En i ~By Order of the President. ~ U=¢ The Post Wishes t~ Join fn extend: * B4 d 'Waukegan, I!linols, Beptember 9, 1944. Board met in regular session with Jhairman Kirlschner presiding and the following members preésent, Aus tin Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletsch, €ook, ¥icke, Funk, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, Holistein, Keily, Mascther, Martin, Monahan, Meyer, Murphy, McCullough, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, uo 44004 ~" Rabkae -- "At "-- KP : Heratton. tin Achen, Brown, Burke, Bletsch, €ook, ¥icke, Funk, Harbaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, Holistein, Kelly, Masther, Martin, Monahan, Meyer, Murphy, McCullough, Naber, Obee, O'Connor, Paddock, Potter, C. H.: Stratton, Thompson, Vercoé, Wilcox--28, Absént: Dilger, Mutton, Mawman, Bchaefer, W. J. Stratton--4. } _ Minutes of the preceding: meeting were read and upon motion of Super-- visor Macther unanimously approved. The following Communication and Invitation was presented and read, Patriotic Rooms, Court House > * ~ Waukegan, llinois Headquarters Woman's Relief Corps, M No. 111 To the 'Honorable --Board of Super-- ¥isors : you have provided for us. j ¥Ye are proud of Lake County. We are, proud of our Court House. We are proud of its beautiful walls, you have given us to display our char ters, and we are many~times proud of our Board of Supervisors who gave us their honor that we may pass it on to future generations. In part appreciation of what you have done for us, the Woman's Re-- lief Corps wish to servo a Cinner to our Honorable Board of Supervisors 4n these rooms, September 10, 1924. w.'uupzmhndso(ov- ery one of you hope to see you all at A. F. Greenleafl, Adit of Post. Supervisor Holilstein moved that the communication be received and placed on file and that the invitation presented and read. Atmuammmmonno Soldiers--and Sailors of Lake County, that 'mod during the Civil War the following: resolution was mdopted by a unanimous rising vote: BE IT RESOLYVED: That we, mem-- bers of the Soldiers and Sallors As+ sociation of Lake County, extend to the Supervisors and. County Officials ot the County, our heartfelt thanks for the tender of Memorial Hall in which to hold our Reunion, and tor the many courtesies extended to us. In every way possible, everything was done to make the Reunion & pleasant one. _ The greetings, which we received, show that the hearts of the people are still warm towards the boys, who sixty years ago went forth to 'bave the Union, and that which they afa «11 never be forgotten. PERRY HARRIS, President -- of the -- bers of the Bolidgier sociation of Lake ( the Supervisors and oft the County, our for the tender of which to hold our the many courtesie In every way po was done to mak« Mf Thompson moved that the Communication be received and %:Wa% No: Sitk 4A * i th 2 W uind . 'Motion carried. T. Arthur Simpson, County Super-- Intendent of Schools, addressed the Board in-- regard to the examination of the teeth of the rural school chil-- dren. Dr. Fritsch, President of the Lake County Dental Society and Dr. Smith and Dr. Graham, also taiked on the subject. & | Supervisor Bletsch moved to refor the matter to the Finance Commit-- tee, to report at this meeting. Motion carried. ' Mr. Hatch addressed the Board and made an offer of $500.00 for a cor-- tain Swamp Land Deed, in which he is interested. . 3 «_ ~Supervisor Masther moved to refer the matter to the Swamp Land Com-- mittee and the State's Attorney to report at this meeting. _ Motion carried. The following Communtcaiton was presented and read. CITY OF WAUKEGAN, ILL. f . August 7th, 1924. The following Communication To the Board of Bupervisors, :-- Lake County, l!linois. ~ Dear Bits:-- ' Attention of L. A. Hendee, C« Clerk. Some~--months ago the City: Council bf the City of Waukegan passed an Ordinance which puts the City under the Il!inois State Zoning and Plan-- ning Law, which gives the municipali-- the lands, roads and. subdivisions within a mile and a half of the cor-- porste limits of any city. -- -- The Commission appointed Mr. F. W. Buck, as Chairman, and Mr. Jacob 1. Crane, Jt., as engineer, who are working on this plan and will soon have the ordinance ready to submit tor passage. We z'u ask that the County Board er all plats that come up tor confirmation to this Planning Dommission sa