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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1929, p. 4

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A. A. Fickerie, of Chicago, attended the showing of the play, "The Nut Farm,."" at the Cort Theatre in Chi-- cago Tuesday night. Tae party en-- Joyed supper at the Bismarck Hotel after the show. _ MEMBER |LLINO!S PRESS ASsSOCIATION l--ugu at the Post Office at Libertyville, Ilinols as Second Class Matter Miss -- Josephine. Chenicek,> 1839 Fifty--fifth Court, Cicero, and Miss Lucille Fhreig, of St. Luke's hos-- pital, Chicago, were treated for cuts and bruises at Condell Memorial hospital Saturday nizht, following an accident near Wauconda. Both were dismissed from the hospital Sunday. Mrs. R. G. Kaping and sons, Jim-- mile, Raymond and Allan, accompa mied by the former's mother, Mrs. the bride of Ray EBhnert, with Rev. E. P. Baker officiating. Both are Waukegan young people William Burris and Katherine Swanson, also o Waukegan, were the attendants. Mr _ .and Mrs. Harry Madill Bart-- i_ett,A accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Addittonal Local News Mr .and Mrs. A. W. (Greenwood, v"C'ses at lewis Institue in Chica®o Mr. and Mrs Geo. Frederick and Thursday, in which Leverett Hawk daughter, Madge, returned Tuesday 4D0ther son, took part. The family from a motor trip through the east, "¢Ma@ined in Cricago at the home of visiting Boston and many other in-- Mrs. Hawk's mother, Mrs. Wester Mrs. C. M. Bernard gave a party Tuesday afternoon, in honor of the sixth birthday of her little daughter, Mary Ann. There were fifteen guests with lots of fun and a dainty lunch eon served. Mrs. C. M. Bernard gave a party: bittle 'David McCann, son of Mr.l Tuesday afternoon, in honor of the and Mrs. Davia McCann, Sr., drank . sixth birthday of her little daughter, part of a bottle of muriatic acid lnt' Mary Ann. There were fifteen guests Sunday. Although painfully burned with lots of fun and a dainty lunch by the fiery fiuid, prompt work on eon served. 'the part of Dr. Chas. N. Stephefs Rev. John E. DelLong was the offi-- A¥@erted serious consequences and clating clérgyman at the wedding of the boy is getting aong nicely. | Miss Ruth Hollister, of Btn'lnxton..' Group No. 2, Presbyterian Ladies'| and Geo. W. Brldley. of Ch'mo. at Ajd' gave a bunceo party at u;e home the home of the bride in BarringtOon of Mrs. Fred Mordhorst Friday eve| one day this week. |ning, which proved a great success, Glen Dildine, who is faking a sum-- there being 12 tables. Mrs. Myron mer course, at Northwestern Univer-- Moore won first prize; Mrs. Nellie sty. spent the week end here with Ray, second; Mrs. Laura Thcmpoon.] Earl H. DelLong.; Mr. Dildine is the taird, and Mrs. W. A. Lightbody, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dildine, consolation. 4 A pretty wedding ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock Saturday aft-- ernoon at St. Lawrence's Episcopal ehurch, when Rose Clemen became Shields, of Fremont, drove to Elk-- born and Lake Geneva, Wis.,. Wed-- pcqhy, for a day's outing at the re-- Gien Dildine, who is faking a sum-- | mer course, at Northwestern Univer--. sty. spent the week end here with Karl H. DelLong.; Mr. Dildine is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dildine,' former missionaries in China. l Justice E. D. Hubbard assessed a fine of $5 against John Harp, of Chi-- cago, for speeding, Tuesday night, June 18. Warp, who stated h was on the way to his cottage at Gages Lake, was arrested by Marshal F. J. Chas M. Hawley, of Seattle, Wash. president of the Seattle high scool, and Fred H. Hawley, of LAurens, la., are stopping for a few days' visit with their cousin, Harry H. Bartlett, and wife. The Hawley brothers are motoring through to Montreal and other points east. Misses Mayme and Hildegarde Hapke held a joint recital, piano and violin, at:their home on Lake street, Wednesday afternoon, for tae bone-x fit o ftheir pupils. After the music,| which was a delight and pleasure to| all, the usual delicious refreshments | were served. } At the same time th:> elemenrt of carelessness plays a promi-- nent part in many of the tragedies. Excessive speed on a crowded highway, an attempt to beat a train to a grade crossing, or failurg to note whether or not a train is coming before crossing railroad tracks, result in many automobile tragedies, 4 ' : Rocking the boat or an effort on the part of swimmers to perform feats beyond their ability cause many drownings. A little more care and a few more ounces of prevention wodld have a tendency to greatly reduce the preventable summer tragedies "Beware of summer tragedies" is the extremely timely warn-- ing of County Coroner J. L. Taylor. With the arrival of warm weather and with the height of the summer season not far away Tragedies of this nature are unusually prevalent over th4 week end, as a rule, due to the fact that so many thousands of people seck recreation of one kind or another. Many automo-- bile tragedies are unavoidable as the victims exercised all pessible precautions. 