W3 _ DEACON CASE JURY ' _ :. COMPLETED; CALL -- _ STATE WITNESSES _ . Work of obtaining the jury in the Bs <os of -- Mayor Henry M. Deacon, . -- with malfeazance: in office ; and extortion, was completed Tuesday _' morning and the first witness called & +5 of North Chicago. _"-- The jury sworn in was as fo}-- -- _ _ B. H» Clifford, secyetary--manager :;,g;}m-m Chicago Chamber of '5 %m Waukegan, real es .?na Funk, Waukekan, jeweler. _ Jay Merchant, Waukegan. ' _( Fred Brown, Waukegan, adto sales-- _ Leon -- Ginsberg, Waukigan, sales-- _ man at Globe Dept. store. _ .. 'RMJ4 Piquette, Waukegan, auto sales-- ~ * North M i 9e 890 un Money * __» Charles Holmes, <Antioch. _ ° '?* Kred Giffel, Warren township. -- / Arthur Ritta, Fremont township, > VOLUMEXXXIL--NUMBER 19. made his opening statement to the ummmnmu tounts he expects to be, able to proj Mayor. Deacon frequently 6 wmmmhhab ' s .uxa' "uo and e charges include the following: + Sormer City Attorney J. A. fifldflmsm&lmw amounting to $778.23, and that PDeacon compelied him to give him #380.11 before he would sign the has $375 due him for work dong for gg.mmmqursalud ¥o sign it,> demanding $187.5w 'That he did not sign it until after the matter bhad been brought to the attention of the grand jury. That on ~another bill for $405. Deacon demanded $210 and never did sign they-- wire . compelled to . turn over a warrant for $239.84 before -- he That Mayor Deacon . appoinied Stanley Mateja sewer inspector who was not qualified to do such" work, making the appointment, it is charg-- cd, on condition that Mateja would split with him on the . warrants, and that he did give Deacon a warrant for $219.70, which the mayor took to the bank*and cashed. <Thkt this was an alleged split on a payment of $618.56 owing to MateJA. _ _ to sign the bonds in payment there-- fore, and that Deacbn demanded of Cater $5,000 for himself and $2,000 for Staranowlcz before he would sizr them. 'That this angered Cater and he threatened to mandamus the may-- Oof into.. signing* them, and that the m finally did sign the bonds protest. & / That the mayor voted--in favor of awarding a sewer contract to Ber-- nard Donato although his bid was $800 higher than that . of another contractor; and that a Chicago man named D. J. Donovan acted as A "go--between" for Deacon and Donato in turning over to the mayor $800. That the mayor manipulated police cases so that they were heard be-- fore Justice Nelson instead of Police Magistrate Albert Gehl, and -- that .Deacon received $1 on all fees in guch casea *from Nelson. .. That the mayor signed warrants in payment for coal from Krol! Bros. for more tons of coal than they actually delivered to the city. '~ Atty. Prezyborski reserved the priv-- Hege of stating his case at a later That William H. Cater bad a con-- tract to construct a water system for North. Chicago. and that when gr.nnny sold the system to the 'It was necessary for the mayor ~ City Clerk Coyle testified as to %ity records. He was on the stand nearly an hbour, and was followed ){ James A. Gallagher, former city cletk. He was followed by Guy O. Lunn, secretary of the board of local improvements, who again went on the stand this afternoon.. These wit« nesses were put on by the state n dintisration Into "tfe 'cour ree stration ~the ree-- ords. ~Their lm:od'c!l:l was fought bitterly step by step i1 the objec-- tlions of Preyborsaki. nesses were pul on 0J i0¢ SI00Ci|J®NXO, aL AFTOR, *\ Dennis ILimberry, our popular m-' to introduce the records of the city| Holy Name men are mwa to at lage marshal, has had another job adtministration 'into "the court rec--|tend this ceremony, and in' anticipt-- wished on him. This time he is called ords. 