6 e & # 2 _A 2# P- 'j JPIPAIRECIE DUALIOL _ @Ohay, Hixk -- --~ SVIOCTION, 21 (8" # * J * % f * ; f d se & o x We dlit +« de t3 v% -- _' > rie tk s3 ¢ 2. ® '.A fls mt ' F ) neeuducan mhey -- C penemine mm CC sechusr--mimy . (C) Aiostessne himmy -- 0) socuust uoor many L t Nwfll.bovdmstttn I~"I"~ ° For Présidést of the Snited. Stztes _ -- ¥or Rrosihent of the TnknA Atatan . Simailt _ L EL O1 PP SmCV 00Afi e ds 8M xc a MRS. NATALIE PORTER PEGRAM, CLEARENCE W. HINTON §418 N. Psuling St.,-- Chitago. For l-h-_'_'d__~_flgnnl Assembly, For Viee Proesident of the United States ALBERT H. SWEARINGHAM, Belvidere. -- For Clerk of the: Circuit Court For Mestore 'At Pirabtent ant Vice Pr-m the United States: OSCAR E, CARLSTROM, l=] _ tnomas P A Trustees of the University of llinets; -- For 'Trustees of the (Vote for three) © (Vote : ANNA 'WILMARTH ICKES, E'] BUELAH Efi Winnetka. F & GEORGE A. BARR, LOUIS8 C Joliet. P . FRED L. WHAM, HARVEY D. c.mnu- Cmpron, For *~*\~' Tb ¥For . Miative m 'ymz «4 2 +d :mm.. _ I¥Vata tor two} qy p > i Nh For United States Senator CHARLES--S, DENEEN, 457 W. stxty-!i;':'t' Plags#. Chic For Representative in Congress: WILLIAM WRIGLEY, JR., Por Recorder otf Desdis: > * LEWIS O, BROCKWAY 1211 WM. STERLING BATTIS, 6815 Yale Ave., Chicago. CHARLES H, FRANCIS, '\ *"eodutock. N. L. JACKSON, HENRY R. RATHBONE, 016 Hickory Ht., Wanukoegan For Secretary of State: LOUIS L. _E"ERSON, 8435 W. Monroe S*., Chicago. / ('0'9.!; one, two, or three) «i j v«smniy & , 32 Mickery ~Bt., Waukegan. HARRY W. SHAFER, HOWARD M. SNAPP, R. GUY XKNEEDLER, CHAS. R. PENDARVI8, 'Media ';'OI&PH KSPOSITO, Racine Ave.. Chicago HARRY B. MARSH, RODNEY B. SWIFT, . Lake Forest M.t Vermon. 6 Aunditor of Public Accounts: OMER N. CUSTER, _ Galesburg. oTTO W. ULRICH, 1051 Argyle St., Chicage. FRED D. NELLIS, [(*] MERCEDES V. WALL, RICHMHARD YATES, . E. HAWTHORNE, 1611 Astor-- St., Chicago. LOSCAR NELSON, OTIS E. FOSTER, 8. A. OAEKLEY, Racine Ave., Chicago. Granville, DeMONEY, 0. DAWEE, Ave., Drive, Chicago. [--]) _ john' C maktin For. Attorney General: a THOMAE ?._ _DONOVAN, e _ _ HARRY HIGE 5 HARRY HIGBEE, _ . | . . C Aausl~_"00 0 . For Secretgry of State: 3 ANDREW OLSON, Moline. For Auditor of Public Account a EDWARD J. HUGHES, e $339 Fulton St., Chicago. BUELAH WILSON CAM * PW base . on "Pueeant Aor d t on 4+ + lgike LAn SLOON cAMPBELL &2) _ sLLA M. ROBERTS, FERDINAND A. GARESCHE, ¥or Clerk of the Cirouit Court; LOUIS8 C, MOSCHEL, | HARVEY D. McCOLLUM, . Yor Representative in Congress: MA en ic 22 Ogip0®. » _ GAYLORD BALL, For United® States Senator .. ALBERT A. SPRAGUE, 1130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. ANTHONY W. RUDNICK, 1444 Blackhawk St., c;fi"m" > G, : DON, 24% E. Delaware Plgce, Clicago. O§CAR F. MAYER, 5727 Bheridan Road, Chicago. CORNELIUS REARDON, (Vote for one, two, or three) THOMAS E. GRAHAM, ADELAIDE GLENNON, 3900 Dakin St., Chicago. ROBERT 'W. LARKIN, $3 W. Jaokson 'Bivd., Chicago. EDWARD T. FAHEY, Bloomington. BEN W.--ALPINER, DAVID L. WRIGHT, _ IRA J. OHARRA, For IAentenant Governor: For Resordet of Desda; NORMAN L. JONES, V¥or County Burveyori FRED G. WOLFE, For COoromers SCHWARTZ, Accounts : States _ ([*"7J. ;For Vice Protident of the.-- United Statep For. Clerk ot the.Circuit Court; Staunton. --~ ie i Tl'of socrquzuu State: _ . J 'N. Leamington Avo., Chiengo. ;"or Auditor of m"'m:' I For PRresient of the United States 2903 Wilcox St., Chicago. E * 3808 Washington Bivd., 'Chieago. i. gpmtem rustees of the University of . Ilinois: leen of tb . * se t deer *' m _ 46 ie 0137 Do:c'h::torvt'w;. ::&% @.. a _ e 9ats "Tor thromr" 124 Langdon ~St., Chicago For Lieutenant Govérnar: TILDEN BOZARTH, ¥or Recorder of Deeds; For Wisls's Attorney; For County Burveyor: ANDREW LARIN, ._..._'L';l ; my&m J ---- nERMAN scHWAKkE, 9 10741 PrairieAve., Chicagp. et h Wor Clerk of the Circult Court: For Auditor of Public Accounts: §$43 N. Sacramento Bivd., Chicag EDWARD M. NOCKELS, «Glencoe. JANE ADDAMS, 800 8. Halsted St., Chitago, For UnitéA Stxtes Senator 2748 Hampden Court, Chicago. M2 N. Lotus St. Chicageo. .'v'. SP P' mnrtittt _ 74 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 'OLUAF E: RAY, . 5141 'Acatite Ave., Chicago. For, Lieutenant Governor: « ¥or Recorder of Desads: J WM. HMHALLSTROM, For C Aie uo 208 ... :A t Bira ty : 4 For County Burveyor: Vor State's Attorney: W. E. RODRIGUEZ, s9 "D. L THOMAS Beliviile. For Governor; P. HAYHER, General: of State: eriinrimpmntoncing [_:3 JAMXS OROURKE, + % J * OTTO BONRZE, Election, T7\ ¥or Anditor of Public Aocounta: 4.» : .. ;Peapth .DiWtrict: _ _ .. Fo# TLieutenant Governer: . se ns For Secretiry of State: Hore Vuited 'States Bemntor Vor Recorder of Decds: Mertmiitago 'Bt., 'Chicage &r Aitorncy Generat Pok County 'Surveyotr: For Governor: