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Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1923, p. 1

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. mBot only 'causes discomtort and un-- |ppcessdry ~expense, --but is l'xu _ menace to health, Mr. Wyer : . .. "About one--third of al!l the deaths _ in this country," he says, "are due _ "'Ao respiratory diseases.. Pneumonia 4s one--third.moré frequéot in irban E;'lhl in rural districts, The.seasonal _ seycle of pueumonia where house _ 'Weatimg is necessary is startiing. Of %'m total annual deaths,-- about 40 _ *. per »~eent: occur tur? the -- winter -- months, 24 pet cent during the fall _ _sand spring and 10 per cent 'during _ the summer. In other words, the : highest death rate occurs during the _\ heating season. This is due to low-- _ 'efing of vitality on account ~of im-- 'z m« heating and ventilation, The f e action from combustion prod-- . mets----especially . carbon monoxide-- . from fBuelessgas heating stoves is ~~also important." *# y SR o M toaks. . 0 . .' . .--Prevent le@akage,.of coid air into * i};.'* C x NE ;;-,v:":-i;u: x 1'" save a u' m 11 --of yohe nsl Bill 'und keep the house {'cleaner, deciares Mr. . In. many o boul UA s hS .o s > @%&K geent houses, he points out, _ especially those--built --to sell, the con-- %;#'r"';f 'of 15 to 25 per cent are 4o2 ooo LAKE VILLA WOMAN _ -- DIES OF PNEUMONIA c cA _ ~ OF ILL HEALTH . Cover Pipes. Water tanks, furnaces© and pipes for hot air, water or steam should be adequately insulated. Merely cov-- ering with W of asbestos al _Js not ----In fact, this is t .. The covering 'must be ;'l! 'duch thick to be effective and then will make a marked saving in mfi'vm heat the living room ot the ent. f ~' Most 'hot air rmn'mces have a slug-- gis! : air draft. Placing an elgc rie > fan in the cold air intake, cording to Mr. Wyer, will: is survived by -- her husband, Nels Btoffenburg, two,thildren and sevoral w Funoral ~services will be from the LAke Villa charch Pri-- dAay moraiang with burial in the East i oc on the arengem@nts. :." have Charge Of the arvrengements. : Mrs. Mels Steffenburg, $3, of Lake Villa, died this morniig at the Vio tory. Memorial hospital following a uhort iliness with. pneoumonia. ~ She . Increasse the volume, of air going thru the furnace and deliver more sat, but at a lower register tempera-- tw gflfl doliver a warm instead .A Hot air, thus producing better is in the room. -- _ Absorb --more heat from the fuel, thus decreasing the fuel consump ' Make the draft positive and inde pendent ot weather conditions. _' In cold climates, on the side of . Calking: oakum or otter calking y s " uk qn."' hests tE ... 4 4 PR S e e n nc s _0 _ BIG: FUEL : SAVING F M o e A f too dry for health and--com-- A boom with proper humidity --Bot less thant 30 per cent-- i more comfortable and health '&--1 *% ture than one the moisture content 4s too Fnerefore, with proper humid-- 'kf' ures may be com-- ¥ mmintained and. less fuel i Tho 1¢year old son of Leo Ko rflw untll Priday was a student h t. at Foreat Academy, has |cft DE the i%nd is nrehln for a to support mother and eot o . > . i3 * y who ~were desarted when on« e 10. ce 44 P « f &A + niect une. M Amred (Bek, "aeleerieied t fer dakt o. i: ns tem P .wwu to -- save er asserts. "It is fuel #s work. 3 8, . especially | when it C 48 hn~60 degrees to be kept fAve Fm xX | at 62 to 68--with-- it or any danger Without 163 8, Wyer of the , > Washington, . on the correct LIBER: Of the chouse 4 ~The Highland Park police were informed that Sorgt. Hill was sta tioned at Camp Custer: for several mionths and while there became ac-- quainted with' the woman, and that she followed him to--Highland Park. . Arraigned before Justiteo A. E. Smith, the couple was held in $1,060 bonds each and were bound over to the grand jury. ~Unable to give bail they were brought to the county jail. . O'Connor's guests and