= KENOSHA DEPOT IS wWRECKED BY FI Ing the flames, No one was at the building as the fire w as discovered after the depot had been closed for the day's business. There were no _ _One hundred and thirty--five high-- way railroad crossings in, the state were ordered protected by the com-- mission during the (year. Subways and overhead crossings were ordered in many instances to make the cross ings safe, and in othor gates, watch-- men and wig--wag sighals were or-- The freight depot of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railway at Kgp.?h was M': tally destroy 'l'hl*g night when the building caught from an overbheated {furnace and nearly all oft the merchandise stored there for Friday's delivery was either burn-- ed or spolled by watrer and smoke, The. loss is estimated at $8,000. The Kenosha fire department from all the. sub stations worked for more than an hour and a half in subdu-- dered. The cormamission held_1,526 formal hearings during the year, the report showed. Orders adopted--numbered 1,642. Informal cases: bhandled by the commission such as investigations and reports on accidents and com-- plaints, numbered 1,398. . _ ® With the mercury ebbing away to & point of 22 degrees below zero early Saturday morning made it one of the coldest days of the seanson. At smidnight Friday night the thermom-- SATURDAY MORNING COLDEST OF SEASON ~_Springfield, III., Jan. 8. -- Public utility companies of lilinois were aw thorized to issue $$371,690,186 in se-- curities during 1923 by the Hlinoisi Commerce Commission, according to the annual report of the commission made public today. Of fthis amount $140,913,245 was in capital stock and $230,876,941 in bonds, notes and other: securities. Fees charged by the com-- mission on these issues amounted to $186,682. ... -- i eter registcred. 13 degrees . below zero and from then on the mercury kept dropping steadily at the rate of one degree an hbour. uin .0 There woere many reports Saturday morping concerning the temperature but 22 degrees below zero was the highest report made in this vicinity. Various thermome¢ters -- from 16 to 22 below. Miss ' reich, of the Lake County society, -- reported much -- suffering amongst the poor, and states there were many requests for clothing and bedding made. * % Marriage Licenses council UTILITY STOEKS AUTHORIZED FOR versity was elected president of the psychological association last night.. H. T. Poffenburger and Rudoiph Pint-- ler of Columbia university were elect-- ed as new members of the e¥xécutive Expert forgers are Often "explo-- sive" writers, with a free easy man-- ner of writ ""Prof. Downey said. Bcientists, kers with great self-- control, are sometimes vertical writ-- ers: novelists, artists and others with impulsive, -- temperamental . natures write with an excessive slant to the right; actors, diplomats, politicians who practice reserve and self--conceal-- ment often slant their m'u:'. to'fi( left. (The society tes k flowing, neat, me:!fl%u.'vl; masculine handwriting is character-- zed by its boldness, force and orig: inality. These were some of the ob: servations of Prof. Downey. _ A Dr. G. Stanley Hall of Clarke uni-- uit Rooston unialy" ons Mn Pn ) 20 6 o o C sc o ie y mc he sorens | 90 BELOW ZFRO of Wyoming told the annual conven tion ot the Americsn Poychoesc/ _ AEREOOQ YEARS AGO Pro{.--D o w n e y DEFINES CHIROGRAPHY Relatin is a puritied, dried, inodor-- product of the hydrolysis, by treat-- M hack as thin, Tipuntain. and , auch as t K _#ea unimais. 1t com than 2 per tent of ash Starmley F. Buckland, Milwaukee, 23 Norma M. Ebs, same, 21. Jouils lokolic, N. Chgo, 32. Mary --Puslovik, same, 23. Fdwin Johnson, Rio, Wis. 25. lda Alme, Hampden, Wis. 18. CGordon E. Davy, Joliet, 21. Mary K. Smith, same, 19. Bamuel A. Nelson, Waukegan, 22. IAHian Mjelde, same, 19. Jolin Jastromaki, MNwaukese, 24. Marion Pfeifer, same, 20. Brung P; Schwalbe, Champaign, 38 Frieda H. All, Milwaukes, 23. August Hoch, Ripon, Wis. 32. Laura Piano, Fond du Lac, 20. k % I' IY 'i' l" i m; Temperament Rules Style. 1023 ARF MANY SAYS EXPERT Moul l i 15 While there is every probpect that this week will continue cold, it can-- not compare with the cold New Years of sixty years ago, according ~J.