t d Nx d _Libertyville Independent La*e County Independent -- Waukegan Weekly Sun ~__ An independent" women's political party is being formed. .A call has been sermt out by the Woman's Committee for Political Action to women of liberal thought all over--the{country to affiliate for the purpose of having a voice in the seleetion of liberal candidates for President and Vice--President of the United States. It already has received wide--spread and cordial responte. . _ Wel, you've got to hand it to the colonel: On the north side he had the decided drys working their heads off for him; and in.North Chicago and south side pre-- eincts he had a united front of the blindpiggers and boot-- leggers who even closed shop for the day to work for him and openly bragged that "they" were winning a big victory when the returns--came in. ~And when ANY can-- didate can bring both elements to his standard, well, you can't beat him and we haster to congratulate. the colonel on liis magnetie ways. Our gifly hope is that he isn't involved to the extent that he cantiot prosecute the booze violators with a vigor never before achieved. _ | «_ Its purposes are clearly stated in the call and in ge tenets to which the members are. asked to subscribe. It does not pretend to foster the interests of any par-- ticular presidential candidate, but rather to rally as many women voters as it can around a set of fundament-- als with a view to exerting an influence commensurate with strength in assuring the candidacy of one who measures up to their standards. _ § | f The fact that Lake County did not give him the ex-- pected majority is not in the least reflective because tlits--county has been the one wherein a battle ground 'eame as the result of the sensational trial over him some months ago. However, there is the cénsoling fact which the governor and his friends will have in the knowledge that the county of Lake outside of Zion went solidly for the governor. -- In other words the country districts in Lake County and Waukegan--as well ewere for Governor Small and had Zion been eliminated from the contest with their "one--man" vote, the reports from Lake Coun-- ty would have been different. However, the Zionites are American citizens and they can "plug" their votes if they wish to so it all just depends on who the overseer favors that gets'the fAinal assistanco from that quarter. + George lost for senator because Jhe didu't get the Noliva vote. Had he had that he would have been nom-- inated. Furthermore, had Zion not gone against Small he would have carried Lake County by a big vote. Zion saved Essington and Swift in Lake County; in the case of Col. Smith he didn't need Zion-- to win; 'And it is shown that Small and Carlstrom and Deneen didn't'neced Zion and did not need Lake County to become victors in the state, ' W eiize | in _ The platform is one* of the most concise political statements ever promulgated, following the lines laid down by the Council of Political Action. . The conven-- ¥ion is to be held in Washington May 8 to 11, and several women of national reputation participate. -- Delegates may be elected to the proposed 'third party convention to be held June 17 in St. Paul. :« : dage's persecution of Len Smaill was to RENOMINATE SMALL and DEFEAT BRUNDAGE, and that even in the three--cornered fight. ; ~+itliktee -- _ --_-- Am Englishman has invented_a moving picture ma-- ,e%mueh like a grandfathers clock. It shows 1,000 feet Of film every 20 minutes, then autematically winds up and starts over. It will run for weeks unattended or may be set to show pictures during certain hours only. ~Pictures may be shown during--the day as well as night. It is designed for advertising purposes. ... _ _ " ----The people surely spoke with decision on Brundage when Cafl:tmm, in a three--cornered fight, could defeat him.* It was hardly to be expected but he did it and the Brundage crowd was almost flabbergasted to think it has been accomplished. The people's answer to Brun-- <_ Governor Small has gone over to victory in the most wonderful manner, showing that the people of Tllinois approve of him and his administration, his policy, his private life--and believe they, have in him a good gover nor, one of the best the state has ever had. favors that gets'the final assist itr"n that quarter., Candidatg wgz& nn, _flvaaotc,voh can fl% the sentiment of the COUNTY by subtracting the vote and in the case of Small he finds that the other part of the county WAS FOR HIM for renomination in no ancertain manner. * Lo . . The voters of Illinois have repudiated the chso.fl' Tribune and Brundgge and the McCormick interests no uncertain way. At the present time it looks as though both Brundage and McCormick have been de-- htedandCdm:;dDeneen will succeeed them in their respective positions. There is no question about it Srom along and. problably. ins vanmiith migument of ' Ahe unwritten ali 6 D::;.e:?.mfiman aided ]geneen in his race for the son-- a p. The campaign was characterized