P 4 4w -- NOTGURLTYOF _ ----~-- BIELSKI MURDER s BHLX ces d onb alwieriinteinieenOinpinimpat esc cnpe t duz.:w talk of Mr., Weich.. The *--was one of the most persuasive #peak-- _ yers before a body of men in the coun-- 2 That's all you need to do. Our 5e m:hi. quality. and s ol > A 4 figures on onr 3 w)vm reveal to you the o se that you should have known ste '--DELIBERATED SIX HOVURS The: case of C. A.--Brune and lra Blackwell, charged with' the murder of Joseph Bielski, and Forest Copas charged with assault, went to the jury at 5:20 o'clock, daylight saving time. The verditc was returned 'at 11:15 o'clock afters sizx hours of de The return of a* verdict ended a four day court fight. . All Waukegan's eyes were strained in the direction of Belvidere waiting for the results as the case had aroused unusual interest AECECCs The first vote taken by the jury was 7 to 5 for aquittal. . The next vote stood 6 to 5. For four hours the vote remained unchanged, until 11:15 p. m. when the final. an "not guilty" deci-- The defense paid a beautiful trib-- ute to the oratory of James Weich when. they waived | final. argument. 2! dropped. their right to address the jury, but in doing it they" eliminat-- mnmumm ~~p t the Torrington Electric * M The Torrington Demonstrator is > ---- COME B AND L£00K _ 1' PIETZ WILLY$ LICHT CO. Phone 9 ---- Libertyville, !i. pen Monday, Friday and Sat urday Evenings. waiting to give you &" Milwaukese Ave. ame B0 . 320 _ Libertyville call or write and say : demonstration of this ' P hheo o wore P ' hCs c CF4 Cl sR on hests en one of the, ty is thought to have been one of the the old trick to make it appear to tTh® j --_":_,'MM MA AMC M AMCCOIOS Mgh&fiqh&awfi;«m ' e lef stated that thongccl warrant 'l'ht;"liuléxd:dn &as valld, and that the sponge #9984 |--yed schoothouse."" -- 5 had a riglit under the law to search ith the ** jate the place. As to gg killing of Biebk | W : comd e sk1. he told the jury that the matter | "centralized schools long deliberated over by the jury the judge and attorneys. left the "court-- room aimost' immediately arter: the case had been completed. : They were called back at 11;15 p. m.. advanced time, to bear the ver dict. © WHAT CASE WAS The trial concludes one of the most widely press--Agented stories the coun-- ty has known for many years.. ° C onl' C oD C t c t se in 5 aevaiing Cns o T OP O rropuic L o EOCT Blackwell, Brune and Copas went to the home of Joe Bielsaki Sunday aft-- ernoon of Feb, 4.: They entered while the family was eating dinner. Mre. Bielski was pouring somthing from mm'dum;hoouk.arz?bo lieved it to be liquor and rush her to the wall and grabbed the pot. Biel aki protested. --Both sides agreed up ski protested,. --Both sides on the story to.fhat point. Then the defense held th=: Bielski came out of a bedroom with a gun after that point and fired at Black-- well, but the gun failed to explode the 'shelis.. Blackwell shot to save his life, he declared, and Bielski fell pis life, he declared, and DiciSRI IOi} o the floor dead. Mrs. Bielski's story was that. she had asked her husband to go t0 an-- other room to avert*trouble. . When he emerged from the door after she cried out from the pain of--a blow, Blackwelil fired on her husvand, she related. Then the squad hunted the house until they found & revolver and left to continue their raids. ments for the 'state. He reviewed the case. Then Atormey James Huff of Belvidere, followea him. His story to the jury was a short revise of the case citing the Jlaw. OQne of hig out-- standing naurz was: > _ s -- "Judas lecaric -- was always consid-- ered a man of good reputation and was even made treasurer of the twel-- verApostles, but --his. true--nature Was learned." > _ The remark brought history up to date by directing it toward Blackwell, according to inference. . ~ * A large number of witnesses were used for the--state. Character wit-- nesses played thlspu&l;muhl. -- _ OH, FOR A PHOT APHER . .q;::..;mam:!!'