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Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1929, p. 8

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YOUTH KILLED IN ACCIDENT WEST OF LAKE FOREST «. Coronor John L. Taylor was no--| tified of the accident by the Lake Forest police and held an inquest Monday evening. Hit and Run Driver Caught ' Giving chase across the flelds west of Lake Forest, Policeman Metzger of the Lake Foregst police arrested George Klacan of 5107 20th aventue, Kenosha for hitting the car' being drivan by Joe Mallardi of 226' *_ FKast 51st street, Chicago, and then' running away. M&pard'l was slight-- ly injured and Klacan is being held at the Lake Forest police station on charges of running away from the scene of an accident. Deputy in Crash Deputy Sheriff Emmitt Hastings crashed into the rear of a car which had been stopped on the pavement on Waukegan road west of Lake For-- est early Monday morning. Elmer Styre of the Columbus hotel in Waukegan, was driving north and stopped on the concrete when Dep-- uty Hastings came along and crashed into him. No one was injured. = Badly Cut Up William Ehrens of 1903 Chattan street, Racine and Miss Betty Jen-- sen of 1223 11th street, Racine were badly bruised and cut up and taken ---- to the St. Thergse hospital in Wau-- _ kegan at midnight Sunday, when «---- blinded by the glare of approaching light. Ehrens swu the car into maathe aitch and it rAMSA over" The Peter Rada, 3150 South Ridgeway ' street, Chicago. also wrecked m} ecar in the ditch to avold hittting them and Robert Priest of 3754 Bar--| mnard street, Chicago, swung his car' into the ditch to avoid piling up on The two injured girls were taken »'te the home of Dr. J. A. Ross in Lib | ertvvilla wheara thawy wars oAvan On Way to Vacation Home in Wisconsin, Family is Up-- set by a Truck. The killing of the youth marked the worst of many week--end acci-- dents which brought injury to meny and resulted in numerous cars be ing wrecked or badly damaged. Crowded highways throughout the county kept the highway police on the jump for the past 36 hours and motorists were delayed hours, ni k#getting to and from their destina-- Paul Haugsermann, a 15-- year--old Chicago boy on his way up into Wisconsin on a vacation trip with hig 'father, mother and three broth-- ers, was instantly killed _ Monday morning when his father's car was struck by a truck and rolled over into a ditch near the Knollwood Country club on the Waukegan road west of Lake Forest: As the cars approached the Knoll-- wood Country club, a truck sped by, sideswiping Haussermann's car and rolling it over in the ditch. The driver escaped. 'Paul. the 15--year-- old son, was crushed under the car and died almost instantly while Er-- win, 13 years old, had a bad cut on his head. Erwin was taken to' Ahe hospital at Wheeling by Haupt-- Han. None of the rest of the party was injured. _ Carl Hausseérmann of Melrose Park was driving north in Wauke-- gan road at 4:45 this morning. In hig car were'his wife and four sons, while in the car following him was hiw brother--in--law, Pau! Hauptman and his family. All were heading for Wisconsin and a vacation camp-- ingtrip. . = s got" out of the car in which they were riding near Lake Zurich and walked into the path of an approach-- ing car. Four automobiles figured in the smash--up which followed. Theodore Reis of Barrington was driving north on the Rand road when his car developed motor trouble and he stopped on the highway. In the car with him were Frank Brockson of 3744 North Troy street, Chicago: Williarn Kaub of 4217 Talbot street, Park Ridge; Lucille Bauer of St. Lukes hospital, Chicago; Ruth Ma-- han of 4030 