--N. Stupey, of Waukegan, a res-- Ident of 'Lake County. for . nearly three--quarters of a century. All rec erds for cold weather in this part of }m country were broken on that oc-- _casion, according to Mr. Stupey, who says that the thertmnometer registered Afty .. res below zero. He resided in d Park at the time, and says It was so cold that many head of stock --froze to death in their stalls, while frozen hands, feet and faces were common. The blizzard that accompanied the intense cold was felt in nearly all parts of the country. Even the soldiers in their winter quarters in the south suffered much. Cigaret consumption increased last year, the word "consumption" having an excellent meaning. Schwartz Furniture Co. physicians in the case, it was learo-- ed today, Although they still believe it is possible to save her life, she is in a weakened condition and stands about still in the way of improve, ment :while ahso should --be--gradually getting better, doctors.believe. mmm:Mvm who took 100 grains of bichloride of mercury two weeks Ago, hbhas not shown any improvement in the past tew days~and is beginuing to worry 3 Priced Lower Than Ever § a-m'xm'gm?msmxzs 5124.85 JA Regular $125.00 urg:flx_lguggyms """""""357.85 r=252 PISCOUNT ON ALL BEDROOKMK SUITES, y e Oak, Walnout, Mabogany, Gray. Wide choice, mw'm' IRON BRIDGE LAMPS ..................... Gigantic Stove Purchase--Two Cars of These Ranges at Our Own Price --Your Opportunity to Buy a Guaranteed Range at a . P¥ KITCHEN CABINETS--Regular $49.00 value ............ 5--Piece BREAKFAST SUITES .......................----$22.50 COMPLETE BED OUTFITS--All sizes ........... GENUINE OAK DRESSERS--Special .... Round Oak Reservoir Range |~ The Best on the Market ' I We're determined to move these miany Reservoir Ranges--# the low price we've put on them will move them out quickly. ~. _ 'This is a chanee of a lifetime to buy a Range that wilPgive you endless good 'service at a price less than regular wholesale--A $ price you can well afford to pay. --. _ Every Range a Guaranteed Baker--Equipped with large reser-- voir--extra 'large oven--large fire pot--heayy construction throughout--immediate delivery. Buy now at the lowest prices ever quoted. j ' SCHWARTZ'S "The Best Place in Town for Furniture" Large Drawers, Splendid Glass, Colonial Style. Complete with Parchment Shado--Excelent for reading. Golden Oak, Complete with all Conveniences, Bed, Spring, Mattress, YVernisa Martin, Ivory. Ideal for Decorating. 4 Chairs, Brop--deal Table. Plays all Records--No Parts to Change. The Best Specials in Town 136--138--140--142 So. Genesee Street Bacteria _.., to Raise.. In milk kept ot a temperature of 68 degrees F., bacteria muiltiply more than 4,000 times every 24 hours, M E. P. Wnllnm-i nestor of the Kaox county bar assoclation, died in Galez burg lagt week at the age of ' 1 years. His case was not di to that of Atty. Homer Cooke of Waukegan who died recently,. He came to lilinois from Missourt when a boy, hs parents havng left-- that state because they were not in synr> pathy with slavery, Like Mr. Cooke, Mr. Wiliams knew Abraham Lincoln personally when the latter went to Knoxville before the war to practice AGED LAWYER NOT UNLIKE H. COOKE W. O. Winch, who formerly MAD |.y° o/., week -- The cem i aged the Channel,Lake pavilion, is mi:% :f'x"n,"""' id planning to incorporate a hew ¥AY+ |Sake on the baiance of the streten Mon company for $36,000 that Wil!|petween that point and MceHeory boast the best dance foor and A0600--|;, ao bad that it is W medations -- in <this section Of tB¢[sipte to travel it with & ine at state, according to word received |inis time, It lw that Me-- from Antioch today. . It is underst008 | Hopry ty of will do some that several parties are interested in j ..'I {"n the road will be in the contemplated--deat The former|g ; condition this winter and Winchenterprize was closed by 'an next spring. + order of the court recently, WBOD|' arter being unable to determine neighbors complaized }hll the wail on what road .. State 'Aid . road. of the saxaphone kfipt ;how&::. should g fil& the ":q ug 21 The new building, the * | Henry, of + 1 followed out, will be located ehulcm.' that mm but the mat-- to the old business? ~).~~>>~~~~ $10.85 uum west across the 'river at & & block south of the present Fox river bridge and running up past the Riverside hotel. The route via the present bridge had been favored by residents in that section. The Aecision means a new bridge across the river but it removes a bad curve that is found on the pres-- cided that they would put the mat-- ter up to the state. Amfiam held in Chicago, at whichk all the opponents : presented their side of the argument and agreed to let the state decide the best route for the Last week: the information came from Springtield announcing the route chosen by the state officials. ting© the * . False +..,piness, False happiness loves to be in a erowd and to draw the eyes of the world upon her. She does not re-- ceive any satisfaction from the admi-- ration which sh> in othors. -- lh.'l.:: jJenry--Volo --road was c.g--, emned [mm '.du %"m.:lm & at Lily ; grade 08 the balance of the stretch fragrmg o o it is shAML is so sible to travel it wxmn-'a.:t' this time. ~It is thought 'that Me-- &, ~Real Saving Offer Ever closed for three pionibs $2.98 n was for put> }J Millions of Foot Choice Lumber § 2| From U.