_xm-m with me as. up to S: nmmn%y waid Atty. Jas. G. Welch Friday," fol-- Ihflu his return from the trial, ad-- State's Attorney Frank Oakiey,. of Boone county, opened the fAnal argu-- ding: "There on the courthouse lawn,. on a setee, sat Blackwell, dry squad member charged with murder; on the settee on one side of him Rev. Thos, Quayle, of reform um:fi;,d on the other side was Rev. Kelly, the Wau k?' Methodist minister. Quayle one arm about .Blackwell on one side, Kelly on the other. It was & picture which would 'have proved most interesting, for, here was a man charged :'with murder 'and receiving 'such lovable attention from the ex-- .ponents of the church before the jury had ' spoken. And still some folks wonder why the ghurches are not fill-- APPEAL AWARDS IN PUB. SERVICE _ CO. CONDEMNATION "Gase o ie Sgrrine Cout dlfhah State. : supreme court at $pringfield Friday from the county court Of Lake county by persons who are dissatisfied with the awards given them by the county court for damages in the condemna-- tion proceedings instituted against property owners in Waukegan by the Public Service Co., of Northern Ili-- One case was appealed by William. Periman, a second by L. P. Erskine' and E. M. Runyard, a third by Dr./ John C,. Foley, Margaret Foley and COathorine lsabelle Donneliy and the fourth by William E. Slevin and Frank J. Slievin. ~The gppeals are the outgrowth of the big condemnation case tried in scourt here a few months ago in which the Public Service Co., sought to ac-- guire title to a strip of.iand rumning west of Green" Bay Road. This strip ol. land is to be used by the company tor the erection of big towers which are to support the high tengion elec-- tric wires which will run from 'the new generating plant tha: is being erected here. This line will garty 182,000 volits. Because of the high veoltsuge the company lndl_u neces Four appeal cases were filed in th« sary to acquire its own right of way along the north shore. Complaint is made by those who have fAled the appeals that the juty which beard the case did not give : them the tull value of their land and tor that reason they are carrying the matter to the higher court in the hope that they will obtain reliet. '. sokex.were regarded as reaching fall agewhen twentyfive. In this country the Jega} majority for males is twenty» one and for fomalo« eighteon in some atates, -- The Présidont must be 'thirty-- Ave Legal Majority. «n ancient Greece and in Rome both the defense Sunales cilicoeie ts --IP; & + hA mte ~C 00 ie Em eename > stt t ie OR W !"llttle rea SC110011100000, .. CATRERMINAEE MAE W l P 1 | cilities under one #oof, and brings the children to and takes them from 'mch schools via cmmt'meuted motor buses or horse drawn vehicles. : The consolidated i flourishes where good roads are. It cannot be established where are only poor roads. e is f * ms'mademom.wclmmmindusumf Washingtou seb,fdrfl\udmadvantuaofghe\e&uq'lifhttdfibon!.mfl'i'%w The "little red schoothouse." Nlliq'floil"lll?'.dflsh,"%i'ff?'"?'fi sussession. 120 Hurl-- ted hoothouse,." -- States which have experimented in rural districts (burg c oc 1 Pase, .~ _ with the "consolidated" schools (sometimes galled '"ainion schools" o,_l""__.t Surl. 1. Pobe.: . ":_ " sometImnes COHCY (."0" = _ o crancat FOR SALER--BEweet cider at 50¢ . pet SCKO JUFLLL o LHC HAECga e .( 5 n o Li e e' / T t a better school plant, i. e., makes possible the erection and mainten-- ance of more modern school buildings and school equipment. It enables the district to increase the luchms s.!'aff'ud to obtain b'ottk'er trfi the district to increase the teaching staff and 10 'ODIAIN LB!PLI N2D""""J .. 