as the most vicious ever conducted in Tllinois and if any man was--ever sub-- mwaterriflcmhughttromau sides it was Len However, in m of it all he stood with his back to the wall fighting o enimics, answerinf thair charg be and allegations, insinuations and innuendoes in a way hat eaused the yoters of this state to realize that he was\ iligned, And they slapped the Chicago press in the] WOMEN'S INDEPENDENT POLITICAL ACTION. > -- _ THR PEOPLE GAVE ANSWER,. "*~~ i8 w PeeRit ts «tCt 90 & ARREST TWO MORE MEXICANS FOLLOW-- Under the parole law, it is said that Courtney's case should have been bheard some time ago, that is, if he was given his rights as the law pro-- vides he must be. However, because the case was one which, had it been raised in the pre--primary days would have been contorted by enemies of the administration. <It is said Courteny had to suffer and lapse over his per-- jod for calling up his trial for parole. Even now in case he is paroled, as the law says he must be, in case he makes a proper showing, there's sure to be insinuations--cast against the ad-- ministration whereas if he were de-- died a parole (if his showing is ade-- quate), the board could be forced by Courtney, tried iy Waukegan on the charge of jury bribinfg,, was ac-- quitted. He is serving a sentence for attempted robbery. : the courts to grant it. at Springfeld. * It is probable that at the session in Springfield applications for paroles will also be heard.. Edward Courtney, Cook county convict, who has been the "storm center" in political war be-- tween Governor Len Smail and Attor-- ney General Edward J. Brundage on charges of attempting to bribe the jury that tried Governor Small, is eligible for parole at this" session of the board. Cases of 18 men and one woman, alls chatged with murder, will be heard when the board of mWodn ":lnd paroles opens its session ay at Bnflnlx:?d'- i -- * ¥ COURTINEY'S CASE @3 FOR PAROLE UP * : ~BEFORE BD. WED. POLITICS ~DELAY HEARING Man.Who Was Called as Wit-- Held in Bonds of $5,000 Each oh Charges of Assault With support. -- It looked as though he was a good guesser. | By the nomination of Governor Small it ...; a that he will be re--elected next fall without any question, This talk of such interests as the Tribun %bol the ticket in the presidential campaign is all bunk. The Tribune may be able to sway a faw people but their rec-- ord to date in various campaigns,. v er primary or election proves that they can't sway very many and so the re--election of Governor Small who .has come 'out} victorious in the nomination in the: primary fight, is cer-- 7 The arrest late Tuesday afternoon of two Mexicans was the sequel to the revolver battle staged early Tuesday morping between a band of Mexican gunmen and a squad of Waukegan po-- Charges of assault with intent to kill have been preferred against the two men and they .were to be given a hearing this afternoon. Bonds. were to be fixed at $5,000 each= L. Both men were arrested at 616 Market street where early Tuesday morning Policeman George Toulouse "shot it out" with three Mexicans. m arrests were made by Police Cap-- Thomas Kennedy and Patrolmen Whittier, True and Toulouse. 4 _ _ Again history records the fget tha ago Tri~ bune was NOT able to eleet a governor record uj to now had been that they had neyer Glected a govern or a mayor of Chicago and the prediction was made the Smail forces that they would not in this case --the vmix;'gi shows such to be the fact. Egsingtorf was : ported by the Chicago Tribune and Chicago News an therefore he Jlost. History repeated itself, -- Gov ¢ Bmall said it would be 'so. and attribute ,;he,'dangt o Essingon through having the Chicago Tribunse and New Samuel Galindo, 23 years old, Mil-- waukee, was ca:ted at 618 Market street early Tuesday morning and has been identified-- positively by Police-- man Toulouse as one of the men who shot at h!-..ltfll;l being held in jail, hv:a.:oen unable to obtain bonds of '['i:- were three Mexicans mixed 3 the original shooting and two thein made their escape at the time. The polite are of the opinion that the MORE ARE BEING SOUGHT The men arrested gave Their names as follows: -- .Jim Martinas, 50 years old. '"John Arinendanez, 22 years old. fih;mmwowln"nd.u elze an important part in the battle. Search is being made for two or three others who are believed to be mixed up in the fight and it was thought they might be arrested before FRANK JUST IS ~ FACING ARREST 'Frank H. Just dt--Libertyville, ed-- itor of 'the Waukegan Daily News and the Lake County Register, a ng fancd" to Th Tast Cyears ® # wheel tax at mortyvfllb. "fiuo officials of: Libertyville announced today that out of 300 motorists who are ubcet to wheel tax in Liber-- tyville is one of less than half a dozen who have failed to pay Officials today annnunced that war-- rants would be sworn out for the delinquents, Including Just, and they will be fined under the provisions of the ordinance which provides a penalty for fallure to pay, face by giving a tremendous ma County but down state as well, ness in the Small Trial Here Has S6rved His Time. ING GUN BATTLE Intent to Kill. Henry A. Rumsey, millionatre, re--elected mayor of Lake h;rt Tuesday. His election assures the suburb his semi--political dowry of & RUMSEY WINS s . MAYORALTY IN LK is FOREST ELECTION }a. I U r#j®: Heanry A. not only in Cook $1,000,000 gift of land --to-- be used for a public golf course. Mr. Rum-- sey deh:/m George .. Anderson, /a stock ~and" bond er, by a vote "ot 1,021 to $31, 'l.'