B8 234 on -- WK Py Judge Persons Overrules Mo-- tion for Return of Liquor Taken in Raid. . Booze seitéd by the Sponge Squad in raiding places which are wiolat ing the prohibition law, does not hayve, to be returned according to a ruling made in county court Friday by Judge Persons. The court denied the motion of Atty. Thomas Novot-- aw far the return of booze taken by Judge Persons. The court denied the motion of Atty. Thomas Novot-- ny for the return of booze taken when a raid Was conducted on the establishment of R. Frank. ' Fred Dewey of Nebraska, formerly| ie mds 3 viaue t catw on s ca on old friends. --, m ' ~Miss Lillian Strohal entertained her| SBunday school class Saturday cfmnoonl at her home south of Millburn. Novotuy bad filed similar motions in four othér 'tases, the titles of which are as follows: People vs. John and Jennie Sedej. People vs. Frank and Anna Repp. People vs. Charles Daluca. People vs. Joseph Kauchler. The attorney was not present in court Friday morn'ng and Judge Per-- sons dismissed the above four cases for #ant of prosecution. If Novotny desires to proceed further with them it wit be necessary to have them re instated. In the case of Daluca it was charged that the Sponge squad * MADDEN SCHOOL * Tooocee hss medt with Thell Charles Ostdick was filling silo for Gilbert Haisma, the name of. the filler is Internationaland they used a Titan tractor. By érror last week our editor omitted the name of lomMMAm the list of those who were ~perfect -- in attendance for last month. This name makes the list fourteen in number. The nwmwt we have for our school is W Zimmer. . -- He started with her neice, Mrs. Chas. Richard at Our geography class are making a recvord uf the temperature,. wind and weather conditions each day. Effort is being made to obtain better . Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Weise and Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett of Chicago, had seized three ounces of real liq wor which the owner, wished to have returned to them. The contention of Novotny was that the search war-- rant© should -- state explicitly _ just. what the raiders expected, lo find and that nothing else® should be re-- moved. The court apparently took the position that this was drawing : Wnilbert Haisma was filll sii0 Mo day, Tuesday and Fridayl:ftamn. Credit is earned by the willing workers who raise 'and-- lower --the: flag, dust our desks, clean the boards and erasers and provide drinking water. The two stories this week are written z Bessie Miller and Gertrude Schwandt the seventh grade. . . the line too fine Monday, -- Tuesday; Wednésday and m.vtfll noon. Half of the cern is shocked. . * an International enggm made at the hardware foundry in North Chicago. Joe Ptoszynski was cuttidg corn with a Johnson !n:nk binder,. he was cutting Miss Belle Watson spent several days TO RETURN CON-- FISCATED BOOZE Gilbert Haisma was filling silo Mon Alex Skwarkovske had a clutch for ! mend the haw Gould 4 w # pxaiereace § Ll.l"wltl.. AaaRaAcGE J. N. Bernard, Prop. Phone 202 gince the new merit system has iire prices have been Lpt consist--~ price m lormeouumditho, a now, Loodyear Tire prices have as you see from the above chart. At the bottond'.'_;l'.oday'. arelower than in 1914, MILLBURN © Marie and Robert. Schwandt ear quality has een consistently ettered. Today, U WB ies 64 Ni a J e Uss 6 U Canl rs. "B. N. Cu: Mr. ano Mrs.'E. N. Cannon _ -- _« Mrs. E. N. Cannon has been sick the past week. § P * Ibtlnll'ouoekdw g'h{c'nk-ondwlthlnrm mm atson. / Miss Lula McLin of 'au* ted from Friday until. Sunday fivfiu Mrs. Arthur Clark has been seriously ill and bhad an X--ray taken and at present is better. -- ' Mrs. Clarence Crawford and dn?hr of Waukopn. spent Sunday at John Crawford's. A number from here are planning to attend the Sunday school convention at Deerfield this week. Charles Lewin has pneumonia and at present writing is some better. Charles Ames is still in a critical eondition.