.« DENIES DEPUTIES f- GOT ROUGH IN THE O _ G@RAYSLAKE RAID Sherifia Piffaby, ~-- ~aond --bot ~_~ "haw! °t! house dAenntion valld woman's bedroom and threw her Into bysterics, went to the next house where, 'when they woere repri-- manded by a Woctor, turned on him, mfl him in arrest and started to him to 'Waukegan to jail. The article was sensationkl in the extreme, but Sheriff ~Ablstrom de: clares it was "greatly exaggerated" and says his men 'were not guillty of the offense as charged against c hok ho "Bee JP ho -- wriag & Y wrong house in the first place. but that when they found they had made a mistake . they quickly _ apologized, backed out of the house and went to tBe next house where lived the man mramed in the search warrant." office on New--Years went to --a home on the banks of Grayslake about 10 o'clock at night, forced their way into the place, started to read 'a search warrant, found that they--were Sherift's Statement, As to the status of the physician in case, according to Geputy Harry Abistrom and Lester f , the doctor came to the see ond and started ~to severely "hbaw! them out" for having enterec house No. 1 by mistake. And the deputies, out of respect for their dfle'.toldhlmlfbedldnot'edfl. they would lock him up, 'but they later released him after having taken him in hand with the intention of bringing him to© Waukegan. "I was away at the time this thing: happened," -- said-- Sheriff Ahistrom, "and my men admit that_they made a mistake by going into the-- wrong house which had been pointed out to them as the one: where they were to make the search under the warrant.~--immediate}ly --after --being told they were in the wrong house they apologized and backed out. It is not true that they went into the bedroom of the woman of the house The Graysiake Times last week carried a lengthy article telling how deputies out of Sheriff Ahblstrom's _ OIt is further admitted that they found--nothing in the latter place in vinlation of the prohbibition law. Ahistrom-- Answering--Charges Admits Men Went Anto Feeling ran high in Grayslake New Year's day and since because of the action of Sheriff Ahistrom's force headed by Lester Tiffany. It was 10 o'clock p. m. that the squad drove up to the Carl Scutt! home on the _ ue ge n o in -- LiA L. 2. c ctus. ie 4 Aiiccntindntv td Enseed oclock p. m. that the squad drove up to the Carl Scutt! home on the lake shore, and after a knock, --with out any hbesitation, two men walked Into the back door while another walked into the front door. . They immediately _ begun . search> ing cupboards. draws, shelves, etc' in the house. Scutti with an attend-- ant for his invalid wife were the sole occupants., They, of -- course thought they were bring -- held up and sald. nothing: fearing that they would be beaten up or perhaps shot Finally Scutt! mustered the courage o ask them who they were and what they were doing. One of the men reported they were from the gherift's office and that they knew what they were doing. Seutti asked them for the gearch watrant. After some mmblln! one. of the officers produced the warrant and started to fead. When he came to the place where the name was written in, the name of Albert Behning appeared. In the meantimé the two men en tered the room where Mrs. Seutti was in her bed where she bad been for months-- suffering from a very severe nervous disease. . She went into bysterics and could hardly be k"o;t "t'n-w!