Walworth street, Chi-- cago, and Miss Josephine Chinicek, of 839 Thirty--third court,, Cicero. car was badly damaged, but both of the injured were able to continue on their way to Racine. Two Girls Injured Two Chicago young women, both declared to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor, were injured Saturday night at 11:30 when they ."mmmmmw 2oLR -- qre i"KL, cb inclca Yartie. M. Walderman| Waysic nidn, Li n : o 9 O S I jured at 2:30 Sunday morning when, onable _ P as they were driving north in Green lein 347--R. when the= car stopped, Misses Bauer and Chinicek got out and started for a roadside stand and were struck by a car being driven by Philip McGrail who was with his brother, Joseph. McGrail swung his car l_lto the ditch to avolid hitting OGrayslake. The injured were taken to Dr. Struthers' home in Grayslake where their wounds were dressed. A. J. Tromsdort. 4737 North Ma-- plewood avenue, Chicago, was driv-- ing a United taxi cab with nine pas-- angers back from the boxring show at Fox Lake. Near Grayslake the cab ran off the concrete and as he swung back Into the road, the driver ewerved his cab into the Moran car which was going in the opposite di-- Elizabeth Condell hospital at Liber-- tyville. Miss Chinicek suffered a possible skull fracture and bad cuts Mrs, A.. Moran, 5746 North Arte-- mlan street, Chicago, suffered a dis-- located shoulder and her daughter had some bad cuts on the face and head when the. car in which they were riding with their son and broth-- er was struck by another car near yYIHO, . RIGS CBAINICOK _ SUIICTOGq A * had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. possible skull fracture and bad cuts l;"a"lont Ray last Sunday. ' and bruises about thet legs while| 'Two cars of folks toured to the Miss Bauer had a badly injured Cooper Peony Farm Friday. It was knee. !a sight to behold. Peonies in all the Both were taken to Chicago in an dominating colors, in sizes six to ambulance Sunday morning. eight inches in diameter. Pr. Ross signed mtmudto u;e ! efnieeiiiarnedesions exncremembeecummers effect that bo#f girls were under the % nrmenct of nquer | Too Late to Classify PAGE EIGHT Aged Woman injured cars wore badly over. The the road im i..z § per cent. was not Phone Libertyville 100. 2# it . Thuocholc.fupmtu DOGTOR BILLS ARE DISALLOWED IN AN O ESTATE HEARING Leonard Bornstead of 312 Gideon avenue, Zion, suffered minor injuries in a collision of his automobile with another near Waukegan on Sunday. His injuries weer treated at Vic-- tory Memorial hospital after which The long pending hearing in pro-- bate court in the estate of Gerard Van Schaick of Highland Pafk was held during last Monday's probate work and the claims against the os-- tate filed by Dr. Benjamin Shalatt for $800 was disallowed for want of prosecution while the claimsa of Drs. Oldfield and Morrison, in th@ amount of $980 were slashed to $273.05 and allowed against the en-- Alvin C. Bark, Zion -- Heirship proved. Job Thompson, Barrington--Wil} admitted to probate. Estate of $25, 000 personal and $20,00 real estate given to son. daflion and two grandchildren. _ Heirship _ proved. Letters testamentary issued to A)-- bert L Robertson. Bond of $90,000. he went home The claimants prayed an appeal to the circuit court and the azpJAl was allowed with bonds fixed at $200. Other matters taken up in probate were: William P. Chase, minor, High-- land Park--Receipt of ward filed and estate closed. Charles E. Latimer, Lake Forest-- Final report approved, estate closed. Archibald Houtaling, Barrington-- Petition for letters of administra-- tion filed. Bond fixed at $5400. Heirship proved. Rosecrans News Items'wan: George Rasmour, North