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Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1929, p. 8

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cers ot the national camp. An injunction proceeding to be heard in the supreme court is how" 'rt Ming relief to the "im, aurgents" and if this full: the mr: nols camps will turn to the right ot a reterenduh tor relief. There was an diverse ~rullng on. the injunction in Chicago courts but Farmer explains that no evi- dence was presented in behalf ot those protecting to the Increase. AMBER Ill.llalilill . "Ell! FOB SLAMS: been a leader in the county in nu effort to defeat the increase which he claims Is an injustice to older members who have heed in {the fraternity for years. Joseph Ingrid: Passes Away in Milwaukee f; The four camps were unanimous in the adoption of the resolutions which were complete denunciation, of the business policies ot the offi- cers ot the national can") All Lake county camps have been organized to fight the change In policy and _actlou. in each instance, bu been'unanlmous Josey.) inxrish tor the past thirty m a resident of Libertyville, died toduy (Thursday) in St. Marta hoe- vital. Inwaukee. from the effects ot an operation. , Mr. ingrish was born in Germany 81 yen-s ago, and cane to America at the age ot l9. He made his home in Chicago mid lived there tiatttt the death od his "rougher which he moved to a term near Lets ertyviiie. Later he came to Liberty- ville and made his home Wit.) his daughter, Mrs. John Dryer, 905 W. Pit-k avenue. to ummno. Besides Mrs. Dryer. he i w. .12.; by two sisters: In. Homud [non of Libertyville. and Mrs. Eugene Honda! of Grayshke, and a brother. John Intrrish,_ot Chicago. Funeral arrangements had not been completed as this issue of The Independent goes to press. Paul G. any. undertaker, went to Milwaukee ht. this afternoon to bring the body William L. Farmer. of Wluke- gun, was the speaker ot the even- ing at Homewood and the other three camps were the guests obthe Homewood members. Farmer has Bitter condemnation of the na- tional officers of tho Modern Woodmen was contained in resolu- tions adopted Friday nite by Home- wood, Chicago Heights. Harvey and Steger camps in connection; with the raise in rates ordered by, the officials. ' I WOOOMEN OFFICIALS OENOUNOEO ilt FOUR SUBURBAN ORDERS it. "an. walla alone of the m " Rome are estimated to have can! '60,000,o00, and 20.000 in" captive- - said to have has. 01:9!on In It. construction. II " 80,000 spectators at on. an. The sheriff telegraphed Bellaire police and within three hours re- ceived two telegrams outlining the nature ot the crime and the desire of the Bellaire police to prosecnte the man Wm. Farmer. of Waukegan, Leads Pig; in Homewood Against posed Boost. Although the man refused to tant, except to any that he had lived in Birmingham. Ala., High. wood a? Rondout. the sherm re- ceived t e information that Acquist might throw light on the'Beilairv murder Columbus day. 1920. 7 To record barometric pressure. temperature and humidity. n strnnd at blond hair from the human lad I. and in I new newmeteor in" instrument which is carried M by nirvana pilots. an" be seated. Searching Acquist's home they found a shotgun and two revolvers as well as a large quantity of ammunition. They had been advised to shoot to kill in the event Amulet showed Any intentions of fighting. Ho submitted to arrest peacefully. Ooh/Lino on Murder Sheriff Doolittle questioned that man through the day yesterday und- er the belief that he was not insane n his people had indicated but that he had played a part tn a crime that he was attempthttr,to hide. J As the case was out of the no lice Jurisdiction Patrolman Jensen, Robinson and Mauser obtained the aid of Capt. George Hocking". of the county highway force. and Do. nuts Sheriff W'iliinm Kinko's". one ot his men. He also telegraphed that he would leave immediately in ordvr to take Acquiat back tor trial. Caught at Handout Acquist was caught near Rondout at midnight yesterday. His wife, with whom he had been married 23 years. asked Lake Forest police for assistance as Acquiat. known to Highwood and Handout Sicilians as August. had beaten her unmerci- fully. o., was announced Thurs. by Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle through the " reet yesterday of Salvntorq Acqulst, alias Joe August, 48. of Random. Killed One. 