BARCAIN BASEMENT + FEELINGON PRO-- . > @IvEN WORD T0 .O _ MOVE BY COURT w¥ _1 'Men's Women's and Boys' Union Suits -- _ This was mado possible Wednes-- éday in the justice court of Wilfred Hall who gave Sanson and his flock, pemprising Alfred Robinson, Charles Bamson, and W. J. McMahon, the poorest end of a decision. Mvfllh&votobouut.oflm eway from the property within fivre days, according to the verdict. Sanson and his troupe skipped into court without counsel. . a e e «o --evict 'the men. Justice Hali en« tersd:the judgment for possession for "Thke Lord put us there and the Almighty will see that we stay there. Lawyers have no power; you can't foree us to move," the cult leader Governers of States U -- Make Known Their A the receipt of a flood: of additional protests: from all parts of the coun-- the (Chamber, called attention to MUCH OPPOSITION FOUND Alfred Sanson, leader of a relig-- us cult of four Zionites, including Pdt. is without a mission, home irna and garden. slipgers These low cotton prices. ieus :Cult of Four Men, h 'the Lord as Their Counsel, Lose Case. Full biecached, seamless bed sheots of good quality sheeting. This is a dom equalled at $1.00-- Thus a limit of 4 to a customer is necessary that : Heary nets in neat G@Qesigns. Suitable for any room. B4¢ yard. On sale tomorrow only. will give excellent service. 69¢ pair are pure thread allk Hose in black and the noew spring sh 98¢ pair are pure thread silk Hose with lisle garter top. 'These range of shades. " -- apring shades Children's Slhppers SPORT COATS Men's and Boys' athl wuits. Basement price Basement price on Proposed Tax. FIVE DAY NOTICE $1.139 pair are substandards of Phoenix $2.00 quality. Now styles Made of good wo these suits. Bizes to 15 years. 81x90 Seamiess Sheets, $1.00 Women's extra fine quality Unionsults Women's Silk Hose, 69c¢, 98¢, $1.39 pr. Curtain Nets SPORT COATS SIZES FOR WOMENX AND IES:B noew SHoring Coats have fjust arrived to sell at this prige. of new Hpring Coats bave just arrived to sell at this prige. hs in plaids and solid colors. All of these coats are lined, 58166 inches. Made of highly mercerized damask in cireular This very low price is for FrIGAY OMIY..............».03sss0c0ssusrzemeeseeeees 72x84 Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.98 Remarkable values tomorrow oniy. A regular $2.50 value. Crochet bed spread. Specially Priced for Friday Only,~ Limited 4 to a Customer, . Table Pattern Cloths, $1.00 h d coctadcctiraiiiiheecth d . acapharnndatdrrearnraeaanmatry dA in PC prices will prove particularly delightful when viewed from the standpoint of present high In fact, quality for quality prices are. lower than one year ago. ; oo m s 0. bovdaftads an> --ovaiche CA 6 En e Made of good woslen suitings in good color mixtures, Iined knickers are with some Boys' Two--Pants Suits, $5.00 ;thl-'t--lc :n;;l; d thecked dimity and "'OII'I summer weight kait union-- 4" * _ Phese Are Not Sub Standards. "Where Dependable Merchandise Is Low priced" free, benelicial service of radio to the postal service and the rural fre@ delivery,. They were as follows: New York, April %8, 1984. Communications from every part Peesetien iqaient. provaes 16 pes ent against proposed 10 per cent radio tax because it is a Dew nuisance tax and, above all, because radio broadcasiing is a great, free beneficial service making for a more perfect union and as much to 3 encouraged 4s the postal service 2 the rural free delivery. Will you please wirse us collect your views. WILLIAM H. DAVIS, / President National Radio Chamber of Commerce. The National Radio Chamber of Com-- merce is a non--partisan, non--com-- mercial -- organization -- representing the public, as woll as all classes in the radio industry. _A epecial committee, known as the Emergency Radio Tax Committee, was created by the chamber to assist in meeting the nationwide problems growing out of the proposed tax. CUTS TIRES AND --TEAVES HIS CAR . > NEAR CHURCH Gus Steer of Winthrop Harbor "Didn't Want His Car Any Gus Steer of two miles west of Winthrop Harbor, was found Thursday to be the owner of the car which as abandomed and alimost wrecked out near the North Praimse church west of Winthrop Harbor Thursday night, April 17. is Steer, it is claimed, bought the car abuttvomonmmtn-lhht er, William Steer, a driver for Standard Oil company in Waukegan. Gus Steer claims he took the car out to the church, slashed the tires and the cushions with his knife, opened 'the pet cock on the crank case and let out the oil, and left the car run-- ning with the lights burning while he walked back to his home. He is reported to have said that he didn't Lwmtthocm*nynounndtatmti:nt --way of disposing of it. y P HOLD CAR IN HON CITY at The car was towed in to Zion City on Saturday by Constable Earl Cas-- person of 'Zion who looked up the li-- cense and discovered the car owner. He is holding it until Steer gives him orders to dispose of it. The matter is taken as a very strange course of affairs and the whole thing is sbrouded in mystery as it is not generally though that a man would treat his own car in that manner, Net curtains in 1% yard lengths. ball fringe. 