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Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1929, p. 17

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May 8--Baseball. Waukegan here on Wednesday afternocn at 3:30 (daylight saving time). We will have our first home baseball game of the season. While we have not been very fortunate in our gsames away from home, we ex-- peet to turn tables at home. Come out and boost the boys. Admission May 11--Distriet Track and Field Moet. May 10--Grade School meet here. The high school bas invited the grade schools of the township and meighboring schools to a grade school meet on the afternoon of May 10. There are to be seventeen different events. Ribbons will be given as prizes There will be con-- tests for both boys and girls. No admission charge. Free refresh-- ments will be served. On Maw l1th the state district track and~fleld meets will be held. The following week, May 17--18 the annual interscholastic will Bbe held at Urbana. We hope some of our boys will qualify for the interschol-- astics. Wla entries--Engene Frank, mile and half--mile; Norris Froelich and Ira Ernst, broad jump and high jump; James Brcak and Herbert Loahman. shot put and discus. May 3--Senior Class Play. The first Senior class of the Ela Township High School will present their play at 8 o'clock in the audi-- torium of the new high school build-- ing this week Friday evening, "Wel-- come Home Jimmy", one of the most popular ol Eugene Hafet's farce comedy plays in three acts. A very clever royalty play. Tickets for sale by all Seniors. May 4--Commercial contest. Charlotte Weaver, Vera Unger, Litlie Kropp and@ Eimer Deihl will zo to Palatine on May 4th to repre-- sent ovur high schoal in the typing event of the commercial meet there. Miss Milkwick is their coach and gponsor. May 6--Band--Orchestra meeting. A called meeting of parents and pupils will be held at the schoo! bouse on Monday evening, May '6. at 8 o'clock to organize an instru-- mental organization for the high school. All parents and pupils in-- terested are urged to be present as we think our plan will please you.' May J--Lake County Track and Fie!ld Meet. ELA MHIGH SCHOOL NOTES The followinsr dates for schonl svents should be kept in mind: The Three X's The three R's may be neglected in the lower schools, but the col-- lege--youth knows his X's when be meets the head of the family~ '*Xnenditure, 'Xplanation and 'Xtrac-- tien. THE MORE YOU COMPARE, THE MORE YOU WILL BE CONVINCED RUBIN'S IS THE STORE FOR These Lawn Mowers are built especially for us by Dille and McQuire makers of highest quality mowers. 10--inch wheels Ball Bearing--4 knife cutter reel, tool shell cutter bar adjust-- able and self sharpening----will give years of serviee, Special value. %% inch, double strength Hose, every foot guaranteed perfect ----will give many, years of service. . Comes in 50 foot lengths with rust prooft eoup-- lings. -- . Little Gen Early Peas in Bulk at Pound.....___._._._..._.____25C Alaska Early Peas--POUNG .........._._..._...._.._..........__.._._.___25C Country Gentlemen or Golden Baulain Sweet Corn, Lb. 25¢ Kentucky Wonder and Golden Wax Beans--Pound......25¢ LAKE ZURICH Moulded Garden Hose per foot 12¢ Lawn Mower $10.75 WAX--POLISHING your foors this way won't tire you in the least be-- cmthelketrie'fi"fi'do-m the hard work. There is no stooping or kneeling--no messy rags and pails --mso soiled hands or clothing., All you do is to spread on a thin, protecting coat of Johnson's Polish-- ing Waxr--then guide the Electric Polisher quickly over the floors. At this store you can rent a John-- son Electric Floor Polisher for any day you wish. The cost is trifing. $ 1 °O will fent Home and Garden Needs -- TthetBoesfitpre~--ontheNorthShare RUBIN 8 '(Ru&'""l _ Supervisor M. P. Migér Wednes-- | day began an investigation of his |records to lotate the names of alien | in order to deport them under a poor who have received county aid federal law that provides for such a course. _ Dilger believes that it will be 'a matter of many days before he is iA a position to act as a com-- 'p)eto search of the records will be | necessary. ' INVESTIGATION OF _ ALIEN POOR ROLLS -- OPENED BY DILGER The purpose of Dilger's request in the first place was to halt four or five Mexican familiee _ trom begging for alms although these familiese were mot citizens of this country. -- He took the position that the ecounty's bill for poor, including those entitled to aid, was suffi-- clently high without supporting failures from other lands who had been little Other than refugees since entering the United States. As soon as he completes his per-- sual of the record he will be in a position to have the fami{ilies de-- Two laws, both calling for de-- portation of such families, were loeated. The government has to bear the expense of sending these people back to their native land. Bill for annuiment has been fil-- ed in circuit court for Vivian Blanche Pester, of Lake Forest, against Allen Huff, of Chicago, charging that whey they were mar-- ried her age was but 18. She advis-- ed theclerk she was nineteen. Huffl, arrested on a charge of rape after the marriage, was held on the coun-- ty jail for months but was later re-- leased on his own bond. States Attorney A. V. Smith, at the request of :Dilger, wrote to the department of immigration in Chicago to learno if it would be possible to send non--citizens, {)eg- ging for county. support, out of the country. ported. GRIMINAL CASE ENDS IN DIVORCE May Take Several Weeks Be-- fore He 4s Ready To De-- port Indigent foreigners. 14 inch malleable cast iron rakeg--bow back style--long smooth handle--just right for ready use--special. + Our idea of a real hen--pecked husband is one whose wife smokes, but won't let him. a 4 For cleaning waxed floors removes stains, spots, dirt an gives and prepares the woo for a new coat or fimsh. Johnsen's Floor Wax is unequalled as a pro-- tective covering for finished floors--comes in either paste or liquid form. Pint jar of liqul«& or pound can of paste regularly ®5¢----special each at 69c¢. This Would Be Real t Garden Rake Special $1.00 Johnson's Floor Wax 69¢ 100 foot rolls, 14 inches wide, suitable for many pur-- poses in addition to use on shelves--a choice of col-- ors to match your decorations, ' _ s Parson's Household 25¢ Value Quart 69c Shelf and Lining Paper 45c Made espec-- rallby for cleaning use. Medium size bottle. 21c 60c 3 For esw / w\ Many relatives and friends at-- tended the burial on Monday of Florence Doyle, daughter of George Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Patch and Mrs. Emma Lux were in Kenosha Sunday, where they spent the day with the Lester Murray family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Becker of Mer-- ril!,. Wis., spent the week end. at the home of their son. Melvin Becker. Mrs. Becker and chil-- dren returned home«from Wiscon-- sin with them after having spent the week visiting reatives. About "tifty friends gathered --at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shea on Saturday evening to help them celebrate their twenty fifth wedding aniversary. Cards were played and luncheon served. Mr. and Mrs. Shea received many use-- ful pieces of silver. Mrs. M. A. Doyle and Mrs. Geo. Walters, Waukegan, visited Saturday with Mrs. Helen Peter-- son. Mrs. Carrie Hudson -- and _ son,. William, also of Waukegs . called, on relatives on Saturday. Mrs. Robert De Larry and Nellie dhen. of Chicago, were guests at the Roy Dietmeyer home on Sun-- Timothy Riordan and wife werei at the Theo Vanderwald home on Sunday for dinner, afterwards at-' tending the dedicatory services ntl St. Therese hogpital. | F. Doyle, whose remains . were brought back for burial _ from Glendale. -- Calit. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lucas drove to Chlcagn on Sunday to spend the cday with George Rufft and wife. Mrs. Margaret Skinner of Ke-- nosbha, is a guest at the home of her sister Mrs. Wm. Waddell. The last of the series of par-- ties to be given by S8St. Patrick's parish was held on last Thursday evening. These partles have all been largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shea en-- tertained -- several relatives from| Waukegan, at dinner on Sunday. Andrew Deegan, Downers Grove, spent a few days of this week at the home of his brother, Thomas Deegan. Miss May Westenfield, who has been spending the winter in Min-- neapolis, returned . on Thursday to the Winter brothers home. EHatl Lux and wife and Eleanot, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dietmeyer, drove to Chicago on Tuesday. The right use of leisure is no doubt a barder problem than the right use of our working hours. The soul is dyed the color of its lelsure thoughts. A« a man think-- eth in d4is hbeart #o is he --Dean Inge. ' -- WO i s -E 'i l'dc' -.t' 'i.-'.'- MA / J .,-:'.'\9-}.'»?\1' 5--foot, full rodded _ step ladder--has steel supporting bar under each step--sal-- ety lock on shelft. A good strong ladder at a low price A ecrepe tissue of good quality--large -- rolls--guar-- anteed pure material--reg-- ular 10¢ size rolls. Marfield Table oil cloth in a variety of beautiful new patterns and plain white. Very best quality, 45 inches wide. wWaADSsWORTH _ Mello Toilet P 7 Rolls 50c Table Oil Cloth Step Leisure yd. $1.29 LIBERTYVILLE: INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929 4 0 ol 2 w9 in t ie .+ we A. in vie avch 49y kx LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY--ATLILAW 85@¥ Office at home on W. Cook Ave. Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 Mill Work, Storm Sash, Screens, Porch Encilosures, Carpentering and Jobbing. Liwn Furniture. TELEPHONE 419 .'1 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE Waukegan Nurseries 'TELEPHMONE WAUKEGAN 30 D EK T i 8 T I i3 -- Office: Room 28 ¢ "' _ Public Service Building © Felophoce 67 _ LIBEARTYYILI BOYLAN, :l'm"l wn REALTOR--IN8UROR _ ppzsite Electric Station .. ~_ «_ Phone 469 and 269 RENT LING, a REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, , PROPENKTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, BERVICE, OUR LANDSCAPE DEPT. , AT YOUR SERVICE a Green Bay Road BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE ANO WASHINGTON STREET FOR Dr. C. H. BETZER No Job Too Large! --W. S. McCLAIN GRADING CONTRACTORS COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND R. Douglas' Sons QUICK: SERVICE -- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations ..> Repairs PUBLIC SERVICE BLOG ' LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 EXCAV ATHAMNG, Shops at Libertyville and ;' » _ B8ysamore, HL _ . ;» E. W. GOBIQ" ATToRnEYyATLAw 4* ATTORNEVATAAW + Professional & Busingss | HARDY NURSERAY SsTOCK EVERGREENS in All Varieties and Sizes ROCK GARDEN PLANT S Shade Trees, Shrubs, Rosss, Perenials, Peonles, Ftuit Thess PLUMBING ip # 4 AM m nigi'n drte t a n t C s pee uic o1 Public Service Bldg. Libertyville EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Dr.Otto R.Thompson OPTOMETRIST Chieago Office With the Chicage ~ DR MATTHEWS HAIR BOBBING and S8HINGLING MARCELLING, WATER WAV-- ING and FINGER WAVING BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF EYES. GLASSEs FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROBS EYEs STRAIGHTENED Mours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 $ Maonday and Thursday Teletothone 581 LIBERTYVILLE Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. Y WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres | __' ALVAH L ROGERS, Seey, DR. 0. E. SIMPSON Telephons 214 MUNDELEIN and Trust Company , ABSTRACTS OF TITLES ,; TITLES GVARANTEED '?3 DR. J. E. TAYLOR Office in First Nationa! Bank Mow's; 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOYg Excavating Grading Sewer Work do Complete Finishing "\ of Basements & . Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Bullding ~ Waukegan, Illinois WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Over State Bank of Mundslein Hours; 0 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 Other times by Appointment. Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5 P. M. Room 22, Public Service Bidg LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 288--J -- Title and Trust Co., ' 69 West Washington Street 1 DR. S. J. DAVIS Telephone 310 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Frank Calzavara-- VANITY FAIR AUTY SHOPPE Telephone 152 PERMANENT WAVING TELEPHONE bos Waukegan, IIl. 220 Washington . Street TELEPHONE 4 Johnson Ave. A k ve s y Title / i Prompt Service 'Gulnnmd ! T A TL O AR es * I Cleaning and Repairing : £ 518 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINOIER residences Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles -- _ Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalit Built Up and Tar and Gravel Roofing Ap-- m plied on Flat Roofs Milwaukee Ave., ofi;ovcl--u-l.--lbnry LIBERTYVILLE Guaranteed Roofing ( Wm. A. Chandler dlisd GENERAL 4 'AUCTIONEER THE HUBERT CO. 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I}!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 GET THE HABIT OF WATCH-- ING FOR OUR WEEK--END SPECIALS Bee Mo Before Listing Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephons 1L--15 AURNELE ILL _--__!_ OF EVERY KIND e FOR ALL TYPES of BUILDINGS T A XI NONE BETTER AT ANY PRIiCcB SNOW'S FLOWERS, FOR EVERY OCCASION Cinnerarias & Hyacinths _ 508 N. First St., LIBERTYVILLE Office Phone--Libertyville 10 Res. Phone--Libertyvile 4382 W Public Service Bl@g ' Telephone 890 . ApPplied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on LIBERTYVILLE FLORAL CO. -' Cut Flowes and ! Potted Plants -- * ~Delivery Service FRED CROKER © 8. J. GRO.VES _f_" SONS €O." ~-- WALLACE'S CANDY SHOP HOME MADE CANDY PHONE Fresh Daily ROOFING * Cyclaman 5 'And Y (Inc.) For _ OF ALL KINDS T } 2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SERVICE LIBERTYVILLE PAINT STORE Phone Libertyvi'! 901 ' ip Call on Us for s 850 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LJBERTYVILLE. _ PHONE 555 -- } Residences * . _ Transfer Phone Libertyyllie 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling e MILLWORK © screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sash TELEPHONE 768) & t11 First Street Libertyville Satisfaction ¥-- Guaranteed *> COUNTRYSIDE * ~ _ _ MOTORS > i , Crysler Dealers ; HAROLD WILCOX .-- SERVICE FOR . .___-- YOUR CAR , _ Phone Libertyvilie 570 Chicago Phone Haymarket EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF Ccars. OUR HOP 18 FULLY EQUIPPED AND READY TO SERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. _ _»»> SALES DEPARTMENT **~ 10 E. Church &t. LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 108 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street MUNDELEIN tes TELEPHONE 198 Local and Long Dis «fr' --tance Moving @7 # To and From Chicago, Libertyville Antioch 4@ PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEIN _"__ . . Stores | (*-- . ~ Public Buildimgs > * Farm B;dfdli':fés' * PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTIQN * COMPANY S Libertyville Ice Co. » DAILY TRIPS : y Motor Service ., General Trucking Insurance Agency LIBERTYVILLE ~ Contractors ._.~ Anderson & Exon ¥ q 'Telephone 440 859 N. Milwaukee Avenue JABERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S "pad top ; KINDS .OF HEATING PEANTS Residences, Stores and Institutions & m : at t "*1r, sIG NS | C. L. COONFER PURE ICE TELEPHONE 453 HEATING )Ireetory © 1 jw 1416 _ BATTERY, ANRE RADIO SHOR: LEAVE ORDERS AT Ray Furniture Store TELEPHONE NO. 9 E. W. FENNER, Proprietas | Office Phone--Mundelein 168 Res. Phono---uu!,iilfl'.ln 40443 ; ROOFING TILE ®; ~ COLORED CEMENT, . /. GaARDEN FURrNiTURE,.® _ '_TERRAzZZO FLGors ORNAMENTAL Cement STUCCO Fixtures and Suppli¢: Electric Wiring and . +; Contracting 4 C LEESLEY'S . NURSERIES ' Telephone 400 Libertyville, IMinoi MILK THAT is PERFEctT iN IF YOU WANT A BOTTLE OF Visit Our Nursery GROWERS OF A GENERAL iLINE OF NURSERY STOCK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ,--_ Any Time . ? t TELEPRoNE _ / . LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of _ _ 'Libertyvilie PIANO TUNING 614 N. Milwaukee LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP DAIRY AT 224 BRQADWAY TELEPHONE 94 Radio Equipment E. M. WEISKOPF, r_np.", EVERY WAY, GIVE US A Battery Service _-- Melephone F28' > Par Radio Supplies .. Generator ard g HAFEMANN'S DAIRY on Your Needs® LIBERTYVILLE, ILL J. J. Alkofer, Prop TRIAL PAGE NINE

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