'Their introduction was fought |tion of a large turn out of Holy Name upon to pay taxes on dogs. Last week bitterly step by step i1 the objeC--|men, their families and friands, the Assessor Schreck visited & home im tione of Preyborski, general officers of the Society have the east end of the village, checking enc cnammemenggn arranged for spewal trains ove> the up on the amount of tribute to be paid PRAIRIE VIEW R. N. A. TO Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee for support of the government. He t ; electric line, which has a staiion near noticed a dog, which seemed to be M'M',.A' 14 the entrance of the Seminary. very much at home, and was prepar-- Pemmmmonmeas 4 Thousands of people will attend the ing to write out,morlmdmlor On account of several of the mem--|coremonies, and special arrangements canine tax. The lady of the house con-- bers having arranged to attend the |\are being made for the conventence of ¥vinced the assessor that the dog was ordination sprvices of the Rev. Kd--| Holy Name men and their families. not her property, but that his dogship ward Wilcox at Oak Park on Thurs--| TThe special traina will run over the was the exclusive Chattel of Marshal m,wmm&l.&no%dmwmmmruudm Limberry. Mr. Schrek at once hunted be held on Wednesday, %u;mmufiuuu in ter pony up the dog Dennis said of the above date. will tervals betwaen 10 a. m. and.1:80 p.~ sevicral things, among was that amMnnlo'-.ul.M%Mwllh hmumsaamudm tal _and a good fooed. All available. 'To obtain this rate, how-- ane and positively did not intend to thartaor members are requested to be @ver, the tickets must be purohasei :':'- nu.w.L-mmm"mmwm also Invited to attend. P atroot. Chicago. on another assessment appointed Eimer BRUNE'S SQUAD _ BUSY AFTER ThE SUNDAY DROUTH Constable --C. A. Brune's -- sponge squad had a "satisfactory" business run over the week--end and half a doz Martin Zimmerman, who claims to be running only a sweet cider dispen-- sary at Antioch, was arrested Satur-- day night for the third time in as many weeks. He gave bond for $2,000 in justice court. -- Martin "explains" that: the "boys" bring Hkker" into his place from Trevor, Wis. Nab Martin Zimmerman of An-- tioch for Third Time in Two ~----MWeeks; Many Others. en Cictims paid toll for alleged trat fic in demon rum. K CARDINAL TO LAY CORNER STONE AT AREA ON MAY 25 Marjorie Wilson, of the Grass Lake tegion, was ni:&on a charge of yvio-- lation of the p bitory l:w her time '%'eutody of the . was short lived.© Her release was ordered by_the state's attorney. 5 Karl Morman was arrested on a di?ly' conduct charge. John Galbavri was charged with pos-- session of liquor. Unable to -- give md for $2,000 hg went to the county New World," the official organ of the Chicago Archdiocese, and refers to the first-- visit of Cardinal Munddlin t h.fln,"'n, 1y.. Many people from Lib--;" m.'.'gfmmm. | and other 'places'in LAK® -- Much regret was expressed at the county are planning to attend the lay: retirement of Stewart Smith, as Pres ing of the corner stone of the fine new ident. He is now centering his efforts cthurch at Area, and also to pay their on the Junior Epworth League and is respects to the first prince of the meeting with success in his work Catholic church to visit this county. with the younger folks of the League. The New World says: ; 6e neateuot * --(tye¥ y t 14 The. first public official appearance of --Cardinal Inndol.l?h scheduled 'to take place Sunday, May 25, when 'he will lay the corner stone of the church at the Seminary of St. Mary of the Lake, at Area. Holy Name men are hw to at tend this ceremony, and in' anticipt UonofaknomrnoutotnowNam men, their families and friands, the general ol'g'an of the Society h.t;: arranged apeu;al trains ove; Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee électric line, which has a staiion near the entrance of the Seminary. Thousands of people will attend the ceremonies, and special arrangements are being made for the conventence of Holy Name men and their familios. The following is taken from RUNE'S SQUAD BUSY FTER TiE ( «im ; " . {, " ,LM" "..b \: ¥ 11 . d 4 CAARITY MAz ML; RTYVILLE INDEPENDENT # us BEv-- Bs at be purchaso1 get ohe in the near futurs, Now about office, 108 West : the only tming to same tho dew m hicago. tun:"mn um-rl un'guam 'CO--OP SOCIETY TO BAR ALL may establishing, a prieceden Farm Bureau members living in the 'Prophetstown cream producing area are planning on a cream producers' co--| operative that will limit its members to those farmers who have tuberculo-- An organization committee was ap-- pointed at a recent maeting of inter-- ested cream producers there which wl!lzoafi.erqmmnnnmotlooumi \to the Iilinois Agricultural Association 