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Libertyville Independent, 19 Nov 1925, p. 8

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_ a > _ _ gportal CS w + t th se 47 qua &'A x pr es _ +. }Last k --~ ith 1 s .~* ¥y 96 i: ts Anarke m k ey. T f & /thi- m _ _\ Swith a total loss of vision while a few * Iwwere forced to close up entirely their dim > tal affairs. It is rather certain s + + this year's vintage is not superior 'fg' quality to that of last year even if _ _ * ghlifee price has gone up. .. «_ (%. LZast year alcoholism was charged &7 186 deaths in Nlinois against on-- ay~ *' --~¥y 96 in 1920. The years between were t% . ed by a gradual upward tenden-- fgfiz /q. The jump in the death rate from . _~. --f this cause is probably due more: to % »*"& decline in "the quality of. whisky e -- than to an ijncrease of insobriety. _ ;' Rumor has it that the bOootleggers _ are laying in an extra large supply of . holiday "hootch." Last year quite & /' mumber of Customers of these gentry in~~age to the body --when it #els a chalce /' to recover by wissing the next meal . _Of two. "a.s * & --, +186 Deaths Attributed . to Al-- A hogpital pathologist in Central _ Mllinois who ranks high among "good ___--Sellows" examined over. 200 specimens 'of "booze" for his friends and patrons ---- of his laboratory last year. '<Only one sample out of the last was free from --.. wood ajcohol and that sampie was -- * taken from private stock that had tbon'pmervod by the ownetr since ---- preVoistead days. The chances of gét-- . ting "bonded 'stuff" via the "speak easy" route is extremely narrow, while " Athe average pg:cflwon product is -- Srequently no better. In brief, the *.«ountry has gooe --Ory so.far as real . Mguor is corcerned. > su=c=tTakings n 'an Ottra hbeary ¥hanks-- ---- _ Transfering at t'- right time a few euble centemeters of blood from a parent who has had measles to, a child ho has been exposed to the disease will cause measiecs to run a vory mild' course and yet it makes the patient immune to future attacks. If the blood transtusion is made immediate-- Jy after exposure.a temporaty immup-- mnity will develop so that measlies will not occur.~ If the blood is tranaferred seven or eight days after exposure the disease drvelops but runs a yery mild course. making the patient petma-- nently immune to future aftacks. ; U# ¥ &4 4 4 4 4 4 4# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *# -- LAKE ZURICH * Mra. . Walter LAun is on the sick list and under the doctor's.care. . Mesdames _ ..ans, Ernst, Tonne, HMarkness, Young, Fisk, Schalenkam-- er and Weaver attended -- Advanced ~ Elmer Beckwith of Grayslake was a visitor here Sunday eveding. . T. A. Simpson. county superintend-- ant of schools, visited our school last and daughter--vrisited 8unday --with the Weavrer family. Widespreaa epidemics of . measles ¥recur about every third year. In 1917 there were nearly5 0.000 cases report-- #d in fitinois. ~Prevatence dropped +0 Jless than 20,000 cases in each of the mext two years and jumped to about 40,000 again in 1920. Two more light years were {ollowed _by-- about. .50,000 eases in '1923. The reported < inci-- dence for 1924 was 20,144 cases and M is slightly more than 25,000 for this year, making an epidemit of large magnitude not improbable for 26. Having measles is a more hazard-- ous affair than is ordi#arily. suppos-- ed. Approximately 300 children have succumbed to it during this year in Hlinois. Last year it caused 225 ta-- talities and 561 the year before; Very w'_%'fi% about one out of éach hundred f; to . recover. * e Mr .an dMrs. Russell Brown and son O Waukegap visited here Sunday. Mrsa. Emil Ficke returked from the Oak 'Park hospital one day last week, -*:.