'ttot Another Acquist. the night of Oct. I2. 1920. shot and killed Pietro Dober- redo and wounded Jimmie Julian. Moran telegruphed the sheriff that the gunplay was a part of the black. hand warfare that blazed through several Ohio cities that year, Salvatore Acquist, Alias Joe August, Charged With a Solution of u nirter-r-oid crime. tn which one man was murdered and a "eond seriously wounded In a blackhand conspiracy at Bellalre. PAGE FOUR il YEAR tllll CRIME ugust, Chant Murder in BI Hair Recon" Pressure Tellaire, o. Three supervisors. appointed by Chairman James O'Connor. of the county board. to attend the "no "new!" meeting at Ottawa, will love Sept. M, " was learned to- day. The" to attend will be Sunni-or Harry mutton. mo Vllh: Charles, - Hamburger. M Vlow and John D. Thon- u. Zlon. but week he remarked that while his energy had tar trom given out that he was "inked to death" trom reviewing all of " followers through the ten-day religion. holiday this summer. _ SUPERVISORS Til ATTEND MEETING Believes There Are Three Planes of Heavens and Two More of Earth. The third earth house. tho pre- Arlorttitetg and is helow the nudes 'ayer. God occupies the top hav- en. "cording to his theory. the sec- ond holds the sun. moon and stars. and the lower heaven the clouds. VOLIVA GOES WESI FOR 1ljlilllTMi,' HAS NEW EARTH THEORY Wilbur Glenn Voliva. averse-or of Zion, 'left Thursday for a munth's vacation in the vicinity of Do-uver. Colo. t The tirtrt earth. he pointed out, Is our! and the second. right under this one. is hadee where the souls of the dunned exist. Hades In worse [thin hell. he pointed out, be- cause u an have hell on earth. "r'm going out to Colorado to rent for a month . . . from talking. I've been doing too much nr that." he said. ' In discussing his earth theory with Chicago newspapermen as he left at the Northwestern depot last night he stated that he believed there were two other earth planes and three planes of heaven. The tire wan seen tor a distanvv of many miles and many who feared that the clhb buildings wru- ablaze. were attracted to the scent" Origin of the fire could not be de- termined but It in tht,',T/ that " was started by the F ppm: of a lighted match in the an" try a hunter or sums-um- cutting arrms the grounds of the club. Farmers residing in the neighbor- hood seeiug the tire and aware of the danger to the club buildings hurried to the club grounds and waged a desperate fight to oyrb the flameta, More than er, farmers assisted in the tight. using bags and shovels to beat out the names. The Antioch tire department was summoned to the club. but the farm. er: had the fire under control be tore it arrived. Fire starting in lung tram a Invading a tract of timber near igniting trees and Stumpy illt'nai Wildings fo the 'tttwot/la l club near Millburn for mnn- th an hottr"rttursday night. Antioch Firemen Called, But Farmers Succeed in Ex- guishing Blaze. ONWENTSM CLUB BUILDING MENAGED illl FOREST M After the nervices the guests avail- ed themselves of the opportunity to wish the bride end groom every hep- pinees. and. following this. the. rein- tives end bridal party reputed to the church Parlors, where they en. Joyed n wedding dinner in e most at- tracuve setting. The teblee had been erranged in the shape o in horseshoe and beautifully decorated with rib bone and vnricolored flowers. There was the usual lovely wedding cake, which wee pieced at the extreme top of the horseshoe. The bride has been showered with many gifts, and looks iorwerd to giv. ing them ail prominent piece; in her home. which will be at Northbrook. where they will take charge ot the North Shore Line station. The