'plan. . A. D. Lynch, director of dairy \marketing for the I. A. A., points out. that not only cream will be handled |cooperatively, but eggs and poultry, Wise. of Whiteside county, Prophets-- towh has more Farm Bureau members tha nany other township in the state. There are 176 members representing over 90 per cent of this farmers and land owners of the township. EPWORTH LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR BACKYARD GARDENITIS The Epworth League of the M. E. church held the monthly social, and elacted new officers last Friday eve-- ping, May. The méeting was held at the church 'The new Cabinet as it now starids, is as follypws:; s now stands, is as foligws:; * | to the fact that there are. so many President--Carolyn hu.urflog' . _|violations of the traffic laws, it is First Vide President--Muriel Pierce| expected that the receipts from fines «Becond Vice President -- Willard | will be quite large. Hyatt. | _ With the addition of this squad "Third Vice President Violet Weh-- to the regular deputies, the state renberg. |hi¢hway motorcycle offi¢ers and Heunueth Tias Drasidant.--I Onhanek | annstablan i+ is Ba¥esad iroa LLLLL DID NOT WANT TO PAY THE DOG TAX; DENNIS REFUSES «COWS NOT w IQ 1. B. Nt ces on Buis NAE ... c 52. se Prophetstown, Whiteside county, IIL Kourth Vice President--R. Schanck.'constables, it is believed that many Treasurer--Robert Hagerty. agcidents will be <prevented in , the Publicity Mgr.--Willard Hyatt. regulation of tn(ffc. Chorister--Murial Pierce., Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyville, Mlinots, as SBesond Class Mail Matter. Lake County's Big W eekly Circulation Greater than other Weekiies in County Combined , IHLJNOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924. SHERIFF STARTS © ~40ReCOUNTY HIGHWAY POLICE Patrol of Country Roads in All Sections of County pmun to Curb Robbers, S rs. Sheriff 'Edwin Ahilstrom Thursday put four county motorcycle officers to work on the highways, and two moré will be appointed within the next few days. $ : . During the summer momm Lake county roads are the mecca thou-- sands of tourists and for this reason automobile thieves and highway rob-- bers are unusually active, and there fore the additional officers will be kept busy. P The four officers appointed to date are: ; Thomas Burnett, Antioch. Frank Valenta,| Ingleside. E. C. Hamlin, Lake Villa. Ambroge Beaudien, Highland Park, Two more will be appointed prob-- ably this week. The officers will be on duty all over the county. They are to be in fuil uniform;, ) The county board some time ago was slugged from (behind with a ployment of these officers, but due ZONING LAW FOR VILLAGE TO BE CONSIDERED sOON The matter of a zoning ordinance for the village of Libertyville is being given considerable thought by a nm ber of our citizens at this time, One man interested in this matter, has the following to say on the subject: * '"We wish to inform the public that with the co--operation of the Liberty-- ville Woman's Club, Samuel Insull, the McCormick and Patterson inter-- estas and local people, Judge Ben H. Miller's plan of zoning must come at once, as the city of Libertyville, that is emerging from the village, will he planned to surpass Lake Forest. L "The property values will be bazed on and sold at per foot, instead of per lot, as in the past. The new busi 10ss district will continue from the prasent location to the North line of the North Bhore electric railroad on Milwaukese Avenue, making the businbss build-- nugflorn.adelnonnmhiteo ture, M soning passes, The north end of the business dis| He then demanded his money back, and passed confirming the appoint-- som trict will terminate at the C. w & St. and a little Inquiry elicited the inform. ments. | reas Pulotuio:imdnomn athon that his roast had been cut from| President Hyatt was authorized to tnls districts will be had after soning. Al;mfis-nmduoorwnm A| secure the services of a | . it the other business firms will be pur--|\ Ianwsuit resulted, and some of tha tas-- "m"o'm O mumm»o'ttmybmfitutmmmm C m'n:"nz l m'mm. After several witnessos !:-hd cmo"mmmmum lndmh%m,mw"'.cnmmmom Mdm'""'*"x } progress means character." ed judgment for $26. Ingo atroots this aummer, Officer Gould summoned Dr. M. J. Kaye and the victim was removed 'to the Victory (Memorial Hospital in the Holland ambulance. The dog re-- fused to leave his master even for a moment and insisted upon riding to the hospital in the ambulance. John "Hummer" McElroy, 6 years old, 113 North Sheridan road, a re# ident of Waukegan practically all his life, ies at the point of death at the Victory Memorial Hospital. He: was found early Tuesday morning lying un conscious on the cement sidewalk at Sherfidan Road and. Madison street, barely a hundred feet from his home. to pet him. .tm!'