-:al'. ° Dr. Struthers, who has been attending the woman, wAs ln_g.dln'toly called. * §1. $ y oo Gclc 1284 af tha Upon arrival he was told of the occurtence and immediately gave the woman medicine. + It quieted . her temporarily, bft the shock was so great that he was there many times the following and second day and the condition of the woman is very serious. _ Just a few minutes later the doe tor went to the Behning home next door where the officers had preceded him. He inquired of--them to know who was the head of the searching ¥4,"5 Wrong House. place, went into an was 'gruffiy told that "they knew their business and that It would be best for him to clear out." 'The 'doctor insisted that chbe be told, as Jt was the right of every. cltizen to ask from any public . of-- felal. . Thon one of. the . deputies grabbed him by the clothes and tore some buttons off, and told, him it lvu none of his business. The doctor was not easily put off and insisted on' knowing the names of the men when the officer said he was under arrest and would have to g? to Waukegan 'nm night and the following day an-- swer to the charge of attempted as sault of an officer and for resisting arrest. The 130 pound doctor.in the hands of the 200 pound deputy must surely bave been ~tempting. sulcide to resist the _officer of m.m&e say nothing of the di#play of e gun and billy, Meanwhile the search continued in the Behning home and nothing was found and all 't'h.:o '.:- ntlvhrod at the door to * en one of them grabbed llm?:n"i-fid told him 'to march along and go to Wln?l where he could spend the night in jall, Strutbers went to the car undér a tongue lashing of z .depuy.' B::;r& he entered t;u vu m e : , who near the house, wm the deputy told him that if be called again he would smash him over the head with heavy searchlight he had in his 16 The doctor called to Behning again and asked hbim to take bis car to the garage. The officer did not strike. /A All in the car the deputy said "I lxpm you will make a 'big case of this." --To which the-- doetor replied that Scuttt will probably give them all they wanteo. Getting cold feet, and scenting the grave mistake, the whole affair had been, they turned the doctor out 'of the car-- and told him to go home, because they had several more raids to make and after they were completed they would call for him, but.even to this time they have not called. _ This is the story as given by Dr. Struthers and later it was verified ported on the case but that what the Times edifor asked _him about and" told him did not cofacide. with by Mr. Scutti. The Times called the sheriff's office Wednesday and ~the sheriff said that his men hbad re' Late Wednesday evening the Timfes was in -- communication with -- Mr. Scutti and be said that his wife was in a most serious condition, that she was hysterieal hour after hour .and required . constant attention. -- L a business and pleasure trip. They M visit at the home of Mr. White's daughter, Mrs. Asa B. Groves, who resides in Fort Worth. St. Andrew's Guild was entertained at the hom, of Mrs. E. J. Waithers Wednesday afternoon. The funeral of John Hook was held from the home of his son, Oliver, néar Rollins, Tuesday. Burial was at East Fox Lake cemetery. Mr. Hook was 93 years old. . -- -- John Morse and D. G. White left on Wednesday for Fort Worth, Texas, on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hicks and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoe't at a turkey dinner New Year's day. _ $.* ue _ Miss Rose Prehm was at home over Sunday. . -- _ ul * K ns | _ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Landwehr went to Dundee to spend New Year's. _ ° _ _ Mrs. Emma Soderburg was a Chi-- cago visitor Friday. _ _ * The Women's A'd Society held the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Flora Clarke Wednesday afternoon. Mr.