-pmved in health. e Ladies' Ald'r( 8t. Peter's Evan-- gelicat churcftt wil serve the annual chicken supper Tuesday evening. Dec. Ist. Serving will begin at 5:30 and continue until all are served. Thrift réport for the Lake Zurich school Tuésday: Room 1, $6.33, 100 «*Too much turkey *d» too little ex-- ercise is the holkday combinagion that is likely to do mischief. *A good work-- out after a feast aids the organus mut; Room 2, $15.51, 97 per cent; om 3, $4.55, 100 per cent. _' Much interest is shown in the dic-- tHonary, arithmetic and spelling tests egonducted every day in room 2. «--The de,orations in room 1 reveal the spirit of Thanksgtving.-- > * The high school pupils enjoyed the stereoptican lecture in Ancient His h%.hu Monday. B..Y..P. U. will give a program and serve refreshments at the Baptist whurch Friday evening, Nov. 20. at 8. Everyone welcome. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Stuffe, last Friday, a daughter. . _ Mr. Walter Brewster of Lake For-- est has been electod president of the -- United Charities, _ succeeding fi'lu 'Folds, who has been presi-- since 1913. In that time the mu has S;vn from $265.1%/ in P12 to $622,23% for the. year ended the same period the endowments Increased from $357,309 to and the list @f contribu-- 1 tfl{l:d. Mr. Brewster has _a member of the board of Ai-- LAKE BLUFF NEWS Mr and Mrs. John Rouse and son [ nowen. T. I deile S T. night at Barrington Monday [TIFUL AND -- MORE DEADLY Year. Inp the County Cgurt on ~Tuesday the two special Lake Blut asgese ments for improvements were ap proved by the court and will be spread upon the tax list at once. These improvements are for the iron pipe water extension in Witchwonod Lane including five hydranta, and cut off for bopee purposes. The other as eessment is for a sewer which has been constructed on the Weet side and north of the village. There was no opopsition to either of the assea»-- ment. _ M Goomnttvlaitioes ' .,ll_t:'hutbkrly of Greeley, Colo w ~ap -- " + i Tha first dance ol.--the winter sea-- son of the L&ake Blu'f Country club will be given next Saturday evoning. November 21. at the club house. the --{Sactary--will-- be started. at"~ an early date and being alongside the rallroad will furnish excellent faciti-- ties for shipping the varibus publi-- cations which are turned out by the Bunting. Publication _company. ' Bluff Woman's club will be held on Tuesday evening, ~November 24 at the school auditorium. A number of plays will be presented. "Four teen" by Alice Gerstenberg; "The Mr. H. 8. Bunting of Lake Bluf! who has a publication house at 116 Bouth Utica. street, Waukegan, has 5|nhuod a factory site in North 'hicago, just south of--the plant= of the Abbott Laboratories Work on As previously mentioned in this correapondence, the sextons have clossd their houee at the co--nmer of Glen and Center aves. and gone in-- to Chicago for the winter. If the weathér permits extensive repaire and improvements will be made upon the property. The house now is in charge of a care taken. . _ eoa's and "Gentlemen of the Road" by Charles McEver. A full cast of péer formers will be presented in each play by ~the players ol the-- W. ~M. A.