IIfl?flRM[ 1;' PR"PJEGI"IQI hlzlusmlleESI!'["II I am always glad to be of service SHi e --Now Is the Time Building Resources For All Purposes F YOU'VE planned to build, now is the time. ~Whether you desire a small garage, a home, an . office building or office space, we have the proper resources to fill your requirements. * Come to this shop where only the best mechanics are employed and only the finest materials aro used. You'll get satisfaction plus bt a very low prige . IF YOU don't know your tar and its complicated work-- ings, you'll have a complicated-- job trying to fix it. . We advise early completion of your!plans and letting of contracts to allow you the benefits of early searon prices on rthaterials. Don't take a'chance, make sure by consulting us before you build. To Get Your Car Ready for Summer Libertyville Lumber Co. Telephone 47 ~ _ Down by the Old Depot FORREST --FLAGG OWEN, Agent Provident Miutital Life Insurance Co.~ > vice t° all whom we come in contact. * 4 mmdg'w. # # Ml |a 'ou' reputation acquired through its dealings with the ;-- "*WHATS ~'IN A NAME? Telephone 15 LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ~Let Experts _ Overhaul Your Car Let Us Help You Plan Your Home m': Libertyville ! ; Mr. and Mra. L. J, Wirtzler were in Milwaukeo .Sunday 'visiting Charles Miss Alice Arch'r has returned 'to her Bome here, after an extended visit 'at various points in the eastern states, 6 Mr. and Mrs. Arthor Brockman this week moved from Diamond Lake to their home on First street, which they purchased a short time ago., John Tuls, Alvin Hoffman and Mrs. Margaret Hoffman, of Naperville, IIL, were guests at the Joseph Kohout home Sunday, 20 e Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Decker Sunday entertained Andrew Decker and fam-- ily and T. C. Decker and family of Highland Park. 2 John H. Van Plew, of Beloit, Wis., spent; the --week iend with his uncles, John and Henry. Almond, north of Lib-- Mrs. Roger Kilby and little sons. of Evanston, were here several days this week visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Evilsizor, and other telatives, L es * ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON +PAGE EIGHT OF THIS ISSVUE guests of Mrs. May's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Colby,~ * T\ * Mrs. Thomas Kemp, of Ottumwa, Towa, visited from Sunday until Tues-- day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis H. Akers. -- s Miss Stella Akers of Ottumwa, Ia., is here visiting her brother, Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Vern-- Cawley have gone to Mattoon, lIlL, where they will spend several days with relatives. Mr. ang Mrs. T. A. Simpson and daughters, Elinor and Helen, ealled on ybomm. relatives Bunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall had as Sun-- day guests Elmer Olendort and Miss Alice Sturm, of Palatine. . ; Dewey Scott was here from Chica-- go Sunday, visiting at the home of Charles Scott. _ -- 1 *Mrs. William Fendick was in Wads-- worth on Sunday visiting her mhother, <.Miss Bery! McoCrea, of Beloit, Wis., umm the past week visiting hber , Mrs. Earl Gruenwald. -- Mr., and Mrs. George Dyer'are now eceupying the new Kunke house on Third street. w William Zoeliner of Chicago gulled on several Libertyville friends « James P. Sherman of Gray#glake was | _ Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Pettigrew and a business visitor in Libertyville last Mr. and Mrsa. Daniel Van Patten and &hy. 4 a ehildren were from Chicago Sunday, ie '--I,. COHPAMNE s aue TWs W wl l..n e b2 2l 2222 guests of Mrs, B'thcmy. Mr .and , -- _ . Tiekets sold by members of the Sunday @choo! and ~. ~/-- the Junior Rpworth League. Local and Personal Friday Evening, May 16 You will see 'a very pleasing and entertaining program:* given by the First Methodist Church of Libertyville on Items of Especial Interest to ystery--1Vlusic Joseph P. May and kegan, were Sunday Proceada will go to the Centenary Fund Prof. Y. Beatty (Magic Wonder) THE THREE BIG "M's" d NINTNIINE U TOWN HALL T uesday Evening MAY THIRTEENTH Smart's Orchestra. . THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blakeley, of Rock-- ford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Callahan, of Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fish-- er, of Wheaton, were here Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dis-- ney and family. Jacob Wolf of the Aptakisic neigh-- borhood, 'was in Libertyville on busi-- ness Friday. Mr. Wolf is still able to travel with the best of 'em," despite the fact he has seen several summers and a like number of winters. Fred Bernard and family, Miss Haz-- el O'Keefe, Miss Emily Boise and Charkes Swanson, of Chlenéo. and* J.° N. Bernard and family and C. M. Ber-- nard and family of this village, were guests of Mrs. K. Bernard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Madden enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tobey, from Minneapolis, Minn., and Frank Kimeth of H:nql} ukg. Minn., last Thursday ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis aund daughter, Miss Hazel, returned Mon-- day from St. Petersburg, Fla., where they haye been -- during the winter __Mr. and Mrs,. John YVYanderspool ure the parents of a daughter, who was born on Monday, May 5th 'The new arrival weighed ten and one half LADIES, 25e :« Children, 35¢ instrel Peop.e® CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their expressions of sympathy and floral offering on account of our re-- cent bereavement, in the death of our father, Frank Cleveland. > W. W. GRUMMITT AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS I We wish to thank kind relatives and | friends and Royal Neighbors for the {* beautiful floral tributes and sympathy ; shown us in our recent bereavement. '\ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schar and Family. ; CARD OF' THANKS _We wish to thank everyone who manifested their sincere sympathy Auring ~ recent bereavement by thei m'y floral offerings, kind 'ui_,lnd deeds.. MRS. ROSING AND FAMIWY. IN MEMORIAM ag MARY HELEN LIGHTBODY In sad and loving memory of out dear wite and mother, who was called home one year ago, May 17, 19238 -- ... Bhort and sudden was the call Of our dear mother, beloved by all; The blow was great and shock se-- INSURANCE vere ; We little thought lmr death so nea, We know not why, we cannot tell, Jesus knows and all is well. Phone 217.M -- LIBERTYVILLE HUSBAND AND CHILDREN A. A. Grandy New Ginghams 32 inches wide, per yard -- 35c Telephone 29 W. W. Carroll & Son Co. _ The new shades in plain colors, checks. See the black and white plaids in brown, grey, blue, pink. NTNHUNINHH OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS . fl Chas. D Proctor l'fi" -- _Decker & Neville _ The exall, store : _ Insurance of all kinds -- Phone 154--M LIBER1 Mother! _ What a world of sentiment there is in m-§ of you, but oh how exacting you were, particularly n your choldhood dayst f w Just a little token of appreciation----a box of our de-- -- . licious Candies will win many a smile fr¢m her, apec--z ially if it's Liggett's Candy. j ° -- 8 Telephone 55 A save investment always pays. A speculation pays just often enoug to make it attractive. That's why it's unsafe. Unless you can afford to gamble, let us first investigate thoroughly every proposition offer-- ed you. We will gladly give you WIM charge the benefit of our long experience and invest-- ment knowledges. ® ts Consult us BEFORE you invest. But it is hard for the average person to tell the difference before he parts with his money. Be SURE It's Safe --~~Sweets LIBERTYVILL® . . _. _ ILLINONHS, Resources of Moere Than a Haif Million Delinrs For the Sweet on Mothers' Day First National Bank HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. K. oudd u9e s 4R hib i8 £4 %54 i¥ PX t€