that they can pase on them before their adoption ,tr the County Board. This will help ns greatly in the work that we are do-- ing in referdnce to the City planning In and about Waukegan. Yours very truly, L. J. YAGER, . k Acting Mayor. A Meyor moved. that the 6 on be rece nd plac-- | 'a and that nvi:'tic sense f Board of Supervisors to co m'm the City of Waukegan Woman's Relief Corps wishes nk your Honorable Board of iszors for the beautiful rooms LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2#1, 1924. ALOBDOLULTIEAY » MARY C. -- STEWART, _ Secretary Corps No. 111 Waukegan Post No. 374 Dept. of Il!. G. A. R. FRANK GREENLEAF, HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS REGULAR S$EPTEMBER MEETHG PERRY HARRIS, ht hx s County Health nols. 4 & Wihky % work to be .| ~# office chairs, 14 Yéarse Old4. on in oernore pristy im 'the emolos | 1 waste paper basket, 14 years old. ed June 1924 issue of the Iilinois 1 cuspidor, 14 years old Health News. From this you will|! 1 desk lamp, 14 years old. note that Three Thousand Doliars| Abwut May 1, 1923, when the room '.l'mvmhwh'M'mpM by me as County wards the support of & county bealth| judgo in the Court House was dis department in the first several COUP |mantled, theso nrticles were moved ties which make application for this|p my County Street office, "which 'aid and appropriate Seven Thousand|r have maintained, at no e¥pefise to Dollars for such work, the County, other tharn for the use Will you not please bring this m§t--|of an extension telephone on the }m to the attention of your County|County Court, number 1855, for m ed June 1924 issue of the lilinois Health News. From this you will note that Three Thousand Doliars per® annum will be contributed to wards the support of & county health department in the first several coun proving Hon. Lew A. Hendee, . Waukegan, lilinois. Dear Sir:-- _ The Board of Supervisors of DPu Page County, «Illinois, at a 'meeting held on August. 5, 1924, passed the following resolution----(see copY at-- tached)--and directed that a copY of the resolution be sent to each Coun-- ty Clerk of the State with the re-- quest that it be read at the next meeting of the different Boards of Supervisors and County Commission-- ers asking. that a° similar resolution be passed by the respective Coun-- ties. .: % Trusting this may meet with the approval of your County, 1 am. & Yours very truly, CLARENCE V. WAGEMANN, + ple County Clerk of DuPage County, IIL RESOLUTION WHEREAS: the administration t our present State Tax laws has dem-- onstrated the inequalities prevailing in our method of assessing real and personal property, : + AND .WHEREAS: _ The present method .of assessment is antiquated, expensive and tends to various up-- equal and unjust systems of assoss ments in each and~every Township in the County. .. ApOvranp" en T P Lt ; ASDOBENTEE® Supervisor McCullongh moved that the Resolution be referred to the Resolutions Committee for an inves 'tlnun and & report. i Motion carried. C Township Collectors by the General Assembly has demopstrated 'the wis-- donn'oeonomyotphclu the re-- sponsibility in the hands of one of-- ficial thus insuring a uniform system throughout the County. + AND WHEREAS: Assessments as now. made by Township Assessors are unequal and unjust to each town-- ship and the tax payers resident therein, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Hoard of Supervisors of Du Page Caunty that it is the sense of this TREASURY DEPARTMENT U%I'I'A'l'- PUBLIC TH SERVICB . SPRINGFIELD, ILL . «_ . June 20, 19 he County Clerk, The following Resolution was pre-- sented and read. _ RESOLUTION ' To the Honorable Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervis-- Gentlemen : That whereas, Tazwell County has passed the appropriation of $4,000.00 to pay the salary and expense oft & Veterinarian to work with the State and U. 8. Department of Agriculture for the control and eradication of bo-- vine tuberculoais; _ _ 4 ¢ And whereas, we believe it to be| of vital importance to every parent and the Community at large, to make it compulsory for every person or persons owning cattle to have them teasted in a County where the appro-- priation has been made for testing; Therefore, be it resolved that we, the members of the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors, do hereby ap prove that, such a law be enacted at