State Dept. of Health Man _ _ Says Spread of Disease Here * : Must Be Checked. Ladies' Aid Society will meet > iss Laura Sprague on May 8th. iule . mfi please attend, if possible. Lynch and his sister, Mrs. _ Clark, and Peéercy Macther, attended 5; g bunco party at Long Grove last y <ASBunday night. ; , -- ---- -- -- =_. WHOLESALE YACCEL | _ NATION THREAT-- * ENED FOR SCHOOLS .. Mre. Carl Lee, of Watseka, IIlL., viss 'ago, Services were held Tuesd §fl 'Mrs. Emeline Mason Monday. |afternoon at 2 o'clock, standard tin o . W morning Mrs. Emeline at the Federated churches, Waucon . Mason and son, Billy, and Mrs. Lusk | with burial in the village cemetery _ _A Motor that needs E> . No Oiling! _ _ -- Dr. Winner asserts that additional help will'be put--on there to watch the cases under the supervision of E'hfl state health department. *%--All fatcries should have their employes vaceinated, for if small} pox develops there all unvaccinated persons will be quarantined for three weeks, according to the state law. * "3--All cases or suspects must be reported ~immediately to the local health officer. -- All those who fail ~'Warning that wholesale vaccina-- tion will be ordered (for the school chlHdren of Wauk<gan as well as #or all public gatherings unless the #pread of smallpox in the city is checked, was Assued Monday by Dr. 8. . Winmer, chief district bealth te t saate d:partment of Pulik" neallh. C -Pa smallpox situation in Wauke-- has uot improved and there is mol the disease spreading, ac-- to: Dr. Winner. He says that three new cases have been reported during the last few days. to report such cases, or who violate quarantine, will be prosecuted, the w being _ $200 fine or six months in jail, or both, for each "I--Alyl persons not vaccinated within five years, or who have not :d smallpox should be vaccinated the family physician. to prevent measures of this kind. D.g in mind that a successfuylly waccinated person cannot get small-- :: and that vacofiation is abso-- y harmless. "Cooperation of the following is urged by the state department of "Unless conditions improve mate-- H'l"v-cclnnion in all the' schools of aukegan will be ordered, as well as all public gatherings of all kinds," Dr. Winner said. "Active co-- eperation oif our people is required public health . Libertyville Battery & ElectricCo. ~ -- Telephone 400 Forgetting to oil machinery that needs it--means trouble! The Premier Duplex doesn't need it. dirt--saves the carpet by cleaning it thoroughly, ' Ask for Demonstration in Your Home Convenient Terms From its grip to its nozzle, more than a doten new efficiency features! And most important--the double action--to clean CLEANER. Powerful suction --plus a motor--driven brush --to get all the dirt, Picks up every thread -- Its ball--bearing motor is packed in lubricants, and will run with velvety ease for years, without oil-- ing. One of the many quality points of the y 9 |.uuuu.wtw.mmn 'Colfax,' Ind., where they will visit re} atives A. G. Maether was out for a apin with the old reliable "Barney": Mon-- day afiternoon. He has not reported which road he picken nor how far he wenti, but we do know he is back. John. A. Baseley, aged 66 years, of Wauconda, died Sunday evening. at the Victory Memorial hospital where he had been rushed for an emergency operation... He died before anrgeons were mwble to operate. All his life had been spent around Wauconda. He was employed by the railroad. : Four sons, a daughter and a sister survive. A Brother. Wiliam, died a few davs ago. Services were held Tuesday 'afternoon at 2 o'clock, standard time, at the Federated churches, Waucon'a. Wednesday by L Maether. .m:l.'.h; .l;s-{--;t' Construction Co.'s equipment on the Holst land, was jJunked and hauled to the dump Short services from the late residence, Chicago, Sunday aftérnoon. The remins were taken to Wads-- worth Monday morning and interment was in Millburn cemetery. -- MRS. JAMIESON, PIONEER, DEAD Mrs. George Jamieson, about 80 years old, pioneer resident of burn neighborhood, died Friday night at the home of a daughter at Berwyn, a Chicago sub sb, having been in fatling health for some time. i Mrs. Jamieson leaves three daugh-- ters, Mrs. George Mitchell, and «sc M'sses Alice and Vinnie, all of Ch. cago. and one son, Edward, who re-- sides in the west. JOHN BASELEY OF WAUCONDA, DIES