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Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 10

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; __-- tors, and is the oldest living member _ _ __ .BE theiorder in point of, membership. i Much important business wad trans-- _ _ «.~~@Otad otf which might be mentioned ____--_ n amendment to the home by--laws o. «--~~--@ltminating <the -- Order ~of~ Railway \_._~'*« COenductors from further connection &---«-*&.m movement,; alsed--an ~ amendment to the article of incorpo-- e is in 0 Infapings s o ie 3 n < . properry ; a». lrrnt on mt is yiven §f the Coleate is sc r saw Prinatica" e ekaX: ~I| of T ransfers '---- VALUE ~HOME AT $369,205| --waiter Febi, 27. A Furnished by the > nippimapomreqiggomms > 14 LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND MOTHER OF 2 KILLS SELF -- . TRUST COMPANY _ . Indianapolis, Nov. 4--A 1241ay old Abstracts of Title; Titles babe and --two othér small~ children «»was held their annual meeting at the . bome in Highland Park. Among those s Mam. B. Prenter, president Locomo-- *ive REugineers; Timothy Shes, vice preaident Locomotive Piremen and Mnginemen; Mary D. Cassell, presi-- Cent Grand International Auxitiary io Brotherhood of Locomotive Eag+ meers; Badle Scott, grand premidest Lamdies Society to Brotherhood, Fire-- men.and Ruoginemen; A. D: King, gen eral secretary and treasurer Brother-- hood Railroad Trainmen, A. H."HA4w loey, gerisgral secretary "and ~treasurer, Brotherhood Locomoiive Piremen aod Enginemen; and William Kilpatrick of the Order of Railway Conductoré. Mr. Kilpatrick is a charter member of: Dividion .No. 1 Railway Condue The report shows the home effairs to be in the very best condition and seventy--seven broken down old rail-- road men are being cared for at the presest time, * Cleveland, O., vice--president; Meary DuBols, Boone, la., egcond--vice--presi dent, Johp O'Keele,.Highland Park. eecretary--treasurer and _ mankger; Truatees, A. E. King, A. H. Hawley, and W. B. Prenter." ___ imA mHERWTIIMR,W I L200R Beriba Wiedemana»n, 19, Chicago. on ciine c e C -- 1 ; aAnpa C wa 3 Other Officials of Railway Un--| | Eimer Neurat; &'l:aclu e t Nerone Behlung, , Marathon. on Attend: Meeting of Sb-- k Mess es 5 micaga' land, O.. president; Mary Cacsell, F. Hotsz and wife to C. W. Rea» neer. WD $10. St. 127. Pt Sec 15, EMayer and wilé to Stacey Wele er. WD $10. St. $Dce. Lot 22%, Ber videre Highiands, 8c. $0,, Wken. KHimwood Park, See. 210, Wkgen. ' e o e s u5 . x G.-- H. Hollister and wile to M. H.] Friteche and wife. WD $10. 8t §} s PL.. Sec 10, Grant. C. T. & Tr Co. Tr. to H. Schir P m r. Deed. $10. Bt. $%. --PL lLlet 8, block 6, Knollwood Heights, Sec 20, Shielde | 2%0, Shields. ie Kleanor Vera Kistner and hbus to C, h Reld. WD $10. St. $1. Lots 9 abhd 10, Bliatherwicks divsn, Losg O t C t t C L CC 030C pparrarprrrnrrecrnprnnnn 'AT HGHLANDPARK| ~<= x<==~.= ose * Bertbha Wiedeman»n, 19, Chicis _ _W. R. Johnson and wile to--A. R. Johnson. QCD $10. Pt Bece 20, L. G. Brackett and wile to H. A Finer and wife jt tens,. -- WD $10. 8t $1. Pt. jlot 6, bigck 4, Smith and Adams N addn to Wkgen. . V. Wait and wife to CG. M. Peterson. WD $10. St. $450. P Bec. 26, Grant. ¥Freda Gordon and hus to Mathilda C. H. Weale WD $10. St. H4. Iot 1, George Kirk's subdn, Wken. \ Julia Fitegerald et al to F. E. Cnoney. WD $10. P Sec. 102, Ver mon and pt lots 3, 5 and 6, 7 and % I#% Sec. 11 and pt sece 14. wC T & Tr Co. Tr to J. V. Baiz «hd wile. Deed $10.-- Bt. $250. 1lot $1, bik 2, Greeawood Park,. Wikgn. R. H. Edwards and wife to L. M. ureen.