .. $160.00 Fine Harness MAILS 75,000 CHICKsS 'Lincoln, IHL, May 1.--(AP)--Sev-- enty--five thousand baby chicks were mailed, parcel pést, from Lincoln yesterday. When the season is over more than two mllJ'lon of them wilr: have been qgeliv#&eda to pur-- chasers *%y mail. We repair anything in leather except shoes in our Harness Shop. Be insured of a good job when you bave your leather goods repaired The high power electric telephone line has been completed through Lake Villa after gseveral weeks of work here. It extends the length of Burnett avenue, coming in from the east, then goes onto:-- other towns and places. tute at LaGrange Leather Repair Work tanned leather. All our Waukegan, I!!. Clothes for Lod andDad. _ _ BUY -- ON--THE--TEN-- PAY -- PLAN SPALDING GOLF EQUIPMENT QUALITY TOPCOATS AGAIN WE ANSWER: "WHATS NEW IN HATS»" EMERSON STETSON BORSALINO $5, $6, $7 ©$8.50 -- $20 $10, $12, $15 Socitty Brand Suits _ For Youth or Years 95 .830 . * DUTCHESS KNICKERS Knit--Tex Topcoats 'NO matter what your figure may be, reg-- ular anaular ar @elahnlar Haroa'se a conalan. + * ular angular or globular. Here's a selec-- tion of suits and topcoats that will meet the definite appoval of most men. CLUBS -- BALLS -- BAGS $35 L 45 --'65 Authentic' Slip into a Bradley and QOut--of--doors _THE POSITIVE PEAK IN CLOTHING V ALUES FOR SPORT WEAR-- BRADLEY SWEATERS ITS THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNT YOU'LL NOTE THEM HERE TWO TROUSERS (Plus 4's and 6's V ALUES! 48 duisaien t mEdr e SUITS P obnas . Ainaivatiade 4 Pull--over Shirts with the New Color Trim to Match the Shorts in Either Elastic Belt or with Buttons. , veerh Short Shirts -- -- Shorts A CLEVER COLORINGS DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS Attractive' Society Brand Topcoats Worsted--Tex Suits P

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