that the ex-- Lm of travel, automobiles, etc., should be borne by the county rather than by anybody with whom the eounty officials were dickering rela }vmr&ohurd"fiullmo'vfl to be sod olr should lease it to O'Connor, 4 , Beveral -- supervisors insisted that It was so valuable that the. county should keep it. Supervisor Mawman made a motion and it carried that the -- supervisors when they went SERGEANT AND. WOMAN SEIZED ON SERIOUS CHARGE _ According to information received by Sherif Ed Ahlstrom, the woman left Battle Creck last September de-- sertingher husband Anson, and sev-- en children. didn't know it. Bergeant Joseph Hill, 35, and Mrs. Rose Okeneski, 36, of Battle Creck, Mich., are under--arrest at Highland Park, on statutory charges, it being 'OF LAKE FOREST, 1SHUNTING \ JOB Father Luttrell was born in lows and started at an early ago to study for the priesthood. At the time of his death he had spent 27 years in the priesthood, and his 11 years at TAbertyville had made him one of the most beloved men in the com--: munity, ~ His death is a (personal loss to the members of the congre The supervisors on Friday after-- noon carried a motion that the whole boardd this 'Thursday at 11 o'clock alleged that they have been living together. The woman gave her ad-- dress as 436 Lincoln Place, Highland The woman says she has been working as a domestic in. yvarious MHighland Park homes. -- --~~ ' According to information given the Highland Park Police, Hill had! been' living with Mrs. Okeneskl un SUPERVISORS TO Wriday morning from the St. Thom-- as Aquinnas church on the west side oft Chicago and the services will be conducted 'by' the dead priest's broth-- er, the Rev. Daniel Luttrell, pastor of that church. Practically the en-- tire congregation of the --8t." Joseph church in Iibertyville will attend gation. L oR 2C TOPse . P erenig > . HEmeok noon at 3:15 o'clock =after a "short fliness of pneumonia. Father Lutt-- rell 'was taken to the hospital late Bunday afternoon in an ambulance as he was considered in a very seri-- ous condition. . He seemed to grow better at the hospital but suffered & relapse on Tuesday. and died. .The funeral services will be held The Rev. Stephen Luttrel!, aged about 60 years, for 11 years the priest at the 8t. Joseph Catholic ehurch in Libertyville, died at the St. Anthony hospital in Chicago Tuesday after-- COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Loke County's Big Weekly BURIED BY BR 0 T H ER : OF LIBERTYVVILLE : DIES OF PNEUMONIA ~MAN WANTS O BUY éars Sucoumbs in St. An-- thony Hospital Tuesday. In tos court or.at Libertyville for 11 same roof with his wite and her ETT _T > Te _0 ~ P67 0 AArik Wl Hiellh M h . Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined 3 m JON . TWO LIBERTYYVILLE, LAKE COUNXTY, ILLTSOTS, THURSDAY,DECEMBER 20 or a| Chas, Tomasen and Waltor Stags, and | charged «with desecrating MIHI Creek one cemotorf. a » e oun--| -- Chas. lm Koeote, cha with ago. | having, pa & worthleas d to uncinl??nam ith and Teeai mm f $ M,m t 9l Notman ~ Busso .of -- LAibertyrvilie, charged with having wromged Miss Ruth Wllsstm| of 7';::!00.' « uttie, Zion, W with u#uu itiplicated ; In n confi-- Unusually States Attorney Smith today post-- eq the criminal trial call in the cir-- cult court, for Jahusary 7, theo--cases being directed Against ten persons, ag follows: P s Robert -- Cooprider, -- charged with having attached Winona Griffith, & z,l? City '?lrl. x . Fretnl ames R. w ighland TA at, aA ; ames: Mebriae: Eimerty vitle 374 man, «charged© with having . The daughter of a well known Lib ®rtyvyille man." ~~*~=~~.. @.a»u6 * dence game «_ Maka all except war vets woat In addition to these cases of con-- tagion there are a few cases of measlies. r° Beveral of the new. casts of con-- tagion aro in Waukegan but the sit-- uation is not regatded -- as -- serious. The police department is in close touch with the health department