_lully he 'decided that there was ething odd~ about the occurrence. As the dog started away again the officer followed. The dog barked joyfully and trotted a few feet awhead of the officer. He led him to the corner of Madison . street and Sheridan road where the unconscious man was found. > f Lif About a year ago Mr. MeElroy gut fered a stroke of paralysis. He was removed to the hospital and after a time seemed to recoevr partially. It is feared that the stroke he suffered this morning may prove fatal. *'F¥iends say that Mr. M al-- ways rose early. It is believed> that he was on his way to the Mike Mc-- Guire place in -- Washington . street where he cleans up in the Mfig when he was stricken. The aged: and his sister have~.been living to-- gether here for years. 7 WAUKEGAN CHECKER .. CHAMP DEFEATED AT WADSWORTH He had not yet recovered conscious, ness at noon and grave fears are en-- tertained for his recovery. The plight of the aged man was revealed by his pet buildog, '"Spot." At & o'clock Tuesday morning Po-- liceman George Toulouse was walk-- ing his beat when the little bulldog ran up to him on the corner. He started barking, and howling. Every few seconds he would start away-- then he would trot back to the o'%-- ceér, looking up at him in a distressed sort of way. ~ "What'sthe trouble, old fellow," the police said as he stopped down DOG LEADS THE ~POLICE TO HIS Summons Aid After John Mc-- "It was one. of the most wonderful cases of animal devotion that I ever witnessed," Dr. Kaye said today. Village Blacksmith Flattens Louis Trombino's Conceit § on Anvil of Science. SAYS HE BOUGHT A HEIFER; | -- FINDS BEEF WAS "BULLY"' A prophet -- may not be> without honor save in kis own country, but Waukegan's checker champlon didn't even succeed when he went into new fields, according to reports. that have come trickling in from Wads worth, where George -- Humphries, the --village blacksmith, ~not-- only wields a wicked sledgo but aiso can make the fire fly from a chcek-- 'bl': Waukegan hope, Louis Trom-- bino, had been wandering around Kenosha county in search of prey but finally --dropped into C. A. Hey-- decker's store at Wadsworth, where hbhe arranged for a game with Hum-- phries. Therd is something mys-- 'terilous about the reason he steered clear of Edward Faulkner's home, which is only a short distance away. Fact is, Faulkner is reported to have trimmed him on previous oc-- casions and Louis was looking for "victims" on this late pilgrimage, Justice Lyle Morris was called upon Saturday to preside in a lawsuit that m' dhave tried the wisdom of Solo-- mon. .It-- seems that James Hirschber-- #er sold to Robert Kerry a quarter of béef which he represented as being from a tender, juicy heifer. When tha meat had been cooked to a turn, ¥r, Hirschberger found it difficalt to cut the gravy with a knife. e t _VICLiIMmSs_ on this late pligri There is little more to tonnapt that when .the usual "Good--night, Boys," echoed around the store, all that Trombino had for 'his even-- nig's trouble were two games and two draws out of 'a round dozen. The Wadsworth village cqturn?gflh fame is spreading despite the fact :. Wm that. no immorta® poet has uhtod"m him standing under a chestnut tree. be do They 'do say, however, that anybody |D° ,0° who tries to beat him nt.checken'u"cd is "nutty." | 4alnot Elroy : Suffers Stroke and Falls to Street Unconscious. STRICKEN MASTER WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN . Thoge in favor of adopting daylight saving time point out that keeping to standard time is working a hardship on a large number of our citizens, on account of