--and Mrs. Fred Hoeft and Mrs. Paul Schallenkamer attended the fun-- edal of Mrs. Peter Einhorn in Chicago Monday. _ i Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ficke were Chi-- cago visitors over the holidays. The Lake Zurich high school will give a play, "All on Aceount of Polly" Thursday and Friday evening at the high school. a 4) 2 aat n hfi t c sb dindatd A number of friends gathered at the homg of Herman Kracht New Year's eve to watch the old year out and the new year in. The inclement weather kent away a number who were invited but those who attended had a splend-- iq time. . Fred andirving Deschauer were in Ch'cago several days last week. Wm. Buhr went to Chicago Satur-- day in the interest of the Milk Pro-- ducers. I The cold weather of Saturday and Sunday was the severest in many years. Old residents cannot recall the past 25 years as being so cold. Many iautomobflo radiators were frozen on Friday and Saturday. C e EP 2 EC L _1 B i ctauiAczes Aid lr.,und Mrs. Larson and daughters of Milwaukee spent the week end with Mr. and Mrsa. Kugleman _|_ _ _ _ C. W. Kohl has just finished a large raido outfit. Harold Hans of Barrington was a caller in Lake Zurich Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Peter Jensen visited Mr. and Mrsa. Peter relatives in Ohio, IIL. a,firneat_lon.i e TeJ o PP NTIOCTT The patrons of the gas company were notified Sunday to shut offt the gas on account of a broken main at Niles. Those having good old fash-- jloned cook stoves were fortunate. Mr. and Mrd. Fred Bussching enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer at & turkey dinner Monday evening. Phone 456 } G R A Y S L A KE Milk Pro--| 1 rday lfld! : in many | recall the | 4 14. lhny' 6 frozen on | 6 dnughteri' 4 64 u4w d , the holi-- CLAIMS HE WAS _ TLEGALLY KEPT _ IN COUNTY JAIL James Montgomery, Negro, charged with hbhaving attacked Miss Mamie Bnow, aged white woman of Zion, while she was going to the %y'.ot Sriends in North Chicago on rsday sought to obtgin his release from the county jail on habeas corpus proceed-- ings, charging that he is being held C. C. Morrili and wife to Rose Dumbaugh W. D. $10.00. Lots 27 and: 28, in Burr Ogk Addn to Graysiake. 'Mary 8. Pinney and husband to W. _P. Kelly and wife jt téens W. D. $10. Stamp $6.00. Lots 17 and 18 in C. T. and Tr Co's ReSBubd, Highland Park. _ R. H. Edwards and wife to R. L ilhmmond W. D. $1Q. Lots 55, 56, and 57, in Lincoln Heights, Sec. 20, : Waukegan, | _ R, L. Eammond to F. Saudersky : W. D. $250. Lots 55, 56 and 57, Lin-- | colh Heights, See 20, Waukegan. '~"w. 'B. Ingvoldstad and wife to M. \Hyfining W. D.: $300. Stamp $50. Lot | 192' Pleasant View Subdn, Sec. 24. | Grant. case was set. C He was indicted Wednésday by the grand jury, and therefore when he attempted to get his release on the preliminary charge he was re--&rrest-- ed on a capias in the Circuit court as a development in the grand jury Montgomery entered a plea of not guilty and was remanded to jail in default of $10,000 bond. f o By A. K. BOWES 0 v 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o s JANUARY 4, 1924. W. A. Andersen and wife to G. De-- laby and wife Jt tens W. D. $3500. Stamp $3.50. Lot 2 Stratton Subdn in 87 qr of NW ar Sec. 1, Grant. H, Skinner to --H. T. Driscotl and wife jt tens W. D. $500. Stamp $.50. Lots 20 and 21, Blk 3, J. K. Orvis o REAL HSTATE TRAIGFEES . is By A. K. BOWEs L Bubdn, Wkgn. J. K. Orvis and wife to W. Green and wife jt tens W. 1. $4,300. Stamp $1.50. Pt of Lot "A,." Blk 15, ReSub of Lot 6 Winthrop Harbor. W. L. Kelly and wife to C. E. Dan-- lels W. D. $700. Stamp $1.00. Tract of land in Sec. 25, Warren. m J. Anzinger and wife to 8. E. Tar-- bell Q. C. D. $1.00 Stamp $.50. Pt bf Sec 35, Antioch J. L. Dean and wife et al to Elea-- nor A. Dayhoff W. D. $10. stamp $11.00. . Pt. of Sec. 27, Déerfleld. »Margaret