and all the houses where the dis-- ease apepars are kept in close-- quar-- Entine. This is believed to be re-- sponsible for the holding <~down> of the z:nua!on in Waukegan while it breaks out elsewhere in the county. CRIMINAL TRIAL CALL IS POSTED; In the state 273 new cases of Scarlet Fever were reported.. Of this number nrine-- were reported . from m. cmt'. * ° i. Bixteen new cases of contagion developed in Lake County last week according to the official report filed with the State Department of health ed from Lake County. ported 264 new cases of Diphtheria, TO TRIAL -- JANUARY 7 SIXTEEN CASES OF-- CONTAGION Cases of Alleged Attacks Upon Girls and Womne. YVILLE INDEPENDENT -- Not Such a Bad Old World, After AH 10 TO BE TRIED a--mile too| When a gitfl is in of The Waukegan police ,today re-- m a request from the #m of Ad Park to look out m car that <~was stolen fro®m a Highland Park garage last l&:io gar is a blue . Hadson sport ®Iing coar with hamber 05-- 118. 1t 19 fesred that the nwim k ' & : "0 were aee o uank w e ; SEEK CAR STOLEN _ FROM HIGHLAND PL. LAKE FOREST MAN NAMES TRUSTEE OF Judge Clairg <C. .Edward s today granted an anmnullment of marriage in the case of Ruth Jeanne I':fi'ay Nance, ndowmtc of W/P. DeVay, Lake who was wedded to Roy Kenneth Nance, a soldier at Fort sheridan. ~The foster parents of the girl, who is' also known as Lena Ruth Brand, refused to permit Nance to see her after their mar rlage. The annulment was based upon the fact that the girl was --a minor at the time thé ceremony was performed in Waukegan. ¥ j Then, turning to the university's financial problems, President Burton declared that the--program of expan-- sion calls' for the raising of approxi-- mately $15,000,000 within <the next year. Aithough $5,300,000 has been collected for the medical project, ris ing building costs and other expens-- es will increase the amount needed by about $6,000,000, he said. An ad-- ditional $8,000,000 is necessary for expansion,< while $3,000,000 is re-- quired for endowment to provide in-- creases in Salaries. -- ANNUL--MARRIAGE TO CHILD BRIDE Apporntment--Of-- Trevor--Arnett amt Prof. James H. Tufts as 'vice presi-- dents of the University of Chicago was announced Tuesday at the uni-- versity's one hundred and thirty--first convocation in --Mandel hall. ~At the same time President Ernest D. Bur-- ton made public the election of Rob-- ert P. Iamont of Lake Forest, presi-- dent of the Ameritan Steel foundries, as a member of the board of.trus-- tees. F, A NEW AUTO FOR THE ---- SHERIFE'S OFFICE U. OF C. BOARD is hun« A hansand two gitls were im t and another .glrl umnv In-- Jurion which are fimm e at" Barrington, JMinots, y ¥ "tH#~ automobile in which wate riding was struck by a Ohicago and Northwoestern passenger: train, _ 'to a message received & 8: Willtam Habir, "I have talked with old time res: idents-- of the city, including fisher-- men," Mr. Keller said today, "and they all--inform me--that not in their recollection has there been a time when 'there have been so many min-- nows in the local harbor. There are so masy of them in the water that some-- of them are crowded above the~ surface and it looks as if they . formed a floor substantial enough to walk on." Countless millions of tiny minnows, literally tons of them, have been seen in the local harbor for the last two or three days. According to Commis sioner Nicholas Keller there are ful-- Jy ten tons of them in one school near . the 'Nick -- Larsen boat pier. Mr, %oul:or today ~sent a telegram to William J. Stratton, state game 'and._{ish < warden, --apprising --him--ot the -- gituation, -- and suggesting that possibly the state may have some way of #aving these fish from de-- _--Thousafds of pounrs of--these min-- nows .are being sucked Pfo the: sub intake in the harbor which is supply-- Ing Waukegan with water at the present time and the result is that water mains all over the city are ali but clogged with them. Scores of complaints have been received from homes where water faucets have be-- come clogged and neCessitated the services of plumbers. t Zion,. I1lL.