mitted. 0. K. by Committee, t8) 5 P Mores gTits or n.uuou}!.: L uvbo:hum-. ;omd the Jail for the County aforesaid, do sum -- of 41119 m which amount VF . wR IriELEY ERERARICRAUICEY all just credits. communication be referred to the EDWIN AHLSTROM, Road and Bridge Committee with Keeper of the Jai.|Power to act. m 5s Subscribed and sworn to before| Motion earried, e this 6th day of February, A. D., The. following communication was 1924. presepted. ./ mt (Seal) -- LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk.| STATE OF ILLINOIS °11 OFFICE. OF THE SHERIFF , ; } as . STATE OF ILLINOJS , coUuNTy oPr Lak® }J, . w."un %:m. i.' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, -- * To the Henorable Board of Sw oc o e t 1eL pervisors of Lake County, 111. March 29th, A. D., 1924. Total amount of food for pris The following communication was oners for the Month of Jan,. .. ] presented and tgAd. . nvrrommssu 1924 |................. ve=~§250179| Waukegan, Hilinois, March 29, 1924. Help bire for the month of Board of Supervisors, M Jan. 1924 ................. 152.00|Lake County, Hlinoi#s. Due Lake County for Board-- Kor the purpose of suppiying.elec-- ing Government Prisoners, tricity , to the residences along the January, 1924 ............ 227.50| State Chighways, named below, the Respectfully submitted, . > Public Service Company of North-- EDWIN AHLSTROM,-- Sheriff, <| ern lilinois, petitions -- your Honor-- BSTATE OF ILLINOIS ) able Board for permission to place as its poles as follows: . & L coOUNXTY OF JIAKE © ) To Lew A. Hendee, Clerk of the County Board, Lake County, Hlinois: 1. Edwin Ablstrom, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pur-- suance of the duty imposed upon me by law, do hereby. report that the bills for food and provisions, for the feeding cof the prisoners con-- finsd in said jail for the month end-- ing the 29th day of Feb. A. D. 1924 are as follows, to--wit: } From Whom Character Amount -- Purchased. of Purchase. of Purch'se H. J. Beckman & Son | MeBtG .. ..;:@@; i+«0.s --904.3% A. L. Brummond Company MilKk |..;....s¢csirsisss.sasiss 12 .14 Federal Bakery KBréad >..................... 58.02 Steele Wedellie Company Beans, Cte .............. .. 38.26 and that all the expenses for em-- ployees, authorized by the County Board to be employed 4to prepare and serve the food for the prisoners confined in said jail for the month ending the 29th day of Feb. A. D. 1924, are as follows, to--wit: Name of Days Amount 'Employee. Em ployed. Paid. Bertha Belinski 28 day®s ................... $72.99 Mrs. Edw. Abilstrom e total sum of KT Cank h a mt o c ear Iitted. BOARD ( EDWIN AHSTROM, -- LAKE C 78 days .................... 80.00 and also attached are all bills, vouch~ ers and other evidences of purchases of food and provisions, together with a statement of the h<:lp employed, which amounts to the total sum of 352.33 dollars. _ 03 mitted O. K. by Committee. (Se@') HARRY STRATTON (Seal) J. T. HOBAN . (Seal) E. M. MAWMAN STATE® OPF: ILLINOIS ) 1 coOUXNTY OFP LAKE | I. EDWIN AHLSTROM, Keeper of the Jail for the County aforesaid, do solemnaly swear that the food and provisions repu.ted as purchased, were purchased and used solely for the prisoners in said jail, and that the accounts for employment are for employees authorized by the County Board, all amounting to thewrtotai um of 352.3% dollars, which amount ;E':iu; and unpaid after allowing all just 'credits. ; 3 EDWIN AHLSTROM, Ke:per of the Jail. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March A. D. 924. (Seal) . LEW A. _HENDEF. OoFFICE OF THE SHERIFF STATE OF ILLINOIS Lake County. Waukegan, I!!., March , 4th, 1924. To the Honorable Bo&rd (of Su-- pervisors-- of Lake County, mi. | Total amount of food for pris-- ' onerg$ for the month of Feb. 1924 .........9..... . $200.33 Help hire for the month of Feb. 1924 .................. 