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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1929, p. 7

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township al} his tife, died yesterday afternoon at the home of his son, Norman Brown. He had been in i!! health for some weeks and death While bhe was keenly interested in politics, and took an active part, he never sought office himself. While actively engaged in busi-- CHARLES M. BROWN, PIONEER RESTDENT OF CURNEE, IS DEAD Bomia\'mTomdngHe Lived There His Full 81 To older residents the deceased will be remembered as a lover of tine 'horses and an excellent driver was not unexpected. memory of those days dates back to the time when he drove the long Charles M. Brown, 81, who was born a mile from Gurnee and was a resident of Gurnee and Warren \I' es NVEA _ Suits and Topcoats Cleaned and Pressed YOUR LOCAL TAILOR AND CLEANER 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue Years of Life. «JORTH SHORE > & : Next to North Shore Gas Company 4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS In keeping with our policy, to maintain the highest of standards in furnishing a dry cleaning service that will meet with the approval of our discriminating clientile, both in price and service rendered, we have lowered our prices on dry cleaning. However, we will continue to render the same service as heretofore. The same care-- ful, accurate methods will used. Will Now Meet Out--of--Town Competition $1.00 JOHN CICHY Prices In Effect Now READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS AaADS8. YOU ABRBR SUKHRE TO FIND Mr. and Mrs. Allioe Melville and son from Wisconsin have been cali-- ing on old--time friends and relatives in this vicinity this past week. They have not been here for 20 years. ~Margaret Denman of Milburn spent a fow days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stedman spent several days over last week at Bara-- The Royal Neighbors will hold their montBly evening meeting next Tuesday evening. The condition of A. J. Johnson remains about the same. John Stevens is able to take an on for Ing-- at Alico--Home hospital, Lake Forest. She is getting along nicely. Miss Mildred McCullough attend-- ed the Alumni! banqguet of Milwau-- keeDowner College last Saturday TA IL O R IG -- ALTERATIONS _ REPAIRRING Telephone 551 ¥oOU HAVE BEX Ladies' Dresses, Coats Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 t » _ Mrs. Juia Ransom and daughter, and Mrs. William Jeffery attended the Mother's and Daughters banguet at Mundelein on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Herr, of Chi-- cago, spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. M. C Wirts: i ilrsndlnl'nlknnmnoudwd Additional News * From Mundelein (Continued from Page Six) The use of the muffler, accord-- ing to Lyon, in no way impairs the operation of the motorboats. "In view of the fact that there out NO RELIEF FROM . NOISY MOTOBS IN THE LAKE REGION Rep. Lyon's Bill, by Hundreds of m Vetoed by Governor. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY h en y ie en aeie n aanaee e e en ce enc en e e c e e en e c e e n nnoonoomennomnacarmaan | The first of a series of mid--week' amateur boxing contests was nued' |Wednesday night at Dietsz's Stables | Ivanhoe, and attracted a large crowd.' |Bix fast bouts were put on and the, audience was well satisfied with the . event. Dancing after the bouts add--! ed to the evening's enterwnm'ent.j {It is worthy of note that women are ttaklng considerable interest in bor--| ling contests nowadays, something lllto one third of tae Dietz audience , seen brother since was sey-- en years old. ; \ ~Miss Agnes Meyer and Miss Ruby Kuebker motored to South Bond, !Ind, and brought Mrs. Agnes Meyer back for a few days v'isit. | Mrs. Clark Dunn and sons, and Mrs. m Atwell drove to High Mrs. Wm. Browder and chiidren spent Wednesday with Nelliz Dune At Dunes Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith, George Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Ludwiz were guests at the J. L. Sacpberd home this week end. Cil:.dren, Mrse. Charles Ga.loway and mother, of T[ibertyvile were callers at the Emmett Mills home on Sat-- 1 T Mrs. George Heinsohn, Miss Anna Irvine and Mrs. Emma Mils motored to Elgin on Thursday, where Mrs. Mills visited at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Wirtz. A ~~Mrs. Novak and zon spent Sun-- day witia Mr. and Mrs. Gritmes, of Grayslake. gan helped Pete Novak to colebrate his birthday on Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing rames which were folla«ed by a de Mrs. Fred Krueger entertained her mother, Mrs. Mary Ried and her neice, Miss Audrey Stephenson, of Chicago, over the wéek end. -- The Boy Scouts 'held a meeting at the bhome of Jay Allanson on Friday evening, which was followed by the building of a camp fire and a marsh guests of George _ Rockenbach on Baturday afternoon at a family re-- 'unlon. held at the home of Orman Rockenbach at Lake Zurich. About one laundred guests were present. Five 'of Mrs. Rockenbach's children were present and two were aunable to bae there. TwentySfour grand ca'li-- ren and fifteen great grandchildren attended, besides a great number Jf cousins, nephews and nelces. £. Rockenbach has* just recently pur-- chased a new car, which he drives t msei' James Mills, s great--grard child, three weeka old, was tae youngest guest. Tables were set on the bluff overlooking the lake and a picnic dinner was served at three o'clock and old friendsships were renewed thruout the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clemess, of Chicago, entertained about sixty goests at a barn dance on Saturday evening, at the Cold Springs Farm. A spl rdid supper