'n the same way many drownings cannot be @s-- cribed to ca2 ssness. | it is extremely timely that a warning should be issued to use every possible precaution to reduce the number of deaths by drowning and automobile accidents» PAGE FOUR --_"Mome Owned and Home Operated" 539 East Park Ave. . Telephone 844 _ LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Grande Cleaners Our trucks will call and deliver your work on short notice. We can give one day service because all work is done in our new, fully equipped plant at Libertyville. Your finest fabrics are safe with us, because we employe a corps of skilled workmen. -- Libertpoille Indbepenbent ne Day Service Dry Cleaning LAKE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS, Inc. A TIMELY WARNING ld:d all who have no other church obligations are urged to jJoin in this 'sorvlc. of praise. | Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Conner and daughter, Margaret, and Miss Eliza-- beth Conner, of Alberta Lea, Minan., were guests o ftheir cousins, Mr. and !.\lrs.".l. W. Hutchings, two days tais week.: The Conners motored down 'from Albrt Lea the first of the week |and will visit relatives in several places in Illinois and Wisconsin. + Miss Florence Johnson, owner of the Modern Beauty Shoppe, accom-- 'panied by Miss Alice Thorngren, of '|Hawthorn Farm, left Monday June '17, for a two weeks' vacation at he l A man riding in a Ford sedan, \driven by John Rubler, 2121 8. 47th \Court, C:1icago, sustained cuts and ibnflm late Saturday night, when \three cars figured in an accident at Milwaukee and Park avenues. Dr. !C. R. Galloway dressed the man's in-- juries. The Ford was towed to the IRoo Garage for repairs. been in the business of breeding ans batching quality Leghorn stock for 17 years and is recognized to haveé some of the finest flocks in northern Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hawk and son, Robert, attended the graduation ¢x-- ereises at Lewis Institue in Chicago Thursday, in which Leverett Hawk, another son, took part. The family remained in Caicago at the home of Richard Reimers, of the Reimers Poultry Farm at Long Grove, has Jjust secured tae franchise for the northeasterp corner of lillinois for wholesale importation of what is claimed to be some of the finest Sin-- gle Comb White Leghorn breeding stock in the world. Mr. Reimers has bhome of Miss Thorngren's brofther in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Miss Ruth Ames is in charge of tha Beauty Shoppe during the absence of Miss Johnson. Iilinois The joy of worshiping God in a new church will be celebrated by the people of tre Presbyterian church as they come to the close of the first year in the new edifice. The best year in attendance, offerings and in-- crease of membership will no doubt draw out the entire membership as they gather next Sabbath to hear a special speaker, Dr. A. 8. C. Clark, of Evanston, bring a message of in-- spiration. The community is invited TELEPHONE NO. 1 SERVICES OF THF LOCAL CHURCHES i The Daily Vacation Bible School _opens Monday morning, July 1, at 9 'o'clock. The Junior Dept. including Vie ages og 9, 10 and 11, meets in our church,. The Kindergarten and the primary will meet in the Presby-- lterhn church. All children are wel-- come, and thre is no charge for |tm. ¥First Mass at $:30 a. m.; Second Mass at % a. m.; Third Mass at 9 a. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. 8T LAWRENCE'S3, EPI8COPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Communion Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend the services of this cherch. Holy Communion and sermon at 11. Preaching by the pastor. The church school meets Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Classes for all ages. 5 uy _ PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday school t 9:456 4. m. Morning worship at 11.. Dr. A. S. Clark, of Evanston, will preach at the anniversary service and all are cordially invited. Special music by the choir. _ 8T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN (Bast of the Park) .Rev. W. H. Lehmann. Pastor Sunday scohool at 9:30 a. m. P English service at 10 a. m. Quarterly meeting July 7 at 2 p.m. .Immanuel (Waukegan) picoic at Battershall's, #1n Belvidere near Gage's Lake. Welcome Build&ng C Sunday services at 10:45 a m.> Bubject for Sunday:~ "Caristian Sceience." Wednesday evening at 8. METHODIST EPI8SCOPAL Jeohn E. DeLong, Pastor "Christianity As a World Reli-- gion" will be the subject for Sunday morning at 11. Your presence at the morning service is a great thing for you and for the world, and for your country. The church service and the Ep worth League meet at 7:30 p. m. Bunday school at 9: 45. Troop 72 of the boy scouts meets in our church every Friday evening. J. WBird is the scoutmaster . Our Des Plaines camp meeting be gins on July 5th. 8ST. MATTHB";E. LUTHERAN Arthur C. Streufert} Pastor, Fairfield English service at 9:30 a. m. Mrs .C. Juhrend entertained twen-- ty friends and relatives one day--last week, in monor of the 75th birthday of her mother, Mrs. Marla Meyers. The out of town guests were Mrs. Gesina Bejriger, of Chicago, Mrs. Caroline Reismann, Mrs. Barchard and Mr. and Mrs. George Noel of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 30 AND JULY 1: _ "Alias Jimmy Valentine" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 AND 3: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JULY 4 AND 5: 4 Featuring s Olive Borden and Jack Pickford SATURDAY, JUNE 29: ir" A RAIAM* NLJ A A Vitaphon®t and Talking Picture "Hard Boiled Rose" Young Peoples' raveting at 6:30 Sunday School at 9:30 a. in tMPIRER gT. JOSWBPH'3 CATHOLUC A Sound and Talking Picture "A Million Dollar LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,. THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. THEATRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS Collar" A Vitaphone Picture MYRNA LOY Inquiries Solicited:> Building to be erected corner of Broadway and Milwaukee Avenue. Will be ready for occupancy next fall. Kitchenette Apartments For Rent FOR $1.50 A AT V Telephones: _ Office 469 A GOOD OFFICE TCO Do BUSINESS WITH Residence 269 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Conway and ioan Rose Society in a pilgrimage to son, Coral, have returned 1ome after|"Fair Lane", the estate of Henry a week of touring through Wiscorn Ford. After spending two hours on sin, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnescta.|the estate, they will be guests of Mr. They visited Mr, and Mrs. George Ford at a luncheon at the country Milliken and family and his brother, club. S FHd, James, Wm. and Gilbert, at Wn;.-' f el, Wis.. on June 16th, and spent!_ The employes of he Rirst National last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bank of Waukegan surprised Mrs. Alfred Korth and family and the lat. W. D. Jones, formerly Miss Bessie ter's mother in Horneck, lowa. +Whitmore, at the home of her par-- ', ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. John Western, 9f jast Thursday evening, and present-- North Saore cemetery, left Snnday:.d her wit'i a beautiful percolator 'f" the Bay Lake Fruit Farms, and 'stang and service. The evening was IWll-thOo-Nh(. their _ summ«« pleasantly spent in playing games home on Torch Lake, Mich. N°Xt anq stunts, which were followed by \Wednesday Mr. and 'Mrs. Western golightful refreshments. A Coated Ice Cream Ball' * _ on a Stick C Telephone 448 515 N. Milwaukee Ave. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. For the Kiddies: ICE CREAM . LOLLYPOPS Parched Palates 5¢ x e ud Soda Shop WHEN the thermometer is making tent:atiive experiments around the niifxcty mark, and yulir tongue :fln(l throat feel like a piece olj botting paper, you'll want to% come to THL SODA SHOP. Here you can get zippy drinks and various ice cream concoctions that will restore you to normalcy at once. * . AT CHURCH STREET LIBERTYVILLE MILWAUKEE AVENUE ( A C_ N D '\" __ _A / e burt h o :\/,' S J \v' / ESTABLISHED 4 1659 RPina:. Haaias! Van Lmuau thaous Tan L ain T Chipso Salmon ... 19¢ m is Campbell's FPomato Soup 3=~25° American Cheese ®© Post Bran Flakes : 19¢ Lifebuoy Soap 4 ------ 21c Cigarettes ® '1.5 'Pork Loin Roast ..........25¢ Excellent Opening for a Druggist, Delicatessen, Bar-- ber, Florist, Dry Goods Store, Bakery, Dress Shop, Shoe Store or Childrens' Shop. Office at Corner Rockland Road and St. Mary's Road One Mile East of Libetyville. _ Phone Libertyville 777 | Puritan Skinned Hams, whole or half.... Round Steak or Sirloin Steak, Lb. .. ... Sugar Cured Bacon . Chuck Roast ... 25c--30¢ Hydrox Ginger Ale Post Toasties Wet Pack Shrimp Sultana Peanut Butter ------ & Fine 'foods! You know them for their high quality and outstanding flavors. Get them at your A & P food store now at these low prices! Your Choice of LUCKY STRIKE, OLD GOLD * CHESTERFIELD, or CAMEL Quality Meats I4BERTYVILLE IS THE LARGEST TOWN IN LAKE--COUNTY, EX-- CBPTING CITIES ALONG THE LAKE FRONT. WITH EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION AND* WITH GOOD ROADS LEADING IN ALL DIRBCTIONS, THIS CITY IS GROWING RAPTIDLY, AND A BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED HERE NOW, HAS A SPLENDI CHANCE TO GROW, ALONG WITH THE CITY. +LIBERTYVILLE SERVES APPROXE MATELY 12,000 FAMILIES WITHIN ITS TRADING TERRITORY. THE BEAUTIFUL NEW DALL BUILDING STORES FOR RENT lona Pink Benjamin L. Dall Libertyville, Illinois Large Pkg. 29c¢ 27¢ 39c¢ 19¢ Red Ripe Tomatoes, 2 Lbs. for .........._....._...29c¢ Fresh Carrots, 2 Bunches....__.__..._..__..15¢ New Beets, bunch .__.....9¢ Fresh Peas, 2 Lbs. _ 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables New Potatoes, Irish Cobblers, 10 Lbs.........29¢ New Cabbage, 3 lbs.. 1C Fancy Hot House Cucumbers __._.....__... 10c Pa_chl_'yor Large Gold Dust I "where ecomouy Autes" |A Kidney Beans 4 cans 25§5¢ COFFEE 3 Rol: 2§¢ PAPER 3 ~0@§° 2 fto 23¢ The Cream of the Santos Crop Eight O'clock Scot 16° 20° 23° 23°

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