152.09 pue Lake County for boarding Government prisoners Feb. 1924 |...................2.. 189.15 Respectfully submitted, EDWIN AHLSTROM, Sheriff. Supervisor Mayéer moved that the County Clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, for all bills allowed at this meeting. 2.33 dollars. ; 203 All of which is respecifully sub _ Aye and Nay vote being had Su-- pervisor Mcyer's motion was carried by the following vote: P Voting Aye are Supervisors Aus-- tin, Achen, Brown, Burke, €ook, Dil-- ger, <~Efinger, Eichler, Ficke, Har-- baugh, Hoban, -- Holdridge, _ Kelly, Kirschner, Hutton, Kelly, Maether, Martin, Mawman, Monahan, ' Mefer, Murphy, Naber, _ Obee, O'Comnor, Paddock, Harry Stratton, Holistein, Thompson.--28. Voting Nay: None. Absent and not voting are Super-- visors Bletsch, Eger, W. J. Stratton, Vercoe, Webb--5. * J Supervisor Obee moved to adjourn until March 29th, A. (D., 1924, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.-- Motion carried. Waukegan, lllinois, March 29th, A. D. 1924. Board met pursuant to adjourn-- ment with Chairman . McCullough presiding and the following mem-- bers present: Austin, Achen, Brown, Burke, Cook, Dilger, Efinger, Kich-- ler, Ficke, HMarbaugh, Hoban, Hol-- dridge, Hutton, Kirschner, Maetheér, Martin, Mawman, -- Meyer, Monahan, Murphy, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, Paddock, W. J. Stratton, Harry Strat-- ton" Hollstein, Thompson, Webb--29. _--Mibutes of the proce_m%'mecunn 'M'\':'"' and -- upon -- mot of Bu-- ztv Meyer, unanimously approy-- coe Absont: Bletsch, Eger, Kelly, Ver EDWIN AHLSTROM, Kesper of the Jail LEW A. HENDEE, Cpunty Clerk. )88 m * |COUntanp of SUPER BOARD OF VI8OR®8, ¥, LAKE COUNTY, ILJJNOIR, the --Jail, Chairman of the Hoard of Super-- \ ss Cbairman. For the purpose of supplying elec tricity along Belvidere Road, a State Highway, from Grays Lake to MHainesville in : Avon Township, Lake County. The Public Service Company of Northern lilinois petitions your Hon orable Board for permission to place its poles along the south side of said *¥osuc seavice company _ |"**,!"C, OF NORTI'IIIN 'IHJNOI'. Lake County General Hospital-- SBupervisor Obee moved that the Insurance, » communication be referred to the| _A# D¢* O04" conversation récently Road and Bridge Committee with|Felative to drawing up a form cov-- power to act. a> is ering the Lake County General Hos-- is bikam :. mm markind -- pital property, we-- are enclosing a was Kor the purpose of suppiying .eiec-- tricity ,to the residences aslong the State 'highways, named below, the Public Service Company of _Nonh- 1. Section 17, Antioch Township. Set a line of 30ft poles along the west side of the Fox Lake Antioch State Aid Road from Beach Grove Road north~ to the-- Village ij}imits ;r Antiocb, as sbown on Permit o. J. 2. Section 32, Lake Villa Town-- ship. _ Locate poles _ from Thorn property on Fox River--Antioch Road north to C:dar Lake Road, as shown on Permit No. 2. * . 4. Section 29, Loon Lake Town-- ship. -- Set poles . south on Lake VillaAntioch Road from Loon Lake Road to Dr. S. W. Menoiewski's property, as shown on tFermit No. 3. ~4. Section 9, Libertyville Town-- ship. To set poles on Milwaukee Avenue Road, commencing At our last present pole and running nerth, passing Buckley Road to second pole north of the new Libertyyville Grays Lake State Road, as shown on Per-- mit No. 4. _ 5. Section 19,° Waukegan Town-- ship. . Set a line of poles oD the east side of Gregn Bay Road on the intersection . of Washington Street and Greenbay south to Bel-- videre Road and North for a dis-- tance of twenty poles and east from said intersection and connect to our present line a distance ap proximately fiften poles, as shown on Péermit No. 5.. _ 6. Section 27, 28, 34. Avon Town-- ship. The construction of a -- pole line from Grays Lake to Hanesville on the south side of State Aid Road, approximately forty poles, as sbown on Permit 6. > pe SRPY TT L 4. raillud pobtd CC 7. Section 9, Waukegan Town-- ship.