the next session of the Senate. gnd Legislature--and urge that our State SBenate and Representatives to use all Honorable means. for its passage, and that the County Clerk mail our State Senator and Roepresentatives a copy of this Resolution, also a copy hbe miled to the fifty counties that have already made this appropriation and urge them to take similar action. Offtered . and moved for adoption by Jesse C. Moore. STATE OF ILLINOIS J C. Moore. . Committeo®,. . . STATE OF TLLINOTS 1. Supervisor Hmw :'flo' that the * report be acco adopted. CoUNTYOoF umnu.,) Motion carriod. l t 1.' T. B. SOLTERMANN,: cn.tx Rawin Ahistrom, Sherift of Lake Clerk © in and tor.th County and [ Coun ";"F,'-::'"' %z «_ Oftice of The coUNTY CLERK Pu Page County,° Iilinois F4 4 in : The abolition of 14, 194. 2%0, 19%4 this 4th day of September A. D. 1924. (SBAL) 'l'mllm County Clerk. Bupervisor Obee moved to refer the Resolution to the Resolutions esented and : PERRY L PERSONS3 WAUKEGAN, ILLINQIS August 29, 1924. Board desires to sell it. L. ha¥v@|by at every hour of t talked to Chairman (Obee several|torcycle Deputies hay times about it, and you will note that |phonic connection wil a copy of this letter goes to him, bY | office making the ent this mail, that h$ may be now A4--|apje for emergency * vised of my communication to YOU--.|stantly, 'Trusting you will advise me] ~Because of tho. f through Chairman Obée's Committo®] County is the play & or otherwise, as you think proper, I|cago and the balanc The following Communication was PERRY L. PERSONS8, -- . a 4 County Judge. Supervisor Macther moved to refer the Communication to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee and that they be given power to act in disposing of this matter, . f Motion . carried. : > The following Communication was presented and read. | ILLINOIS _ CONFERENCB® OF PUBLIC WELFARE ' September' 4, 1924. To the Board of Supervisors: . _I would be pleased to have you ap-- point one or more delegates to attend the Iilinois Conference on Public Welfare at Moline, Illinois, November 23 to 25 of this year. . ~ 0_ CBiirman and Members, Board of Bupervisors, Waukegan, Iiiinois. point ' delegates to. attend, --~making selections from the following offic-- County Judge County Clerk '-- State's Attorney * . Probation Officer + SBherift p Bm i s?mmulent of County Farm. It is also customary to name pub-- lic spirited citizens who take special interest in all subjects relative to public welfare. 'The Oobject of the conference is to promote. individual and community welfare in Illinois, by affording op-- w:g::uu for the discussion and consideration of questions pertaining to the mental, physical, ethical and soclial welfare of the people of the State; to encourage the fullest 60 operation 'of all 'activities, both pub-- He and private to this end; and-- to Increase the efficiency of agencles and institutions devoted -- to. this cause, tion. Supervisor McCuaillough moved that the Probation Officer, and the Chair mn of the Detention Home Commit: tee me appointed as delegates to the Iilinotis Conference on Public Welfare Ham A. Ingold of Benton Township, has tiled the required application for relief of the Blind, together with a certificate signed by the County Phy-- slician, Charles Lisber, certifying that he has examined the said William A. Ingold and finds him to be perma-- nently blind, _ n 1 further certify Abat said William A. Ingold is entitled to a Blind Pen-- glon as provided by law. . > .ABEAL) LEW A. HENDEE, * . County Clerk. Supervisor Naber moved that the application be referred to the Finance Committee, s« Motion carried. -- * _ _Bupervisor Holdridge, Chairman ot 'lho Road and Bridgo Committee, sub-- mitted the following report. STATE OF ILLINOIS 1| coUuNnTYy 0O¢ LAKE }J +«Board of sSupervisors, Lake County, Iilinots. gi29 0 ~Chairman of the Board of Super-- visors : # AA Your Road and Bridgo Committea to whom the petition of the Public Service Company of Northern filinois wus referred with power to act, re-- specttuily ~report that we hbave : in-- vestigated the ~petition and visited the roads contained therein and re-- commend that the prayer of the PE TITION be granted. ( A .0 * C" Mecubboven hi.' Members of the 1 Road and Bridgo Motion carried. The following certificate was pre and to disseminate informa-- very me as County|thirty seven . House was dis | Prohibition . A cles were moved | Runners and t eet oftice, ~which}dred and ten at no e¥pertse 10| been collected tmmmrufiu which elephone on 6 | place. without ber' 1855, for the| Motgreycle sq in uol se June usually ap President NMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERYVIZ ORs OF THE COUNTY OFP Lfl BTATE OF ILLINOIS AT THE TEMBER MEETING OF 1924, Gentlemen : | Your Bherift respectlfully bege leave to submit the following report of the Motorcycle Police of the Sher-- Uf's Office for the past four months from May lst to August 31st inclu sive. Month Arrests _ Fines _ Costs May ........_2%%8 $1851.00 $ 326.75 June ........ .328 _ 203450 502.16 July .........410 259150 _ 159.80 Aug. ......._..516 _ 2429.00 _ 801.55 I have maintained six Mototcycle Policemen in uniform for the above period, their equipmeBt including mo-- torcycles and uniforms costing ap proximately $450.00 per man which amounts was aAdvanced by the in dividual Deputy. The amount of costs as shown above $2390.85 has been used to reimburse said Depu-- ties for the purchase of the above mentioned uniforms and motorcycles. I have paid said Mounted Dopuuu' the sum of $150.00 per month. In ad-- dition to \I:.:bovo arrests and fines this office caused the arrest of thirty seven (37) violators of the Prghibition . Act described as Beer Runners and ten thousand three han dred and ten dollars ($10,310) has been collected as fines for that ac-- tivity which could not. have taken place without the as@fstance of the Motgreycle squad. _ | . Because of the tonstant attendance upon thae roads of said Motorcycle squad autoinobile" accidents in Lake County have been materially reduced and congested points where there were large gatMerings of cars have been satisfactorfy w by said 'uomeycu_ equad. office has installed a system of reporting where by at every bhour of the day the Mo--|so clo#® to the heart ol the Cenite torcycle Deputies: have been in +| of our community, is, in our opinion, phonic connection with the flx u,uflo%updlcap to the progress oftice making the entire squal avail--|.qf our village and to natural devel-- ::.l:uf'dr emergency work almost in-- 'oma::' of adjatent and surrounding # '"" s 6x Because of tho. fact that Lake| The site of the. prosént buildingks Count# is the 'play grounds for Chi--| and 'the immediately 'surrounding jmmmumocmsuumumanm'tomn with our larg6 resort districts and|the uniform development of the resi-- our large area of hard roads: the mo--|dential district of Libertyville and tor vehicle traffic in our County has|at present forms a barrier to the become excessive and presents a real| nattral growth of our village to--the problem to the Sheriff's Office .and North. -- your Honorablé Body. * The value of the property now 0¢-- At the last September fleéting of| cupied by the farm insure the coun-- the Board you appropriated thqumn;iuonu-ulosvmaub- amount of $5,000.00, for the above stantlal sum in excess of the amount work contained in this report $3600.| required to secure a new site equally 00 of that amount has been expended|desirable for every purpose. ' This to September ist." n a _| would reduce the amount of county Lake County having «pproxrimately | moneys Anvested in land and propor-- one hundred and fifty miles of hard | tionately reduce the carrying charge surfaced roads, containing in its bor-- thereof, at the satme time providing ders' fitty two lakes, and hundreds funds for use dn the erection of new of summer resorts that prove attrac--| buildings. tive to motorists from Chicago and We feel thérefore that the inter-- all points in lilinois, and in yview of | ests of both the county and. our com-- the fact that because of our ge0o-- munity may reasonably be advanced graphical location residing as we do|by the ~~andoument of the present between 'Wisconsin : and Chicago a site and locating the farm on less ex-- large number of so--called beer run-- pensive property. ners passing through in violation of| We earnestly request your thor the law, it has become the duty of | Ough consideration of our petition, in the Sheriff to police the roads not|the hope that it may be found prac only in the day time but 'practically tical to> bring about the desired all night long this could not be sat--| Change. ' isfactorily done with the sit mount-- Respectfully submitted. ed Deputies, we have, but the idea