--Theé. third annual Pouk mm AT try Exhibition will be held in Zion | ********* + Educationg. Building on January 24, i U"ESS 25 and ?:h. it was announced yea S » terday, 'The--Exhibit is under fi: j f, management of W. Hurd Clendine > Smmmpmmmmmamza | With: Arthur=~Wright, Frederi¢ck HIWI,| A chicken supnor at /Miliburn Com-- Ernest : Heath, William J. .Bull, and | munity church Saturday night was threo others as assistants. The ex--| a decided success,, More than 50 per: hibition~will be free to the public| sons from waukegan attended in ad fi there are 132 prizes, with 12 spe--| dition to « la¥#e number from Mill al prizes, and 6 prizes for the Jumn=| purn and vi@inity. for Dopartment. H. W. Butterfield4,| rouowigk supper a musical pro-- a very compeuw has been | gram prekented by the Moberg seoured, and in Judging -- the | giste May Olson,.of Wauke birds, he will} glve a lecture, ioz | ga rthur Hedier and . Beatrice trated with lAMtarn slides, nxtcmy. of Millburn. -- There was POULTRY SHOW IN ZION SO0N EX TR AdAcro man sreaxs SAYS THERE ARE 10 TONS TONS OF MINNOWS _ <--.__ MAINS CHOKED 14. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ank Co * ant O+ Frod LobR, 65 fract his m was bro to the 1 The annual report showed that the business of the company was very successful during the year. No out standing plans were made increasing the size of the ~plant but the in-- crease in Capital 'stock is to take care of the natural growth of the business. HAS -- SUCCESSFUL -- YEAR Guerdon L. Brewster is Elected © Director to Succeed P. J. The Chicago Hardware Foundry company, of North Chicago, vote to increase their capital stock from $600,000 to $1,300,000 at their anntuat meeting Tuesday night. h Guerdon L. Brewster, of Wauke gan, was named £&s & director, to All the vacancy through M'?..Q :t'h P. J. Drury, North Chicago. er oficers all were re--elected. 7 INCREASES STOCK - TO $1,300,000 day. Because of the great good the clin-- ic has accomplished, it is expected that' the board will appropriate the sum asked when they reconvene Pri-- ments have financed the project for fire years bet feel they can no long-- er carry on the work without fAnan-- ASK $500 COUNTY ___| --FUNDEOR CLINIC / --' --FORMAINUED TGTS!: 'Bheriff Abistrom <+plans on »oldh & conference with the shoriff of D page county who has ifstituted successful fight against 8. ~ While at first there were frd to twenty hunters.on almost farm there are fow to bo seen Lake county will be the poorest hunting grounds in (the ~#tate for those without permission to shoot on private property it Sherif Ed Ablstrom carries out the plans that were laid at a conference with far-- mers from all sections of the county held at the Farm Bureau headquatr-- ters in~Libertyville, Wednesday, De-- cember 12. It in J. T. WK. head of the bn-- reau, . sta lat. farmers were al> ready teollu'"*af#ect of wun- sive campaign that the MK has instituted mm:'*ms. § t/ ~-- While at first there were from one Although the plans aroe in their infancy and the sheriff refuses to discuss them at length it is under-- zu' that farmers may be deputized + halt the droves of huntsmen mpling through the county ficlds. A meeting --with: a special commit-- tee of farmors, to be chosen, is sth ed for a later date this month. FARMERS DISCUSS HUNTING PROBLEM Committee to Convene With Him Again to Halt Flood of Nimrods. MAY DEPUTIZE FARMERS will be held with Sherift Ahistrom community singing. WITHE. AHLSTROM HIP AT ANTIOCH Drury Deceased. c the" anegi s | still had j t':leem "<. hu according giere from one ?\?