Hennessy to Rose Dum-- baugh and E. W. Hennessy jt tens W. D. $1.00. Lot 11, Nippersink Club Subdn, Sec. 4, Grant. wi_'."B. Ingvoldstad and wife to A Laund and wife jt tens W. D. $200. Stamp $.50. Lot 196 Pleasant View Knoilwood Farm corpn to A. McCord Q. C. D. $10. Stamp $.50. loonowaortotthptorS? See 19, Shields. ames Montgomery, Negro, Files Habeas Corpus to Ob-- W. N. Vanmatre and wile to F. B. Powell W. D. 31801. Stamp $2.00. Lot 25 in Blk 33, Norfth Addn to Lake Bluff Bertha M. Conklin and Nus0and °D Jewel M. Beyer&W. 1). $10. Stamp $2.00.. Lot 22, BTk 32, North Addn. to Lake Bluff. -- . A. Sbarbaro and wife to Jewel M Béeyer W. D. $10. Stamp 8i.00 Lot 21, Blk 32 North Addn to Lake Bluff. January 3, 1924 . R. Vacek and wife et al to A. Gau-- tier and wife jt tens. WD $750. Stamp $1. Lots 77, 78 and 79, Va cek Bros. Diamond Lake. Subdn. Sec. 30, Libertyville. Locatéd at Lake Villa, State off Illinvis, at the close of business on the 31st day of December 1923, .as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ' 1, D. R. Manzor, Cashier of the Lake:--Villa Trust & Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know!-- edge and beliet, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond ymmm-.namnun-.mmm.wmmumu ' le Aceounts, State of Iilinois, pursua nat to law, _ *~* wl 12 13 R. Vacek and wife et al 8STATB OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKB, as. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of tain His Freedom. Loans on Real EStAte (LQ) ................«c«oouussscss0 css cereeeeenerenenncsoneenne en Loans on Collateral Security (Ab)..... .....................=ssrstrssmnsiecl, U. 8. Government InvestmeNnt® (8).................0.000sssssssvenee snsseress Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5)......0.0.sssssssucklk.... Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)......... Capithl StOCK (1)........s0ssssssufecce > Undivided Profits (net) (8)............ Time D@pO#itB (48).1.....0»»»»»».ss-- 2000« Demand Deposits (4b)............ ...« Dividends Unpaid (5) ................. Other Liabilitiea (10).................,..-- Cake Villa Trust and Savings Bank Conklin and husband to yexW. 1). $10. Stamp B 32. North Addn. to (Official Publication) Report of the condition of to Hattie LIABILITIES ar A. Mayer and Marie Mayer. WD\ L. M. Larsen and wife to W. A. §975. Btamp $1. Lots 41 and 42%, Woodward and wife jt tens W. D Vacek Bros Diamond Lake subdn. _ $10.00. Stamp $1.50 °Pt. of Lot 14 R. Vacek and wife et al to E. jin Addn. to N. W Addn to Little For: R. Vacek and wife et al <to E. Nevecerel and wile jt tens. WD $204 Stamp 50¢. Lots~ 82, 8#3 and ~105, Vacek Bros. Diamend Lake sub. R. Vacek --and wife et al to Min-- nie Haerte!l, WD $350. Stamp .50c. Lot 44 Vacek Bros. Diamond Lake subdn. tg: 00 CC -- o V--lE.WVl;iv? wife «t a} to G. J. Prepejechal --W. D. $390. Sstamp 50¢. Lot 153 Vatek Bros Diamond Lake subdn. oBF e R. Vacek and wife et al to J. Raz and wife Jt tens. WD $750. Stamp $1. Lots 1%4 and 125, Vacek .~ros. Diamond Lake 3ub. . bevd. h Louise E. Hoepe to Ellen Flight Wheatcroft. ~QCD $10. Stamp §50c. Lot 16, blk 1, Kellogg's subdn. Sec. 10, Benton. « G Garhart and W. Blowney to P. Goodbout <and wife jt tens. Deed $6000. Stamp $6. Pt of Lot 41, Cory's Addn. to Little Fort. B. Drew and wife to F. B. Whit-- ney. WD $1. Stamp $10. Pt. Lot 6, Bik. 27, Original Town of Lt. Ft. J. A. Brizen and wife to W. H. Lemker and wife pt tens. WD $10. BStamp 5ve. Lot 3, blk 11, C. Frank Wright's ~ addn to Libertyville. Margaret A. lHeely w P. N Uuer-- tin WD $1.. Stamp $2. Lot 3, blk 2, Grady & Hallowell's subdn. . _ J. V. Garrity and: wife to T. Fra-- velli. .W. D. $10. Pt of bik 4, Sec. 15, Deerfield. -- Modern Cemetery and Mauosleum Co. cpn of Maine to J. V. Garrity. WD $156. W hbf lot 291 Sec. _B Waukegan. Carrie A. Parliament to C. A. Parliament. QCD $1. Lot 1, Blk: 1, Palmer A. Montgomery's re--sub. Laura A.. Wilmot an!"