> Construction of pole¢ line start-- ing at our present line on Sheri-- dan Road just north of Glea Flora Country Ciub and runuisg morth a distance of npine poles to Power's Farm. This line to be joint with the 1. B. T. Co., as shown on Per-- mit No. 7. . : PW 2o2 : m.__..ahin RRBNC ACCC¢ Y 8. Section 27, Warren Township. Construction of a pole line on Bel-- videre Road from our prseeit line west to Milwaukee Avenue and Bel-- videre Road, approximately thirty videre poles. visors, Lake County,, lllinois. We the Milk: Producers Associa-- tion of Lake County, Illinois, here-- by petition your Honorable 'body to appropriate the sum of Three Thou-- sand ($3000.00) Dollars for the em-- ployment of a& competent weigher and tester to weigh and test milk in the various plants in Lake County at least twice each month for & period of one year. This resolution . was unanimously adopted af a County meeting of the Milk Producers~Association of Lake County, at Libertyville, on January 18, 1924. Signed, GORDON RAY, Pres. Signed W. 1. WOODIN, Secy. Supervisor Mawman moved that the communication be ref¢rred --to the Finance Committee for a report this afternoon. Motion carried. Supervisor Holdridge of the Road and Bridge Committee submille0 ("MF J following report: *h STATE OF ILLINOIS )S * "~ jgg + CcoUNnTYy OF LAKE _ ) + r BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, LAKE COoUNTY, ILLINOIS. CHAIRMAN --OF THE © BOARD OF SUPERVISORS : * Your Road and Bridge Commm'e to whom the petition of the Public Service Company of Northern m lnol: was referred with power to act, respectfully report that we have in-- vestigated the petition and visited the roads bontained therein and rec-- ommend hat the prayer of the PE-- TITION be granted. * 1. W. HOLDRIDGE, * JAMES O'CONNOR, wWM. J. STRATTON. . Road & Bridge Committee. Supervisor Obee moved that the ngrt be accepted, otion carried.. Supervisor Mawman moved:-- that the bill of Matian Persons for serv-- lces rendered as chief clerk of the 'Bogrd of Review for the sum of ."600 be allowed and paid. e and* Nay vote being had, Supervisor Mawman's motion . was carried by the Voting Ayo are Supervisors Aus Ain, ~mrowu. Cook, . Dilger, 0O omt.x;l-('f;"; submitted the _ x: '"m Nuber,| Anton Dudak s w %1t Kenkt:............ Stratton, Holistein, Thompron, Webb | A. Arscomanian B4 Ment :.:.« ;«k.1. Usoting Nay: None. ' Dr. H. J. McKean Kelly Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk, Waukegan, llinois. drafted form, as we informed you before the exact rate cannot be de-- terinined on account of the change in oecupancy of building No, 3 from Maid's quarters to laundry and the addition of the new~ building shown under item No. 23 of the form, known as Men's quarters and stores, How-- ever, we have attempled to guess at these rates and find that the {aveme rate for five years under the present form as submitted --herewith »would be approximately $2.35. Our suggestion would be that you present this proposition to the Board and endeavor to get them to Carry insurance as shown by the form «nclosed. This rate might be re-- duced or increased a little, * There is no question but what the forms should be adjusted as well as the amounts. In some instances the buildings and contents are Oover insured and some under--insured. If you can obtain