-- WD $10. StL $150%. --Let 5, Official List MAY IDENTIFY BODY ha, Nebr., Nov., 4 --Omaha po-- zmummu ted body of a girl found in the rI river a month ago a¥ "that #1%0 Waushington 6t , Nov. Znd, the society for -- # _0« EW (AGEWEY cvlass use Ir Co. Tr. to H. | $10. Bt H. ~Pf Knollwood Heights 81, a year ago. Miea were injured when the dynamite cart ridge bouse at the Dupont powder works exploded today. suicide of Mrs. Ennis Depport, 26, who hanged hberself from a door with a damp cord at her mother's bhome Nellie Hall, 39, Chicago. DA Harry Schermat, 31, Chicago. 3$ Mina Christle, 31, Chicago. -- Fred Lareen, 23, Evanston. > Catherine Ourada, 24, Rvanston. Frank Stepp, 23, Markesen. Mildred. Eichinger, _ 19. _ Eievens Joun Casey, 35, Chicago. * Cecelia Clement, 30, Chicago. Frederi¢ck Adamgon, 21, Racine. ° Llenore Ritter, 22, Racine. «John Polimaat, 38#, Kercoha. Filomena Meévla, 48, Kenosha. 'Dod Brammer, 29. -- Milwaukee. *' Frances Dailton, 23, Milwaukee. Winifred Warner, 21, Fond du Lac. LCarl Griep, 31, Milwaukee. Julia Jeaace, 48¢, Milwaukee. Clemens Tiskewics, 22, Milwaukee. Marie Greanks, 19, Milwaukee. Domenico Marenell!, 40, Kenosha. Celia Rosetoli, 37, Keacsha. Marjorie S8t. Austin, 28, Wausgau. Auns Murzay, 34, Highland Park. Mirvrey. Johnoon, #1, Wilwaukee, ~ Maduline Cox, 19%, Milwaubkee. Benjamin Klein, $2, Milwaukee. Alice Christoffer, 18, Oak Park, WIL Farmer, 45, No. Chgo. Cora 'Burchett, 37, No. Chgo. Jtsaph Aski, 31, West Allis. Christina Zimaki, 21, West Alis MHelen PFeit, 22, Knuowlton.-- Howard Land, 21, Great Lakes. Mary Wilson, 19, Milwaukes. . Walter Schwarts, 21, Kenosha. Mildred Webb, 19, Kenocha. $ is Harry hl{L 21, Milwaukee. Ann Civie, um -- Matthew W . 30, Highwood. Emma Sevenson, 31, Highwood, . Anton Potelunas, 85, Kenoshe. Stella Ambrose, 2%, Kenosha. Frank Geresk, 23, Greenbay, Celia Peterman, 19, Manitowec. Alex Koponick, 25 Bo. Milwaukee. Blanchke Hammernick, 20, Milwauy Minnile Snepcer, 14%, Burlingtor. m%i- f #ez, 105 1ustance, w reveal vark Btl%'f:':' 2;,' Kenpceha. "I the * '...-?.-'u"".::-,w <in w kh o Atk»x" Eteibe. 21. Keddoada." "."f'.:l'w-'u'mfwm tliots Mary Bopakie, 19, Milwaukee. OUR LUMBER I$ WELL SEASONED, THEREFORE 4 BETTER THAN NEW. FLOORING--A rare bargain--1"14" B and better, Flat Grain Ye low Pinpe. B and Better is the finest grade of long leaf pine ob-- tainable. mbtmw-nmmhbrmlnszsm ends. Per 1,000 It. B. M. .......__._.__cuczcze--ssso= ® Good quality and full sizx inches in width. Per 1,000 hary Te ... $20.00 ax4 *2x6 -- 2x8 -- 2x10 Lengths from eight to fourteen feet. All No. 1 Yellow Pine,. clear and bright as new; any length you may specifg. mm FPer 1,000 feet board measure ............._......... 10x16 ._____._...._$46.00 18«18 ..._.._._._..........___913.00 12x18 __.____________$56.00 18x20 ___._...___$85.00 This includes all nécessary lumber, doors, windows and roofing paper. WINDOW SETS Over 5,000 sets of eight--light windows. Includes two 30"x48" four light sash, one window frame, all inside and outside Camp Lawrence, North Chicago torn edges. Per 1,000 square feet .......,. 1,000,000 FEET OF WALL BOARD All full size schoets, 4'x8', carefully taken down, no TWO BLOWN TO BITS. -- pma, Wash., Nov. $.--Two men blown to bits and four more HUNDEREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS NOT LISTED * (NOT INC.) ON ND STREET, ONEQUARTER MILE WEST OF SHERIDAN ROAD, NORTH CHICAGOQ_--PHONE $070. Buy Building Material at 50 per cent less than Usual Cost 1"x6 ROOF BOARDS & AABT ECE TA ZVesESE 2 _ PE9k _AE EnCee a-- ud e q eeoe 22 . Milwaukee."~| wo fiying experienco. The British sit-- Milwaukes. . uation will be revealed through the }1, Kenoswha. files of the war department. GARAGES $46 00 18x18 . revealing the. air ~status. of Great: -- _ | Britain and France, it --was léarned to-- day. Given a free hand in the callhig of * defense witnesses, Mitche}! wil} soek ~| to.prove the truth of his criticisms of the administration :of American avia ttion, and then, to convince his jury of: generals that the weakened condition ,. |--of our national deféense justified 'Any" * mean# of bringing it to the aftention a Oof the government and the American peoplie. * . l HERE. France have progressed beyond the United Btates in the: development of their air services--a condition, which Mitchell 'will contend, is dangerous to national defense. Out of the British and French air situations, Mitchell will gather fuel to support his own declaration that the American air ser-- --vioe --will be helpless as--long as con-- The war and navy departments were instructed by the jury of gen-- erais to render Mitchel! every possible "We will not oppose any testimony offered for the purpose of proving Mitchell's statements in extenuation or mitigation but we will oppose evi-- dence introduced for the purpose of defending them." stormy petrel of the American air ser-- viee, will bo given international 'fla-- vor, when resumed next Manday, by the introduction of: défense testimony trolled by non--flying officers. The defense will call --Rene--Foack, In the words of the trial judge ad-- vocate, Col. Sherman Moreland: _ The defense will sponsor testimony showing that Great Britain . n_nl Bcreamingly funny in parts, and yet with a touch of pathos hbere and there, "Thank Yoy" waes presented by the Majestic Players to a -- packed house Sunday. It is by far one of the beset playse yet presented by this capable company eand undoubtedly will play to capacity hopses all week. "THANK YOU" IS AN INST ANT t i Leading honore were shared by so many members of the. cast that it is dificalt to mention any without do jug injustice to the others. -- Alexander Campbell, as Rev. Davrid Lee, an underpaid and long unappre ciated minister, madea his second ap peatrance before local playgoers and ax4, 2x6 and 2x8 Lengths two to seven feet. -- Very fine crating lumber, Per AR ______.$20.00 * * $18.00 * ©22.00 * $25. 00 ¥H FriteBard and Jack Clark alt are entitled:to much sazedit / for the eplen-- dlid euccess of the production. 'Too much. praige cannot be. paid each member of this --stellar casty ' gan and Lake 'County have been --in-- vited to--attend the performance as. the guests of the management and it seems _ certain that they will enjoy themselves for the .plot is woven about the life of a country pastor. when Charles Potasch, Omabhan, was found guilty by a jury of bhaving 1}-- quor in his possession and transport-- ing it in an eautomobile. He is to be fAned $100, receive sirty days in jail and have his automobile confiscat-- ed.. He had leas than a quart of 1 quor on his person when arrested,. conviction CcONVICT UNDER NEW LAW A Special Purchase Secured By Our Mr. Adelson, Who Is Now In New York, at Tremendous Price Concessions, and Rush-- _--_ed to Us In Time For. This Thursday Sale Imagine, if you please high grade silk dresses--Many worth double the price. Eyery frock the very last word in refined style -- lovely flare and circular trim-- mings, clever necklines, intriguing sleeves and trimmings. They're beautifully made of the most favored new silks in all the popular new colors and patterns. DRESSES FROM NEW YORK'S BEST FASHION DESIGNERS THAT WILL WIN EVERY WOMAN'S ENTHUSIASTIC ADMIRATION. . Just Received and Placed On Sale For ; SATURDAY | [3.75 _ 99315 .. 