SECTION A - PAGE A7 Munsey • Easy and ponvenient to use! ft MIGHTY CHEF II f BURGER MAKER Shapes and cooks hamburgers in minutes. Reversible grids for sand wiches. Non-stick surfaces. The energy-saving, wash able appliance that lets you make pizza like a pro. Bakes Other goodies, tool fl CHOKE lAMIUI Mow Jut Digital readout with large, lighted numerals. Wake to music or alarm. Slide-rule radio dial, built-ip. AFC and antennas. Walnut-grain finish on polystyrene cabinet. KNITTING YARN a „, , Choict Sx 7-1k $f ijtfo-h. Sturdy construction with plastic handles. Choose underbed or utility size in floral or woodgrsin. Choose frames with Bronze, Brass or Gold Tone finish. All with non- glare glass. 4-ply knitting yarn of 100% OuPont Orion Acrylic. Choice of colors, too. Pty. if 4 Mffcy HANGERS A big 225-yards of 1 0 0 % p o l y e s t e r thread in a variety of colors. So handy for keeping slacks neat and wrinkle- free. Chrome plated. 16x- 13%-in. Eight vinyl-dipped hangers in assorted colors per package. So) of } TROUSER HANGERS Sot of 4 PRESS HANGERS Lacquered hardwood han gers with inside grooves to hold slacks tight. Smooth, hardwood han gers, a full 16-inches wide. Holds up to 12 garments and folds flat against the door when not in use.