~ hus _ to Bruno Frank and wife jt tens. WD $10. ~Stamp $1.-- Lot 43 Washing-- ton . Pk subdn. C. E. Daniels and wife to Kath-- inhili ; iD Sos Ts :. ~~"~""""T°~ 00. arine» E. Mohrmann et al. WD *350.' Total Wmmm"" o t t Free right to pass and repass o I, A. J. Crawford, Cashier of the State Bank of Lake Zurich, do soiemaly | . DR. 0. --F: and across a private roadway in | swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and VETERINA Sec. 25, Warren. {mmmmtwmmmmmmm Assistant & C T *+~T--C to Margaret Blaine items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Ac-- o and T. K. Blaine. jt tens. Deed counts, State of Mlinois, pursuant to law. A. J. CRAWFORD, LIBERTYV $300. Stamp 50c. Lot 11, blk 2,| \ , :+ : Cashier. Lindenhurst second -- sub. Sec. 14.' STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, S6. se." 1| A*«~--ma®«*" IG'"'- Subscribed and sworn to before mé this T.h day of January, 1924. _ DP T C.. A. Newcomb jr to i. A. Hoyle I ced $450. Stamp 50c. Lot 5, uik 51, S. Wkgn. * . C. R. Carney to L G. Arries. WD $10. W bf of SE gr._of NE .qr of Sec. @, Deerfield, DECEMBER 29, 1923 L D. Levit and wife to 8. H. Gro-- ner W. D. $10.00. tht Lots 7 and 8, Lewin Park Subdn. Bec. 18, Warren, with an easement across the 8 pt. of sd. Sec: 18. 8. H. Groner to L D. "Levit and wife jt tens. W. D. $10.00. Lots 7 and 8, l%;l.n'hrk Subdn' Sec. 18, Waer-- ren, 'with nnteucqcnt across the 8. p:.' of sd Sec. 18. f -- _J. H. Maynard and wife et al to W. P. Kopt W. D. $1000 Stamp $1.50. Pt. of the N hf of the N hf of See. 19. Waukegan: _ WwW. &Kog; and wi'e to L. F. Swift W. D. $10.00. Stamp $1.00. Pt. of Sec. 8. Deerfleld. s 7 Nor . L. F. Swift to W. P. Kopft W. D. $10.00. Stamp $700. Pt. of Secse. 5, 8 and 9, Deerffeld. C. J. Roesehlein and wife to F. M. Megs and wife jt tens W. D. $10.00. Stamp $3.50 Lot 18, Sylvan Woods, Sec. 1, Ant'och. P. 1. Warner and wife to C. J. Jones W. D. $1000. Lot 5, Block 3, Smith & Adams N. Addn. to Wauke gan _--_C. J. Jones to P. I. Warner and wife jt tens W. D. $10.00. Lot 5, Bike 3, Smith & Adams N. Addn. to Wauke G. W. Wadsworth and wife to C. H. Dickinson W. D. $1000. Stamp $1.00. Lot 159 Wadsworth' Subdn, Sec. 28, Wkgn. * Bhore Cemetery situated 'n se revsnsssssccs».... $ 88,175 00 se bach sabbee + ue sees ce evvvnns cecase tove ces te se cnns suuwe eee aereveees sesessees ues euneds es ea0s seee crssets4¥sevtevees s mrrvsestes -- 1,198 09 NMotaty Pablic. »»»«»»»--..$ 25,000 00 swivesse+ 4. 760 00 Cashior 15,406 16 T1 17 16,100 00 20,600 00 9,519 71 30,669 57 * 193 69 G, H. Ede and wile to A. Christen-- sen and wile jt tens W. D. $10.00 Stamp $3.00. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Appley's--Addn. to libertyville. T: J. Gildea and wife to J. R. Hes: and wife jt tens W. L. $10.00 Stamp $3.00. Lots 3 and 4 in Blk --1l--in E4d T: J. Gildea and wife to J. R. H and wife jt tens W. L. $10.00 Sta $3.00. Lots s and 4 in Blk 1--in wards' Bubdh, See. 21, Waukegan Dorothy M. Dahl to. J P. Guerin and wife jt tens. WD $1. (Pt of Sec. 3, Libertyyille. 8. I. Drum and wife to C. L Loch E. § Faulkner and wile 'to E. 8. Faulkner and wife jt tens W. L. $1000. 8.i6 ft of Lot 42 and the N 24 (t of Lot 43 in Cory's Adnt to Lit tle Fort. + Located at Lake Zurich, State Gfm'iobk Sist day of December 1923, as made to the A state of Illincis, pursuant to law. Located at Deerfleld, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, l.fil'..m.htomAndiwrofPublieAmd the State O{illhoh,mno w . 