£) 6 FARMS OF 702 ACRES ARE SOLD IN BIG TRANSFER In this deal was included the 124% acrse known as the Ed Blanchard farm. The strip includes a wide swath between eBach and Holdridge road and has long been considered ideal subdivision land. The prop erty is about 3 miles northwest of Waukegan. The consideration was not given out. » Bank Buys Wooley Farm The old Wooley farm, located on Grange hall road a short way from Gurnee, was sold to the Cosmopoli-- tan State Bank of Chicago. The tract consists of 100 acres and the consideration is said to have run elose to $20,000. The bankers, it is ynderstood, plan to remodel and re stock the place . -- Frank West Purchases Frank West of Waukegan bought the McGuire tract pear -- Hickory oCrners. There are 40 acres in the property. It is one of the most Aesirable pieces of land in that ter-- ritory. i A Chicago .syndicate, some _ of whom are said to be bamkers and high factory officials, are the pur chasers. Their names were not giv-- en out. K% 4 % *4 % * % % U % ¥% ¥% ¥% % % %*% * D E E R F I E L D * ¥ % % % 4A 4 % % % % % % % % % % % Of the deals the sale of the Sex-- tonian farms is the most important This land, consisting of 383%4 acres, is located at the end of Lewis ave-- nue and along Beach road. The for mer owner was Lester Clow of Chi cago. Six farms, counsisting of 1702 acres, have been sold through T. J. Stahi and company during the past month, it was anounced Thursday. The mo ney involved probably runs close to $200,000, -- } o _ 8. Rosenthal of Chicago bought a 5 acre fruit farm, known as the Ames and MceCartby farm, near Wedges' Corners, for a summer bome and fruit farm. The price was not div@lged. > Mrs. Arthur Kiest entertained last Tnuisday in honor of the birthday of her gaugzhier, Mary Jane. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kiest and children, of Paxton, II1.; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kiest, Mrs. Alice Voltz, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wessling and children. M:, and (Mrs. Henry Kiest an d son, of Korthbrooi; Mrs. Frank Mitclell, "Mrs.-- i. J. Lyons and chil-- dren, of Area, and Mrs. Dolenmefier, of Libertyville,. _ _ Money Inpolved Will Ag?re- gate Close to $200,000 for Valuable Tracts. J. A. Robbins of Chicago bought the J. Dominsky farm, near Ivan-- boe, for a consideration of $15,000 It is a 49 acre tract. . 4 _ Almon Frost spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. Oleson of Cham-- paign, B1 0 _0 00 . 00-- e 'Vir and Mrs. M. Hoffman entertain-- ed Mr. and Mrs. Straub and several friends from Chicago Sunday. _ e M i s s Schackelton accompanied Miss Dorothy Supple home from Beat-- rice, Neb., to spend a short vacation on the farm. * « Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mau, Mis# Luelia Knigge and Mrs. George Pettis attended a birthday party on Miss Lydia Mulligan of Arlington Heights Friday evening. & _ Floyd Gunckel of Galesburg, is vis iting at the home of his brother, Ray Guncke!. s ---J--g-;:' Scully returned Friday from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. R. Stace, in Milwaukee. _ _ _ Mr .and Mrs. Russell LaVelle and Mrs. W. H. Kiest met with a painful accident Thursday evening. when en route to Lake Forest. A car coming from the iforth ran off the pavement just north of Old Mill road, and 'on Parking free to dancers. EVERETT, ILLINOIS GOOD, SNAPPY PFIVE--PIECE ORCHESTRA GIBBONS PARK Music by the DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 21, at _ RENEHAN'S, ON ROUND LAKE the "HMlini Serenaders," of Hlinnis University. Dancing Every Night After June 21. --Every Saturday and | Sunday night is vis m# T ... eh!ubetoutothouvmntukid- ed into their car, almost demolishing it. Mrs. Kist was thrown out of the Mrg.: R. D. Supple went to Chaple Hill, North Carolina, the first of the month, and motored back with her son, Adrian, who attended college at that place the past year. . w# I : car. Bhe sustained several cuts and is badly bruised, and is still confined to her bed. Mr. LaVelle also received several outs and bruises,. Mrs. La-- Velle escaped with slight injuries. _ _Miss Susie Easton spent the week end with Miss Harriet Glynch of Chi-- Mrs. Raymond Lord of Chicago was the guest of Mrs. Emil Frederick last Baturday. -- h Mr and Mrs. E. 8. Adams and their daughter of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Adams of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of San Luis Obispi Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kim-- bark and son, of Ravenswood, were guests of their mother, Mrs. Sarab Adams, Sunday. The Holy Cross Parish will give a dance Wednesday evening, June 25th, at the Masonic hall. Music by Hard-- ing's orchestra. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vineyard and children returned Tuesday from a teu days' motor trip to Missouri, where they visited old friends and relatives. Miss Marien Landau and little Bet-- ty have returned from Wellington, Kansas,' where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ott. ~Charles Parsons and granddaughter Miss Anita Parsons, of Hageman, Id-- aho, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neal and Mrs. Joi . Rectenwald and daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton Tuesday. § h | Ccag o. 'Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, who have been occupying the J. E. Woodman home, have moved into the Thilo Toll new flat. ~ The Missionary Society of the Pres-- byterian church has postponed their meeting from June b'.' to June 26. The program®'is in charge of Mrs. Monte-- von, and Mesdames l(na::, R. _H. Stryker and C. E. Friedlund are the hostesses. --O---- 2. ' Evangelical (Bungalow) Church Next Sunday evening Reév, Stake-- miller and Harold Vant will--give a "film slide" lecture on their recent 'vlsit to the Evangelical school in the Cumberland mountains.> This prom-- ises to be an interesting as well as profitable lecture, as We will be able to secure first hand information con-- cerning other peoples of our own country. -- Everyone is invited. | Re-- member, Sunday evening, June 22 <at 8 o'clock. 2 [ 4 M CDUET: U I Air anrd Mrs. Raiph Johnson art the bappy parents of a little daughter, bo'n Sunday; June 8th. -- -- 0 0 0_ 0c Miss Amelia Petersen, who has been teaching in the Presbyterian mission school at Albuquerque, N. M., gave a very interesting address at the Pres-- bytcrian church Sunday evening. . mer Mary and Kathryn Hoffman are vis iting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Straub, in Chicago. ooo s we Mrs. T. L. Knaak had as her Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and fam-- ily, of Wilmette, and Dr. and Mrs. Becker, of Chicago. -- "fiéifibfii& farm has been sold, and the family will vacate during the sum-- Great plans are being made IOF InC Evangelical "Week Day C h urch Schoo!," to be conducted this summer. The money fae the expense of the school has been raised, supplies are being purchased and a splendid corps of teachers under the superintendency of Rev. Stakemillier will °be in attend-- ance Ezra Fritsch has been working on the vagcant lots, corner of Deerfield Ave. and Rose Mary Terrace, getting them _ ready <for the church play ground. It is planned that a tennis court and other sports will be arrang-- ed for on this church property. Wednesday eVening, June 11 Mr. @nd Mrs. John Huehl and daughter, Barbara, and Mr=and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt attended the entertainment given by the Evangelical Men's Aux-- diliary at 8t. Peters church, Chicfgo'. . EUE _ 1000 m o4 coral a 0+ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer sSchmid Monday for an automobile trip Northern Wisconsin. « ancliug are being made for the $1.00 a couple Eim'er Schmidt left * % % * % % % ¥% % A ¥% % 4 % A ¥ K * PRA IRLE VIEW. * Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stancliffe of Half Day and Mrs. C. T. Mason at-- tended a show at Highland Park Fri-- day evening. No 'we SEEK TO APPOINT > NEW JUSTICE IN PRAIRIE VIEW _ Mr.--and Mrs. Wallace Lockhead spept geveral days of last week in CHicago: f > a rics==s Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stancliff went to Des Plaines Tuesday, where they will remain for a few days. * ghet Benjamin Ritzenthaler returned last Monday to his home here. He has been teaching for the past year in Naperville. _ o Mr. 'a-.ix-d' Mrs. Art Voss and son of Palatine called on relatives here last Thursday evening. _ _ _ o _ _ Ray Stancliff and family of Half Day calledigt the L L. Maether home Thursday evening. _ _ _ 4 % % *4 % 4 * % 4 % % * % *% % % * _ Mrs. Henry Krueger. of Libertyville spent last Thursday with her sister, Miss Emma La Frantz.| _ > _ __ _ Claiming that William F. Farris has disappeared from Prairle View, a score of voters in Vernon township Thursday presented to board of eu-- perviszors a petition asking that Geo. Alfred Stancliffe be appointed to fill the remainder of Farris' term. _ Rev. Keithon called on friends in town Monday. t c Supervisor A. G. Maether, of Prairie View, explained that Farris got into trouble with the government and that there are ~rumors to the effect that he is in Fort Leavenworth. Reports received in Waukegan some time ago were that be was charged with trans-- porting stolen"~ automobilés between rllinois and Ohio. He was arrested in. the Buckeye state on that charge. As the question arose as to whether the county board can appoint Stan-- cliffe until it is known or certain whether hbe still is a resident o the township, the board referred the mat-- ter to the judiciary committee to in-- vestigate and report back. Mrs. Fred Brockman, Mrs. Math Herschberger, Mrs. Ida Stelling, Miss Emma La Frantz and Mrs. Henry Krueger, of Libertyville attended the Ladies' Aid meeting at Long Grove Thursday afternoon. _ Claim William F. Farris Got In-- to Trouble With Government and Has Disappeared. '"X;l;'t.l; Wolf was a business caller in Libertyville Saturday night. wsi"h'o_i;;odfixfle_n had a meeting Satur-- day night t Misses Alice and Ethel Herschber-- Vacationists! Here's Best Way to Reach Wisconsin and No. Michigan MOTOR COACH TOURS The North Shore Line is operating & series of delishtfil moror couch touts mepyriliin e bhrpe io i iB Sn t hi OING to Wisconsin or Northern Michigan this suminer? Take the Norch Shore Line--your ¥acation will start as you board the train. -- This is the clean, convenient, enjoyable route to vacation lands. Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Sil¥r Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connections with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Céedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train ottside the door. Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Por-- . _ tage Lake and Onekema. Leave here in af-- ternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, _ ~*~~r.--, ,/ arriving in Michigan next morning. _ Fast 5 * t'/ trains leave for Milwaukee over the North 1 Shore Line, at frequent intervals, You may A buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore _;'/ i ticket office, and check your baggage, to your _/ point of destination. For schcdulcs,' fa? or %' ® other information, inquire at North ticket office. §--day trip-- 738 miles, including hotels and meals, $65. J--day trip --959 miles, Including hotals, meals and boat trips, $89. --dny trip 180 Lake Geneva and return, including boat Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE TELEPHONE 74 ----45§5 miles, including hotels, meals and boeat trips, $37. NORTH SHORE NDEFPENMDENT, THRSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924. | Charles Albrecht of Knox, Ind., vis ilwd over the week end with friends and relatives at Prairie View, Diam, lond Lake and Everett. Miss Martha Voss of Aptakisic spent [Monday at the: Math Herschberger ger returned bome Friday afternoon, after spending a few days in Chicago, Mrs. L L Maether and son and Miss Ruth Wolf spent last Thursday with Miss Emily Maether. ~ s _ Miss Ruth Hansen of Lake Forest spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Ruth Wolf. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Priess entertain-- ed their daughter and her husband from Chicago Sunday. ~ _ __ _ _ Evelyn and Elta Sturm had their tonsils removed by Dr. Taylor in Lib-- ertyville Thursday. _ o _ Don't forget theres another treat coming on that $2.50 you won Satur-- day night. I. E. STIEGLITZIS DEAD IN H. PARK Irving E. Stieglits, 529 South Lin-- den avenue, Highland Park, is dead, following a brief firmness. He was born in Chicago, Sept. 5, 1879, and for the last twenty--five years has been engaged in the msurance busi-- ness, with offices at 175 West Jack-- son boulevard, Chicago. He was a captain in the Miitary Police Officer's Reserve corps, a member of the Standard club, the Northmoor Country crub and Cres-- cent lodge, No. $95, A. F. & A. M. _ He is survived by nis widow and two children. Every Saturday Evening Given By "The Jolly Four," at Shore ALLEGED ROBBER FIGHTS DEPUTY; PUSHED IN JAIL John Kostka, Employed by Joe Paule, Charged With Taking $52 and Clothing -- John Kostka, employed on the Joe | Paule resort at Fourth Lake, is in the | county jail in bonds of $1,00) on a | charge of stealing $52 and pulleeu\ and hat from a neighboring workman, Frank Siebert, empioyed by O. W. Lebhmain. -- Kostka, who was arrested Monday morning, didn't come in without a struggle and Deputy H. C. Hamlin, who found him at <the Paule resort, discouraged his fAstic activitiese by overpowering him and placing hand-- cuffs on his wrists Kostka wore these bracelets when ararigned be-- fore Justice Harry Hoyt. The allege\ robbery occured Sun-- day night according to Siebert. He said he was going hlong the road near Fourth lake when Kostka halted him and asked him i}> ne "wanted a drink." _--Then, according to Seibert, Kostka stripped him of his puttees, hat and $52 in casb. & s .. ing the money _ The celendant claimed that Seibert was intoxic#ted and that he had trou-- ble driving him home. He denied tak-- Subscribe to The Independent----$1.50 W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. Lifting Yourself Out of the Renter's Class Secure an ideal enviroment for your family--and that means a Home that is your own. We'll be glad to show you the way without any obligation on your part. i $ E\at is what you will do when you buy or build Your Own Home. There is no use trying to be contented with unfavor-- able conditions. __ e ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW--WEEKLY DELIVERY SERVICE Special Delivery for Picnic, etc. > ATLAS BEVERAGES a residence, store. warehouse, or building of any kind, . brick, frame or stucco? Then communicate with $ j Phone 81 TELEPHONE 50 _ LAKE county pistRrisbTor -- E* 7 Telephone Lake Zurich 15 or 64--Reverse Charges -- '| _ Territory Everything West of Northwestern Freight Line _-- HAYING MACHINERY Rope Schanck Hdwe. Co. Do You Contemplate Building Telephone 39 THE TASTE OF THE GOOD OLD DAYS JACK GOODALL Alexander S. Burgess _ . Y ou will soon need DEERING and McCORMICK Rakes Loaders Forks P A full line of repairs MOWERS Pulleys PAGE W 1$ y6 us P 63 4 fii