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Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1923, p. 6

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%' -- 547 NORTH COUNTY °ST. * | _ WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS *' Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 ¥ 'Reverse Charges on Business Calls I . BRADLEY & HABEN § . Undertakers & Funeral Directors 5y _1 SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. _ TO ROTATE CROPS IS HURTING SOIL FRED GRABBE . AUCTIONEERING * Urbana, Il., Nov. 30.--Faillure of mon to -- properly -- rotate their is eone of the chief r:asons for -- waning productiveness . of soil and low crop -- yields on _ lllinois farms, according to the reports of experiments _ conducted by lilinois AUniversity, made public today. The u'emu wiere conducted on the old w plots and on the more recently 'established Davenport-- plots Waning Productiveness of the Land in Illinois Becomes Apparent. OB some of the land corn has been grown continuously since 1879 without any kind of soil treatment During the last ten years the corn has yielded an average of 25.2 bush-- els péer acre. Assuming that this Jand is worth $200 an acre and a)-- mn' for average production,. costs, bushe! of this corn would cost . Talephone 39 *__<~. -- engon's largest and best equipped organizations Lfs +. in mortnary service. . x '.. _ CHICAGO OFFICE: ---- 1820 --W.: Harrison -- 8 ... Phone Secloy 0463 Having bought a quantity of Rudy Furnaces at alow point in the market, we can quote you the finest furnace job on the market at a very reas onable--price. The Rudy has the smoothest, best fifting castings, and is excelled by none in point of fuel economy. A Rudy will save you money every year you operate it. . . Avail yourself of the Rudy Heating Engine ering service--without any obligation. . Why delay in solving your heating problems? Right now is the most economical time to install a I warm air furnace. Don't.wait until the Fall Rush comes, with high labor cost and advancing ma PREPARE: NOW -- DON'T SHIVER NEXT WINTER at Niles Lenter, will, wh-m.nq-:fi have at his command the facilities of one of Chi Niles Center 27--J. Mr. Ray W. Haben in charge ANNOUNCE the opening of their new under-- We also Specialize in}Sheet Metals+Work Rudy says: "It didn't look like rain when Noah built the Ark." We Bought to Your Advantage RUDY TOP RADiWKrOoR OPEn viEw On still other land 'of similar character but treated with limestone and phosphate and improved by plowing down of clover, the average %len year yield of corn is 73.1 bush-- 'els. Under the same conditions as 'in other experim<nts, each 'bushe! 'of corn could be produced for a |little more than 40 cents. -- |\ 'The Triart's > ~on~*--ction _ com | pany -- has moved its machinery |awny from <tho (ur--nee bridge. on which all the concrete work has been completed.. Ns bri'ce is one of the handsomest in the county. It will-- not be ovn~ned unt'l next spring as the appron--hes have not been | filled in anhd the road has not been | opened up. « . a cost which would ¢climinate him as a competitor with a more. efficient neighbor. © j x % On similar soll which has been farmed for the same length of time but with a crop rotation of corn and outs, the average yleld of corn for the same ten years is 37.6 bushels. In this system with the production costs used above, each bushel would cost the farmer a little less than 10 cents. -- On still other land of similar char-- acter but not farmed so long, the ten ycar average yield of corn in a four year rotation of corn, Oats, clover and wheat, is 55.8 bushels. Making caloulations as before the cost of each bushel is reduced to a little iess than 50 cents. Calculations made for the other crops grown in these syftems show similar marked reductions in the cost of production. GURNEE BRIDGE -- CONCRETING DONE 58k -- JAMES S. BRADLEY " RAY W. HABEN ifacoA P _ Heavy, T riangulas -Gntu';r-onzl;il , 30 seconds. William 8. Rinear,. prominent {far mer of Ant.och, was brougiit to Wan-- kegan Nov. 28th to face a sanity hear-- ing this aite:noon in county cuuil, it being charged that he is squande} ing his money to buy liquor and bhas been drinking excessively, + e mmmgserms. : Mra. Minnie: Virgin has returned William S. Rinear of Antioch | ~om @ weeks' visit with her daughter, to Be !