.tufl AM ~1990 votes. ¥ Farwelt 'Winston of the. Chicago firm of J. V. Farwell & Co., defeat-- ed Henry Fitigerald, a state motor-- cycle policeman, for alderman of the 'Third ward. "Winston bad the support of the Rumsey party. DR. JOHN L TAYLOR > Who w:n. renominated for coroner of Lake County, ~A friend in need is worth two in )mperlty.---xanhtu News. . Nhe Bost Stove On the lorehStwes > * s, Suits and | Bpring's newest Sults, elegantly taflored and fashloned> of rich twills and sport fabrice, . Materials mentioned below are in both groups but of course of different qualities and styles are unusually emart and the prices ure remarkable. Poiret Twills, Twill Cords in NMavy and Tan, Tan and Mannish Buits, Long Coat Suits, Boyish Models for the on lapel and many other individual touches are seen. Unusual values at m" and $49.75. » Two Very Specially 1. Priced Groups At-- _ + set. All are crepe Bome have gardenia ATb > cCAAfNTL c 'With only 10 shopping days left in which to choose your new Easter Clothes we are sure you will appre-- ciate the splendidnluuymFdatthou low prices. They are specially assembled Tor your approval. Only through careful selection can coats of such high . quality be offered at these prices. Coats that are extremely attractive, fashiomed of rich matcrials, of -- fine colors and smartly styled. > l k While A, V;) Smith was rsiding ga> lantly into another térm 'of office on the slogan, "It You Want : the Iaw Enforced, Votefor A. ¥. Smith," a sample of the law enforcement used xr;lonh CHicago as a method to plle.up 245 votes to 159 ftor Wil-- Ham A. Deane, a distinctly "wet" candidate, was demonstrated: in the thirteenth -- precinet -- of~ Waukegan towuship. © f --At $49.75 are Coats of fine twills, Veloras, Kashg . Cloths, Downeywool, Flamingo, Camel's Hair, Bolivia, Plaid and Striped Sport Material. for SHmith. --He ~had succeeded a corralling the wet and the dry vo alike for Smith, and_ was: jubilantly compiling the returné as fast as they eame in.--<Counting vyotes was dry and tiresome work. Wojtan was go-- ing to make it less dry. John 'Wojton, de luxe bootlegger, elected ~precinct committeeman in the thirteenth : precinet : over Opekie; and z is now under . e t ¥ enthasiastie--worker and v&o-benl:- men ~who loitered about the polis, and soon they hered to;hn * little fistIhl u-&'uq. $3.50accord-- ing to Wojton and Plummer, a high A whispered consultation was held between Wojtan and several of the --At $29.75 are Coats of fancy striped and plaid materials, Poiret Twill, High Lustre Bolivia, and Polaires. John . Woiton, < Indicted -- fo Bootlegging, Works for Elec-- tion of A. V. SELLS WINE A. V. SMITH VOTE HERDER TREATS AT POLLS WITH WINE The Coats opmcinnmey t o un norer in --Suaige 4 + hP 2 uT prom bas nfi thising T RED F Ew AT-- POLLS An e 'variety in style for afternoon \ and «dinner. wear, fashioned of rich. silkse and attractively trimmed, TRIMMINGS: Beaded, Embroidered, Tucks, Sel{ Pleatings, Buttons, $ COLORS: Tan, Cocom, Moss Green, Black, Grey, Copper, Brown, Canton Crepe, Watin Crepe, -- @) -- Figured Crepe, . Georgette, % Fancy Crepes, Sport Silks & Black and White: for hibs working for bim in the Saharse sections of the county _ must ba reckoned ~with; he's to be congrat«-- ulated; he's a mesmerist or-- sonme thing of that sort. 'and shouldn'§ be belittled. Hoe's a wonder." . Residence and Ofice 1609 AVash-- ington St., Waukegan,. I!l._ But, as is stated in the editorial columa: "Auy candidate who can get the wets to working for him in the blindplg -- district. and jhe pro«-- "Bmith is running wild al} over the county," he said, *"That h':z' good news. :1 guess that shows % all --our work didn't go for nothing." *"Wojton must be a bootleggzer," ré marked Plummer as he walked uwext door to a telephone to make a retury on the vote counting, When news of A. V,. Smith's pess started coming in, Wojton was dispatched to the new | bungalow with # note to "the Mrs.* Me returned forthwith camyinz & auart bottle of wine under bis arm and Wojton treaied the precinet workers. h the sume as, or sinmilar to, a doublet, which is made by two clear picces o# erystal with a color between. Counterfeiting Precious Stence. :; A reconstructed sapphire is «n' imk tation --of that stong, When rubles are so counterfeited they tell the tale 9$ the deceit by showing bubbles and pos» gibly the same indicution is displayed by the sham sapphire. It is probably DER. J. L REDDING VETERINARY SURGEON W AG