0 0000 Cl t wst e .: tea'chdjs. and gives the rural community the advantages of tbculan Avenue, Waukegan; l&n.} gr school. _ It makes poaflétheutfl)lnhmentofhlghxhod'mwhw.m ommcs.and.inmanyinstanéu,eubla&ewddiugidtoencta- » e h e modern high school building. It provides special work, such as manual 3 toilets, furmace; : corner .lot, :;;ining. mc science, et&.'inthenudcoufi;unity.and.filu"y.."xISZ;qlw; Z--car consolidated sochool increases community--interest in community block concrete garage. W. J. AL activities by providing a central place ttractive surroundings hy . _ > *LA y providing al place under attract len, Waukegan, HL-- _ 264 making the school the center of the community circle. MUT'LUO ELECTION * The Nau! election took place on Tuesday, September 18. Thefollowing capablé people were chosen by the stu-- dent body : + * T Edifor--in Chief--Giladys Eger. | Bus. Mgr.--Arthur Horenberger, Faculty Adviser--Mr. Underbrink. Th.s main board will meet again soon and choose the rest of the staff. Let's all help to make <this year's booka success. _ Local patriotism, brings back many of our loyal friends to old L.--T. H. S. this year, --and it is needless to say they are more than welcome. °. . -- UIEN] esEC llllf;; CNEWERK . NEPRMEREICCER w' othing 'gives pupils and teachers greater satisfaction than of knowing taat they are remember whose work is elsewhere. ~ Among our callers were Miss Bry-- ant, former 'instructor,. in Gy'a."%nd Sc'ences, and Miss Gronert, © er of history last year. . Helene Campbell, no wa student in Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Harold Hagerty, Senior in Northwestern, studying for 'the milnistry; Cecil Hook and James Wnslon itobert Bm at mern). oll * ¥; j ¥ ber Vaelker, Otto Tegtmeyer and Wil-- son Olcudotl. Seniors of L. T. H. last year. G.lbert and Otto are Fresh-- men in Albion College Michigan. _Monday and Thursday mornings are favored b yvisitors who are musically hc;ll,ud.foronthmdan'onvou! beinbly singing, led by Prof, Walker. { ---'-- ' go~ . s to our. jJanitor, Frank, our xym bas ut in excellent condition durfug past week. After oil ng and mopping it, he polished it so, well that most of the girls have dis-- carded their mirrors. Many of Ahe Freshmen boys offered their services to Frank at the request of the upper-- class boys, and with them to move the chairs, the work went more,quickly. Let 'us show our appreciation to Mr. Fenwick by keeping the floor in as good conditi'on as possible. Consolidated Schools and Good Roads . Th's 'year with the several changes in the blzlty. Miss Kish has charge of the -- store, Miss McNicol of the girls' gymnasium work, Miss Aurell of the library, Miss Smith of the orches-- tra, Miss. Wallace of the cafeteria, Mr. Teed of the boys' athletics: Mr. Hawk af athleti¢ finances and Mr. Aldrich of Thé new curtains for the stage, pre-- sented by the class of '28, are excéed-- ingly ornamental. * R Cooke L i4 k ue To i k 4 giy ornameniai. .. * a o on CR q t 6 They are of heavry blue velvet wmaloion at Springtield Winter is Approaching. A Home is Necessary. Rent is High. it ce ; fter . 8 room modern home, extra well built; . _ A NEARLY NEW, THOROUGHLY MODERN 8. R00M HOUSE-- Large lot; east front; shrubbery, slowers and garden; large Uving room:; dining room overiooking an attractive scope of country; mod-- ern o.b.: kitchen: breakfast alcove; city water, gas, electricity; immediate possession. $6500. Cash $1500; balance $40 per month. -- . " AWEW TWO.STORY BUNGALOW--Full lot, house thoroughly modern, fine lawn shade and garden; well located; $4,500; cash $1,200. Balance m per month, PA s A WELL LOCATED §0.FOOT LOT--City water, sewer, electricit? and gas. $450. mmflvoordxmhouuwun'nm. and sell on monthly payments. ' .\ AN SROOM HOUSE ON MILWAUKEE AVE.