Chicago-- Administrator authorized to settle fire insurance claims. The Rosecrans Ladies'® Aid Society ' will serve the Fourth of July dinner . in the Ames Grove, as usual. The | ladies are purchasing extra chickens, : so tiere will be plenty of chicken | dinner. : A fiveplece orchestra from | Doris + Litchfield, Libertyvyille -- Final account filed. Hearing contin-- ued to June 27. Chicago --will furnish music. The Tossland baseball team will be one of the teams to try their lucbtor the prize. * Miss Eva Lewin and Charles E4 wards were married in Antioch Wed-- nesda yof last week. Mr. and Mrs Ivan Ray of Wauke FOR SALE--Gondola type baby car-- riage; in good condition; price $10. years old, for general housework, cooking and some help in delicftes-- sen; family of three; no laundry; private room, good home, g0o@ wag-- es. E. Pasternak, 5602%, Milwaukee WANTED--Claildren to care for by the hour, day or week; at a reas ; Telephone 129--J. HA AAngs and win« One-- h u'r.".n ':';l'lr: ings, well and windmill. half of ; > it is under high state of cultivation, § wures to ns [ofiant® fimber ant nesture (otks o Friday. it was owned by non-- nt and tive eontes in all the '£1900.06 cash, balance Toe uy berfore k A T i or ore in sizes six t0 5 years at 5% per C@Dt. 20 8t i1ouse, cement basement, abundance meas for shade -.::!mm, wel} and cistern, o $10 poultry house, garage, milk house, 26 lt. 1"" $8x80, ample room for € horses and 40 cattle. -- Stone walls and c« )r py ment floors, silo 14x36. Has a)l reag. black soil under high state of culti-- unde. | vation. Operated by owner and must 24 gt be sold. $100 per acre. . $9,000.00 _ _ {cagh, 'balance on or before 5 years 2%6 1t !l'm NO. 2--23 good 10-- * A acres, room I ' house with large rooms, hardwood Farm of 80 acres at east Fox Lake, floors, furnace heat, running water, |Good house and barn and other ont-- 'screened in porci, well and cistern, buildings; very productive soil; a \shade and fruit trees, consisting of fine'grove of timber. Price $200 apples, pears, cherries kand plums, ' per acre. , ' 20% 'with nice springfed creek, 2--car gar-- 'age, 2 poultry houses, corn crib, barn 18 acres adjoining a Long Lake 1 , | subdivision that is all sold. Just ripe 30x40, milk with ample room for 12 70 S parige * & n Tor us cattle and three horses, cement -llo! right * bargai :10x25, milk house and windmill. | man. . > Price $8,000.00. $4,000.00 cash, bsl-' Three oo?._, lots, well wooded, in ance first mortgage. Shorewood subdivision. the best sub-- YOU KNOW AND SO DQOQ WE, THAT THIS 18 AN OPPORTUNITY THAT YOU CANNOT FAIL TO IN-- VESTIGATE. FARM NO. 1--10 acres poultry farm, within 14 miles of town and state highway, direct from Chicago, good 7 room liouse, stone walls, cement basement, 2 wells and large cistern, house is surrounded by abundance of shade and fruit trees, wood hous*», milk bouse, powltry house 10x20; barn 28x30, silo 10x24, being smacri fleed at $6,000.00. $2,000.00 cash, bal}-- ance as rent. ° Millburn, good T7--room house, large glazed--in porch, wonderful shade and fruit trees, 2 poultry hbouses. barn, ample room for 4 horses and 10 cows Garage and implement space, silo and other buildings, 22 acres under a high state of cultivation, own»d by widow and must be sold. $12,-- 500.00 Easy terms. FPARM NO. 4+--365 acres located in town of New Munster, house is strictly moderp. Eigat--room house, hot water heat, cement basement, a good well anil cistern, shade and fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears, cherries, garage, milk house. poultry house, barn 36 x 50, ample room for 6 horses and 12 cattle, in-- cluding 2 horses, 8 choice cows, chickens, tools, feed and crops. Be-- sacrificed