--Q. radio station of the Chicago Dally News. § / _ basket ball team for m.u&i an mvitanon"to all hi --girls or older are invited to jein the . class' which meets every Thursday night at the school house.. < _ ______ . _ . -- *On Thursday evening, November 19, the Garrick Players will; present *"The Dover Road" at the Lake Bluf' Ruth Davidson and Louise Bieger won the prizes at the Girl Séouts meeting for being the best all around scouts, which was decided by> a vote of the members of the The Plorida fever has certainly etruck the village as during the past week over a dozen people have tarn-- ed their faces towards the southland to be abeent for a month or so. Country --club, ~to ~--be --foftowed --tater in--the season by a number of new plays by this organization. " o t Mr. and Mre. Harty Hav«--man, 308 Center avenue entertained a large party at dinner on. Sunday. evening. The village board held their reguo-- lar monthly meeting at the village hall on Tuesday evening November 10. Only routine business was --trane The F. A,. Headson home at 535 Center avenue, one of the largest restdence in the village, have been sold, the purchaser ulBl:g Mr. Frank-- lyn Muller of Lake uff. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson, 330 Prospect avenue, have closed their house for the season and moved into <their town house in~ Chicago. ~~The ~Ladtes* ~Aid --society~of ~the MeThodist church will meet at the residence of Mrs. Qrim Beckwith, 576 Center avefif, on ~Thursday, November 19.. -- Luncheon . will be served @1 1. o'clock. . -- n n The Girl Scouts of LaKe Bluff, ce lebrated the firet day of Girl Scout week Sunday by attending in « body the eervice at the Union church. _ Next year they wil} alternate and attend the Methodist church. . The John Berner Croweby pm at the cornér ot Center--and~ avemues is beingz overhauled and re Edward M. Mawman and wife, Jo seph Masonick and wife, TOS N: «ve. and Herbert Meline and wife, 4 Scranton ave. all Lake Bluff «#-- dents left on Sunday evening for a two weeks trip in the southland which will take them to Havana Cuba. They eare al raitroad ticket agente of the Northwestern line arnd are enroute to St.. Peterebure, Fla. where the annual comvention will he held. ts . Stroag: Tenct We buy contracts, second mortgag-- es and other securities. Hein'Watry Finance Company, 411 Waukegan Na-- tiona! Bank Bldg. > 1t Something unusual~ happened in the . village on PFriday. The sup shone all day without a cloud in the sky. and the residents were so surprised. and delighted that there was talk of getting up a praise serv-- ice in bonor of the evedt. . ya ing, the well known merchant of the village, will be glad to learn that he has recovered from bis i!!-- ness 'of a few weeks ago. He attend-- ed the football .game at Champaign last Saturday, sat in the rain for three hours, saw lilinois win, and came home completely restored to health. 8. 8. Commodore at Chicago tomor-- row, Sunday, Nov. 15 Capt. Charles F. Macklin, U; S.--N. R. F,, from the Naval Reserve section of the office of naval. .operatives, <has been or-- dered to be present. mE Leuw 5( ie t Ciatctica ; ar ing, the well-- known m'" of Judah, William -- McCormick Blair, Mrs. Chas, H. Chadwick,--~Angus Roy Bhannon, Harold T. White, and Dean John H. Wigmore, directors. How-- ard W. Fenton was elected treasurer to succeed D.gd R. Fo_r{n,' who has ~held <the office since 1912, Mr. C. H. Chadwick was elected seere _--A meeting of the Naval Reserve officers association of the ninth na-- val district, which includes Great pondning bag. The bag that the h'm»o{. A bag of candy. A A bag of flonur. First base. A potato bag. A grab--bag. ~\ bag» pips.