best wtsttet, of their many friends go with them throughout their entire life. Tney left immediately "tertae wedding dinner on an auto mp to Colorado. and will be at homo In Northbrook Mter Nov. 15th. The bride wan given away by her father, Mr. Wrench, and the bridal procession made an extremely m pressure and pretty picture. us well u the ceremony, ulna; place in from of the many baskets of gorge- ous t,lomrrts and term which: utmost filled.the chancel. The music in beautifully render.l ed, with Mrs. Lyle Morris ttt the or: gm and Wilfred Burgesos, soloing cousin of the bride. I Little mu Eleanor can, A cousin ot the bride. and Tiny Ruth Jenny. daughter of Mr. tad Mrs. Wm. Jet. tery of Mundeleln. were {lower girls. They were dressed in pale green taffeta, tad carried small baskets ot rose petals. Mm Gladys Lyon and George Abe". brother of the groom, were the atteetdanta, and um Lyon was dressed in n very becoming orchid Meta with Inge picture hat, shoes anod hose to match. end tamed n bonnet of orchid detpainanutaa. The bride wore a beautiful taffeta dram. tae mu of which was tn abundtnco of lime rumor. a has white hat, thou and hose to match. and curled u boquot ot white to." and 1m. of the "my. Wound" afternoon at 4 o'clock. I!" " Millie Wrench and Lee H. Abe" were "gnitattt in marriage " u very pretty 'r2',lrl',',,', performed by Rev. John 061.01]; In the Plrgt Methodist church, with the church well filled with Mead. and relatives. Millie Wrench Bride Of Lee H. Abegg "N mu nearby ttput than The board found everything In tine dupe " the farm, everything going smoothly under the manqument of Supt. Philo Burgess and his wife. A group made up of the entire membership of the Lake county board of supervisors were at the county farm on on Inspection trip this (Thursday) afternoon. The pur- pose ot the visit was to Inspect the extensive remodeling recently COW- pleted at the farm. The delegation. Incfuding all 37 members of the board ttnd a number dt other people. arrived M the farm " 2 o'clock and spent nbout two hours there. Super- visor B. C. Thompson chairman of the county tum committee, was In charge of the party. Board Members Visit County Farm Today The police are of the 09an that the burglary scare at this store early in the morning of July 22 was trom the came cause, as tho clrmitntttancet, at that time Welt' similar to those of this morning. ' . After o short search it was discov- ered that the insulation on the tele phone cord had worn ott where it leads into the wall. and that the flashes seen by the operator at the exchange had undoubtedly been mused by the two bare wires touca- intt together. A piece of meat found lodged between the wall and the tel- "phone cord, believed to have been carried that tar by 3 mouse. is tho't to hive forced the two.wlreo to. getlwr, causing the phone signal to flash on the switchboard at the ex- change. V Night Patrolmturgoe Sum hurried to the see-nomad started an investi. tration, after calling William wal- rand. owner of the store. The taro thoroughly searched the place 'and. finding nothing missing. concentrat- "d their "(onion 3 more minute ex- amination ot the-telephone, which was found In rne usual place. Solution ot a burglary scare at the Walrond grocery More, 541 N, " waukee Are. several weekg ago was obtained when the local police. were amUn called to the More thht (Thurs day) morning following a tip by the night to-luphone operator when the signal of the store flashed on Iter board sou/Hal times at 4 o'ciock. Ruth IN,. Harry Thompson. Wan Iegan, iiUrtii,'i/ _ Vivian vs. Mary Deiner, High [and Park. desertion. Pearl u. Joseph (Spec. Wauhe gun. timaertion. . Ethel V24. A. LeRoy Smith. Watt hexan. infidelity. Blame Mice for Two Burglary Scares i in a limihr accident u the Fort .Sheridnn bridge. Marian Scum). (daughter of Circuit Judge Kickbun l8cuninn, ot Chicago, was killed ne'- .en yen: Mo, Sept. 8. 