Aek tb $22.50 Dresses, ©11.98 --.i J If you have put off buying until now this is indeed your opportunity. All our beautiful silk dresses priced upto $22.50 formerly are reduced now to $11.98. -- The quality and style of these frocks will surprise you and at this price you can't afford not to buy. ' $10.00 Printed Silks, Reduced to $6.75 _ These are pure silk sweaters, tux-- edo style in navy, black, tan, grey and other colors. They'fé ideal for this weather and very much -- & ') f?iluced, $12.50 values S 4.79 for We have a number of voile blouses at about half price. They're hand made, good materials and pretty styles. $8.995 ues, clearance price 'About forty wool sweaters in coat. Mandarin and Jacquette styles, are reduced. Some silk and wool combinations are included. Val-- ues to $9.98 selling now g 4_79 Gingham Aprons at REDUCTIONS ON SWEATERS AND BLOUSES _ Silk Sweaters .| _ Tailored Blouses 'arance §rxce....m" Wool Sweaters Voile Blouses M 93c $8.95 val§4 70 4+ ' 'Amoskeag Ginghams-- Regular and Extra Sizes $4.79 Here's an example of wh J uly -- Sale we're giving: you in this Amosksag gingham well. made, full bright-- fast _ colors have belts and pockets and eome . in models _ Thrifty house at hundreda here wives will want Ave won't guarantee how long they will last this price,. --There many . diffren}t Tailored. Blouses _ of fine silk to be worn with skirts or the new suits. They come in white only, ;udust;zi--llgr sell for I $10.9:).. On Sale now at$5079 "Kid Boots" Sweaters ° These are the popular wool and silk sweaters that have been go-- ing like wild--fire all over the country. _ There are still some left and will be cleaned up dur-- ing the sale * ing the sale _ " _ $2,08 W ool --S--fifiover Sweaters for mis-- ses are being closed out in this clearance. -- They come in many yellow .or white. The styles. Clearance price$1'19 ndw but we Guarantecd eut -- in aprons, Misses' Sweaters or six Get your summer supply of "these fine lingette slips. They are hip hemmed of self material, régular $1.98 values. _ July -- Clearance Bale ' 'price ,4.......,_~...~._.¢..$1'49 Queen Make H{)use Dresses of fine quality gingham with set in sleeves.. Reg-- ular and extra sizes to. 52. Values up to $2. on sale now ati"$1098 Bathing Suits is Warm weather calls for swimining. We're offering the finest guaranteed all-- wool suit you have ever seen at this price. If for any reason at all they prove unl:atisfact?ry y:u get an-- other suit free 0 I %Mn"at"'gs cMidea's -- -- «9 Gf at Lingette Slips House Dresses Tomorrow Clearance Sale. year event, the 1 clean--up.-- Offeri tive summer fas below their true in time for vaca 1 Bargain Hunting? Attend this Sale greatly reduced. It you to investigate. Dress Coats Sport Coats 1/ Price Women's Underwear C Have you one Oof tE new pouch bags or envelop pur-- ses? If not this is a chance to get a fine quality bag at a very reduced price. Val-- ues to $1.98 * Bb eennonviorrenesingneenencisnereneorand 93c 'Another lot of better purses at$1'98 A fine assortment for col-- lar and cuff sets awaits you here at the special Clearance price _ 9 OL * nonness.onecveccsevmemcmmmemnsesssesimeeme 3c Spring Sport Skirts -- of Plaid materials are also re-- duced for this mid--sutdmer event. You'll find some-- thing .to your thing to your _ $4.79 Now is the time to buy Play Srits for the kiddies. Koveralls, baseball Buits and play Suits reduced to .. On-- gale At.............. a'gimfion Poar and novelty lass «BReads that formerly sold for $1.98 will be Q3 Collar and Culffs June 28, Ne anpual, July Sale, A once--a-- the mid--summer Offering attrac-- er fashions at far c true _ value. Just vacationers who to c onserv e iy. Just in time women who are or genuinge Ssav-- o v*" 9S€ Sport Skirts Koveralls one of the new, all P 93¢ $29.75 Suits at $10.00 ) é »* C B» //// j \ Clb F i \L'('.' § > x *x= A * -- ME ic @ Chamoisctte and Silk Gloves--a large collectien made up of broken lots of $1.98 numbers. Spec¢-- ially priced at,~59c For summer and fall nothing is so practical as a Suit. people gather you will see them and e reil nr a auick clearance to make room for fall stocks. TT ture bargains and you'll agree when you see what $10. Just another example of the.real values in this sale. Regular size Kotex at -fi__46c Wrap--around, _ front back lace, re 7. ues on sale now * 4 For hiking, golfing, tenmis, ctc. You'll need Knickers Fine quality-- full cut khakt knickers, priced at m,' $1'98 Childrens _ $1,G9 Children's ME coscrthaim ds These are regular 25¢ values. They come in all sizes for chil-- dren in yellow, pink, blue and tan. They're the well known and re-- liable "Pony Brand.'" Specially priced for this sale at 3 pair for:.......u,...._...,k._,.,._..fl.............50c Children's Coats We have made up one lot of chil-- dren's coats that formerly sold for as high as $9.85 and priced them f ick cl fmtoie dnbA A7T 'All other children's coats have been reduced from 1--3 to 1--2 for this event. ' . SAVINGS ON CHILDREN'S NEEDS Children's Socks _ | -- _ Infant's Bonnets Knickers Gloves Kotex | G" rar--$7.50 val-- 1'11:38 now §2.é84 $29.75 Sport Suits, Reduced to $15.00 nt -- and 7.50 val-- ~Jale of -- Sports.Jlats $7.50 STRAW HATS $1.98 Our clearance sale also offers big oppor-- tunities in Millinery, Every straw hat in stock will be placed on sale at $1.98. There is a variety of colors and shapes. Hate that were priced as high as .50. EKvery one a bargain at this price. A 'fine new dollection of felt hats are herge now. White, black, sand, covoa and grey are the favored colors. All are priced very reasonably 16 % $1.98 *° $5.00 . _ actical as a Suit. Wherever fashionable f we redHuced 20% and fmore or fall stocks. This is one of the fea-- you see what $10.00 will buy in & suit. A large. assortment of these dainty organdy bonnets for baby. They may be bhad in pink, blue, yellow or white. The $1 '19 clearance price is ___.__.Y#* Knitted capes with white ider-- down trimming for infants. Just the thing for late summer and fall. Come in blue, pink and " y red. Priced ,now at..m..$2'39 Gingham Dresses You'll find these to be very well made and of fine quality fast eol-- or gingham. They usually selbg _ for this anmnual event have been placed o nsale Q29a at FELT HATS Knitted Capes _ 93¢ i up yp tA i#