the approval of the Board as outlined we will} have some forms printed <sqo that ~there will be no trouble in the future and all insurance will be eoncunent_. Thanking you for your attention in this matter, we are, Yours very truly, wWHITNEY & HOYT. By Harry Hoyt. Supervisor Efinger moved that the communication be received and that the form be adopted. Motion carried.. Supervisor Meyer moved that the bills of K. S. Barnum> and N. ~~HR: Miller, , for exptoses incurred as members of the Board of Review, be laid over until the June meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Motion. carried. Supervisor Meyer moved that the bills of Sundry Parties for gervices rendered Board of Review be allow-- ed, in the sum of $932.79. j Aye and Nay vote being bad, Su-- pervisor Meyer's motion was carried by the following vote: 1 pel im d ceb aen Awe. 2 DR ohul ied irciatsciniahs t Voting Aye are Supervisors Aus-- tin, Achen, Brown, Cook, Dilger, Efinger, Eichler, Ficke, Harbaugh, n d Dt ene 42 ctin C L A. Murrie Groceries . Will Kniggee ClotWing .. WM. J. OBET. wWM. J. STRATTON. Supervisor Ficke moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Ficke's motion was car ried by the following vote; Voting Aye are Snpervfiors Aus-- tin, Achen, Brown, Cook, Dilger, Efinger, Eichler, Ficke, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, Hutton, Martin, Mawman, . Meyer, Monahan, -- Mur-- phy, Naber, Obee, O'Comnor, Pad-- dock, -- W.> J. Stratton, Holistein, 'Thompson, Webb--25. _ Voting Nayy, Nove. Absent and not voting are Super-- visors Butke, --Bletsch, Eger, Kelly, Kirschner,© Maether, Harry Stratton, Vercoe--#. ' 74 Supervisor Obee moved that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board write a letter Of appreciation . to Henry: Eger, for 'his services ren-- ASaesA Take County while a member Supervisor Obee moved {00 )2 | "20 Chairman and Clerk of this Board write a letter Of appreciation to Henry Eger, for 'his services ren-- dered Lake County, while a member of this Board ~ Motion carried. _ Superyvisor Harry Stratton, Chair man of the Poor Committce for Waukegan, -- Shields . and / Deerfield, submitted the following report: SsTATE, OF ILIANOIS ;" CcoUNTY OF LAKE L | BOARp OF SUPE VI8ORS MARCH -- SES8ION. ' March 29,, A. D. 1924. Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Poor claims for Waukegan, Shields and > Deer-- field Townships, would beg leaveo to report that they have examined all claims presented before them and recommend the .payment of the following and that the Clerk be rected to issue orders for the geveral n'l:lountu to the several claimants, to-- ; 44 WHITHEY AND HOYT REAL ESTATE, LOANS & INSURANCE .Waukegan, llilnois. Your Committee on . for Waukegan, Shiclds fileld Townships, would to report that they _hn MERRILL J Milk .....}... John Goshgarian Meat and Grogeries Thomas J. Karazsek Fuel\ AND HOYT HARRY STRATTON. E, 1OAaNns 4& The t:'l.low.gc communication was aANCE presented. s 3 », llilnois. coUNTY S8UPT. OP HIGHWAYS March 28th, 1924. CHARLES E. RUSSELL ul l k ... . ... $69.36 is respectfully sub-- ACHEN, Chairman. TOWNSHIP. For What _ Amt. ¥ won t on 6 66# ®, .. 36.60 $32.16 $415 135 14 Amt 9 .38 Lake County, 1. Waukegan, IL., March 29th, 1924. To the Board of SBupervisors, Lake County, Waukegan, Hlinois. Honorable Sirs: s Referring to the 'improvement of Green-- Bay Road from Spaulding's Corner nmorth, wish to advise you that plans and estimates were pre pared and approved by the State Highway Department for the im-- provement to extend to the Wads-- :dorth Road, and the contract award-- to John R. Griffith Co., of Ra-- cine, for $129,602.65, with the provis-- lon that the improvement be extend-- ed only so far as money