1922. Judas {Scnnlan's left arm was broken and his wife. another daughter and hi. i'd,"ndlll'i, were sevnrelv injured. Margaret vs. Georxe Zewe. Waukexan. sopurnte maintenance. on grounds of cruelty. Caroline F6. Gotano Martino. Waukoxan. grounds of infidelity. Florence vs. Albert Manor. Waukegan. desertlon. Ethel 29, Louis Jones. "'auke- l Chief Tiffany carried her up the Bide of the ravine and took her 8 Ithe military hospital at Fort She Men where Malor D. V. Enema. chief nrmy surgeon " Fort Sheri. dnn. performed en operation to at n badly fractured leg and u the .operetion v" successful. avoided ithe necessity ot imputation. She in also believed to he suffering from 'internnl Jnjnriee but army .Dhyei- leans believe she will n cover, I Min Buhl, the daughter of George iA. Buhl, prominent Chicatto real "I- !ute dealer, was returning from .l-'erry Hail, where she had resistor- ed for her senior yen. to her home In! 368 Laurel "(2an Highland lPurk. when the "olden: occurred. Mary FA. Robert Conklin. of North Chicago. Cottklin, the wife charxw, was Imprisoned for a your in 1927 In the federal Penitentiary at Atlanta. Ga.. With transporting Mien. The last of a violent eruption of divorce bilie came to I clou- Saturday, when the county building closed at noon. Ten had been filed dnring the morning hours bringing the two day total up to 18. The rush was caused through the titct that it "as the last day for publicnt on for the October term. Those seeking decrees are follows: - Sklddln; on the we! planking ot the bridge no she drove oft the lmncndnm poring ot abandon road lbemoan Lake Pom: nnd Port Sher- Man, Mun Follclte Bubl. " you old nghlnnd Partt girl, n madam n: Perry Hall in Luke Forest. plunged with her car forty foot from the bridge to the bottom of n ruins In [Lake Forest Tuesday night. One Woman Asks Decree Be- cause Her Husband Was in o. S. Penitentiary. FILE lt DIVORCES BRINGING TWO DAY TOTAL Til EIGHTEEN The met an Chlot of Police Loo- m Titmnr and Policeman "Joseph Dunnkln of Luke For": were Iblo to litt the car on the unconscious form of the girl shortly after the aeeident, ls uld to have been the actor In sum; the slrl'n lite. HONOES Al. FEET FROM BRIDGE OVER l. FOREST RAVINE Highland Park Girl Badly Hurt As Car Dives Through Iron Railings. _ cruelty LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929. . Louis Jones. Wauke- in connectlon stolen automo- Ray Kennedy. proprietor' of the center iI-in Chicago todny- (Hurt day) unending a meeting of retren- lion parlor proprietors from Devon avenue, Chicao. north thru the North Shore district. Tao wrpooe of the meeting in to amuse for neepstnken tournament: Jo be held tfurintr the winter. Many people are already practising on the alleya nt the center getting in form tor the stnrt of tho league playing. Cooid. enble interest in: been exhibited by the local people rince the ear-bible in: here ot the Recreation. Center and from present indicntionn this year will be no exception. league, known but you a the City laws will nlso be ormlud. M present indication the American Legion pout will not hare 1 "no this you n It is too Lard to get the Legion bowler: to "we" " the cen- ter on ttre night acheduled tor the lemme edrtt week. rue has Also been ot'nrted nod et- perta to begin rolling next week. It is understood that the [Jot-Hyvme club have lined up their team nnd will commence hitting the wood on Thursday night of tata week. Gur; Krulnery. local bowling en- ihuniut. in completing pins for organizing another Comme'r hi len- xue this yenr. This league in one ot the arouses! and callus some orttte boot bowlers In the village on it's (suns. It is ewectod that n ma The lid via knocked off mu week when the Wanna) Lune, made up or between 20 and 25 women, fully ornnlxed themselves into team and muted their first league gun" Wednvoday night. The Dad'. Lea. Present imitation: at the Liberty. ville Rocronuon center Indicate that more people In Littertrvi1te will par- ttctuto in bailing activities " the center this winter than ever before. Bowlers Organized For Winter Activity , Juhnln wen st work with other members ot the repair crew. (listing nesr the lenk' which n pick bundled by s fellow workmn hit e stone in such s nsmmer that s sport wss caused. The escaping us was ite nited try the sport and exploded. painfully burning Jnhnln shout the bend and lands. He we. brought to the office at Dr. J. L. Tsylor'in Lib. ertyrille, where the pain woe soma- what stunted and the injuries dress» ed. Altaough the msn received first degree burns. it was not necesnry to send him to the hospital. Juhnls, who is single, hns been sn employs of the On compeny for some time. The men were rewiring the leek on Town Line road, s short diatsnce east of Milwaukee svenue. A lurk caused " the shot-p con. tact 0 ta pick tn no and. at n work- mu mum; c "one clone to l as lost which was being ranked in the North Shore an mum on Town Una road. resulted in an cannon In which Dull Juhnh. " yum aid, 6tt May street Winona. no " vonly burned about the (Ice and Mad. at noon (any. " (in Explosion Buriu Man in Face No chums-s are anticipated at the one for the present according to the now owner, The establishment will continut- to serve the my patrons who at there each day. It is prob- able that a new street sign will be erected early in the spring and other mange. at the front one also con- temphwd by the new management. Mr. Rapanos has been in Liberty- ville for the put two weeks during which time he has been"netrotiating tor the purchase of the restaurant. Mr. t9itralaa will remain here for unother week, closing up his bun!- n'eu affairs before daptrtlng for a visit with his funny in Micaigan. The Virgina Cafe. located at 603 N Mlh'aukw Avenue, owned and operated for (he put two year: by Gun Sisal". vu pummedon Mon- day of this week by Alex Rspanoc, who comes here from Rogers Park. (Mensa, "Jere he formerly was in therestaurant business. The Virginia Cafe Sold On Monday I They contended that although' Inner was known as assistant. city clerk there Were no provisions! in the 1',',fet'g',t tor such a post, tion. Under sue a circumstance" he contended. luster did not come: under the category of those forbid-1 den to accept lees. f It was shown that he did not take: an oath ot (mice. . I "ion counsel ot Waukenn and Bowen Bchumarher, corporation counsel of Highland Park, defended Inner. Musser. at the time of the hear. ing here. showed that he had re- funded 83.000. He testitted that he did so because mother man had completed the work. He exhibited s receipt from the City of Highland Put for the refund. Attorneys Arthur Bulkley, corpor- Gall and Needham took the no emon that Musser was under a reg- ular sslsry while he earned the wow " for unending the Jule. end that this salsry was 82,502. He had a right. they contended to spread the assessment. but no'right to accept pay for such services. The money was accepted by Mus. Ber, according to the bill for ac- counting, for spreading assessments for . public improvement in High. land Park in 1925. Olaf Lindblom. of Highland Park, "e lhe plaintiff In the action. Needham sated that there would be no ultemuve for Inner " the date of appeal had expired. V. C. lunar. acting city clerk of Highland Park. has been order- ed to return receipt; of 88,000 to the city treasury by the ippeilute court, qccording to Attorney Letr iio Hoodlum. ot Winnetka. who with Attorney Ernest Gail, of High- land Pork. demanded this sum in a bill of accounting tiled in cir- cuit court seven! years ago. OFFICIAL ORDERED T0 RETURN ttMil IN FEES-I0 CITY L C. Musser, Highland Park City Clerk, Loses in Appeal To Appellate Court. I h h ' o o 33:932.; _ Marital Tangle Aired l Pour witnesses took the stand and t testified either one way or the otner. g Atterdue deliberation the' magistrate ,tound that from the testimony given [than was no evidence of battery. 