| A mailbag (A bag of tricks-- COhicago American ; ~ Famous Bags an iza ti4 Brown is lining up his girl Pesily hE .l _ White Potatoes--Preduction 346| c Taw" . ay > "AIXT a s Joe Boldon, 25, of New Auburn, of Greeley, Colo-- | 503,000 bushe}s; acreage _ 3$,453,000 ; e f 'Laké a . acrte Dbusp~*« +Wis...was arrested at Millburn Sun-- ';'- h: ,.'..."?.' .%_"'L.lg ag'._r..-n- l'!o-' D amiberor x rarme nynu;;'i., :.;-;'..' exnmadany --Iew tnter: ATa x wA hIi€ "@let * d uaiky' ?? 3 Dor. cent " --_ 4 &A ., Efi*" spent most of his life. The body was taken to Charlotte for funeral services ' at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, fol-- -- lowed by burial in 'Charlotte. -- -- Mr. King is survived by two sons and a daughter:--Frank, a druggist at Antioch; Clyde,-- a physician at 803 East Sixty--first street, Chicago; and Mrs. Howard Cheney of Colorado. The heart attack followed an i!} ness of pneumonia. Mr. Suender was brought 'to the hbospital last night when stricken by the héart allment, and sigwly sank, dying shortly after 7 o'clock this morning. Edward Suender of _ Wauconda, aged 58. died this morning of heart disease at Victory Memorial hospi u'. Li 4 > » A son in Chicago, Raymond, ar-- ranged to have he body removed there. the former bome, for burial. Jaceb King, aged 79, of Antioch, Aied at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the County hospital. He had been l1 | with pneumonia for several dnn.i Heart disease was given as the im-- mediate cause of death > ~ _+Mr. King was born in Ohio. ~ He came to Antioch about eight years Rye--Production 51,968,000 bush-- els, acreage 4,184,000 acres, yield per acre ~12.4--bushets,--quality 86.5 -- paor cent. - . Hay--Produc{fion 98,135,000 -- tong; :flntxe 74,196,000 acres, yield per cre 1.31 tons, quality 874 per .cent. wsa 44,467,000 acres and the yield pera acre 33.1 bushels. The --quality was 91.7 per cent of normal.; s AGED RESIDENT ° _ ©--OF ANTIOCH DIES 'The <oat harvest was 1,470,384,000 bushels, as compared with 1,541,900,-- 000 bushels last year. The acreage year. The quality bf the crop was 8!__per 'cent of ponnl._ . P 2 a 5 The wheat crop will amount --~to €607,272,000 -- bushels, as -- compared with ~872,673,000 bushels -- last year. The acreage sowr to all wheat was sx.m,gg acres,-- as eomp!red with 54.209, acres last year, and the yield per acre this yGar is 12.9 bushels, 'as compared with 16.1 last RECORD CORN CROP -- REPORTED IN U. S. i FOR THIS YEAR Washinzton, Nov. 12.--The United States will. have a corn crop this year of approximately 3,013,390,000 bushe!s, as compared "with a pro-- duction ef --2,436,513,00v -- bushels last year, the crop reporting boardig'tln department of agriculture estifjated today.: 'The acreage planted to corn is 106,621,000 acres, ~and a yield. of 28.3 bushels per acre was indicated. The quality of the crop is 83.6 per cext of normal. sc «ye--arm Country 'Raises 3,013,390 Navy }B"n' 2 LBS. _____ -_';._,____1 Sc Pineag ple A\w\'m~"'"*_25¢ CAMPBELL'S Pork and Beans Olives #.*.." Tomatos F.Ic NMars '*hos ._ A FULL LINE OF FRESH SELECTED GOODS FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER Palmolive SOAP 3 Bars for *#__ _ _ P.or. Fancy Spanish Green Buy Now and Save Money 3 cans for SPECIAL SALE! -- Pure Lard ---- NEW PACK, Sweet and Tender, NU I EUE uerssoccscrctwatss ces ie cce en cnters ce es tewes 37¢ -- Red Rips. Solid Pack...... MG, I THWH--............