at $11,000.00. Smal down payment, balance as rent. ment silo, 1nc1o:uu 4 good horses, 16 choice cattle, all poultry, féed. and crops, party leaving state and must be sold. $12.000.00. $7,200 cash iand assume mortgage at $4,800.00. o FARM NO. 8--110 acres witain 2 l miles of two lakes, close range of Antioch Has 7 room bungalow, hard wood floors, furnage heat, screened in porches, well and cistern. House is surrounded by mammoth shade :tmn. Milk house, garage. -- Tool house connected with granary. Barn 40x60, with ample room for 6 horses and 20 cattle, silo 14x30, including 3 fine horses, 1§ choice cattle, all poultry, tools feed and crops, at the price 'of $14,000.00. About one ha'f 'uan Can give immediate possession. |FARM NO. §--120 acres on state 'higrway. Good T--room house, hare wood floors, furnace heat, well and cistern, shade and fruit trees, 2--car garage, milk house, poultry house, barn with cement floors" and stone FARM NO. 330 acres, located near FARM NO. 542 acres, located just oft state highway No. 50, 4& «anilie from town and '%--mile from main highway. -- House, barn and other buildings owned by non--resident. W are authorized to dispose of same at $3,000.00. Oneha¥ cash, balatce 3 years. FARM NO. 6--69%4 acres, located in close range of Antioch, on state higiway; has good #--ro0om house; bath, running water, furnace heat, cement basement; wonderful shade and fruit; milk bouse, poultry house and good well; barn No. 1, 30 by 60, barn No. 2%, 40 by 66, with ample room for 5 horses and 20 'cattle. Be-- ing offered at $160.00 per acre. Must be seen to be appreciated . PARM NO. 1--94 acres, located with in M--mile of town on stone road. Hardwood floors, good T--room house, cement basemegt, furnace heat, * car garage and poultry house, milk house 10x12, barn 32x60, ample room for 6 horses and 20 cattle, new ce-- walls, Room for 6 horses and 20 cattle. Silo and 'other buildings, 1 mile from popular lake with golfing, fishing and hunting, within 3 miles of 2 good towns, owned by aged wid-- ow. Must be sold for $100 'per acre. Onethird cash, balance 5 years with no payments. FARM NO. 10--127 acres, locatod just off state highway. SBix--room house, cement basement, wonderfu}l shade and tgm barn, 4 horses and 175 cattle, ew silo, poultry houso, hog house, granary and other guild-- in@s wall and windmill One--half of LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. 'ah uP fi ;i T. J. STAHL & COMPANY Antioch, IIl, Paone -- Antioch Office is open on Sundays from 9 a m. unt} 6 p. m. FARM of 70 acres, six miles west of Waukegan, near Grand Ave ; all tillable, tiled and well fenced; new barn, brick silo, other ouibulldings; one of the best producing farms in the town of Warren. Tm"oo?h lots, well wooded, in Shorew subdivision, the best sub-- division in Lake county. 2 water front lots in' Round Lake View, near Oval Lodge; a real bar-- gain. Also other lots on Highland acres black tillable soil, balance timber and pasture; well fenced, all modern builldings and in good con-- dition; located near Lake Villa. First time offered for sale in 40 years. Priced at $22%6 per acne. 18 acres adjoining a Long Lake subdivision that us all sold. Just ripe to subdivide. A bargain for tae right man. ' FOR SALE----Farm 240 acres, 180 FIVE HOUSES in Grays Lake; all modern; three on cemen! streel Priced very reasonable. EEVEN choice bujlding lo's, 5§x150, some . wooded, sewer, water and sidewalk in; fine location. . on Round LAke, built for winter use; water and electricity in, garage. large wooded lot. Bargain at $4500. TWO FURNISHED lake, front cot-- tages on Grays Lake, for sale or rent; bath; electric and gas in; reas-- REAL ESTATE AND IN8UVRANCE large screened porch, garage. ONE COTTAGOE in Shorewsod Bub. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Vacant lots, cholce locations. Some ¥ry good buys right now. $1000 Country homes improved $25000-- New modern homes, splendid bar-- gains 'Tm;-up Farms for the farmer, northern II1 & gouthern Wis. at $75.00 per A Acreage Libertyville district, some splendid buys, $150 per A.--up. Beautiful lake . front properties _ Northern Wis., fine hard ° sand We handle exchanges any size, any state; perbaps we have just what you want. beaches. Very cheap. Grayslake, Illinois Telephons 24--R . Grayslake, IHlinois W. H. Mayfield and Sons are distributing Spinney Run Farms Products, and your patronage will be appreciated in the fu-- ture as it has been in the past. Our herd of Pure Bred Ayrshires are Federally Accredited. free from tubercu-- losis and are tested regularly for conta-- gious abortion, under the supervision of the University of Illinois. Nothing has been left undone to produce a high grade of pure milk, and we invite, an inspection of our barns and dairy buildings at any time. | Phone 637--W--1 LIBERTYVILLE SELLERS & JOHNSON REALTY BROKERS Write, Phone or Call SELLERS & JOHNSON REALTY BROKERS SPINNEY RUN FARM Libertyville, I!1. Libertyville, 1!1. wNOTICE! cottages for THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. $ 4% FOR SALE--230 acres, 60 miles from Chicagb, 10 miles from Lake Ge-- neva, on: cement road 61; half mile from town; 70 acres of brautiful woods; Nippersink river flows thru farm; State roads 60 and 173 are eoming thrw village; a new 18%--hole golf course near farm; fine set of farm buildings; pososession at once. No trade. Terms. H. F. Greeley, Richmond, I!1. 262t FOR SALE--Stationary laundry tub, $5; disa cabinet «Jining room table and chairs; best price takes them. Tennyson, Mundelein. Phone 490. lunch room; good opportunity 10 LGave a business of your own. Phone Jndependent, Libertyville No. 1. WANTED--First class lauidress for _ washing and ironing on Monlay and -- Tuesday. Telephone Hediy, Grayelake 176--J--1. 26 °1: FOR SALE--Building 22x24 ft., su:t-- awble for road stand, garage, cot-- tage; also large 400--l1b. ice box. Tel-- ephon Libertyville 875. 26 1t WANTED--Woman to run small FOR SALE--Buitding 22x24 ft., suit-- fresh and springers, with sixty--days able for road stand, garage or cot-- ,-reteat. Gllskey Bros, Round Lake, tage; also large 400--1b,. ice box. Tel-- Illingis. f 52 tt ephone 875. 25 it '_--.:--_--_:?,-------- WANTED--Teamsters; only reliable sober men wanted; $6 per day, and steady work. Inquire of Henry Toni-- FOR SALBD--Lot 100x150 ft. a tLong Lake; will make two nice lots; cot-- tage on one lot; will sell reasonable. Telephone Briargate 7073, or address 1347 Norwood Ave. Chicago. 24 6t FOR SALE--About 3,000 square feet .of good sod in Ivanbhoe cemetery ¥ reasongble. T. H. Kern I.iber-- t;:{llo. IIL. 21 itf gan, West Washington °St., Wauke gan. Phone 928--Y--1. 25 6t FOR SALE--Black dirt. Frank Cal zavara & Son, Libertyville. Tele-- phone 288--J. 22 6t POR SALE OR EXCHANGEB REAL ES8TATE -- What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, I11. Phone 496 ecrippled and broken down cows and bulls. THESE ANIMALS MUST BE ALIVE. $10.00 per !read. Horses wt wanted. Phone Barrington 256. e pay all telephone tolls. 23 6t FARMERS--We buy and pick up all FOR RENT--LArge front room, suit-- abe for two; located on Park Ave. Also garage. Telephone Libertyville 888. 24 6t FOR RENT--A number of flats, houses, bungalows and stores. Renting from --27.50 per month to $100 per month. R. G. Kaping, Real-- tor. Phone 469 UNLESS A MANSION HAS GPOD HEAT-- A COZY CABIN HAS ITBEAT !