3315 Neb., A Wonderful New York Purchase of _harming Silk Frocks moner will be conspicuoumly &Abgent, but the volice with all its power and .. tm 00 0 _ _ _ _ PDroter and politician, and : lle &": Chicago, Nov. 4.--William Jonnings |Respital and. the comin44w, Shirley will deefad his 'favorite subject, 'the i ce ey xn "hihs left side of lMe <great conscience-- *m ;.flmu,m prohibition. He will speak from the Reports to police indicate that platform of .the AntiSaloon League | while Wing> had been. lIHving away Oof--America in meeting--in this city. ||from the family home, his wife lived And as the vibrant sounds of the |there with their--daugbter, great Commoner's éllver tonga6e re | MeeKer 'was there. A quarrte! verberate in the assembly room, a|}arose. Wing, fred three times, ons memorial <«meeting in ~honor ~of <the |shot wounding his wife in the leg, decased defender of rligion--sand pro--| another bullet striking Meeker below hibition will b started. 'The <event)the hip, the third ending his own has been arranged as a feature and | life. will bohued totll_l!fll added lervor frmmvecertewemeammemnmmmemogs _ * _ _ in the hearts o on #suppor-- : * ters in their war for mmu& * m Flfiml ; ~The emiling features of the Com-- i ence, reproduced on a specially con-- structed phonograph from a--disk rec-- ord prepared a short time before the death of Mr, Bryan, . The Anti--Saloon league to open *to-- morrow will have for its fundament-- al object the strengthening of public for Phomrnn'nh'm¢ l Cik ---- note of Bry Meeting: 1 -- VWM bistraicind vl. ".-'~,..-" A y hm ~ 4 @-- m Te o e Mn rrepreies -- en --*«'*fW"W' :-% H O--N O R--D EA D LEADER|Clande Meéker, :mililonaire stock | ,, BiG FREIGHTER . O LOST N STORM MeeKer 'was there. OA quarre! arose. Wing, fired three times, ons sbot wounding his wile in the leg, another. bullet striking Meeker below tike hip, the third ending his own Miami, Fla., Nov, 4.--Befef expressed in local shipping . ¢ today that the Treighter Georg Goethals, with a crew of 35 a general cargo of merchandise pn. |-- _ _ * <¥.0 .. >*%>~~ / ~. P¥ork and Miam!. *\ * $E "'b*mflm through | -- Aithough the veese! mu?lmk:" arday night with ~'wizoloos, -- no . word "Has-- * un y misen | in i t / » a ° 'AMJILY QUABRREL _ |Fwo Shout Te caye "qgo'*~ _ CAUSES 1 DEATH lnm GLAD TO BE Ltz . _\ < FREED FROM WIFE ~wiseh santrwight BOUC] ~1~.<"Angcles, Nov. 4 It's §£00< t be free." That wan'the declaration of Rudoiph 'Valentino, Latin lover of the . 'kereen, enroute to New York today on > 'his way to visit Murope, as he said . zoodbye--to tas Atgelens--Triends. _ _ 'Altiougn 'Mrs. ¥alentino, the -- for--_ mer Winifred Hudaut, is crossing the be in New York for almost a week before Valentino sails, the --actor de-- ° elared he had no intention of--meeting his wife. ® -- * ~ PLAN SPEEDY TRIAL Dubugque, Ja., Nov. 4.--Four pals of Karl Btearne, lllincis gunman, who died rather than be captured last Fri-- day, Will be given a speedy trial here. They have been indicted for murder im connection with the kiBing of jail-- er Leo Hammer, . . We agreed on a 'marital vacation' and so it shall be" he said. "Anyway, iutodp)ofroonlflcbtnowl see no reason why 1 should want things changed. My wite is very jeal-- ous and I, perhaps, in admiring beau-- ty,. gave cause for jealousy. But its my nature to admire pretty women. I'm just beginning to realize how much fun I've missed." _ --

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