of steak, sweet corn and other delicious foods was served early in the evening. . chased a small plot of grounl from George. Heinsohn on the road from MMamond Lake to Half Day. About twenty relatives and friends from Kenosha, Chicago and Wauke-- Mrs. Leitlet and twins spent sev-- eral days with Mrs. O. E. Simpson, The Daily Vacation Bible School is now in session and will present their --demonstration _ program on Tu.suay evening, July 2; also it w/ll be from 8 p. m. to 8 p, m. Plan to inpend the entire evening at Diamond The children of thtsudny seiool gave a short but sweet Childrens' Day Program on Sunday evening, which was followed by sterioptican views of the custome and habits of the--people of India. _ being composed of members of the fair sex. Another contest will be staged next Wednesday night at the stables, . Ownes Dietz announces that he has installed a modern von-- tilating system that keps the air as , kool as it is outside. Much favorable Lake. A sale of refrec@ments wil} be a feature of the evening. Bouts at Dietz Stables ~-- Draws Large Crowd comment was heard on this improve ---- Grandma Ost and Caroline Mitchell Mrs. Earl Kane and children ang Mrea. A. Holzt and daughter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Knigge of Lake Zurich on Taursday. Mrs. George Heinsobhn and chid-- ren and Miss Anona Devine were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paul!-- son, of Zlon on Friday. Mrs. Emma Mills and daughter, and Mrs. Robert Rouse were Wauke gan shoppers on Saturday. > Mre. Charles Schroder and child-- ren of Grayslake spent -- Thursday and Friday at the Woodin home. Mr and Mrse. Lewis M s und chiid--, ren and Mrs. Emma Mills were the, _ Mre Fred Luebkeman was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Kmma Rouse, of Mundelein on Taursday. & short lime, as a lunch room. _ Mrs. H. J. Kub!, of Evanston, «pent Thursday at the home of her mother Grandma Ost and attended the Lad-- 'b'"mtlu at the home of Mrs. Earl Kane. Jerry Towner has returned from a motor trip to Soutr Dakota, with relatives from Palatine, & _Mrs, Holms, Mr. and Mrs. Gus An-- derson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christensen with Mr. and Mro. Paul Allanson, Betty Jane Allan-- 80n are visiting in Diamond Lake. RDordon Kieth Ray spent the week L. A. Fitsz, of Round Lake, were Sun-- %esuon at the Shepherd home. -- Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Huguelet, Chicago, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bhober on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Speinie, of Chicago, Are moving into the DMamond Store this week, which they will open in Mr. and Mr#~Merle Young and DAMOND LAKE NHDWS till has> been luncheon to which the public was in-- many happy reunions of the family and friends. Mrs. Peacock had a very kindly disposition and made many people happy by her generosity and help. She will} long be remem-- neral was held at her home here. Passes Away in County Hos-- pital from Attack of Ladies Aid Meets. The Ladies Ald Society had an in This Market Is Under New Management OPENING SPECIALS! Rolled Roast Beef-- . . 39c Fancy Pot Roast . . . 30c Small Pork Loins . . 28c Leg Lamb . . . 38c Model Cash Market Sells the Best ----Attend Our Grand Opening---- Saturday, June 29, 1929 344 North Milwaukee Avenue ------ Libertyville, Illinois Telephone 170 For Your Meat Order _ vited was served from 12% to 2 o'elock and many enjoyed the lunch-- eon provided by Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. H. Potter, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Rey Kerr and Mrs. Willlam Weber, Jr., who taken some years ago, and a merry time was had guessing or trying to bring a photograph which had been «--South ~--East---- W est : Every Pane--front, side and rear--is : } Security--Plate ; Why CAbILLAC can, and Does Render a betier Service --becauseofCadillac--trained craftsmen--guaranteed work--prompt delivery --standardized prices. And every Cadillac representative delivers this un'form service gladly --in every part of thecountry. L'K;--m ur meun ";?'-'duhu"w t beant 7&? mwdmdmm. poggmiant eArimmnate of 193) Coantiocs mt And theee are surmounted by a distinct bear /sERV RVICE\ norg ( adilint ropresontatice Gellvers this un'jGem seryice gliaily --in every parteitbecountry . -{1 CA DILLAC | WE DELIVER _ McCORMICK MOTOR SALES 415 South Genesee St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS The had been making the last lines for, were read, and the prize, a pair of guess whom the pictures represent-- ed. Everyone present was glad the styles had changed. Mrs. Eleanor Kunzer was awarded the prize for guessing the most. Mrs. Dobbin wes in charge of this entertainment. Then the limericks Present . Present day traffic conditions, with'l,;zber speeds and constantly increasing number of cars, for the greatest precautions. You should select a car that is safe. When you eliminate the possibility: of fiying glass, you have taken a practical step towards complete nmotoring security. Tests prove that Security--Plate cracks under severe blows ----but it does not shatter. We suggest that you see in our sales--rooms, the glass which has passed through an accident. most cars that chn be Buth. * =-- _ provide permanent sheen. _ 10 Nation--wide service--Cadiliac Service. Silent Shift Transmijésion permits gear changes at any speed without tness and style, inside and out. is among"the Mrs. Young, Atianta, Ga. The busi-- ness meeting was held and sociable time was spent. Mrs. J. A. Pederson's mother has come from Ghicago to spend the summer with her. Avery and Miss Ruth Avery woere in Waukegan Friday. m for 21c Page Seven

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