} ! _ BORST'S COAL QUARTETTE RONDOUT, ILLINOIS8 IELEPHONES 679--M.--1 and BUYING your winter coal at this time is a sensible sort of preparedness. We will sell you good coal and we will give you good service. We are prepared to pandle your or-- der now. JOHN G. BORST FOR SALE FOR RENT WANTED e 21 t L1O08T--Gold wrist watch c1 black |_ribbon, at Ford landing fie!ld last Priday; valued as keepsake; $5.00 reward to finder. Mrs. LioyAa C. Ray, phome 220--M. F . 20 It FOR RENT--5 room flat; sun parlor and sleeping porch; good location; near hbhigi school. Call Libertyville FOR SALE OR RENT--Six room bungalow in Oakwood Terrace; all modern. Call at Independent office or telephone 187. 22 tt LOST--From Butler lake, a green duck boat; liberal reward; no questions asked. Call at Libertyville Independent or phone No. 1. 22 6t _ _sired by "Flash", famous movie star dog; various color.. Inquire of Charles White, Half Day. Post office Prairie iVew, Il1. . 25 6t FOR SALE--Police dogs and pups FOR _ 256 Hereford and An-- gus S.?OI;E.T Wt. 400 to 900 Lbs.; sorted in even sizes in carload lots. 2 loads fine T. B. tested springer heifers, 2 loads cows, calves by sid=, will sell one load or all, Harry 1. Ball, Fairfield, lowa. 26 3t MONEY TO LIOAN--We have a con siderable amount of special funds o loan on improved farm or cit; property. We invite your inqguiry ¥irst Nationa! Bank, Libertyville, II your property, list it with Fred H. Bmith, Realtor. 604 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 275. 5 t IF YOU WANT TO RENT OR SELL FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern-- seys. Choice cows. and hbeifers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days LOST AND FOUND 6% SAFE INVESTMENTS For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS Livestock For Sale L' LIBERTYVILLE MOTOR SALES (-- -- DICK EARL, Prop. | \ 611 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville. _ Telephone 202 INSURE against tire troubles on your trip--and for a long time to come---- by having us inspect and overhaul your tires now. Should you need new tires, tell us how long you expect to keep the car and how far you'll drive it ----we'll show you the type of Goodyear which will cost you least and answer 1 ' dee your requirements best. 6(2 ; omm e on oc AAeaaAli commn #s: y t \ 4 L1 % ts F e 5s -- $ | i & s s )\V seile A Te C '&#, hoi C V 6 PC HLALS Lowest Prices in 30 Years--on Standard Lifetime Guaranteed coopnyvrEairs 4 The New Pathfinders 30 x 4.50....$ 7.60 29 x 4.40....$ 6.65 30 x 5.00....$ 9.835 32 x 6.00....$14.95 The Famous All--Weathers 29 x 4.40....$ 8.90 30 x 4.50....$ 9.90 30 x 5.00....$12.75 32 x 6.00....$17.95 which you are entitled, The Libertyville Independent ------ $1.50 a Year MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, JUNE 28th and 29th 606 N. Milwaukee Libertyville, IIlinois . Telephone 180 PALACE Cash Market Native Pot Roast 25c -- 30c¢ Sugar Cured Hams PURE LARD 8--1b. Pail -- $1.00 BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 47¢ BONELESS ROLLED VEAL _ 3335c Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Fresh Little Pig Hams 18ic Sugar Cured Bacon . Short Leg of Lamb to see that you get all the miles to Moderate Charges, Latest Equipment, Factory Meth-- ods, best of materials. All makes of tires repaired. Our work HAS to be igrht! TIRE REPAIRING Never before have such fine tires sold for so little. Good-- year is sweeping the field be-- {ore it for value--due to build-- ing millions more tires than any other company. The gains in Goodyear sales exceed the gains in sales of all tires com-- bined. Proof that the public is fast becoming tire--wise. 23¢ 27¢ 35¢

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