$. Naval Training Camps--Great llht.._( $B Lumber--Millwork -- Plumbing Steam and Electrical Equipment, Etc. At Less than 50¢ on the Dollar! or Meaters, / "h.:ift.tt.......m Athers, 70 to 1,130 gallon eapacity. y $3.00 Shirts 135;'_" atock of heary 180 ;l. ":.mny" %0 in. iy § 1t at '..-325 #50 gallon Heary Riveted BSteet Water Storage Tanks Thousands --of windows, doors, frames, screens, roofing paper, wall board, ventilators, skylights, dumb waitérs, plumbing material, pipe, etc. In facet most everything to building and Iimprove at TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. k If you are within hauling distance, bring your truck, select your lg:terul and <kaul it home. We load you promptly. Don't delay, Buy now! © s QUALITY--The lumber and millwork used in the construe-- tion of these camps was generally of the best. Buildings being dismantled with Mfim all nails are Grawn, and the good condition of the Iber is preserved in every way possible. This is cantonment lumber, purchased under terial and looks like new. ALL WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS--$4 values reduced Beaded Ceiling, Matched Flooring, Dimension Lumber, Timber, Etc., at a Big Cut Under Present Market Prices, HEAVY WOR KPANTS-- $2.T5 values,. ROW : ........................... DRESS TROUSERS-- $5.00 .-- YEBDRED --..:@:s....02....0.«.».22cc0ccccuee« BWEATER COATB-- > gk's ;' #$5.50 values reduced to ............... SWEATER COATS-- 4 Values to $9.00, now ................_..._._. RIBBED SHIRTS AND TT ETE * Smsce c c is + cuc e on revey ic ver revabacin WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-- NUE -- +.; rvcafevizacanss, iopprneribetts souerrer sewbesiss shavcd BRIXNXG:® YOUR LMST--EA8TIMATES CHEERFULLY FUR-- xISHED. SALES OPPICES: SHERIDAN ROAD AT $4.00 Shirts; now .......... . .$2.95 $6.00 Shirts, now ........... .$4.35 OUR OFFICES ARE OPEN suNDAYS FOR .. _ & Frouser Suits : $24.50 --# / Walues to $38.50 Cheerfully Values to $4.50 Fefunded Values to $35 $2.95 government inspection, All bright and seasoned ma-- COME To THE CAMPS TODAY Millions of Feet Cholice Yellow Pint on Sale CLEARANCE SALE 4 light, double hung, (Wo sash g18%« uvmlmn-mrrzn.-«mna -- with puileys. Over all sizse 4 ft. 7-- In. x 5 ft. T in.; apecial price this Tdeal for Storm and Sieeping Porches 8 light, double hung, t#wo sach gitt-- as -- a marked down for'immediate clearance. NTSB-- RIBBED UNION8SUIT Fvenetenvenbonss Cproporeurttinal 31.'5 KReduced o ............"... --» w ,| ALI--WOOL UNIONBt «rrhscessccanssessessecansensenn * No' en secscassssstessaneertneee willl s * 33 '5 FLANNEL SHIRTS-- d to ...}................ < m;' ulue; !(?;'1" i ~= w NEL '__jj'"""""""'mmms N.' se« a2« «ca0+ peeea60n0 se p en ao WINDOWS--SPECIAL! MANHATTAN SHIRTS Valnes to,. $6.00 $29.50 Julius H. Sinykin £0,000 feet Standard 2 in. Hlack Pipes,. Special pricse this week at, ' TL BMBE .......wccle oc crracr C Write for prices on other A Values to $87.50 $ Trouser Suits RedUuCOQ 10 .......................clcccurccsseecrrenge ALI~WOOL UNIONS8UITS-- TFOYF-- ....../.sccucrccrreroenpscerryncerenrs ressersanpocestctn FLANNEL SHIRTS-- §$2,.75 VAIUCB, MOW |.........., ssscccsssssenscscens ';.WNIL NIGHT SHIRTS-- -- AIF: . senn2eocoks facracouprenchansobpecve rercese repentessiecsat FLANNEL PAJAMAS-- ROAUC@U 10 ........s..lsclllllllcl esn nn en aenp WOOL--LINED DRES8 GLOVES-- $3.50 values, BOW .............._.._.._.._._._._.s SHEEP--LINED GLOVES AND MITTENS--Values to $5; now ............ $3.50 Shirts, now ........... $5.65 Values to $9.00 $33.50 Joists, Studding and Rafters are of No. 1 Yellow Pine on standard plan, 16 inches apart. Double fAoor6 and Sheathing for sides and roof. Glazed Windows, Frames, Weights, Screens and all Doors and Frames. ft., including front poreh, $x20. ft, 300! for all vlln,:ows and 90--lb. ) per ' ron Siate Rooink.P»» _-- S5I0 Specifications-- &--ROOM BUNGALOW--SBize f1., large and> spacious as with front pot #x20 feet, for 4--ROOM BUNCOALOW--Size 2713% M" w@2cases0000s 20000 «2*+ €--ROOM BUNGALOW, size 27x4 feet, with large porch and kcreens, as above ............... @#W 1 We wiill load you promptly, Write for illustrated Bulletin » B--28, on Bungalows, ) + @I . Bungalows BRING YOUR TRUCEK | * * 1 and 2 Trouser Suits Values to $45,00 Values to $2.50 $39.50 $1.85 Water Streets at the $ $2.65 471x3¢€ above,