so many working along the North Shore and at Area, where the big Catholic University job is beiag done on the new time. Here in Liber tyville the American Wire Fence Co., thies Foulds Milling Co. and the North Shore Line are working on the day-- light saving schedule. This causes the men folks to get up an hour earl-- ier in order to get to their work, and the housewives are compellied to get MANY REAL «ESTATE DEALS mg#"m THE PAST WEEK bre&wn for them, and then do tha work again whien the children get up. The question of the time is causing a lot of confusion here. The farmers do not want any change made, yet our village is more or less hook»d up with Chliaao and the North Shore, where daylight saving time prevails. The court house in Waukegan is als~ run on the new time. * ---- The Afollowing real estate deals are reported during the past wpek by the ralty fir mof H. M. Bartlett and E. M. The property at 915 Milwaukee ave. o¥ned by €C. C. Bulkley, has been sold to Edward J. Weiskopt and wife. One hundred feet on Lincoln Ave., owned by Mrs. Louena --Loveland, has been sold to a Mr. George. The regular maeting of the Board of Trustees of the village was held last Tuesdany night at the village hall. -- FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR FOR BOARD OF TRUSTEES The board of education of the Lib ertyville Grammar school at the neg-- ular meeting last Wednesday night, adopted a resolution to submit to the parents of pupils 'the question of adopting daylight saving time for the balance of the school year. A referen-- dum vote will be taken, and the mat-- ter will then be put up to Mr. Hudson. Ten lots in the Libertyville High lands tmb':!dfldo- owned by Wm.--H. Bartlott Harty Madill Bartlett, have 'beenoptioned. to Robert Thorne for $15,000. s * 'The 120 feet on Appley Ave., owned g Wm. H. and H. M. Bartlett. has en sold to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loveland. i sateel man from Evanston . w'ed'#am,-t Brad.ey and l&: Town Line. roads, where. a beautiful estate will soon----be deveioped, and prize horses will be brod. f PARENTS TO VOTE ON THE DAYLIGHT SAVING QUESTION The meeting was calted to order by President Hyatt, and after the min-- uteés of preceding meetings had been read and approved, the new .'Trustees, Ralph Buckley, Warren Nicholas and E. F. Swan, and Clerk Harry Gott, took their seats, F The retiring Trustees, George Sturm and Gus Krumrey, thanked the board for the courtesies extended in the past and the retiring--clerk, J. A. Treptow, also made a short speech, after which there was a general shaking of hands. _ 'The board then progeeded with the business of the evening. . .. '- All the'appointments were unani« known--their plans for t the mly approved. ; "Nm, but it is said -- a large Wm. Gerber appeared before tho{m will be erected there this iBogrd and requested that something sammer, to contain .m inplay lbe done to take care of the surfad®@ room and stores on the toor & water at the corner of Garfleld and apartments ""&. This .'s the Lincoin avenue. He complained thit | best .corners in villags, as the i-lnce the closing of the outlet through busi district seems to be extend the old race track that the cellars In jng m. gouth, will make a spleadid ?that vicinity were being floodd. \&gs !m o o _ Zoning and Regulation of Ush (the License Committee)--Nicholas, Bulk-- ley and Grmgtn} ty . PM e The report of the village treasurer was read, : and a miscellaneous lot of claims against the village were allow-- ed, and warrants ordered drawn. President Hyatt _then announced, the following committees, to serve for the ensuing year: ytye ~ & Parks and Buildings----Mason, Grum-- mitt and Swan. Finance--Grummitt, Nicholas and Mason. j Light, Fire and Water--Bernard, Mason and Nicholas. ie 16 ' SBtreets and Alleys--Bulkley, Swan and Bernard. * -- Sewers and Sanitation -- Swan, Buckley and Bernard. ° _ _ a Water committees wene named as members of the Board of Health, with Mr. Swan as Secretary. Nr.Maurice Penny was chbsen as President of the Board of Health. a© An ordinance regulating motor traft-- fic in the village was read, but actibn was @oforred atil the next regular meeting. 