JOHN N. BERNARD, of the Sheriff is that the people liv-- and 34 others. |ing in the Country are as much en Supervisor Vercoe moved that the Ititled to police protection for their Petition be accepted, and placed or Itives and property as those in the fil8. f City, 1 respectfully ask your Honmor-- Motion carried. |able Board to appropriate the sum | _ Supervisor. Achen noved that the of | $15,000.00 .u::{" a minimum of|Insurance on the Sheritt's car be re i twelvre men may be upon the roads ferred to the Insurance Committee, '|for eight months of the year, or any | Motion carried. |number less which in the discrétion | . Supervisor. Harbaugh moved the of the Sherift the occasion may re--|the Architects be invited to presen '| guire. s their© plans on the County ':?1: 1 * vour Sheriftt degires to express his Bulldings, tomorrow morning befor "| appreciation of the-- splendid co--op-- the Board. ' | eration received from muwl At.| . Motion carried. '{torney's office in the ing of all| Bupervisor Pbee moved to adjour $ violaters and problems which have until tomortOw morning, s.mb' " been from time to time been pre-- 10th A. D. 1"4, at 10 :00 o'clock A sefited and to thank the Board of Su--| M-- -- '| pervisors for th;ol'nlp received tro: Motion . "f#:'- is Honorablé whi made ,tkon-. Tilino ; | that ody which has September 10th, 1924. TO THE HONORABLE CHAIHW {lestimated oost of the buildings and with ourlarge resort districts and our large area of hard roads: the mo-- tor vehicle traffic in our County has become excessive and presents a real problem to the Sheriff's Office .and your Honorablé Body. ---- _-- ~ _ this report possible. All of which is respect{fully submit-- Board ted. . . * ment wit __ EDWIN AHLSTROM, siding aj Sherift of Lake present: County. Burke, P Supervisor Obee moved that the ré-- Enhfi port be referred to the Finance Com-- | stoin, mittee. man, Mo Motion carried. Cullough, The following report regarding Paddock, the dnvestigation of tha County. Farm Stratton, Buildings, was presented by the --80. County Farm Committeo and the Absent Public Buildings and Grounds 'Com--« ton.--8. mittee. Minute To the Honorable Board of Super--| WeT® yb .\ nervinbr Gentiemen : Your Committee appointed at *"the last session of the Board to make last session of the Board to make an investigation of the County Farm Buildings beg leave to make the fol-- lowing report: blscu cOC 2 CE Mkik Ranaiw WOs RRN® C ECC CC Your Committeo met at the County} Farm Monday, July 9th, and made & thorough investigation. It is the unanimous opinion of your committee that the present buildings are totally inadequate to meet the présebt and future needs of the Coun-- ty. The original builldings were eracted about sixty.years ago, additions hay-- Ing been -- made at different times since that date. We consider them unfit and unsafe for the care of those dependent upon the County for their exte and support. Should a fire break out at the in-- stitution there would no doubt be en m i t e stitution there would no doubt. be great loss of life, is it is impossible to provide proper fire escapes under the mnt_ooldltlon. . 2 h aft ow nds »Pimadrainit inb The buildings in general are in such a dilapidated condition that we believe It would be unwise to aftempt to remvdel them. The nyer system V Pom "asi LiSIne 4 i PA 8 o M i 4 AdAs is also inadequate to take care of the ml% and {future sanitary con-- dition and hing should boe done in the néar future to . remedy this condition. Wa therefore recommend that ~you take the noecessary copJ to provide new modern home build-- ings and sewer system, to replace the present ones and that you sub-- 'mit to the votors of the County at the coming November éelection the proposition to raise by bond isswe an amount n't.:"mod two hundred and fitty ad dollars to bulld hnd equip suitable buildings, and sewer system on the prozent loca-- tion at the County Farm, 1LAberty-- 1542 $8406.00 $2390.85 «annrine Anr r_any| -- Motion carried. nuon "W Kll y re.| the Architects be their : plans on ss > his | Bulldings, tomort co--op.| the Board. 's At.| . Motion carrted. of all Bupervisor Obe have until Comom I i pre.|109th A. D. 1924, at In.