_im:;lsmty To . e o ooo M 4 ce naas This Afternoon. a with Mr. and Mrs: Fred prlidiharie in --Kimbark at Ravenswood. R.uear, who owns a good iarm at Antioch, is said to have been bor rowing beavilly on the real estate anu using the money to buy the ii quor. * i1 addition, a petition also was fieu in probate corut, asking that a conservator be appointed to take chairge of his ousiness,~it being ai leged that bis condinion is such that he is no longer abie to transact 'mat iers of business. r Mr. and Mrs. Parker Mason attended to the distributing of the food from the puviis of the Presbyterian Sunday School. The baskets were taken to Chicago Wednesday. § Mr.: and Mrs. Frank Arnold of Fort Bragg, Col., visited at the home of Henry Schneider. Wednesdag, This is the first time in 35 years they pad vis~ ited in this viecinity. ® :z y--> Mrs. Henry Schafroth of Kempton, IIL., is here helping to care for her mother, Mrs. . Almon Frost, who :s slowly improving from a severe attack Oft pneumonia. William : Hamilton has rentéd his home on Central street to Lee Wenzel, The hearing that afternoon was cont.nued, anu ii is betieved he wiil be permitted to renfain at home as his mental condition app&rently was normal. Persons testiied that it is only when he is under the influence of liquor that he appears to be in-- capacitated. © who moved in Frmmm the flat over the Mercantile.st which :s o€--. cupled by the new owner of the gro-- .--~_Mr. and Mrs. William--Hamilton are visiting friends in Libertyville for a couple of weeks before going to Flor-- ida for the winter. ' $ | --~Mr. and Me#.--C.--M. Gelty and chi'-- dren have returned from Philadelphia, | Pa., where they spent the Thanksgiv--' ing season with relatives,. _ _ _ : Mr. and Mrs.C. W. %ood of Cullom, IIL, and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of May-- wood, were guests at the A. Frost home Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meyer, Misses Eleanor Meyer, Susie Aaston and A\-- vin Meyer were guests of Mrs. S. A. Hole in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.: Roscoe Wessling had the pleasure Saturday °"°"":ag:°' at & reunion of the Wessling b rs Walter from Portland, Oregon; Emer-- Generous Feed Mouth * 5--Gallon Water Pan With a 'Self-flulng Section with Double FOR INTOXICANTS *' Large DE ERFIE L D Features oval clean--out 1. _ Mrs. Elmer Clavey enterta'ned the Young Matrons' Club Wednesday aft-- ernnon. #/ -- More than fifty people l\tenmthe x Bible Study class held at the by-- terian church Friday evening. This c'ass will be continued for the next * twelve weeks. . was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Vant Thursday. A Mr. and Mrs. George Harder (nee Mubel Whitcomb) are the proud par-- ents of . a little son, born on Friday, November 30th. £ Mrs. Bert EHaston recéived a dis# :'. Tuesday from Regina, saying son, Al ~Clark, was seriously ill, -- d ar oneration would .be necessary. Mrs. Easton left Wednesday for Re Wred Kersten and son, Freddie spent Thanksgiving at the F. C. Haggi home. Mr. and Mrs. George PéTiis and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson and daughter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-- thur Dickenson of Jefferson Thursday. ~.'Mtrs. Euster entertained the ; Volo gchool children Monday evening in honor of her son, Edward's tenth birth anniversary. . Misses Luella Wellman and Nina Knigge have returned from Ph'iade}-- phia, where they have spent 'the past three months. .beld Tuesday. Dr. Odgers, the new presiding elder, will hold the first quarterly cunference Saturday afetrnoon, Dec. 8th, at two o'clock: at the home of Lee Huson. Sunday School Dec. 9th At 1:45; the church service at 2:30 and young peo-- ple's meeting at 8 p. m. %, Mr. and Mrs. B. Geary entertained relatives from Chicago Thanksgiving. L. V. Lusk and family spent Thanks-- gi'vl_t_u w.m_n Mr. and Mrs. C. Kapple ~-- H. G. Clouse, who has been in In:-- diana for several weeks, is home for the holidays. y fude ty < WUl8'ers of Benton Harbor, Mich., and Mr. Bellows of Elgin, were Satur-- day visitors at the home of Will Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jepson and children 'of Ringwood spent Thanks-- giving at the Lee Huson home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kauptenberg and daughter, Mabel, of Waukegan; Geo. Walton and son, E mer, of Libertyville H. Kruger and family of Wauconda, and Will D':llon and family and Floyd Waliton spent Thanksgiving day with John Walton. . Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Granger, of Chicago visited their daughter, Mrs. John Bruner recently. C The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the Volo M. E. ?ureh' Thursday after-- noon, Dec¢. 13th; to tie comforters. A cordial invitation is extended to all. M ss Irene Rockenbach of Lansing, Mich. spent several days at the home of 'her 'ather, returning to Michigan Sunday. +oA ; ' LIBERTYYILLE GaRaAgE A N. Bernard, Prop..-- Phone 208 Mr. and Mrs, WilFam Schinleber were the guests of relatives in La Gr:s ngo Thursday. j Mrs. Walter Beecham died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs, E. At St. Paul's Evangelical church on Sunday the 68. S. wil} be at 9:30 a. m., and at 10:30 a. m. English worch'p. The Ladies'® Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Meyer, at 2 o'clock. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock young people's league in the Sunday School room. Mrs. P. Wegner entertained her sis-- ters, Misses Fitzgerald, from Cortland over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lee,Huson and daugh-- ters spent Friday wit relatives in Elgin.. * 3 Miss Maud Rotramel spent Thanks-- giv'ng vacation at here home in Pax-- Mis« uaura Mubike of River Forest tion of the Goodyear All-chc Tread. "I.M '_b:t' tread aniuofsaternificiont and economical tire rlfll..l A Lemm u:tth&l: home, where a reuhion family was held. : Virgin has returned weeks' viasit with her daughter, allie Knutson, of Zhicago. V-- O L O af one--troom achool, until you are saure of a better, one. & The much talked about consolidated school plan which is to be voted on in three districts, Nos. 13, 14 and 105, on Dec. 8th is near at hand, and may go through.© But a little thought as to whetper a better school, that is, a bet-- ter and higher education school, will be 'the result, is left to be seen. A bigger uchool:--does not mean a better school. It means a better paying job for a fow teachers and another job Sor a bus driver, which in no way adds to the education of the children, but does add a little to the taxpayer. The eansolidated school so far have »roven anything more than the com-- mon eighth grade school of the past, except. a primary teacher added as an clea l? to hb émw'dmmwuc in ' r o hay those schools, so our children after passing the 8th grade may stay here at home, and do at least two more years' work, and not have to yo to nelighboring villages, as they are now doing. Mr. Taxpayer, you are paying 1-0; every one of tm'eh:ldm ':.ttondf high school ou of our dist Could we not sdye at least two ym that and also save the children a of hardah'p going so far, or else ving to stay away from home?! Do not be too ready to give up the little ltl-. PUIRLITVOS aL DUCILNCRME, 4 ~ The girls had their first practice at Wl Monday night, and a few of.tae winhers are a woe bit Jame. Rev. Mr. Stodlier of Long Grove was a business caller here Tuesday after-- HoOR.' * Grandma Schar and Gertrude Wolf spent the latter part of last week vis-- iting relatives at Deerfleld. > $ Last Monday was 'Blue lw for: m children at the L:ko ¥ ore nage. ~Miss 'Zola J. w who iong has been connected m' the: home and has been -- mother, teacher, pal and friend to every child there, finds --it necessary t!nhml away from the institution and get in touch with friends 'and relatives who long 'have been neglected, Her departure from the orphanage brings sorrow to every one connected with 't'he place as well as all the chil-- ren. § * ; & Her many alLke county friends will be interested to know her--where abouts and what she is planning: to do. ~Miss Sunderland -- intends to spend several months visiting friends and relatives in Kansas City, . 