2 L 'POtRE LiMEMMUbBG.........<..::..00210cccoe6ss rrriee crseecrerrese sstsitinisesccscesss<c+?9000, O0G #L ' 1, Paul M. Dietz, Cashier of the Deerfleld State Bank, do solemanly swear | that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, ammmmummufl.'x'm«mmmmu .wmummmwm.A tor of Public Accounts, State | of Iilinois, pursuant to law. * PAUL ¥. DIETZ, 10 13 GTATEB OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, 88. 8 . ~Subscribed and #worn to before m e this 8$th day of January, 1924. (SEAL) THEO J, KNAAK, unay U% LCComnely MOTAER TT of Illinois, pursuant to law. Located at RowridLake, State of lllinois,at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1923, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State L, E. C. Wobber, Cashier of the First State Bank of Round Lake, do emnily swear that the above statement is true to the best of my and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond y Items and amounts shown in the report made to the Anditor of PublMe A+ sounts, State of Illinols, pursuant to law. ' ® ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKB, as. m%flmnm- a this 5th day of J Loans on Real Estate(1a)..........---- Leoans on Collateral Security (1b) Other Bonds and Stocks (4)..............._. ... Capital Stock (1J............. U. 8. Government Investments (3) ................ Undivided Profits (Met) (8).............ss--sosssese sssscsses Banking House, Furniture and FiXtures (5) «$--.«»=».ssssemevescsee}>> Due from Banks, Cash arnd Other Cash Resources (7, 8,9)......... SUrpI® (2B)........00000009s0 es see es e eneies Demand DepOSit® (4b) .......»»«.»»scqrssssasssenesi cee> Reserve Accounts (6).... Other Bonds and StOCK®8 (4)..........,» «sio.»»sssesssssensntorssenee:ssec--ssesc.,... . 61,010 OU Loans on Collateral Security (1b)........................ Other LOBANB:--(LC) ..........s,9c00000sss0vissse0ee s enercoesscreceses Overdrafts (2) ...... Loans on Real Estate (1a)......... ....-- Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)....... _ 41,206 89 Surplus (2) ... Time DepoSitH (48)...........»...--«@««««»««-- Undivided Profits (net) (8)...................._.... Demand Deposits (4b)........ 1zemand Wj......................':.. se + kn Dividends Un Reserve Accounts (6).,..>... Re--discounts (7b)...... ......... Other Liabilities (10).........-- DEERFIELD STATE BANK Loans on ReAl EStBt@ (1@).:...0......0020s0s0sssesevsessessenee ssrsrecesc....: ..... $ 20,150° 00 Loans on Coll@terAl SECUrity (1D)........s cssn smm seeee. .. 11,241 68 OVEerdrATtB (B)........csscvesscerres se c vr ies ivagacsnenrrsrerir d rrereriipreusene sesesevecrery 127 91 U. §. Goyernment Investments (8)..........000000m mss ie..... _ 2,750 00 Other Bond# @MG StOCK® (4)......... cce se ces sns ce servrecnenensecese en ce ... 113,981 70 Banking Houseé, Furniture and Fixtures (5).............wu..s..... 16,781 10 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)........ 84,618 67 Capital Stock (1)........=« Undivided Profits (Net) (8) Time Deposits (4a) ... Demand Deposits (4b) . ........ Reserve Accounts (6)......... Total Resources tOfficial Publication) Report of the condition of State Bank of Lake 2 First Statt Bank of Round Cake seeue ce en se sb ue s cb a0 0e on h0 6+ ne h0 8 s 6e u0e e 000 000 hh a ne n 680 hk nh +004 63 0 mnne OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Report of the Condition of we e¥ qq uons on nedip hn a en ns + en a+ ban nae hh h n e n e nd on bn n hn e +d men i ne nn nb n (Official Publication) * Report of the cond tion of vee ce es dee en e e neane nanbus o en en n an e e n na n e n nb e 6+ n n hn d ne n nn + han weaaes e ban s udn oo n e dn n s s 6 80 LIABILITIES RESOURCES RESOURCES LIABILITIES ner. _wW. D. $10.. qiamp 30C. CBGF vided onebalf int in Lot 1, in O. B. Von Linde's subdn. Sec. 28, Deer-- field J. Schmitt and wife to M. Lay, WD~ $850. . Stamp ~#$1. Undivided one--half int pt of See. 34, Antioch. Carrie Kuist to J. DeBartolo. WD $10. Stamp $1. Pt of blk 4, Everts and MeMars subdn. See¢,. 