was avail-- able, which amount is $106,000.00, leaving a shortage of nearly $25,-- ~~THISs camount ~i¢ only sufficient --to carry the road about one--half a mile north of the York Church of three-- quarters of a mile short of the pro-- visions of the plans. It is my suggestion that the re-- fund from -- the Lake Villa--Antioch Road be anticipated --by appropriating $25,000.00 for use on the Green Bay Road, providing arrangements can be made with the Contractor to await payment if this amount is not available toward the completion of his work. It is very desirable that the im-- provement be carried to the Wads-- worth Road so that in the future this stretch of road would not have to be detoured. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES E. RUSSELL,, . Co. Supt. of Highways. Supcrvisor Kirschner moved to lay the communication over until, the next meeting. Motion carried. y The following report of per diem and mileage for the Board .of Su-- Name Austin |......... Achen |........ Brown ......... Bletsch ........ Burke ~........ Cook |.........}. Dilger ........ Efinger |....... uer'.-...o.-~-°' Eichler |....... Ficke ......... Harbaugh ..... Hoban |........ Holdridge ....:« Hutton ........ Kelly. 0 .......}. Kirschnéer ..... Maether .... .. Martin ........ Mawman .....-- Meyer |........ Monahan --..... Murphy .«...... Naber -- .......--. Obee .......... O'Connor ..... Paddock |...... Stratton, W. J. Stratton, Harry Swanbrough .. Thompson ..... Vercoe .,...... Webb ........ Holistein ...... McCullough ... Hendee @....... 0) O Supervisor Holistein moved that the Per Diem and Mileage be al-- lowed. Aye and Nay vote being had Su-- pervisor Holistein's motion wat Car-- ried by the following vote: C Ey ce W sb neire ( . gupervisor Mayer, CDairman OL L050 Finance Committee, submitted the following report: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MARCH SESSION. March 29th, 1924. STATE OF ILLINOIS) * ' )88 CcoUNTY OF LAKE _ ) Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen of the Board of Supervisors Your Finance Committee to whom the request for an appropriation of $3,000.00 to be used for employing a person to test the milk and cream in the 'different . milk receivite plants, was referred, beg leave to eport, while we aAare heartily in sympathy with the movement, we do not f¢el that we can recommend an appropriation at this time, on account of the present condition of the finan®es of the Coumty and also that there is & legal question involved, which would have to be submitted to the State's Attorn'y. Respectfully submitted, ' . C. W. MEYER, - C. E. AUSTIN, Your ~joint Committee to w hom was referred thw matlter ot finane ing the pavement on Graad Avenue omitted on account of the Gurnee Subway, beg to report as follows: We find that the lpproxln%: 'cost of this improvement would in the nelighborhood of $7000.00. We also find that there is a bal-- «nce left in the fund for the con-- struction _of the-- Highland Park-- | Deertietd Road, which has been com-- 'vlfld and all bills paid, of $6421.80, which can be appropriated--for the use Supervisor Obee mo report be acceptcd and Motion carried. The following report ted : CcoUnTty sUPT. _ oOF HIGHWAYS CHARLES E. RUSSELL Lake County. Waukegan, I!1., March 29th, --1924. To the Board of Supervisors, Lake County, Waukegan, Minois. Honorable Sirs: ;n'mlid";o;i. and would recommend that ' this amount be appropriated _ _ Finance Committee, r Obee moved that the acceptcd and, adopted. respectfully sub-- Miles to PER DIEM AND MILEAGE. was submit W. Days 7 21 1 21 15 19 13 14 «1 21 7 21 1 21 s & 20 11 11 13 21 24 21 45 , 21 21 #2l 20 21 21 14 21 11 24 21 20 21 16 21 15 1% 21 21 toward the payment of the above mentloned