&?d;;] on --almost BRA | pearyisor ; \(.'en rab Afav ht " ns .on l]olding 0 di Ahe : 3 o[ ' Pha d." has instituted _ & |, 153 an ie Mota c ~pOro a $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADV. their | . Judge Claize C. Edwaras -- Ad-- s -- to |dicated that he will set um . ider. | cree which he entered. recentily . tized | the case of Rose Gerbracht of Grass imen | Lake, who claims.to have' tax deed l4s, |title to 120 acres of ~swamp land im{it. |in that section. She is represented , is|by Atty. E. V. Orvis, who: also rep-- onth, | resents Frank Hatch, who claims trom |to be owner of 1,000.acres in the Grass Lake region.. Atty. Orrig se » pu. |resents other clients . whose: & s al |Against the county will --involve mote nten. |than 3,000 acres. In 1911 the county has |Still had 13,500>acres of swamp land, J ~ Jaccording to a plat/ which> Henry :m Rawards, then 1 r, father ot arg [Judse Edwards, _drawh up.. Su-- e? rvisor® "Edwards -- for © eight ~years S c [fought against the: of the county . "" " [to dispose of this.land for a "song. 1 € red that back in 1852 whem iordinary land was selling for ¥ + SfBn a the eounty_ sw 1c -- -- §at the same price, abd th was The counly board: Friday amen a -- former 'li'lln: with fere tv an $ o and --subdivisions in '. county. der the amended rue the pis % be accepted when the. Airoots. form with oxistime '*1' and . villagos . wher@ | _ sabd "b'n such: i' e W* f amendment . .# ted -- B¥ © ¥tisor E. & Wonashan' of the arrert. _ _A warrant for the arrest of Frank Blaok, living on the IAOI;I.I"'I tarm, FPelegraph road, near t Armour eOftate, was issued today by ma Hervey Coulson. The charges of dis orderly conduct were brought by Je# si-- Brown. 'The complainant tolg de-- puttes at the sheriff's office that Blank had been discharged a month ago ~but had nm-%um ; want him to leave to make room for new .:tenants. Deputies were by the sherift late today 'to make AMEND RULE IN-- COUNTY ON PLATS ~*Atty. Orvis declared that he be-- Heved his : cases are much different because the county was not a party to the suit in the Willlamson--Watts controversy, in----which the court 'upheld the decision of-'% Edwards. -- The motion to the decree in the. Gvrfla cht case will be taken up in a fow days as soon as Assistant States Atty. 8. H. FARMER ORDERED ARRESTED HERE icd in the WiiHiamgon--Watts awamp ruled in the Watts land case. Judge Edwards declared that «this case has an important bearing upon the other _ swamp land _ He claims that the tax deeds arp sufficient, <and it is planned to. the states > attorney to take up t Gerbracht case as a test. At the time. JIndge Robert K. Weish ruled against the county in the Gerbracht case the then .States--Attornéy Raiph J. Dady was not asked by <the county to --carry .the matter to the hightr-- courts. The case went to the Mas-- ter in Chancery and a few days ago Atty. -- Orvis : appeared before Judge Edwards and had _ the order entered in favor of Orvis' client, the attorney being of the opinion that the. court knew all the action in the case. there' likely . be~ muc#muiteaig s ~ . _~ Guring the ne#k few years @yer the,; ~. swamp lands. _ --. "lllgs . > 5. > To ~*Atty. Orvis' claims that the coU e . e has :lost interest in the Jand . us 'Bby -- the' Gerbrachts, Hateh's ind Bs 38 other. clients because they have been \» _ . Payin €s~ on : the -- fand . xor'f=, * yOarts, in Mhneu: ':h K# ~ :3% be . statute of limitations hbhad raom ---- _ sort .. purposes, is involved < in . legat action which 1s$ being ; taken in a test: case that. promists. to go to. the supreme cour;. s Ag t ( Title of more than 18,500 acres of swamp lands «in Lat:' county > which has ~become very ~v . because of the eagerness with m(}m and| lllinois . vacationists .have been acquiring property fOf". summer toe-- Judge : Edwards --Indicates De-- cree is to Be.Set Aside in -- Important Title Case.: © . COVERS ALL SWAMP LAND BlG LEGAL FIGHT _ LOOMS OVER SWAMP LAND CONTROVERSY titg | ts --" pEH i EW 2i un c af qr8e g 'ng 76 Al

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