'but Linen had been made. Aft. uer further delibemtion on the part lot the mgistrate he decided the evi- jdence against the husband was not .autficient to find him guilty. there- -fore the case In dismissed upon jpayment of costs. Billett was later arrested by Mar- shal Druba. on a warrant sworn to by his wife, charged with wife aban- donment. He was released on bonds pending a hearing of his trial Sept. 16, before Justice of the Peace Har. old Tallett in North Chicago. A disagreement between husband and wife WI! aired in the coun ot Police Magistrate Fred Smith Satur- day, when John Billet was arraigned at the instance of his wife. Serene, who had her spouse arrested charg- ed with amok and battery. Later in we attexnoon ice cream and cake were served to all and gradually denature: were made with promises of meeting again next year and with plans for a bigger and bet- ter picnic each year. There was a sumptuous chicken picnic dinner served out of doors and the alto-moon m spent In various forms of enjoyment. The single men beat the married men playing ball, and all talked over the old times and welcomed new members in the family. . Those of the hmllynot now living In this community present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Terpenlng, of Mount Program; Miss Nlna Sump, of Rock. ford; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Torpan- lng mod children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koester and children, of Cai- Mr. and Mrs. Morton Johnson were unable to attend, but wired their boat wlsheg from New Hampshire, where they are sWndlng their va- cation. C Them were 127 yrenent, nine ot whom were guests: Miss Mary West, of Lodz; Ed Mitchell and John West of Chicago; Miss Evelyn Hull and Winnie Flagg of Libertyville; Mr. and Mrs. Briatow, of Evanston; Garfield Anderson, ot Rockford, and Mr. Bakken, brother ot Mrs. John H. Rouse. = Egyptologilt'n Luck In NH Dr. Garrett C. Flgyptologrct. bought from an in lower Egypt hnlf of a glazed fuinm-e tinper ring. years later in Hench. upper I he bought the other half ft tn 1x99 Dr. Garrett C. Pier, Flgyptologist. bought from an Amt) In lower Egypt half of a blue- glnzod {Mom-e tinper ring. Four years later in Hench. upper Egypt, he bought the other half from a wotker in a flax field. The in scription was completed by the two halves of the ring. The members ot the Rouse family held their ninth annual picnic Bun. dar, Sept. 8, on the anions km of the old Rat homestead, at Diamond his. The trttetidaetee at this re- union counted mainly of the de- scendants of John and Matilda Rouse, who were married in Eng- land in 1848, and came to America only in 1849. Since that time teh majority of their children and de, scandnnu hnve made their homes in this Vicinity. ' Rouse Family Reunion Last Sundray, Sept. 8 In Court; Dismissed I Inquest Into the' deaths of five i young men who met death by drown. :mg in Long Lake, Labor day, was (held at the Suns funeral home in HOLD INOUEST IN BROWNING TRAGEDY Wheaties Whole Wheat Flakes z 'fys at" Inquest into the' Calumet Basdiiiriitomrae. 1-pound can 29c ATLANTIC tr PACIFIC Spring Lamb Shoulder Roast Per pound 'i----------------------. ---- Chuck Pot Roast, ler pound I)l'll'r'r_22c I" ik R°ast---Fresh Picnics, Per ro"turd-.--, -N---, Skinned Hams, Perpound W -i-eee-r-, Fancy Ripe Bananas, 3 pounds for-., New Potatoes, Per Peck--., Michigan Celery, Large bunch-, 'Early Fall BREAKFAST .IIDDLI Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 'ir Ge Quaker Maid Beans , 17-01. cans Me Sliced Peaches Salada Tea Orange Pekoe éfé: 19¢ Heinz Catsup Shredded Wheat Two Pkgs. "e Best Food Mayonnaise (rt. w" Gold Medal Cake Flour 5E; 21c 'aouFat#tFb'9 . C V" vi. TEA COMPANY THE GREAT Meat Specials "ounce Bottle No. I Can WIITIRN EARLS?" 25¢ pkg. county coroner. The jury held that all came to their death by acciden- tal drowning and fixed no blame in the case. The bodies of the five vie. tims. John R. Having and Cornelius Gelderloos of Chicago and Harry Wezeman and Everett Veldtnan of Cicero and G. Odenhofr of Hinsdale which were recovered within 24 hours after the tragedy occurred, Grayslake. Thursday by Dr. Taylor. 335$ 19c 22c-27c DIVISION 18c 26c 20c Sh: lik It.,

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