15, Deer-- feld. » a h -- Carrie K\I.'t to wife jt tens. WD of blk 4. Everts Sec. 15, Deerfield Carrie Kuist to V. Loizzo gnd wife Jt tens WD $10. Stamp _ $1, Pt_of blk. 4. Everts and Mears aubdn, Sec 15, Deerfield _ Carrle Kuist to A. DeBartolo and wife jt tens. WD $10. Stamp $1. Pt of blk 4, Sec. 15, Deerfleld. _ _ E. E. Grove and wife to J. A. Caulfield and wife jt tens. WD $T. Stamp $1. Lot 47 Groves second addn to Spencer's Highland's, Se¢, 24, Wauconda. T. Wiktor and wife to J. P~Guerin and wife jtitens. WD $10. Stamp $3. Ku 46 and 46, blk 8, Washburn J. P. Guerin and wife to Dorothy M. Dahl. WD $1: Pt. of See. 3, Libertyville. 2244 se a0 000 e o4 eoea08 866008 hanake no n 6 seres ces cse e seneae e ea00+ aee es naane > 62 sehns secsas ce ces e0s es sans snn n08 ee4 00 n at the close of business on the uditor of Public Accounts of the a ues seabes cessn on bans e e0 40 00 06 see sveetus@bessenscenes b en seeseseccescccnes on ne ns a s 8060 sseaescsn0s enen 0e s n 6608 $10. . Stamp 50¢c. Undi seseuns vnesh seese4 on n« E. De Bartolo and $10. Stamp $1. Pt and Mears subdn sevessesssrses»»++124,008 78 uary, 1924. E. A. FICKE, ........ ~ 2500 00 ..$ 18,100 00 .. _ 8,750 00 .. 128,637 63 .. 10,000 00 . -- _ MAMB 16 ... © 63, 482 63 .. 117,804 62 .. " 4271 46 $220,806 76 ... $261,965 90 ... $ 25,000 00 ... 11,000 00 .. 5,269 47 ... 82,165 88 ... 184,248 86 ... _ 4,286 69 126 18| 5,525 00 21,889 00 8,050 00 $5,229 00 44,375,00 , 21.815 00| 123,178 88| 67,816 560 ul,nqc' lo n'd;"' $1. Ptm J. a. E. D $10. | M|_ | .__ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday lhid Ifl'n' } Month {at A * | Visiting flmhon%ly '\wmt E. D. HUBBARD, mnm | Prefect. MRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Visiting Brothers are Cordially invited HENRY WEHRENBERG, N. a. Mee'ts Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock | > ... LCYHLL H. MORRIS . / } ? AMERICAN -- UNION .. « Vi Members Cordially Invited. . llem?oeond and Fourth WM% Evenings of Each Month. *J ROBERT SITZ, President. * €EEORGE C. SMALL, Besrotary. . By U. 8. Government VM D. C. Grirnell, Inspector in Charge Phone 329. Libertyvilie, M & Attorney at Law + LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LU.CI' BUILDING Res. Phone 136M Office Phone Office in First Natiowal Bank Bullding _ . Hours:--1 to 3:30 and T to 8 p. m . _ _ Residence on Broadway. opposite Park . | TLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8. _ _ _ Cattle Tested for Tuberculosis FREE OF--CHARGE _ ATTORNEY ATLAW _ g Office at Home on Cook Avenue _ 27,000 RECORDS Played With One -- EVERPLAYL THE PERMANANT NEFEDLE The "Everplay'"' Phonograph needie plays every word more Price $1.00 Mailed Anywhere Telephone 163J -- .. > -- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS _ _ WAUKEGAN, L. | -- Good Meals 50¢ distinct. Plays every make of record, and will not infure VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS MARBLE AND GKANITE / 1 Ceretery Work of 5'-1'--;- t"'f ) 329. ' Llhflymnq% Office With Farm Bureau, _ _ ARLINGTON + HOTEL t# Geo. H. Schubert Box 20% ROUND LAKE, ILL MANUFACTURER --OF WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS _ / Qiasseea Aclentifically Fitted -- 1 Over Pearco's Drug Stoto, -- § _ Office Phone 1%2; Res. 131. ~ DR. J. L. TAYLOR vVICTORY AFFILIATERD COUNCIL + O L. SBMITMH, Secretary No. 131 W. -- COLBY PAGE SEVEN £ £