8t Louis and Oklabhoma City. Eventual iy --she will make her home with her father at Long Beach, Cal George M. Weidner was in town on business Tuesday. © Gust Stoerp, Liloyd Maether and. Will Meyer went to Chicago Friday to see a car of T. B. cows belpnging to gl?l:id'. Schroeder and Rockenbach James Lyons of Everett was a busi-- ness caller here Saturday. Miss Sunderland has been an fteient. assistant: of. Miss Lucy Judson, superintendent ;. of the phanage and her departure is gretted keenly by the eecutive. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holtie enter-- tained the latter's sister from Chicago Thursday. ' Wm. G. Klepper was a business call-- er here Tuesday. . # . 'Mrs. August Holst and son. Edwin, m Bunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank . s Thos. J. Lynch and his sister, Mrs. Clark, spent Thursday evening in ChF Mr. and Mrs. Art Voss visited rela tives at Fremont Center Sunday after noon, -- Mrs.: J. P. Rittenthaler was a Wheel ing visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren of Highland Park and George McNabb of Los An-- geles, Calif., were callers at the C. T. Mason home Sunday afternoon. George Holst and family and Edwin moilst spent Monday in Chicago. . Grandma Brockman entertained her children and grandchildren Thanksgiv-- ing. Twenty--two were present. __Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mason and son, and Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Cook spent Thanksgiving with the latter's sister. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Maether spent one day this week in the city. Russell G'lman spent the week end with relatives at Des Plaines. Miss Florence Macether spent Friday at Lake Villa. « Classes one, two, three amcflll have choir practice for Ch as on Friday night. f Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stoerp and Mrs. Emma Dyer were Libertyville callers Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holtje of Wheet ing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Ritzenthaler. Chas. Voss, Jr., spent Sunday with his purents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Voss. Mre. C. T. Mason and son Theéo vis-- ited Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tulley and family. ; Classes five, six and seven of the Grace Sunday School will have Xmas practice Saturday at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Priess spent last Thursday in Chicago. . & A G.' Maether was a Libertyvilie caller Monday. a s Mr. and Mrs. Art Voss spent ; the Thanksgiving hboliday with Mr._and Mrs. Math Herschberger. » "MOTHER TO MANY" ORPHANS, LEAVES Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gilman enter tained the latter's sisters and families ~ Miss Emma Ritzenthaler spent the week end at home. -- ao Seen Valuable Worker at Lake . Bluff _ Orphanage; Frank Holtie was a Chicago visitor P R A TRIE V!ITW Children Saddened. eof-- THIS PICTURES an all--too--frequent situation. And the man is thinking just what any of us * thinks under like conditions. HERE'S A REAL SUGEESTION! Make that bird with the rent money fly the other way! --Watch the expression change-- -- ' when he--or you--pays rent to himself. It can be done. We can do it. Just phone 50 and we'll gladly.: explain. 4 DO IT NOW. < . o W.F. FRANZEN, Jr. Pay Rent to Yourself Mn o ie t o t e o Sll "J"'" 6¥ %; 9 i; .3 4 xn# . Trial Bottle Convince Will You Spamer's Famous Orchestra Every Wednesday 8:00 p. m' till 11:00 p. m. 10 CENTS EACH DANCE The Reliable Laundry 25 Pounds for ... Your entire family wash returned damp, ready to hang up. © Phone Libertyvilla 67.R Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Dyers Hotel Crystal Lake Zurich, IIl. WET WA SH ular °. rheamatism. -- Articular M-nlg afftects the joints , but no matter where trouble--is seated, it is the --same disease, und.<requires practically the same treat-- THIS lll!lcg::'a:"bo obtained . at Pearoe's Drug Curleo's ltom.w"komaumcuuf.bz & Neville, Libertyville, HL., or they do not bappen to have it in stock you can get a bottle by paroel post byaddressing 'bbudn the cl':.lol being to rh s wu + acu euga-- tit fever, muscular rheumatism and artio 6 LAKE FOREST, ILLINOS RHEUMATISM BEBB JONES Highland Park 1783 924 $1.25 wid 1 to yBrc

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