} M. sewer system several architects have cuucrl:o'- the competition, subuwit-- desirable structure. We therefore recommend that the plang submitted by architects, Mann and Beers be recommended by tln' Committee as being the most suitable of those presented and we recom-- mend that the seleotions of the archi-- tects be left with the Board as a tihs plans and estimates of costs for whole, provided however that no contract be entered into with said architects until after <the coming November election and authorization of the bond ifssue to provide the money to carry on and complete the work. Committee Supervisor Vercoe moved that the report be accepted and adepted. Motion carried. * .'The following Petition was pre-- sented and read. O " m ae 0 > }'"'i'"fr"{"';" Iilinois Total court. costs received + Y 1. « TTC* To the Honorable Members of . ::::::}:w" g:::" ""'.'d m=t"~ The Board of Supervisors, neous s received ... Miscellaneous Costs received prev Lake county,'}'lunou. Having been advised that it is the| , s b'"g: --1 the of Su isors Total Miscellaneous costs rec'd. to new quarters for the in-- :.m of L::". Couty' hm.'h Ttho un-- Total Costy Earned ..........««--« e deats «/ e Town of t ul'lw- Tor Sous hbere e Total Costs Received --_.------.'.).' set forth would respéctfully request Salary ~__..._._ . that 3:,:!: for the new nulrtm be Clork Hire ___._______.--. selec ewhere than on its pres-- 6 .. C hok F Po-}uo and expenses .. Your petitioners are. tully aware of 'Total Exrpenses ......... and are not lacking in appreciation of the excellent and commendable manner in which the farm is now managed and maintained. Never the less the location of the County Farm so clog® to the heart of the centre of our community, is, in our opinion, u,uflo&hndlcap to the progress 4t our village and to natural devel-- 'opment of adjatent and <surrounding "?--"n'.h qs sn q2 W ca 4 L.'.'fl]"-u- Wa feel thgrefore that the inter-- ests of both the county and. our com-- munity may reasonably be advanced by the ~~andonument of the present site and locating the farm on less ex-- f mlvo ptopgfty. a ix C S e d P P . We earnestly request your thor-- ough consideration of our petition, in the hope that it may be found prac-- tical to> bring about the desired Respectfully submitted. JOHN N. BERNARD, and 34 others. Supervisor Vercoe moved that the Petition be accepted, and placed on Motion carried. Gianoudes,; Helen, WAaUROgAN .. A8 Supervisor Achen Rnoved that' the|Gianoudes, Katherine, Waukegan 12 Insurance oi the Sheriff's car be r®| Hogstrom, 'Anna, Waukegan 11 ferred to the Insurance Committeo. | Hassett, Frances, Lake Bluff 12' -- Motion carried. Kick, William, Libertyville 12 Supervisor Harbaugh moved that|Kick, Sidney, Libertyville 13 the Architects be invited to present|Kick, Clifford, Libertyville -- . 12 their : plans on the County bly- Kick, Frederick, Libertyville 1% Builldings, tomorrow morning ore | Latka, Steffa, Waukegan 12 the Board. Lake, Aino, Waukegan 16 Motion carridd. Lake, Elli, Waukegan 6 Supervisor Pbee mjoved to adjourn| Lake, Uno, Waukegan 10% until tomortOw morning, Septembér | Infant . ~ . U 10th A. D. 192%4, at 10:00-- o'clock A.| Marzocht, Fernanda, Highl'd Pk 12 uces caten .. o. _ (Rimeett Remataifipant e 1 ' Waukegan, llinois -..-":23'8 Walter, Highland Pk 12 September 10th, 1924. |Miller, Ruth, Lake Blutf 10 Board met pursuant to ~adjourn--| Miller, Helen, Lake Blutt ' 10 ment with Chairman Kirschner pro--| Miller, James, Lake Bluff 1 siding and the following members| Miller, Robert, Lake Bluff 1 present: : Austin, Acken, Brown,| Mercer, Edward, Waukegan 4 Burke, Bletsch, Cook, Ficke, Funk,| Pacenti, John, N. Chicago 1 nnw!:: Hoban, Holdtidge, Holl--| Pacent!, Mary, N. Chicago 1 stoin, Kelly, Macther, Martin,: Maw--| Pacenti, --Anton, N. Chicago 1 man, Monahan, Meyer, Murphy, Mo--| Pacent!, Anna, N. Chicago n Cullough, Naber, Obee, O'Connor,| Pollock, Ethe!, Antioch 10 Paddock, Potter, Schaefer, C. H.|Peyton, Alico May, Waukegan 6 Stratton, Thompson, Vercos, Wilcox.| Pera, Erena, Highland Park _ 12 --80. * Purkiss, Alice, N. Chicago 11} Absent: Dilger, Hutton, W. J. Strat| Purkiss, Roy, N. Chicago 11} ton.--8. . Purkiss, Richard, N. Chicago 11} Minutes of the preceding mesting| Purkis, Dorothy, N. Chicago . «11} were réad and upon motion of Su--| Pantinnen, Normsa, Waukegan . 