««..... § POF omm crequmnes vr CHICACTO = _ BLEND Great V alus Ifim'm broutht --to" Waukega ' --Be, wak arraizned betore-- + | Magistrate Walter Taylof "WKW ~fined 'bim $20. f the first «ign of failing kidneys. ~Ur+ nary troub'es quickly foHlow. Neglect-- ed, there's danger of gravel, dropsy or fatal Bright's disease. Don't wail for serious kidney' sickness! Use Dpoan's_ Pilis. a --stimutant diuretic to Price 60¢, at all dealers. --Dan't simply ask for a kidney remedy--get Doan's Pills--the same that Mrs. Shee han had. Foster--Miliburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. _ c . Bt., says: "F had a du!l pain across hy kidneys all the time &nd when I stopped 1 got 4 kink in my back and It was hard to straighten My batk was 'ame mornings and my kidneys aeted too freely also,. Doan's Pil's from Decker & Neville's Drug Store rid4 me of the backache and flushed and regulated my kidheys." Are you misérable with an aching back? Do you get up lame and stiff; drag through the day feeling tired, weak and depressed. 'Then you should Backache Is Warning! Libertyville Folks are Learming How to HMeed It. HUNTS WITHOUT _ ALICENSE: FINED In passing sentence, the court gave Barrett 135 days and a $2,000 fine and. Bals a $500 fine, as mstructed by the 'l'h;'n_lttimi have been stayed uu-- til Nov. 28 .to give the defengse time to appeal, if that course is to be He pointed out that the jJury as he saw it, --had to guess as to any con-- spiracy <between Balz and Barretl. As iong as Balz tesatified before the grand jury, it would leave Barrett without a defense in case a separate trial was not granted he argued. kegan--~department, Saturday were de-- nied a new trial--in the cir,.uit court. One neéw attorney, Michae! Aperu, of Nagh and Ahbern, hak been added to the defense. Attorney Jamesd G. Welich handled thé. trial work: _ ____ ~~*Fhe--nmew trial plea Was based part ly on instructions wrven and not giv-- en to the jury, and through the faet uuti'Bumt was not given a eeparate trial _ ; Per Pound a BYAmNE iz | Aouly a few of your doillars to *">: -- B YS _Provlde a homesite for the future Commissioner J. V. Balz and Bepn ln seon? P".-k 8ubdlv.u iee. Barrett, found guilty 'on a charge of |\ NJear frequent transportation and Coffee oo We o S a (greater opportunities to my APEAL fllNTED ,Knowlodn. were never better, ~BY ATTORNEYS B2X . Te o 2 as un ---- 35¢ Large Package Gold Dust -- NATIONAL TEA CO. Friday and Saturday, November 20--21 612 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, III. --12¢ -- 25¢ 29¢ P a* % 19, 1925 QUALITY GROCERS Plum Pudding ® P Mince Meat "" EARLY JUNE. Peas $§**l}V"* Raisins ; Catsup HEINZ Large Bottle oi cA + on hn ... a s % P re--me 2. c ambemgy qeentt 7 uo Ts is . meocs> *---'M romumssu-- s stmo t 00 W'aflm s oo eipniegh e op 1 mA ow " 4 TL 0 * acviinpiiaitinbite on adantl» ds is is k »aitig . SR in * rreat zn ns Y glp-- * ; Hire m and is in the condition. Thits car origina'ty .old&n:&m qrer a year ago for §$2700.0Q0. it can now be bough: Church street; posséssion at once; $50.00 month. Arso 6--ro0mmn house at corner Milwaukee Ave: and Newber:;» Avé. $30 month ; negogog o ez i * Cerrenteth e Oe eerermmmmememmmmemnmemmmmememantinamseitaiianiifeiietiniiicnneenmmms . Heré is (the best autompbile buy 10 WANTED--Housekeeper in a family be had; big. mmy.;hut car. Form--| _ of three adwits. 534 Western Ave.,. erly owned by Meyer, of MuD--'South Lake Forest® TFTelephone lake lein» This car has M:gnderlg! N* Forest 609. _ -- --~_ 46 28 >--~--: HOUSES FOR RENT * _ rooms 'and single room; also gar-- age. 629 First 8St. Phene 425R _ 1t FOR RENT--£ room modein --home on POR -- RENT--Light . housekeeping v ""BUITE 802 MALLERS BuUILOING 5 §. WABASH AVENUE to 60 acres, near concrete; suitable for country home site; with or with-- out -- buildings> --must be a bargain: WANTED TO BUY-->»Farm about 40 MONEY TO LOAN--We harse a con sid rawble amount of special funds to loan on improved farm or city arop erty. We lnvite your inquiry. (Pirs Natio al Bank, Libertyrille 10--tt CLASSIFIED-- ~ADS. Scientific Swedish Massage and & le'is;lcy-'afia 3 THOMPSON'S SEEDLESSs 2 Pounds .. ... __ . __. _»HOUSES WANTED amant Llkl Pet, Borden's Carnation MONEY TO LOAN dbrings --the --test--Of ¥alusg....... 3 cans for FOR SALE, SR KAE P Z4 2. 25 e ily) i > 4o mmpnany en dn None Such. Milk Fresh from the National's Own Bakery 24--02z. Loaf Heavy Bread 10c .2 for --B8¢ _ 25e -- 15c « 25¢ --19¢ AGCEXNTS--To sell and in + pos---- and talk with us, We have a good proposition te ofer.. Waukegan Foun-- 'dry Co.,. Waukegan, Ij. _ '~ 4 ft} F1500 &; GILT EDGE FIRST MORT . kake, due in 3 years, secured by Lib ertyville real estate; recently sold for $2500.° Sellers & Petgrsen. Phone 451. M . 42 of one ~block--from ~North Shore depot The price is $11.500, one--half cash. Here is a real buy in a home, the :ontq the uumrmg';nd Mun:fel«l.; s istrict: overliogking St. Mary~.of the. Lake. Lyons & Rouse, Mundelein, mfl Telephoné 283. 4 *'~--*%6 U I _ birds--eye maple, and brass bed; Slumber springs and mattress, like new. Call phone 208 or 355. 46 if POR SALE=--Pure bred Scotch Collie pupples,; 6 weeks old. . Bergeron S*tock Furm, Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678J--2. * 39 FOR SALE--4--plece bed room sulte, FOR SALE--Splendid 5¢--acre ftarm, all _ -- under cultivation; 2§% miles from Elfllnnpos on ,huhvg(; = d-- "nink h _lawn : Wood astrade. and .Dis bulldings, with city yaur,{:hu.. base-- ment barn, silo; modern house; fine archard. _ A. splendid {farm home in congenial . surroundings; buildings worth price asked.. Only 18,000. Sel-- lers & Petersen, 551. Milwaukee Ave., ¥Aberty ville; --HL_------~--~--~*~---- 45-- 4t FOR BALE----6 fall pigs. Geo. Hiront-- mus, Willow -- Farm. -- Télephone 624--W--2, Mundelein, 111, 46 2t FOR SALE----Milking machine, three _double units; also one manure car-- rler and 120 feet of cable. E. Wilcox, Mundelein, DL 41 1t _ Wyandotte cockerels.. J. 8. Cleve land, Lake Villa, L -- Phone Round Lake 19-- W--1. # 47 1t Waukegan,. IH. Nov. 9 1925 . LEGAL NOTICES .. P & G White Naptha 10 Bars for * NEW PACK Figs se Package _ *# AM. HOME BRAND, CHOICE Apricots (t,. 's, ts __ _ _ _ Mustard Pickles !. Preserves Fancy Basket Fired Japan 70¢c Grade Per Pound %5 nov 12 19 26 NEW PACK BANQUET swWEET MIXED NATIONAL BRAND. .. 1Gounte Jar ... You Will Find All Prices Are Low At National Tea Stores National Strawberry or [ FORTY HEAD _ J or goop Farm-- J mMuLes anp _ _-- . Made of the Purest ;'-ronm'dml-.fl,"lm.l"-onlviia"'. $0LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tix®® EVERYWHERE }®*® s For Lake County |circulation, place your advertisement in The zo ®* AT YOUR _. _ OwWN PRICE _-- Kitchen Klenzer Quaker Oats Chips off the Old Block THOS. PE'EI'EN CcoMPANY M JUKICORE--Littla Ns One--third the regutar cose. Mage of same ingredients, then candy coared. For children ang adults. us BOLD BOY YOUA DRUOGIST= metal A great opportunity to buy real stock at *your own Price. Cash or RBankable Note. So'd single or in pairs at DECKER & NEVILLE LAKE ZURICH, ILL. COMPANY-- AND. CHOICE zsc wherry or 1602 Jar ... 30c 3 cans for 25¢ Pillsb Gold Medal 14c $1.29 Ceresota Y»--Lb. Sack Flour Alright ------~10¢ 20c 17¢ TESTED 1

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