improvement. Any bat ance that may be necded to make up the difference if the contract exceeds the amount appropriated, to be taken care of at some Tuture Respectfully submitted, I. W. HOLDRIDGE, JAMES O°'CONNOR, Road & Bridge Commiltise. Supervisor Holdridge moved -- that the money to the credit of the Dnrmlblxlahu Park Road be ap propriated for the Gurnee Subway Road and that this money be return-- ed to the Highwood. Road Fund from-- the first refund money re celved from the State. Supervisor Meyer no:z'um the County Clerk be authorized and di rected to issue orders for the sey-- eral® amounts to the seyeral claim-- ants for all bills allowed at this meeting. e adng uk --'A');;x--'s'nd Nay vote being had Su-- pervisor Meyer's motion was carried by the following vote, _ *L Voting Aye are ~Supervisors Aus tin, Achen, Burke, Cook, Dilger, Ef-- inger, Eichler, Harbaugh, Hobav, Holdridge, Hutton, 'Kirechner, Mae-- ther, Martin, Mawman, Meyer, Mona-- han, Murphy, Naber, Obee, 'O'Con-- nor, * Harry ~Stratton, -- Hotlistein, Thompson, Webb--25. Voting Nay: None. Absent and not voting are Suber-- visors Brown, Bletsch, Eger, Ficke, Kelly, Paddock, W. J. Stratton, Ver-- Supervisor O'Connor moved that if Highland Park and Lake Forest cannot provide a right of way for State Aid Route No. 22, as approved by the Board of Supervisors and the State Highway Department, that this Board does hereby approve of a new location which will be an exten-- sion of Green Bay Road, south to the Highwood--Half--day | _Rocd. oo Supervisor Harry Eichler, retiring Arsistant Supervisor, from D%rfldd Township, made a few appropriate remarks and thanked the Board for the c}::z}t;flgs extended to him while a member of the Board. se Sn 0 Supervisor. Maether moved that Chairman McCullough----ke extended a rising vote of thanks for bis services rendered and the courteous mann¢r in which he presided over the deliberations of this, bO@aIG (M" past year. . Motion carried. Supervisor Obee moved that the minutes of this meeting stand ap proved, without reading. Supervisor . Meyer moved to @d-- journ sine dic. * Motion ~-- Motion carried. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF LAKE CUOUEIEA & OR C ARC CR CCC T I, Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk in _ and . for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the Records and Scal thereof, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true perfect and complete copy of the proceedings of the Board of Super-- visors of said County at their Reg-- ular March Session, 1924. * BOPDE: vo Lawa WWeR PRRPRPROWCC C l ! In ~ Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at my office in Waukegan, in said County, this 6th day of May, A. D. 1924. (Seal) LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk. 20 EX--SOLDIERS HAVE DISAPPEARED |. FROM THIS STATE) Miles Per Diem Mileage _ Total 35 $105.00 $3.50 $108.50 9 105.00 .50 105.50 15 a 95.00 7.50 102.50 52 -- 70.00 5.20 T5.20 5 105.00 .50 105.00 35 105.00 3.50 108.50 5 105.00 .50 ©105.50 9. 100.00 .50 100.50 33 55.00 3.30 58.30 65 105.00 ©6.50 .111.50 120« 105.00 12.00 117.00 65 95.00 6.50 101.50 5 105.00 .50 105.00 20 105.00 2.00 107.99 5 105.00 .50 105.50 35 100.00 3.50 103.50 140 105.00 . 14.90 119.09 100 105.00 10.00 115.00 60 105.00 ° 6.00 _ 111.09 30 80.00 3.00 83.00 15 105.00 7.50 112.50 35 105.00 3.50 _ 108.50 20 100.00 2.00 102.00 100 105.00 10.00 115.00 65 100.00 6.50 106.50 80 105.00 8.00 113.00 110 95.00 _ 11.00 106.90 100 70.00 10.00 £0.00 15 105.00 7.50 112.50 3 55.00 .30 55.40 arm 105 N0 2. 