9 pervisor Holdridge, unanimously ap--| Pentinnen, Dean, Waukegan 81 proved. Pentinnen, June, Waukegan 1 Supervisor Macther moved that| Pantinnen, Carl, Waukegan 1 Supervisor McCullough be appointed | Ritter, Robert, N. Chicago 2 as a delegate to the Illinois Confer--| Ray, Harold, Great Lakes ©8 ence" on Public Welfare. Ray, Leroy, Great Lakes 2 Motion carried. Speliman, Lucy, Wnk,n 12 Miss _ Mary Poimateer, _ Juvenile| Spellman, Josephine, Waukegan 12 {Probation Officer, presented the fol--| Spellman, Elizabeth, Waukgean 12 lowing: report: Spellmanp, Patrick, Waukegan 12 |REPORT OF CHILD WELFARE IN| Speliman, Violet, Waukegan 7 | coUunty coURT FOR THIRD| Schubert. Evelyn, Waukegan 8 4 QUARTER, 1924, AS SUBMITTED| Schubert, Richard, Waukegan 8 .| .TO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC| Smoke, Violet, Antioch S 'WELFARE, SPRINGFIELD, ILLI--| Schaefer, Muriel, Waukegan % | NoI8. .\ Schaefer, Beveriee, Waukegan . 2 . ----= Sharvin, Viola _ Waukegan 20 | Children supervised @uring quarter| Setterlund, William, Waukegan 10 , k--270. Setterlund, Burton, Wavkegan . 10 '| Dependents: Boys, 88; Girls, 130. Skriac, Katie, Waukegan 1 g Delinquents: Boys, 28; Girls, 26. Skriac, Mary, Waukegan _1 Mothers' Pensions: Monthly ac--| Skrilac, Steveo, Waukegan 1 . | counts approved and flled with Coun--| Skriac, John, Waukegan 1 , | t¥ Clerk.) Thorngren, Carl, Lake Forest 10 b April 7, May 7, June 8. Torosian, Orlo, Waukegan 12 p (2) Investigations made on new| Turner, Jack, Highland Pk 10 applications. Turner, Margaret, Highland Pk 10 m . Miscellansous : Updike, Perry, Lake Bluft 10 6 Parole wards from State Institu--] Updike, Dorothy, Lake Bluft 1( t tions: 7 girls, 2 boys. Updike, Donald, Lakd Bluft 11 _ Home visits made by Probation Of--| Weisman, Stanley, N. Chicago _ i\ '; Licer. Welisman, Helen, N. Chicage 1( *| _ Persons interviewed. Weisman, Frank, N. Chicago . 1 "| Number of adoptions referred to| Welsman, Katie, N. Ohicago 1( ®| Probation Officer: Woods, Alfreda, Lake Forest . 1 #| -- Medican Aid given. * | Woods, Barbara, Lake Forest . 1 4| Mental Commissions. Whiting, Betty, Highland PK _ 1 # ) -- Minor Operations. Whiting, Chas, Highland Pk. 1 41 Assisted at Crippled Children's Cli<' Whiting, Dorothy, Highland Pk 1 C | otc. oo | Whiting, Rddie, Highland Pk { WB{.' moved to adjourn until tomortbw morning, Septembeér 10th A. D. 1924, at 10:00-- o'clock A. stoin, Kelly, Macther, 'Martin,' MAW-- man, Monahan, Meyer, Murphy, lo-1 Cullough, Naber, Obee, .O'Connor, Paddock, Potter, Schaefer, C. H. Stratton, Thompson, Vercos, Wilcox. Absent: Dilger, Hutton, W. J. Strat ton.--8. Minutes 6f the preceding mesting were rFbad and upon motlion of 84-- pervisor Holdridge, unanimously ap Miss . Mary Poimateer, _ Juvenile Probation Officer, presented the fol-- lowing report: REPORT OF CHILD WELFARE IN coUNnTty C©oUrT FOR THIRD QUARTER, 1924, AS 8SUBMITTED _TO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ' WELFARE, SPRINGFIELD, ILLL NoI8. i C;illdron supervised €uring quarter --270. + | Dependents: Boys, 86; Girls, 130. Delinquents: Boys, 28; Girls, 26. Mothers' Pensions: Monthly ac-- counts approved and flled with Coun-- ty Clerk.) April 7, May 7, June 8. (2) Investigations made on new applications. _ Persons interviewed. Number of adoptions referred to Probation Officer: Medican Aid given. w Mental Commissions, w Minor Operations. Assisted at Crippled Children's Cli-- Talks on Child Welfare. Visits for outside agencies, Illegitimate babies placed and moth ers cared for, Petitions filed by Stato's Attorney Respectfully submitted, B. C. THOMPSON C. M. WILCOX CHARLES HARBATUGH W. J. OBEE H. C. W. MEYER T. V. MURPHY Der'«1 Clinic # Bource of Case: Ap'lh' tgr g@lfim 1' mane Socioty. State's Attorney. CUabhant Greek--1. Armenian--1, Mexican--2. Supervisor Vercoe moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Motion carried. Mr. Mann and Mr. Beers, Archi tects, submitted plans on the County Farm Buildings and explained the same to the Board. Number of Documents recorded during ong--half year Recording fees earned..............--_.____ $12347.40 Recording fees received _.......__--_______. Recording fees received Prev. rep't....... otal Recording fees received........ Court Costs earned ~._.....S2......._.. Court Costs received _.__...._......_. Court Costs received prev. ref't........ Total court. costs received _......