-- Mr. Ames had--another stroke recently. 0 FREMONT CENTER o | 'Miss Verna Gohlbeck is enjoying a ltwowoth*vugfl fromhumut Ernst store. _ & ' Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Tonne and Miss Rose and Dick left {:lt Fridnr for an lunto trip to viait relatives in lowa. 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n ~n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diets of Milwaukee, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Rev. F. M. Bay spent Tuesday in Chicago. Ruth, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond I:J:l', fell about fifteen feet down the silo chute landing on one foot on the cement, seriously injuring hemfoot. She was rushed to the office of wi. Martis at Libertyville where an X--ray was taken showing some bones brosen ard crushed. 'She suffered inter.»sly for +ome hours but is resting fine at prese: t. _ The annual forty hour devotion was observed at St. Mary's Catholic church last Friday, Saturday »nd Sunday. The Rosing and daughter, Lu ofwkonnd. Lake, were m'cukn at t:'3 Willow farm Sunday afternoon. on : Monday, --Oct. 8th, --both .died ieanranns es . w --she. is nicely now but has b.e;!'.aith:dly : exercises on . sund y evening were y utende . A number of prics.s ~--ing present. _ Wednesday with Mrs. Roiand Meyer at th:mnnty hospital. lu..zyc gave birth to a pair of twins daughters the past week. The Wzmen'- society of the Baptist church wil give a chicken cugpor and bazaar at the church parlors Saturday, Oct. 27. Afine upper is assured as only the members of the society are noted as wonderful cooks. Come. Weaver, A. Hoeft, F. Hoeft, Harkness and Schallenkamer attended the White ulrl. ).t' l!hm'nuhnt :;xd child o{ avenport, lowa, spent the past wee at Herman Prehm. ®* ps® Mr, and Mrs. Donald Smith visited the L_tur't parents, Mr: and Mrs. in Racine with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bolders, W. C, Prehm spent several days with his brother,--Otto at Bartiette. .. -- Shrine at Despl i e:, -- Wednesday Saturday about 2:a0 when John Toyton was returning home be was struck by a big Hudson.. Mr. Toyton ~Mr. and Mrs, H. Kratch and Mr. and Mrs. Diehl and sons spent the week--end Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanchard and family :rnt the week--end at the latter's sister, Mrs. Otto Frank. -- * . The boys gave a stag farewell ufiod'.lwatthel::kolidehotxny --~Fred Hoeft has returned from the Mrs. 0. L. Hollenbeck is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant at Edson Park. Miss Edith Thompson of Kenosha, visited Saturday and Sunday with the home folks. Miss Thompson of Kenos spent h&y at bom. b* ' Alfred Pedersen was a Chicago passenger on Saturday. Mra. Goorr Tillotson is visiting her daughter in Kenosha this week. Mre. Gootg Tillotson entertained hber sister, Mrs. Emma Brazie of Cmi:r' &md a friend from out west on Thursday of last week. north than he" ex on Becount of the sumke from 'the great forest fires at Ashland, Wis. Mr. ;ndk Mrs. tAmll'ow Gru(l)t f: ark, spen Sunday at O. Hollenbeck's. * Mrs. O. L. Hollenbeck entertained Mrs. Nettie Wells and Mrs. Cuortis Wells and chitdren last Thursday. Mrs. Louise *Meyer and daughter, Mesdames Kratch, Many péople «sneeze If «atrong snn« light falls on their face=; this is prob= ably due to a temporary congestion of the liging membrane of the nose, @ @ 0 0 ® @ ¢ HICK 0O R Y 0 0 0 0 v 6 39 1 9 8 9 3 0 » LAKE ZURICH Bunlight Causes Sneezring. juries but the norse was Q_vith&drpn.u. J. H. Kingsley, ploneer of the coun: ty, died Tuesday morn'ng at h's home at 412 Washington street, Waukegan. He was 92 years old. His health had been poor for the past few months. Was One of the Fire During the Great conm:' tion-- in-- Chicago: f uit TWo ToR PCETEWENEER More than 50 years ago he was a resident of Chicago and a member of the fire: department that fought"the rreat Chicago fire that raged for davs. He served in the Civil war with Illinois troops. "+2 ' He lived most of his life in Wauke-- gan, and> was well acquainted with all the old' residents. y * Up until the time he: retired from active--life many years ago he was employed as--an engineer with the Chicago. Northwestern rairoad. He had been inactive however, for many years. x 4 But one child survives him, Mrs. Adeline Morey, who 'has been a pri-- mary teacher for yeaers in the Cen-- tral school. His son, Edward, was killed a few months ago by an E. .J. & E. engine while on his way to work There are three grandchildren, Fred Morey, and Giles and Frank Kingsley. * _ sns Mr."and Mrs: Fred Blau and children of Lake Zurich, spent a few days at the ?flm?mk'bm.tboylcflopm hundmnkh(dnir:ono. =:; and Mrs. Railph Stoxen enter-- The funeral services will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2;:00 o'clock and the burial will be in Oak-- wood cemetery near the graye if his son. social 'at the--Murray school Friday, Oct. 19th. -- All are cordially invite 1. 'Frank Distler of McHenry, called on hh' parents here--last Sunday. ; ulro.AJloa. Dobner and ehi:droa and rs. Albert Obenauf spen Snnda'g' afternoon at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Obenauf. Mrs.-- ~P. Wegner attended ----the Teachers'-- Institute at Libertyville over the week--end. Mrsa. Beaner t the past week with relatives in &ncago. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Oct. 10, a son. . _ All members are invited to be grmnt at the Young Peoglc'l meetin, unday evening, Oct. 21, for election of officers. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold: Sdroke. and daughter of Wauconda, 'were recent visitors at the home of D. V. Wait. Six of our y people attended the fall rally of the ?llgrixn Federation of Chicago Congiegational Young People, at the Y. M. C. A. building in Cm Oct. 11. The prm'wu fu by Mr. and Mra, | , who are full Friday evening, Oct. 19, is the date of the: Harvest Home supper at the M. E. church, The committeee have a hearty welcom.e for you, > blooded Indians. studying in Chicago for christian service among their own _ Martin Immengo motored to Chicago Sunday. ; 'Mrs. Catherine Dobner is spending a few weeks with her' daughter, Mrs; Chas, Dolph at Area. $ Mr. Wilcox continues through this month and next. Children come help ud find "sermons in automobiles. *' Miss Mary Sheechan called at Jos. T »bner home last Wednesday. De Represented at the count? Sunony to a coun y school convention at Durflddy, Thurs-- day and Friday.~ All:} members are urged to go to as many sessions as Church attendance is a duty--a dn? to the church and to yourself. And it is a duty that payse well when well Mrsa. Chas. Kruogand Mrs. Francis Stanciiff a beautiful duet in church Snnda' evening. We wish they would join the choir. --__ Greetings have been received by many from Charles Herschberger ana Miss Alice on their trip to Minnesota. Warren Herrick was thrown from a horse, which shied from an automobile. }l_hAr_i(ht shoulder was dislo¢ated and his bips ruised. He is rec at|been Teachers' meetings two »m- Saturdays at Libertyville. Miss Knox ltundody Baturday, Oct. t and reported some very usefol wor demonstrated and &7 lectures were most beneficial. <~The following Botur-- day Miss Gerbert attended the meeting with Miss Knox. The construction There will be a program and basket Miss Mary Blanche spent a few days COUNTY PIONEER DIFS TUESDAY Mrs. J. Schaefer spent Saturday at The series of children's sermons by WEST FREMONT HALF D AY V 0 L 0O t Sunday with Mr. and L laakle . es-- | years, 10 mon'! & dayse. -- m ie efi ue io magens en ty m because the classes were so large. W-Ifi"w& lqg Mr. and Mre. B. W. Smail and farmily | CBargan Falls, Obio, to this union M to (h'fllh'l » fi m?'my p n'l# Zm ing the afternoon with Ua ..'.--....,fi: m;::f'. Dick Kruger o3 Downer's Grove, had| besides a number of otht"m'v- dinner wl':rln. Louis Kruger and'| The funeral services were at & family Sunday. llnmo of bis daughter,. Miss Lottie Mia-- az d Mva c Datarceam. anktap6.}, .4 | Yones on Thureday aft: rnoon with Rev. Edwin Hans has the mumps and his sisters are otulm home so not to ex the bther and cause an opmchwoehool. Dorothy Stancliff has been absent on account of having a slight case of pink daanl meueate oo t on fas because the classes moolu.'go. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Smail and ffln& toured to DesPlaines Sunday, (-- eye. Mr, Lemm 'visited in thisg localhty Mrs. Peterson entertained the Ladies® Aid society last Thursday, Miss Young {':bd the society,. We welcome her to our community activities. Anna Gerbert, Myra Gerbert, Ruth and Elizabeth -- kockenback, ---- Anna Lindstrom and Marshall Schroeder went Chi Thursday to the Oak Park ehn::go' where they met Rev. 'vflc % and attended m_&wr-nm dung Peoples' rally. They report a wonder-- ful procum'-nd flu'tfip. On Columbus. a° of young peopleludnfroék"in H':"nr;'Sebrozkrs mve. Horseback riding and a camp added to thop:n:yl of the day, . Who was the host? How did the stout lady e1joy her horseback ride. children of Chi visited over Frid Saturday mcdhm Sunday with the fmq; mother, Mrs. M. Davis. ; Mrs.~ Francis Williams and two children, who have been M' the nast manth with ralativaa in angaik :otmonth with relatives-- in Kansas ave returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis and lnn?' and Mrs. M. Davis and Goldh&._ momdtothvndxt day with Mr. and. Mrsa. J Jobnson and Mrs. Althea Hadlock. ~--D. D. Campbell has moved his office from next door to Ross restauraut for tor the winter. On Thursday, Oct. 8, occurred the d ath of Riley Jones at the age 88 with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and two A N T 1 0O C H # ; M. J. Mumfor having charge. |] was in Anti::'h mfl- cemetery, tht fort pazc of the wesk in Onlcage ore 0 w with relatives. 4 P Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, who have been visiting relatives and friends here duting the summer have returned to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens en in henor. of their: fiftieth ~wedding anniversary. 4 Dr, and Mri. Beebe returned home last nday from their northern trip. pfi"rmt good weather and a fine Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Grasha, son and Mr. Grasha's mother of Chicago, Jra Boylan of Chlcago, visited over the week--end with his sister, Mrs. H. Mrs. Jos. James. w"'unni' ue ?&'mc";:'.a gmdny wig au Antioch relatives. . Mr. and Mrs, Lee Middlendortf last week: Sunday attended the base bail game at Glenview. Rev. Lester E. Stanton, the new pastor arrived the latter part of the week in ~Antioch. *~ T3 Miss Lena Stickles visited last week with relatives and friends in W aukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble. visited MMM&.&. home of Mr. and Mrs. B. VanDuszer, * € Miss Libbie Moore has rented her rooms to Mr. and Mrs. ~Will Boliwhm. Mr. and Mrs. W.>Cassidy left last week to spend the winter with their 'Ol ln:'dad',.()ct. 4, 'oceurred -- the fmfi Lo 'Somerchie "of If her. McWuotter, iptinatly pricat at ceremony was: performed at the St. Edmunds Episcopal church, in Their many friends extend eom the home of Mr.> and QOUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS And the man is thinking just what any of us dlinhunderlikec'onclfiou. 0 _ HERE'S A REAL SUCCEsTION! | Make that bird with the rent money fly the ~© other way! Watch the expression change-- § $ whenl\e----oryu:---pnysruttolilmlf. y 'It can be done.>--We can --do i. Just phone 50 f and we'll gladly explain. > , DO IT NOW. . f P ol comat W. F. FRANZEN, Jr.