50 108.50 Bonus Bureau Seeks More than Two Score Members of Lost Battalion. H. C. W. MEYER, C. E. AUSTIN, Springfield, 1!1.,. June 7---- HMlinois h.i( a post--war 'Lost Battalion." ore than two--score of the thou-- sands of men the state sent into the World Wer have disappéared .com-- pletely since their discharge from the service. _ 2 AGED MOTHER SEEKS SON 33 65 120 65 The records of the lIllinois "Lost Battalion" are somewhere in the vast files of the Service Recognition Board, which is waiting to pay bonus-- es to these men if they can be found. Claims for their state bonus have been filed by relatives, according to Balnmer D. Edmunds, chieft clerk of the poard. If the men ever return they will find their bonus money waiting. If they are declared legally gend. the money will be paid to their oirs. ' Then there are boysa who have fled Tales of tragedy crop out in ine records of the lost veterans, Here is an aged mother waiting for a son who never comes: a wite fighting to support her children who get only tears as an answer to 'the question: "When is Daddy coming home?" . 52 70.00 105.00 55.00 105.00 75.00 90.00 25.00 105.00 126.00 Finance Committee. tragedy crop out in the the lost veterans, Mere mother waiting for a son of this Board the .50 .50 3.30 6.50 12.00 6.50 10.00 7.50 .30 3.50 5.20 .50 10 2.50 3.50 )8S $0.20 90.50 25.10 107.50 126.90 BY HAROLD MATSON NEA Service Staff Writer. Amherst, Me., June 5.--Roland MacDonald, 16, overgrown, furtive, a boy of the woods, liked most to prowl alone in the hills, gun in bhand. Everybody in Amhert knew of the boy Roland's skill with a gun. When bhe was a small boy he was a good bunter. Birds were easy prey for bim. He staiked big game. And he loved to skin his game, and clean it. Oftimes, when the sport in the woods palled on him he carried his hunting to within the lim#t# of this small town. Pets fell under his fire. Whang! The report of his gun could be heard ecehoing out of the woods, and the 200 residents of Am-- herst knew that Roland was killing again.----To them he was the town's "bad boy," an daccepted ~as such. Surely, his mother could not be blamed for there were nine younger brothers and sisters, and his father worked in the woods. * One day at dusk the boy was re-- ROLAND MacDONALD, 16, HEL D FOR THE MURDER OF HI3 T?CHER. MISS LOUISE GERRISH. IN THE LOWER PICTURE HE 18 SsHOWN POINTING TO THE SPOT (MARKED -- BY _ THE, CROSS) wWHERE HER BODY WAS FOUND IN A* WOODS NXEAR AMHERST, MAINE. under a tree. Roland helped them Unemotionally the boy took the of dig into the soft earth. He helped | ficers to the scene of the murder. He« them lift the body of Louise Gerrish, | described in detail how he killed thi shot in the breast. girl. He pointed h?l the grave.. H The sheriff w filed. He h crawled into 2. shallow hole to shot * as bafled. He h®l0}yow ne had placed the body. the young teacher's men friends and "I just set her body against -- th uestioned. HMe questioned everyone | tree over night," he said, dismissin, of the 200 people in Amhert, but j the incident as he might tell of hi there was no clue. Then special de-- | bagging a deer. "But she didn't hay tectives were called from the big | that school money with heér, so I too! city. They turned their attention to | her watch." Roland. Casually, almost boastfully,| All of that is what the detective he confessed, according to the detec | allege. tives. °o c cce o) 1. |-- Now Roland is in jail, a bit daze "I don't know why I killed her," he said. "She was coming and I had my gun cocked and ready. When she saw me I fired. I didn't bury her body then because it was supper time, but I came back in the morning." and continue to fly after the trouble has long been settied and forgotten. Again there are men who have left family, property and puzzled friends and dropped out of sight as complete-- ly as if they had stepped over the edge 6f the world. _ Some of the missing men "were never the same'" after returning from war and soon drifted away, seeming :to forget their previous life completé-- ly. Some left to seek employm} 1e WOMEC O PMMO Y OMO ACICOIICIL oi .& in the big cities and were swallowed up in the maelstrom of the metropt lis Boy, 16, Who Always Liked To Hunt and Kill With an Ever Reaa Gun, Lands In Murderer's Cell Charged With Death of His Teacher. Nothing ~can be~~done --with the bonus claims filéd in the names of these men at present, Edmunds said. Until the men themselves appear to receive the bonus check or until the courts pronounce them legally dead, the claims must repose in the files of the Service Recognition Board. CAPT. EVANS AND AIDES TO 6. 0. P. NATIONAL MEET All ships of Divisions one and tw01 report being under way for Cleve land, Ohio, with, the required cruis ing complements aboard, where the District Squadron~ is to participate in exercises in connection with the Republican National Convention. The Commandant, Captain HIS LAST SHOT | W,. Evans, UV 34 turning from the woods, gun in band. Near the Williams' house, on a> se-- cluded trail, he heard a rustle, With the instinect of a bunter the boy con-- cealed himselt in the bushes. ; A girl walked the patch. Roland recognized her. She was his teacher, Louise Gerrish, 19, "from out of town." Roland didn't like senoo!, He was always the oldest boy in his class. And then there was that money the teacher had collected from pupiis for selling little bottles of perfume for a mail order company. * Whang! The people of Amherst heard the echoing report and knew that Roland was killing aagin. _ The following day the teacher fail-- ed to appear at school. When it be-- came known that she was myster» ously missing a searching party was organized. Roland, the boy with the gun, joined the party. _ _On the trail, near the Williams* House, they discovered tracks, and then a patch of freshly tilled soll Unemotionaily the boy took the of. ficers to the scene of the murder. He described in detail how he killed the girl. He pointed to the grave. He crawled into 20 shallow hole to show how he had Mplaced the body. "I just set her body against tim@ tree over night," he said, dismissing the incident as he might tell of his bagging a deer. "But she didn't have that school mdney with her, so I took her watch." % All of that is what the detectives allege. Now Roland is in jail, a bit dazed, but unrepentent. And _ Amherst, secluded Maine woods town, knows that it won't hear the whang of Roland's gun any more, and school is sugpended while anoth-- er teacher is being sought. $. N., the Assistant District Com--+ mandant, Lieut--Commander, Jonas H. Ingram, U. 8. N. Bl;d his relief, Com-- mander Stephen Dobherty, U. 8. N. will all join the Squadron at Cleve-- land, Ohio, on Monday, June 9. Lieut. Frank H. Clements, M. C., U. 8. N., who was assigned to tem-- porary duty in the Ninth Naval Dis« trict as Flight Surgeon has compliet-- ed the examinations of all applicants for dutf at the U. S. Naval Reserve Air Station, Great Lakes, Iilinois, who will be recalled for training dur« ing the month of June, 1924. He has been detached and ordered to report to the Commanding Officer,--Receiv-- ing Ship, San Francisco, California, WARN PUBLIC TO _____ KEEP MATCHES _ OUT OF MAILS _ Washington, . June 4..--Warpiog -- that matches and other hw"', materials are probibited transportse .. tion in the malls is being given ' postmasteérs thruout W , the direction of the a partment, The warning from complaints of the German pos# tal authorities that iwo fires in ._ Bremen postoffice and a postal car at Leipzig P matches inclosed in 40 Aura * 5. »Op -:Jk h s t e 54o oi ta 19 t3 s