_..... Miscellaneous Costs earned ... Miscellaneous Costs received ............. Miscellaneous Costs received prev. rep't.. Total Earnings in excess of Expense Total Receipts in excess of Expenses STATE OF IJLLINOIS coUNTY OF LAKEJ> -- . > c Lewis O. Brockway, being duly sworn, on oath says that the fore-- going report by him made is correct to the best of his knowledge, informa-- tion and belief. _ . "v#o% Disposition of Cases: Percent of Com,. for quarter, To institutions: » & State Other institutions Permitted to return to own home. Permitted to remain with parents. Petition dismissed. CcOUNTY: OF LAKE | _ Waukegan, I!linois s Office of the County Treasurer = . Received this 8th day of Septem-- ber, 1924, of L. O. Brockway, Three Colored--5. Supervisor Harbaugh moved to lay LAKE COUNTY CHILDREN CARED FOR BY THE . METHODIST DEACONESS ORPHANAGE®FOR THE YEAR ENDING : . . SEPTEMBER ist, 1924. : Name ~__..Town Months Amount 'Paid Due ilto, Freda, Waukegan 1% $180.00 $180.00 iito, Ray, Waukegan , 13 /m.oo j . _/ _ 180.00 eio. Sestina. Waukegan 12 A# 180.00 . ~180.00 Russell, Virginia Russell, Loraine, Love Forest Supervisor (Oheas moved to Finare Total Erpens@$ ........_««.--L«.«_«..«.«.--.--«----« -- $13462.98 Earnings in excess of Expens@s .......................--~. Nationalities : IR bifrbetebatioctatstutetintatiertebatebaintetnt sinbatzbatiatxintetveinbrts twinataine becbeduchob alvcbatetetududeintetetetebabeteiatetatedntatet siivinietabainirized , Lake Forest Total EXPENSES is alfnll css uts s c Urereipe mavgiicr» 12 12 12 11 12 12 13 12 1% 1% 0 11% 11% 8% 10 1% 10 10 10 10% 12 the plans submitied by the -m&mnm& : inks, over until tomerrow 10;:00 o'clock a. m. ME uin' 5. Motlion carried. Lewis 0. Brockway, Clerk the CtredQCoutudlx-omeh&" er of Lake County, submitted the following report of receipts and ex-- penditures of his office from Decem-- ber 2%, 1923 to May 31, 1924, inc. tvfs#» the Commun'cation and To The Honorable Board of Super-- visors of Lake County, HMlinois: The undersigned, Clerk of the Cir-- cuit Court and ex--officlo Recorder of said County, would respectfully re port the following Receipts and Ex-- penditures of my office from Decem-- bl" 3, 1923, to May 31, 1924, inclu sive. 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 11% 52 9 % 'To the Honorable . Board of Supervria-- Motion Carried.. . * 'The following communication and report was presented and read. METHODIST DEACONESS ORPHANAGE 'Asin past years, we are present-- ing :our yearly report of the: work done for the children in Lake Cour ty. We have had 87 children during the year, amounting to $10,122.75; Ot-- this sum, relatives have contributed um.:o leaving a balance of '$6063.75 We have appreciated your help to-- ward our expenses each year and ye hope that you will feel that you can give the amount that remains unpaid or at léast the same amount that you have given in the preceding: year. ge w w tw h e m i e m days days Thanking you for your confidence in our work in the past and trust-- ing we may meet with your approy-- al in the future, we are, ° -- Very sincerely yours, . LUCY J; JUDSON. ~ days days mos wooeks at $%6 . per week 260.00 245,00 weeks at §5 noer week 260.00 215.00 $16826.10 2898.50 1580.50 0 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 Lake 155.00 6.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 §1012%.:75° $4089.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 6.25 150.00 172%,50 172.50 172,.50 172.50 135.00 125.00 106.00 105.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 105.00 120.00 120.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 150.00 150.00 15.00 15.00 150.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 167.50 180,00 142.50 1850.00 150,00 150.00 1665,00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 172.50 30.00 $10878.50 1927.00 Bluft, 11L September 10, 1924. 2204.60 60.00 1274,50 570.00 $1150.00 11670.50 $ 35.00 121.00 1281.00 180.00 11000 110.00 110.00 130.00 _ 25 00 180.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 su._..._. 7614 42.48 $1.00 120.00-- 120.00 15.00 15.00 6.25 sed 150.00 150.00 1000 10.00 10.00 1200 10.00 19,00 10.00 10.00 123.00 185.00 180.00 15.00 10.00 42.00 ----$38363.42 a-- $451.62 $12805 50 £.00 $16911.80 2261.060 1844.50 180.00 180.00 180.00 160.00 180.00 59.00-- 69.00 57.00 105.00 180.00 ~10.00 7000 10.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 126.00 172.850 115.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 11.00 15.00 15.00 67.50 €1.50 150.00 138.00 150.00 150.00 120.00 17700 17700 10.00