----Twa blocks from uMWMWbmnmmdum: one acre of land; east. mmmnum..vmggn and large garage} .u'm:du"onurymtm. ta property 4s for two 1 ' f onig or THE BEST PLACAE FARMS IN.LAKE county, onge: half mile from town-- 26 trom Chicago; new, :g:mvo and com-- mwnI-mJ;amMum ""'W xommmmm;mammm $ balance on long time. -- j TELEPHONE 184--J. F. M. HARDING | Some Special Bargains zold lettering.. This is not only %nsmt!-m&n--m-% evening, Sent. 22; also Sunday and continuing until sold. . Adell Avirt, 2292 Fourth St., Libertyvyille. 'Tele-- ph&fi 98. 423 * 3811 one of the most beautiful, but also most appropriate, gifts L. 'l'._' K._S.'Pu evening, 8¢ -- A'ter the rest, of the food was con-- sumed, all sat around the fire and sang tir college. songs. -- i § ever received. f . --RK, E. 9. L. T. H. 8. FACULTY SPORTS ON THE BEACH . tw The high school,faculty had a beach party at Lake Bluff last Thursday eve-- ning. The crowd of sixteen took the 'grrlt,w.lflot achool. -- Soon all gath-- red 'round the boufire to roast wein-- ers and bacon. -- That wasn't.--all of 'the j o CLABS .. -------- NOTICE _ The girls' physical training class is | Lake \-mr:iudh:y-hzu MeNicol, 6f Lake paid at t est, w some new y , 6 equipment. We meek every day in the | C u. week except Thursday. Auhvom,w physical examinations and have just started the work. ~ ] * We are going to play many different m.nchuhnk&hl&vollflbfll- . tennis. etc. There two classes ot» . It 1s said that the yare planning these good" times real often.>--Watch this columm and we'll tell you all about it. & | mie to Libertyvilte, Mlinois. « _ |B _ 5 room new ReFZAtihc DMKAL _ . » #» r A , URA '"t:.::.mrffl-,.%agqmg::fi i + mo%n._lot 30x150, on Third St. o o ay urtnzm _ _ near electric railroad __...,..,.......-m I tary of the Illinois Commerce Commis-- jA# y {sion at gpringtleld, Hilnoi® "'"k 8 room semi--modern house on Milwau _ _ > meuinteaermanenenennemenmeneaiinnanenntemenncenonennmmminnecenameanmecnnmemessenmntith ¥ ; i kee Avenue, block from depot.........$7500 zgymnasium every day. ' The Chicago North Shore and Mil waukee ~Railroad Comm&"hfl'w gives notie&:o the Public that it has filed with lilinois Commerce Com-- mission of the State of Illinois, an ap-- plication for a certificate of-- conven-- fence and necessity 4@ operate a motor vehicle for the transportation of pas-- sengers over the following route, to-- wit: . From the City of Chicago to the City of Evanston and thence west on Main Street to Lincoln Avenue and Dempster Street, thence west :;On Dempster Street to Milwaukee Ay# nue.. thence north on Milwaukee Ave-- GIRLB' PHYBICAL TRAINING ... olf:a_tuom OF THE CHICAGO 'H SHORE AND MILWAU. ~ KEE RAILROAD COMPANY ~--'FOR SALE--A 9--robm house ; im-- | i * Enftponchens 'eondition; weight 2700; also j and harness for sale. Phone IW vile 22T--W. --, . . .87 WANTED--Men or women to take of.,, ders for genuine guaranteed hosiery nate darning. -- Salary $75 a full time, $1.50 an hour spare Stocking' Mills, Norristown. Pa. FOR SALE--Vitritied tile allo, to be moved; . also miscellaneous machin-- ery, such as corn binder, plows, har-- ness, bobsled, wagon »dngr;w- AP: ply of John Allen, Lilac : High land Lake. Phone Grayslake 1:7"-}116 FOR RENT--155--acre farm located at Antioch, II1L.; close to transporta-- tion:; convenient to schools and stores. Posgession March 1st. J. W. Turner, Grayslake, I11. FOR SALE--140--acre farth, cheap; 12 ---- miles from Waukegan, % mile from small town; on good gravel and state roul:"l::d and buildings in % class condition. _Part or prop-- erty in trade. m any . time. Write R. F. D. Box 110, Lake Villa, HL NOTICE--Preminms _ Lake County Fair for 1923 will be paid at the Farm Bureau Office on Sat-- a $5.00 bill.