SWIELDS TOWNSHIP l,.:t'-"fi HOLDS FINE CHURCH |¢> > \ -- SCHOOL MEETING * Large Crowd Attend Sehvices Sunday Afternoon and Even-- | ing at Lake Buff. | Prayer--Rev. Wm. Ellis Lamson. \Pastor No. Chicago M. E. Church. *_ Address --"Religious . Educationt"-- ;br. Norman E. Richardson, Director Religions Education at Northwestern University. call. Benediction. + Intermission and Social hour, dur-- ing which time a lunchean will be served to all present, by the ladiés of the Lake Bluff M. E. church. ' --Evening Session Song-- by . audience. _ Quartet Selection. Devotional ~Service--Rev. G. C. Fain, Pastor Lake Bluff M. E. church. Song Service. Devotional _ Service--Mrs. Sam'l Simmonds, Pres. Shieéld Towuship 8. S. Assn. _ "Op--operation"--Rev.'S. B. Edmund-- son, Pastor Lake Forest M. E. Church. F4 $ CA e "The Children's Division" -- Miss Baxter, Director, Children's Wk. Evanston. Vocal Selection--Mr. John Warren. Song by Audience. t "The Organized Young . People's Class'--Mis Kirschner; -- Director of Religious education, Highland Park, Church. Discussion and announcements. Offering. Business meeting--Minutes and roll The Royal Neighbors will hold a pie sale on Saturday afternoon, May 3. at 8. Shapiro's general, store. *' & Nearly fifty Ogd 'Fellows and Re-- bekahs enjoyed tgm sermon delivered by M. L Thomas at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. .. Thie Dorcas Society held their regu-- lar meeting at. the church on Thurs-- Milliam Carolan and Miss Florence Pfister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Plister, of Highland Park, wede mar-- ried at St. Patrick's church at Ever-- ett on Saturday, April 26. Following the ceremony the reception' was held at the bride's home. *_'% -- Mrs. George Engstrom spent Thurs day and Friday with relatives in Mar-- ion, Towas. C hA w _ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunckel have moved into the house formerly occu-- piled \by Ed Landan and family. ~-- day -- Miss -- Mildred 'Knickerbocker, of Chicago, jwas the guest of Miss Elea-- nor Meyer last week. ~--_ | _ --Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Repenning have moved fro mthe Duffy flat to the 'Wells farm, north of Half Day, recent-- ly purehabeta by W. M. Reay, _Mrs Thomas Van Gilder, of Gales-- burg," is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rev. H. Jones, pastor of the First Pregbyterian Ohurch, Evanston, will glr:ch at the' Presbytérian church day evening. --~~. io Miss Virginia Hicks, who spent the wintes with ftiends in Ohio has re-- turned to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs: A" J. Montavyon. '"b&ri- and paimse : gurrouhded .': ecovered the altar before which bridal party gathaored. . The house was bridal party gathaored. . The house was very beatitiful with, its lovely rainbow _ Mrse. Ray Stace and little, daughter, of Milwaukee, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Philip S Scully. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Barngrover have moved into the house recentl vacated by the Gardners. _ °> _ * The concert fim by the Columbia School of M Chicago, under the auspices Of the Presbyterian Woman's Club on Monday evening was of a very hlgms and enjoyed 'by a large «au k Mr. Ind Mrs. Woda and daughters amd Mrs. H. P. Thorne, of Forest Glen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meyer Monday. Mra. Frank Mitchell, of Area, visit-- ed her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Kiest, last week. -- -- HUEHLASCMIOT WEDDING Saturday afternoon, April 26, Miss Esther Huehl, daughter of Mr. and Mrg. John Hush!, became' the bride nmrdmt. o:.('lhlm in presence of friends relatives, at the 8t. Paul's Hvangelical churtch. Rev, G. Holdgraft read the service. -- Miss Sarah Scneider has gone to make her home in the Evangelical Church Home at Carlisle, Ind=~ _ Mrs. Frank Peterson was the guest of Mr. and Mra. ll°£ L. Holmes, of Davenport, lowa, er -- the week, making the trip by auto with her Miss Isabel Biederstadt, of Highlad Park, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and.: Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt Sun-- day. j \.gmes McGarvie returned Tuesday from Detroit, Mich., where he was called on Friday by the death of an old frienod. -- Fhaw Cz _ Miss Eleanor Meyer, who' teaches at Harvéy, spent her spring vacation at ehr home. F9 -- -- nephew _ Miss Mabel Hammer of Chicago, was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Olivia Anderson, for several days. o L " 5L Benediction. Lea DEERFIELD fflki .k§o bher bhead with wax orange bios-- tmmwmwm-mmu , |The veil had been worn by the bride's 3g mother and sister. . She. carried a '.uuwu' pogue. ol allvery white roses _ land lilies of the valley. of the bride's parents: for the imme ® y diate families Miss Barbara Hueh-- & " land and Mr F@wald Wintor anfertain-- diate families. Barbara Hugh« land and Mr. ...'