-- Libertyville Independent _ Lake County Independent -- Waukegan Weekly Sun lfing, _ -- 0 C -- ® Accordingly, people over the state will have reason to believe that the statements made with refetence to the pardons, paroles and other cases in other parts of Tllinois are just as unreliable when made by Essington and the Tribune as are those made Thursday at, Lincoln and quoted by the Tribune with reference to Potz. Accordingly the governor can be charged with hav-- ing spared a life but administering a life imprisonment. Butagin;ganmd the Tribune wouldn't state THE FACTS-- TRUTHFULLY in this case.. They--said that Potsz '"had been pardoned'"' and the statement thus in-- dicated that he is at liberty. If they TRIED to be hon-- est and looked up the records 'they would not make such a statement when the fact is that Potz --now is serving his life term in Joliet prison. : f Of course the mere fact that the Tribune and Es-- mw broadcast such a dastardly lie in trying to irch --the governor is just another of their delib-- erate attempts to undermine Governor Small's adminis-- tration by intimidation, misrepresentation and deliberate iva--nmv;wy and at the very last minute after the gallows had been constructed in the Lake County Court House, the governor COMMUTED POTZ'S SENTENCE and man has been pardoned. -- _ Now EVERYBODY knows IN LAKE COUNTY but of course they do not know it OVER THE STATE and some people will believe what the Tribune says in g'uoting Essington. But THE FACT IS that Potz IS OW IN the penitentiary serving a life sentence. _ Gov-- ernor Small has not pardoned him and what the govern-- or did in this particular case was to act in a humanitar-- _ If they deliberately lie and misrepresent the facts in the case of Potz, the chances are they are doing the same thing in nine out of ten other cases refersked to which have to do with the Parole Board. . . * ANOTHER LIE NAILED. ' Esd'?gton and the Chicago Tribune know that if they STICK TO THE FACTS there is no spot in the adminis-- tration of Governor Small that they can undermine him or show inefficiency, unreliability, or any desire not to fully comply with the execution of the office of Govern-- or to the best of his ability. That is why they are fol-- lowing the policy in the present campaign of misrepre-- senting the facts, situations, etc., all over the state. How-- ever, it is only when Essington and The Tribune make misrepresentations about Lake County cases concerning which people here KNOW DETAILS that local people are abf:a to check up and tell how they are lying: In an address at Lincoln, IlIl., candidate Essington on Thursday in referring to the paroles granted by the Parole Board sought of course to place the burden of re-- sponsibility on the governor in each case. Every voter knows that tThe Parole Board acts entirely independent-- However, that doesn't matter to Essington nor the Tribune. Now for example, read this case in reference to Ignatz Potz, the Lake County man who '"'almost was hung'" in Waukegan during the latter part of Small's trial Here is what the Tribune quots Essington as havy-- ing said: S "I went up into Lake county the other day, and there they are talking about an ex--service-- man, a motorcycle cop, who went out to do his ~ duty; and he attempted to arrest some men who were speeding, and one of them shot him with a sawed off shotgun. He was tried and convicted for murder, and sentenced to hang; and that i-y_;vt'fi; vg?v'el:z_lér'tikes no part in their deliberations and only signs paroles after the Board has recommended them, following the presentation of evidence. The announcement by Attorney, Eugene Runyard that he is in the race for the nomination for state's at-- torney of Lake County will be received with widespread interest because it means that Mr. Runyard has thrown down the gauntlet to State's Attorney A. V. Smith and challenged himfor a decision by the people. ° Now we think that's a fine thing for L. J. Wilmot to come out for circuit clerk when the population of Lake County reaches a point where the office of clerk divides and a recorder has to be provided. Mr. Wilmot, a son-- indaw of Circuit Clerk Brockway has proved a most dili-- and hard working deputy clerk under Mr. Brock-- wmd deserves the new position from the standpoint of service, ability and merit. A§ the man who has handl-- ed the work of clerk in the court here for some years while Mr. Brockway had to center his attention on the fesorder's work, Mr. Wilmot has proved efficient, ac-- pormmodating and wholly satisfactory. Therefore he's antitled to the new position and his friends feel that he ould be unoppa.r}:'r it, As regards Mr. Brockway, As assistant state's attorney with Ralph J. Dady when he held the office of prosecutor, Mr. Runyard be-- came known as a most efficient prosecutor, a fearless, capable and thorough lawyer. 8 He has entered the race now only after urgent re-- quests by many of his friends. His decision was made after he had also been urged to run for state senator-- he chose the state's attorney race and his friends declare he will win the nomination over Bmith in a walk--away. Mr\Runyard has practiced law for many years in Wau-- kegan, originally came from Antioch and in being will-- ing to enter the present battle he has shown willingness to abandon one of the most lucrative private practites in Lake County. , RUNYARD FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY it FROM HANGING to LIFE IMPRISON-- LIBERTYVIILE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1924. SAYS INDEPENDENT IS THE "WORLD'S GREATEST PAPER" "The Checker Board," a regular fea-- ture of the Independent," has been crowded out the past two weeks, but will be rsumed again next week. Sev-- eral of our subscribers have written to us about this feature, asking why it is. omitted, hence ,this explanation. L. F. 'Anoxr, John Hodge, Liber-- tyville. . Arthur Hall, Fremont. F.-- E. Green, H. L. Groutham, Wauconda. Hobart, Berghorn, Harry Holland W. Steffan, Cuba. ~ -- . Louis N. Knigge, Oscar Phelman, J. J. Kennedy, W. E. Becker, Ernest 'Ii):l:endort. Ed W. McCarthy, Deer-- Howard Darrer, John Juggenbuhl, Benton. -- Harry Drummond,, Avon: Wilbur . Sawyer, --Richard -- Sage, Warren. _ A. C, Bray, E. P. Bacon, Walter Brenton, ~George -- Brogan, -- George Doyle, John Fisher, H. Hooker, Ed Roblin, A. M. Rubin, J. L, Sawyer, Arthur Turk, W. B. Wetzel, George Worth, Waukegan. Dear Sir;--Enclosed find $1.50 for |at 6:30 ». m. Subject, "Youth and Re-- the Libertyville Independent, for 1|liglon." Leader, Richard Schanck. cannot miss an issue of "The World's| At 7:30 p. m. the dramatic book Greatest Newspaper for so little mon--\ sermon, "The Scudders," by Irving ey."--It is worth the world to me. Can Bacheller, author of "A Man for the hardly wait for its arrival each week. 'Ages." This is a timely story, made No matter where I go,--I sure always 'up of comedy and tragedy, laughter best wishes to all my friends, and the | lesson. Not a dull minute. Come and Independent." ' _ | bring your friends. Music by the choir. of Evanston: Editor Independent : CALL PETIT JURY FOR MARCH 3 . AND 17 PANELS Lewis O. Brockway, clerk of --the circuit court Thursday called two pan-- els for service on the petit jury in March. The call for March 3 is as follows: to:..'! Ferrey, 8. W. Osborn, Ben-- Dennis Rearson, Newport. Thos. Brompton, Lake Villa,. Joseph Davis, Avon. + Wm. Girard, Antioch, / James Brown, E. C. Ca"lnll. Russell Edwards, John Hoff, H. C. Horning, John Kaes, Waukegan. Geo. Lambert, Benton. W. D. Sayle, W. H. Stenes, Bert Tompkins, Waukegan. i £.90 A. Carlison, Wm. O'Leary, George Richardson, Wm. Roese, Shields. A. L. Dorfler, Earl Kane, ° H. C. Meyer, -- Henry McMahon, Fremont. A. W. Abbott, Sam Hobein, A. K Kibridge, Ernest Lohman, Emil Mi} ler, Cuba. Leslie Davis, Wm. Kemp, Frank Moran, Chas. Smith, A. Williams, Shields. Ernest Brandlind, August Grover, Fred Grimm, Ela. * > Michael Johanns, e\finon. Chester Westling, West Deerfield. A. T. Strand, Deerfield. 'The following letter was recelved The call for March 17 is as fo} SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE -- _ m Capital: $125,000.00 WAUKECAN CHAS. M. BERNARD, Proprietor Telephone 456 355 N. Mil MAIN GARAGE Shop 217 Second St. Libertyville JOHN NUMSEN, Phone 360 8. E. MATTISON, Phone 3 6 E VE R Y T HIN G NP AJTJN T S "Twc;ny-lon'f" hour service every day in the year" LIBER TYVILLE SIGN 'and DECORATING CO.. F,. W. Churchill, Becretary and Manager TELEPHONE 81 456 355 N. Milwaukee Ave. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS B8T. JOHN'83 LUTHERAN BRimer C. Kiessling, Pastor, BSunday School next Sunday morn-- ing at 9:30. German services at 10:30 a m. * All members of the Y. P. 8. are ro quested not to forget the grand rally Oof the North Shore Walther League at Highland Park next Sunday after-- noon at 4 o'clock. % The Y. P. 8. will hold its education-- al meeting in the church basement next Tuesday evening. REveryone be Mr. Gwyn, assisted by the choir, held services at the County Farm last Bunday afternoon. The February mééting of the Fin-- ance committee will take place Fri-- day, Feb. 15, at 8 p. m. The Sunday School teachers and of-- ficers will meet the same ronlng at 1:30 o'clock. _ The lLadies' Aid meets next Thurs-- day, February 21st. * Remember the Teacher Training class each Wednesday evening, 7:45. Choir prictice Thursday at 7:45. Chur ch Services their, monthly corporate communion . Young People's meeting at 6:30 ».m. They have a red and blue contest on. Which side are you on? > _ -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor First National Bank Bldg. Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Subject for this Sunday "Soul,." «----G> FIRST METHODIST EPIWCOPAL Charles J. Dickey, Pastor _ --_.-- Mr. Jack Bradford, Choir Director. Sunday School at 10 a. m. E. A. Koehn, General Supt. _ _ _ At 11 a. m. Prof. J. W. Nagler, from Garrett Biblical Institute will preach. Music by the choir. An interesting, helpful service. Come and worship Evening worship at 7:30. "Testing Our Love" is the evening thought. (Septuagesima) are: -- Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist and Sermon at 10 :45 Church School at 9: 45 a. m. The women and girls will make Miss Ruby Williams, Church Organist Bunday School at 9:45 a m. W. G. Wells, Supt. Morning worship at 11. Sermon by the pastor on "The Tragedy of a Hid-- den Gospel." _ us s h6 e e Epworth League devotional service at 6:30 ». m. Subject, "Youth and Re-- ligion." Leader, Richard Schanck. > Wednesday evening at 7:30, mid--] week meeting. for prayer and an intel-- | ligent survey. of the field of our oper--! ations--the world. Kindly bring your "World Service" book with you. ' mrldnly evening at 8 o'clock. eholr,l 'm evening at 7:30, fiuhlngtonl birthday party by the Sunday School.' Good music and a warm welcome Rev. H. B. Gywn, Pastor,. ° The services for Sunday, Feb. 17 8T LAWRENCE's EPECOPAL Rev. Guy Smock Pastor. ; story, made l edy, laughter te. Come and| : by the choir. at 7:30, mid-- and an intel--|| #0000009909 00000090000 0000000000000902000000000 6 Going to Build? and material on your house complete for a set figure so you may know just what cost will be R. L. GONSALVES R. B. Godfrey Ohe Ptlorsheim F OR M EN Regular $10;:00 and $11.00 The Quality Store Phone Winnetka 425 MA or Libertyvilie 120 R $9.50 SHOE LIBERTYVILLE BATTERY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY With our increased space we are now more than ever able to take care of your every need in the electrical line and as heretofore, it will be a pleasure to serve you. washers, vacuum cleaners, fTiat irons, radio ®puthts and parts, and all kinds of electrical supplies; also modern equipment for the repairing and charging of batteries. Into our new store at No. 532 N. Milwaukee Avenue, second door south of the post office, where we are in-- stalling a new and complete line of electrical fixtures, C OME IN A ND LO0OK US OV E R Have, Moved! 532 N. Milwaukee Ave. There is no obligation asking information or advice I am always glad to be of service FOR SALE SELLERS & PETER SEN 551 Milwaukee Ave. FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent Very fine building lot 60--ft. frontage on Sunnyside Place, " All improvements on streets. Pear, cherry, apple trees, grape vines. Dandy chicken house with fancy Page Wire chicken run. _ Nice shade trees. One of the choicest places in town to build a bungalow. Friced right. Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. s 18 PROTEGTON radio outhts and plus Libertyville, Il}. INVESTMENT