-- Finder please return 00 bill.: Finder ple: \to Gardner Faulkner, Grayslake, _ Sellers & Petersen -- | Libertyville Bargain List | | 6 room semi--modern home, 4 lots each . , 50x150, on Lake street; barn and chicken house ..mm-;-------f«m-------"s" WANT ADS. 5 room modern home, large lot, barn, $3000 *in hard woods 5 room new Kellastone bungalow, strict-- tion ; eet ; barn, chicken _ . . 5 f -- _ 41/ acres, inside city limits; 5 room . l'"'"'"d ","'"'"'""""'""'"'"'"'f'"""'""'sm house, 50 ft. chicken house, young, & roum 'h' lern 1 '2(;5 t:: fruit trees and berrics......................s *' ~street; fine 'grounds; w J. * l ha * f 9 acres one mile townt; good land; will bandle this._=.----$8000 7 j ,_le"'!"'. el siher bull. * . ings ; fruit befTis.....................--lf 8 room modern home, extra well built ; k s all large, light, airy: rooms, finished 51/ acres on Lake street; house, hen C enc en Tds C ----~ ©0000 house and other buildings ....._.$€ 8.room modern home on Stewart Ave; fuC 1OGKHIORN ...c....._«.coome~ o4 PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 451 Sellers & Petersen C --«igh ansione awente ie muaten ausibas wevee ++ &t 3#--1t _ .The Chicago, North, Shore ---->-- * NORTHSHORE ton, and thenee es the i riicago 'm to Glenview, also from Chicago '"to the Wisconsin state line through t l?'!""'_'!f wn,Mfl wortit, M¥ N waukee electric/ railroad company filed a petition with the Illinois 'Com-- merce Commission at 8 Frt-- day. asking for a certificate WF con-- 'venience and necessity to opérate a netka, Glencoe, We hvem which will interest : § . you and which does not exist at any § _. other nearby lake. y § Y BEAUTIEULLY WOObED AND LAKE Front nomesites [ _ ON HICHLAND L (FORMERLY TAYLOR LAKE) C -- 1/ MILES #mvm OF GRAYS LAKE. * Espetial |y'de-v#o' e*for people living in this vicinity; about: B .. ten miles from Waukegan and Libertyville, and reached by -- B concrete roads almost all the way. T Subdivisions are thoroughly restricted. Running wgta'ofl}:& furnished; electric lights; no hotels, summer resorts, dancing. pnifiinm.%beubuorphym A beautiful Fifty Thousand home already built on the lake. Fine golf course within one mile of property. Three quarters of a mile to the Belvidere concrete--road and St. Paul : Station. Bunhfdlouuhwn"iom--lakcfmntloump This ity is at your front door where you . [ . cncm the country air, fishing, boating, bathing * H. E. Drummond l < three years. 516 Milwaukee Avenue P. 0. Address: ROUND LAKE, ILLINO!IS foin--Buore & 'ia':h- rapidly than officials of. the rallroad Shore . piny fAgured when they first decided to" hr"ll.h.' 'meom- operate a bus line between Waukegan, at Spring Fri-- Zion-- and Kenosha. _ From time ~to f time they have enlarged the service. mfifl' ' :"'. mt. service that will be possible if ssity FALO _ e commerce commission grants the 48 | 6'/zkm on Milwaukee Avenue, north W _ feet on Broadway; improved with Lot on McKinley Ave., 50x400 feet...$1000 11: lots in south end of to/wn.~50!|50 each, all for ... _ $2500 7 ; 8 ncra edge of town on electric, near cement road; fine laying land. $450Q 112% feet on Milwaukee Ave by 184 80 acte subdivision proposition, colse s in.":nueledtkfine:pcme____.v"" Ifixf AK. 1 payments may be extended for Porest, Lake --~Bluff; North Chicago, . . ::akmn. zion and Winthrop' Har-- _ | This action on the part of the com-- _ | gany shows-- an evident intention to. : . . maintain a bus service which practi . . . cally will parallel the service now rem _ . .. dered by its eleectric line. _ | < _ #A / 'The plan 4s developing much more ; ... rapidly than officials of. the rallroad fa fAgured when they first decided 'to . . operate a bus line betwoeenh Waukegan, o Zion-- and Kenosha. _ From time ~to ------~ . time they have enlarged the --service. . .. the commerce commission grants the _ . the commerce granis LCB request will 'bm uniimited. . _ Thought for the Day. + 4 The world today needs more hom@ ... EXCLUSIVE ACENTS iB W .__$5000 ¥ -- ie 9 Cr +3