.?%m...m ed the guests with several solos. The bride's gown. was fazhioned of white satin with beaded white georg-- ette. 'The plain tulle vell was caught Little Ruth Saaifraug, the groom'¢ niece, as flower girl was attired in a beruffled frock of orchid georgetle and carried a basket of tiny . pink roses. Th« couple left in a machine for & short<trip, after which they will be at nome to their friends in Deerfield. Miss Barbara Huehle, the younger sister, who acted as maid of om wore a frock of draped cream satin canton and carreid a large bo-- quet of American Beauties and ferns. ars. Douglas Dye, of Chicago, who played Lohengrin's bridal chorus, also accompanied Mr. Ewald Winter, a friend oi the young couple, who sang ~Oh, Promise Me" and "I love 'You lluruw.'l . . _ Mr. Arthur Semidt,served his broth er as boest man. The Spur Cafe and Sweet Shop in the Potter building opened up the day before BEaster and is enjoying a good patronage, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donaldson. wvharies traesant has been out from the city several days necently, looking aliur--property interests here. . Miss 1aura Carpenter of Chicago spent ihe week end with her aunt, Mmrs. M. S; Sherwood. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe -- and Mrs. Albert Kapple were Waukegan visitors Saturday. x 'Mr. and Mrs. Gleason have moved out from the city to the farm they re-- cently purchased otf James King. 3 Miss Hilda Kling was out from the city--over the week end to visit with friends here. * s Mr. and Mrs. Hussey entertained a few friends at their home one eve-- ning last week. Ailen Thomas, who has been in the city for several months, has returned to resume his work on the Weber duck farm. & George-- Mitchell joined his family over the week efid and Ray Kerr and 'wife of Bloomington were guests of the Kerrs over the wee kend. 4 SACECEL 1008 PME N 'Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs. Car-- riv Kerr, of Chicago, spent last week with Mrs. James Kerr. ; Mr.--and Mrs. Fréd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Murrie of Wauke gan spent Sunday with Mr.; and Mrs, Carl Miller. i/ % -- Mrs.-- E. Bartlett is in tho@}lctor: Memorial honplwithg.we;kclor an operation on her throat, which we hope will be successful _ _= -- --=-- g6 to the Sunday school to learn the spirit of life. Easter Sunday the at-- tendance was 71; last Sunday 61 . Morning worship at 11.. The pastor will preach on "Limits in Living." We do not live so well as we might, be-- cause we make limits. The Camp Fire Girls add much to the service by their choir work. Gowns for the choir add dignity for the worship. Mrs. Oscar Douglas visited her par-- ents, who have been 4ll at their home near Zion, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Albert Douglas and L. J. Tweed have been entertaining : the fin 'for several days recently. THE CHURCH ON THE CHILL -- Church School at 10 a. m. ~This is the school of lue--yo:dy to the day school to learn meth of life; you Evening worship at 7:30. A speaker from Korea will bring the message. Hosin Mangwo Lee comes fromh a royal family of Korea. . He graduated from the Mission College at Seoul, Korea, and from Iilinois Weslyn Uni-- versity. He served two years as prin-- cipal of a school in Hawaii, and also served the U. 8. government as an in-- terproeter during the 'war;: He brings alarge message and déserves a goodl hearing. . A special offering will be taken for him. Last Friday evening Church Night was introduced ' to the community. Forty men and women, boys and girla enjoyed the evening. At 6:30 'the crowd sat down to a ntcnic sgupper, composed of the food each family had brought. After dishes were washed, the assembly gathered in the auditor-- ium, where a devotional period was enjoyed. The pastor gave a short talk on "how the BiblesBegan." The next period was divided among four class-- ;es. The little children enjoyed them-- selves with Mrs. Wentworth. : The Junior boys and girls were deeply in-- }wrm.