'This ordinance declares Mil-- waukee an, "arteriai street" and pro-- vides that an--traffic from the side stmeets must comeato a halt when en-- tering this street, _ t 5 To stmcets must comeato a halt when en Henry county of affy size i tering this streot, | plied with milk from tested All members of the Board were same cannot be said for L mmodumenbenofthonardotw although the Libertyville m cal improvements, with Ikley as will soon be comin y . secretary, and an ordinance was read . heg 'Much of : m and passed confirming the appoint-- |comin 'sources 4 int, President Hyatt was authorized to ' w mmmuom| ossthie _ bolicaman to be on duty Saturdays gounty to. the It has just ben reported that a the Sewer and, ner of Milwaukee Avenue ami rene named As way, was sold last m lay to K brokers were Selleca & Pe y3 consideration is reported a k |The new owners have not ade known their plans for B | property, but it is said tha: & \building will be erected there thila _summer, to contain a large § room and stores on the first t apartments abov& This is one of . best corners in the villag, and as the Barnum and Richards were riding north in--an Essex car. They ran out of gasoline near Second avenug, No, Chicako, and before they could get gas 'and move on, Mitchell, driving a Hudson, crashed into the rear ond of the stranded Essex.--When Chietf Tit. fany arrived, Mitchell,: it is % pulled out, and speeded to the Sev entéenth street garage for minor re pairs. Chiet Tiffany piloted Barnum and Richards to the police 4 and immediately went over . to the garage and grabbed Mitchell. > THREE MEN TAKEN _ ON LIQUOR CHARGE AFTER AUTO CRASH A big load of contraband liquor and three alleged rum runners were taken by the North Chicago police mz urday night when the driver "t' ne of the automobiles in an 'auto crash at Second avenue ana Shofl'ua tried to make a quick getvaway an A there--by arpused the suspicians-- of Chiet of Police Frank. Tiffany, 'of North Chicago. CE North Chicago Police Seize Bi Load :flvm Whouau Autos Crash. In Mitchell's car, Tiftany ml: found 34 quarts of whiskey and % cases of pint bottles of whiskey bile in Barnum's car he found 2 gallons of wine and two bottles of gin. _ The three men were mfit night on a charge of transporting If quor and appeared before John Nelson who put them under bonds of $400 each. The men all fur-- nighed their bonds in cash and will appear before Justice Nelson: fix North Chicago police court at 7;:80 tonight where jt is believed they will be held to the grand jury on a liqnor Chief Tiffany had gone to get & re port of an auto crash in which W.'z. Baruum ofi 4914 North Nockwell ave and A. Richards of Chicago were struck by Harold <Mitchell of 1788 Humbolt Blyd. Chicago. All three men were arrested on a charge of trans-- porting liquor and were later released on $400 cash bonds each. t . KENNEDY BROS. BUY LOT AT MILWAUKEE AVE. & EDWAY lisgh <--a -- municipal Cd'fl' -- aystem. A committee consisting \iderman A. E. Hueneryager and JH. DePow and Mayor W. Hurd Clendenin w appointed . * 'to > obtain . information about costs and operation details, A conference of this mfl% --will be "hold Thursday morning and they are to report back to the councll at a epecial meeting that evening LION YOTES TO . _' OPERATE ITS OWN-- The \lilinois Bell Telephone com»= pany now operatss about tolt phones and maintains. an exchange at Zion. The petition d to the council--stated that the Bell s3 ico. _ 1t is inferred. nawever, mM ce. _ It-- is e * U the municipal proposition is merel in line with Voliva's wz:u',fijt mately eliminate all tely owned institutions from Zion, so that th Zion Institutions will extend to ' lines of industry. charge. Bros., Libertyville Ford dealors, brokers were &":rom & m " c ons wiro pinnk We are told that every Henry eonntydma plied with milk from same cannot be said for although the . will soon be --a The Zion, IIL, city council 1 ight adopted a resolution to $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE committee to-- Investiga c«:stts1 and Conditions: McGregor property at the #* at the gur *~~ and : to Ke! y ::* alere.> ) toresn. . alt $16, ', on -- ba* ® ll'm 3 . there A j irge 4 'st (m 4 A€ yex d 00 #5. se ue Just We %\ Mfifi e 4 yAl