49¢ each knit of selected cotton yarns. Regular and extra sizes. quality sheeting. This is a remarkable value, one sel-- a customer is necessary that all may share in the savings. two miles west of r, was found Thursday of the car which ~as almost wrecked out Prairmse church west rbor Thursday night, 99 new spring shades. Full fashioned pure thread allk with Herman Linderman, a hired man, came to this country only a short time ago and didn't know taat the United . States is prohibiuion terri-- tory. Therefore when his employer, William Blume, residing. near Lake Zurich, is said to have expressed a wish for a wee drop, Linderman went to town to get a bracer. It appears that other members of the Blume family were not so keen to have the aged man supplied with a "shot" now and then, s0 a warrant was sworn out for Linder-- man, charging him with giving away intoxicating liquor. ~. 0t f ARRESTED FOR --#, _BEINGGOOD TO HIS EMPLOYER Herman Linderman, Hire Man, Charged With Having Given Away Some Liquor. NEW KIND OF CASE HERE This is something entirely new in Lake county. in prohibition ¢n-- forcement. -- Deputy sheriffts have been looking for Lindermin «and when the defendant heard about it he came to Waukegan this moraing to surrender himself, He was arraigned before Justice Harry Hoyt, who released Linderman on $2,000 bonds, and continued the case for ten days. Tinderman has retained Atty. H. INDIAN SKULLS AND Interesting Find Near Fox Lk. When Contractor Levels an Kighteen skulls, a large number of beads, stone implements and weapons were excavated reécently when a con-- tractor was leveling what proved to be an Indian mound, on the south shore of Pistakes lake, near Foxr Lake, Ill. 'The skeletons and Indian relics were found about eight feet under ground and were in good condition.' . CwA BURIED® ~ABOUT 150 ~YRS _ J. Sims, local archeologist, stated that the burial took place about 150 years ago. Dr. Francis Rollins esti-- mates that some of the Indians whose skulls were found, were about 100 years old at death, judging by the con-- Uition and shape of the teeth. Many wome with ailk 39¢ Value. Heary double Ter-- ry bath towels. Pure white. pattern with border Turkish Towels 29¢ Each Neat IN OLD MOUND 10 chosen in a wide ra Sizes. a' _** $1.00 spread that Hose in all Hired One and two--straps in patents, Sale price of the teeth woere in perfect condition. thére were the victims of battle-- was indicated by the fact that several of the skulls had been cleft. €C. Haacker, the contractor whose workmen discovered the burial place, is constructing 20 cottages for Jacob .: Defining Oyster Unconsclous humor is a brand all Its own. In a Nevada town the other day a teacher asked: "What is an oyster?" Sixteen young minds worked on the problem, but Willie beat theim Women's Slippers to it, announcing his definition tri-- umphantly: "An oyster is a Ash bullt row width. ° Switable for aprons: house dresses, etc. %1 inch Dress Ginghams in de« sirable checks and plaids. Close-- 1y woven quality. Night gowns, Anvelopa CnemMitIt and petticoats of finse muslin and nainsook in white and fiesh, Men's white handkerchiefs with narrow -- hemmed border. . R##: ular 10¢ valus. Bookfold Percale 8c Yard Envelope Chemises & Step--ins 98c _ beauty queen of Carnegie Institute, 'Pennsylvania, with Charles Dana Made of volles orange, ete. Fine Dress Ging-- hams 15¢ Yard Women's Bloomers m 69¢ Pink and white checked dimity Klastic top and knee. s Women's Under-- muslin 98¢ -- Men's Handker-- chiefs 7¢. _ College 'Queen w --(b9€ n a boat builder of Foxr Lake. anvelops chemises ; and sasheer lin-- in orchid, pink, * _ $3.69 . MAY'1,: Advantages of an Investment® in the 7* Preferred Shares of the North Shore Gas Company Investors in the securities of a strong well--managed gas com-- pany, such as this one, are protected by: © Steady and practically guaranteed earnings. Steady growth. « No competition. A §SOUND Business done on a cash basis. ' INVESTMENT Rates regulated to provide for a fair WITH A return on invested capital. | _ RETURK. ,_The t;rrthiteorr o:terved by this it h is one 0 m rosperous as well as SATI8SFACTORY one of the most ral;))id]y_ growing in the The -- commodity manuaetured and served by this company is an absolute necessity. 'l'he?%l'reforredsharesotthiseompanyoflermopporw- nity for local investors to make a home investment in a modern well organized ppublic utility. . | These shares are free of the Normal Féderal Income tax and exemg from person®1 property taxes to residents of the state of ois. _ This company pays dividends every three months. i Think this over and let us present our plan to you. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAR ASSOCIATION "% world. CcoUupPOoN information about your ge ue be oan aes shue be bape ns s s 94 + n 00