-d i athe teaching of Miss Ger-- trude Wenis. The Camp Fire "glfh and Boy Scouts were entertained by the pastor, and the adults were in #6s-- sion with Miss Edna Baxter, our Re-- ligious Education worker, in a class in world service. At nine o'clock : assembly adjourned to, the to laugh at two reels of motion® ;:; tures entitled "Up in the Air." e whole evening was pronounced a suc-- cess, and it was agreed that it should be repeated on the last Friday of each month. The lessons that were learned Next week Lake Villa Community Center presents its moving 'picture sahow, "The Village Blackamith," by tYh:rg l}: ¥Fiim gormlu. ~The Now Timkes Bletkrmith 4n s molodrame combining all :"tho heart % of KWast Lynn." The poture is sure to Next Friday night, May 2, the uom-| and Daughter banquet will be gerved by the Camp Fire Girls at the lhltdh' The Mothers® Association is 'ortll(f in partnership with them to make uc. evening a success.. EHvery mother is invited. Bring your own daughter, -- O0r . borrow one. If you ate coming please notify Mrs. Oscar Donugins, Mré Chas. | Hamiin or Mrs Wentworth The speaker will be from Chicago with a| great message for the mothers and daughters of LaKe Villa. 0 are to be continued at the® Sunday evening sgervice May lith -- 58 -- doag LAKE V!LLA l TAKES BODY OF *\ -- FATHER TO HOME tronwood, Mich., Man Suc-- cumbs as Train Pulls Into Zion on Sad Journey. William James Tratheway, 44 years old, of lronwood, Mich., 'died suddenly Saturday: evening on his '.x.hom,vuhthhnudm t r, who had died in Detroit the day before . .. -- Tretheway -- had. been warned against p'tkllfuun trip by Detroit doctors, but isted that he was going 'to witness the funeral of his father. He and his sister had "been called to Detroit a week ago when their father bechthe critically ill, 'The son, sbortly after 'his arrival, con-- tracted quinsy. His father died, and the family arranged ® have the body accompanied home. Tretheway insister he make the trip, over the advice of his phy-- sicians. On hbis arrival in Chicago Saturday he complained of being il!, but decided that 'he could con: tinue on to Ironwood. y When the train arrtved at Zion the sister insisted it be stopped so hir brother could be taken off and removed to a hospital. He died in the ~depot a moment later while Dr. Billmeyer was rushing to his aid The ~sister continued on to lran-- wood with the body of the father while Tretheway was ~removed----to the White and Tobin undertaking establishment where a coroner's'jury returned the verdict that he had died from heart trouble aggravated by quinsy.: The body of the son was nt to Ironwood Sunday evening, .;m 24 hours in the wake ;of the first casket. . There will be a double funeral, -- and the father and son will be laid to rest side by side, William Stribly, a half brother of. the deceased, stayed, over and accompaniecd the body to Iro#wood. _ City of Many 'Languages. Jerusulem bas, people of many na-- tions within its limifs. It is said that 23 different languages are spoken in that city. 4 -- SELLERS & PETERSEN Telephone 39 You Will Soon Need We Have the Stock, Service and Price International and Gase TRACTORS Disk Harrows, Spring Harrows, Lever Harrows, Corrugated Rollers, Walking, Riding and Tractor Plows Manure Spreaders jugs BR dic t ts io+ 4 nck Hardware Co. Grain Drills, Seeders Have the 7--foot drill again 4 Subscribe to The Independent--$1.50 Pay Rent to Yourself W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW--WEEKLY DELIVERY SERVICE Special Delivery for Picnic, etc. ' ATLAS BEVERAGES THE TASTE OF THE CGOOD OLD DAYS Implements Td:mu Lake Zurich 15 or 64--Reverse Charges Te Everything West of Northwestern Freight Line THIS PICTURES an all--too--frequent situation. And the man is thinking just what any of us thinks under like conditions. HERE'S A REAL SUCCESTIONH . _ Make that bird 'with the rent money fly the other way! Watch the expression change---- whubo---oryw--pay'trenuohinudf. It can be done. We can do it. Just phone 50 and we'll gladly explain. pe JACK GOODALL LAKE COUNTY QSTRIBUTOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS