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Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 1

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' ----avenue, uo ie es s ce o C 0 m 4 WWnKnnms C'ertain mevente 1 * . Amerigan Legion. P. J. M¢éEnore, vice president, and= -- Deputy Lester Tiffany heagaing lhel'"'"'"" loodnchy rubrnctndtintattabint .. rin dllindabicnlina e oc 6 Aulccal * _' The matter has been discussed for Joseph €. Reuse, secretary and treas, squid composed of Deputy Frank Val-- l of their houses. ~ > ya" some time of making some disposition Urer. The capital stock of $62,500 has, ents and Deputyy Allan MeMillan | -- A petition signed --by> eight peop'e, z.. * of this Traluable property, &s it is used been paid in. * ' made both arres's getting one cu',rwan presented, requesting that action --~~ -- but very little by the people of the _ The officets state that the principal about 4:00 o'clock in 1he affernon any | bt, faken Ato »thore (lt real stle j town. --. he information in this article business of the new company wil be the Second an hour later. t AbtHoffice at the--corner of--~ungpyside and ~~'~+~~ was suppNied by a mentber of the tocad--the "financing --*~*butlding in . Liberty--©~ ~Shorif Ed Ahis/toni had sent out a | n ie ce aon on indiction® in This 'Legion post. * * <l& 'Wille, and that ample capital will 6e secord squad composed of Deputi cided ft had no jurfsdiction in this _...__ _ The consideration of the lease will available . for the construction of John Frgelich Wi[rli Kell pu4 e; matter: ~~ 2 -- 2 @pe the THL & B¥ the present hall Nom#s--:~-- i o C ur . coug.c )/ Mss o oo ue gmine ,_"df"._'m, h and ; A letrerWwas read from J. E Thomp e es "a thodord, welbyrC. _ 7: rill-- also 'ofer C : _~. Kigre" ol The NNOPNIGE: als0" fNew: o i s L ~ack ts PA HHalth at s o=: beguilful buildjng.. 'The-- vestors a service corcrime high §r208, third--excurnion & ~a wHew he" strack the tratf@~dight_af i1 be put fnto bonds and s(ocks, as well as r}..fp;:*tm nfl:d T after both--squade Rad., Lake :strecet--several weeks ago. Mr. Oe en on en Ee «& , been called in. s 'Thampson claims the apparatus . was L _.__VOWUME XXXIH--NUMBER 45 r > ef=> ~mi-:-aw -- ~--CLIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT Notices were posted Saturday, and -- the same is printed in this issue of . The Independent, calling Tor a special township election on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, for the purpose of yvoting on the question of whether the Libertyvillic Town Board should lease for a term of 25 years, at a nominal rental, the present town hall site on Miiwaukee "Xvenue, to the Libertyville Post of the . Amerigan Legion. 'The matiter has been discussed for some time of makingy some disposition of this Traluable property, &s it is used but very little by the people of the U s V boZ e o beca e M o C "Wikk * L0 R -- 2l ;wxm:'a WM " , trustees, v»-- remoatred g4ill to-- be-- he Libertyviile Crast Bavings * , Ee e' in a e s EP + en ues "ceth n is Py ce lt e W Es come, in addifipr to its present publie~Bank, in the Kennedy Block, on Mil-- }vrmfl'a consfder that n# depaties would: The Poulds MiMMk Compant -'i;&.',, for ~p."lr§ purppse;: a permanent Memorial hall waukee avenue and Chureh street, anu 'w out and it would be an rasy mat-- tha; a sidewalk be laid on Fourth St.} Mary E.. Co for Aiber:yrille townghip and vicinity. the officers of the 'com y will be ter w' run hm through the county. from the f cayrotshrd|ushr®leshrdlu' tion for probs A water color p:ospbctus"tnd rentae-- pleased--to anat%er _lnqdlr}::r -- That is whs the sqva«s«-- went out: from the fuctory to the North Shore set for hearin: tive floor plans, showing the propascd m n l | . Tony Traventz of Kenosha, was the Tailroad, as some 40 or 50 emplyes of _ Robert 'J. E chankes to be made in the present r o mt / ~----firsl" man arrested. He was picked tThat concern use the street dally. This! Win proved --at buildinr. are to be put om public dis-- OLDEST RESIDENT up &t Spaulding's corners driving a is the last of several 'requests of a | Al} propeity #® play this week. . C1 .«e®e wilt [clearly wl __f" td coupe He bad 12 g#allons of Lke nature, made within the past G. Erskine j show . ine. conemplated T¥ modeling ' ' 1 -- alevle! aboard and submitted to ar-- three or four.years. Ta» attorney was, tion with wil pians and give the pub i¢ an oppor:'| .OF CO!JNTY DlES res without a murmur -- m m-".:u«-:-(l 16 find out who owned the l:-'wh l'_ Er®sl tunity to vjsualize what it is intended | * Traventz owus released Thursday proper y --affected a . Vaue o pers to do with the projperty 1 from the county jail after --makirg An ordinancé was passed authoriz-- Real estate un The lerms« of teh lease to be made AT Afip nF Im bonds o §20% before Justice Harry !"* the president and clerk to «ign a. ship tai n 14 AATEY 2 «-- Hacto o Th.. saen was eantinfed ja, CONlract with the telephone company, Freqa P Sar AMERICAN LGION PROPOSES 10 -- LEA TOWN HALL FOR 25 YEARS The rerm of the leagse is proposed as %5 years, at a nominal annual reatal lcas Legion agkrees 10 m'lq- interior and minor exterior alteration« to an approrimate cost of $12.000 at market prices for matertais and labor Plans and epecifications for the projpased chanres, with architect's figures as tD costs. will be furnished soon after the will ceontinue to have building a« at present cos'ts. will be furnished soon after the election Exterior remode.ing doeés nof disturb the present building walls, except for in add'tian on the rear {o accommodate a now botler room, etage and caretaker's apartmen! The ex-- teriar is treated with cornice. colums. pediment porch, etc . to make a well-- ent 'strueture into_a beautiful Colonial etyle meniorial w1U be 1 wetcoome ad-- dition to the archijecture o0' the com-- munity and will serve its high purpose well and be a credit to the people of Libertyvile township,. who will make the change possible Men promipent in local circles who have been ap proached with the plans have pro-- nounced thom worthy of support. and evidene preeent Dulloing. The main part of the plan will be ov dgebentare bonds bea rate nf in'eres! and ":hmc-nl porch, e4 proportian«~d buildi lal style. C s pi payment The lea The lea--ing of the town hall under these conditions will relieve the town ship and taxpazyers of any further cost for tht upkeep or maintenance of the proper®ty. The remodeling of the pree-- LEE PHILLIPS Lee Phillips, the Fox Lake justice, charged with being intoricat8" while hearing cases, is set down for the first case on the criminal trial call that is to be heard before Judge P. L. Persons in the county court starting Nov. 19 In week--end raiding Constable C. A. Brune, head of the spong*® equad out of the office of States Attorney A. V. Smith, was reported the arrest of Hubert Rode, 1111 Wadsworth ave-- nue, North Chicago, whose oldest daughter tried to .dump moonshine into the dishwater whern the raiders crashed in a locked door Ed Mathows, 225 Market atreet, had booze. Rrune said, and he caught Miss Edna Marshall and Ralph Grif-- fins, both cdolored, living as *man and wife in the Mathews home. Charles Harvay, 205 Market street, and Tony S¥kava, North Chicago, were O D C GOPPS MANY RAIDS ARE MADE BY BRUNE Tt h Charles Harvay, 205 Market street, and Tony S¥kava. North Chicago, were among those arrested and charged with violating the prohibitory law. e y in'eres!t and sutb'« t on any interest m s mV-_-L lease to be made Town Board hare been sut-- apri--d 49B as {OllGZ & . _ _ wnshin is to have free and 454 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT CASE ON CALL tlons will be o nGeposi b¥ the u0®n Board'tb« the financing of the «a'e of income ringe a reasonable subect to ea'l for ere«t date in ublic meellnk: full use of th« s an« n* to rom-- o ndeposit t Al town A I to The Libertyville Bond & Mortgaze, 'Two squads of deputies, bent on Company has recently been chartereu ; glttin;'down the alcohol. traffic thru hoh hnd utd Jt ..... c hicivant wl Aiiretnirteniihet »raiindsiss" PC NBaaiiAeiP e by the State of INiinois, to transact® the county business in Libertyville and surround--' made two ing territory.. The officers of the new ; loads total company are A. G. Suter, president; {-ln'!;ol val _ The officers state that the principal business of the. new company wll be The "financing --*~*butldirg in . Liberty-- UHlle, and that ample capital wil\ te available . for the construction . of Nanes. n t uplp se + n on en t 4) P. J. M¢éEnore, vice president, and Joseph C. Reuse, secretary and treas-- nurer. The capital stock of $62,500 has been paid fn. * Hial Pike Dies Friday After--. noon at His Home in Fox Lake: Widow Living. NEW COMPANY ORGANIZED _ | Taken by Souad Headed by TO FINANCE HOME BUILDING Deputy Tiffany. old rranddanzchter and is the neareat liv in# relative nut--ide of hia widow The remains were removed to th« Btrange undertal,ing rooms at Grays lake and from there taken to Am®o; fort burtat P resdsy. --=--------------------_--_ t e * o ty Mr. Piké was a veseran of the civ!l war, having aerved two enlistments He was wounded in battle and for some time was incapacitated. DECREE DOESN'T SUIT; SHE SUES Mrs. Emma Dibble, Antioch, who received a decree of divorce in 1922 from Arthur Dibble on a charge of cruelty, has discovered after these years that the decree is not to hber liking, as through Attorney Walter Givier she Sat. petitioned the cir-- cult court for momey for the three children. Attortey Eugene M. Run-- yard entered a protest to a change and Mr. Givier was given the right to file an amended petition. COMMUNITY FARR CLOSES AT GURNEE The firet annvua, community falr of Warren townehip closed Friday night in the high school auditorium at Gur-- nee. A large crowd attended the round--up, the closing feature of the fair. The attendance throughout the two days gave evidence that the fair wa« a evccess and will be repeated next year $£34,000 PAID A deed, recorded Sat., shows that the ©N acre farm of Arthur Rolland. n~ar Miandelein. has been sold to Leo Perroxt, of Chicaro, % an_indicated ennaideration of £34,000° The proper-- ty is a ehort distance from Mamond Lake. and probably will be. turnsd Into a eubdivision. -- H a t 6 t w o9 exC Pij t3 rt *# +se o whow veare 4 @16 p _ Pu .c 'n? iweniv. im vere 1¥ 4 Am'n FOR 80 ACRES 100 verian 18 he moye $s jsarneis® I «ra c --#*®o--oreye« e was o imrried w (Q| v 6« he w H m LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 (nHaw No RGI a1 3 RA1I0CH FOT CaCH .HQ" 'wi.l :fl'i("'_ ..\kfl' remuneration for IIvery. and that ni case he was caught nig goetor biil and time lost Meyer ; he had to pay. his fine was knocked down by an automobile t NABSECOND CAR. -- -- at Lake street and Milwauk®e avenue. & _ The next car. an Essex. was caukh! jre asked for $40 paid for medical ser-- ia mile north of Grand avenue on th8e vices and for three weeks' time. Vil Greenbay road. headed for Milwauke®. "lage to take care of case. x | It Had come from Chicago. and was _ The §$86 bill of Joe Manczak, for re . plloted by Saul Solomon of Minneap pairs --ito his motoreycle,. which was ~Cargoes Valued .at $1,092 | Sen Tariala. of Hishwnod,. left an estate of $7.000,. arcording to a bond made in the probate enurt before |Jndge Martin C Decker. Thureday. , Eight caees, in all. were heard. Fol-- lowing are the cases. and the claim tdocket that ie .to be called Nov 3: alis Joe Saven with Mim. ALCOHOL RUNNERS, WITH 91 GALLONS, TAKEN NEAR HERE the county, late Thursday afternoon made two lucky strikes, getting two loads totaling 91 gallons of 180 proof alechol valued at $1,092. ~ welther ear caused lifany any taken a t long chase, and it was not necessary . tion to Pr to open fire on them. voted to a The alcoho', worth about $12 a gal. _ Other ro lon. is used. The sherif! says. to make in session gin and. moonshine whiskiés meetin «w They stopped a number of cars. [t WKbt. Not is undersfood. and made searches,"_ F W. C but they alt falted exgept in the two Lawrence INn®#®!A NO®. _ _ ae Milwaukee The other squad was called off the C Wb ftor a «hort time when it wa«s ? learnmed that a' band of gypsies were t hexding throu_h at Spaulding's ror * uere The grpajes were grabbed in ° bopes o[ &otvinzg a hboilid--up staged bPt 7 ryp«ic« in Highland Park recently p The sheriff i« trying to stop all al-- ' enboi traffice through the county. af L ter the faskton that he halted beer . runners with a bang summer before 1 la®t L TAZIALA LEAVES _ :. $7,000 ESTATE, > _ BOND INDIC®TES E«tate: Thomae 0. Hogan. Wad'> worth Proceedings: Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Widpw's selection approved. Lowie H. Felter. Antioch. Hearing on Final Report continued to Novem-- Proof of Heirship Taken-- in Highwood Man's Estate; -- Eight Cases are Heard. bef 5th. . en Tariala, Highland Park. Pronf of heirehip taken. e'ters of Admi~-- i@tration fsened to Filen J Grund~ Bond f #11400;: Appraisers appoint~! Isaac Goldberg, Highland Park. By| w _ e 00 w 0 0 0 0C eonsent of heire at law. Exerntor:} o-->e authorized to eettle claim of Mary Pneumonia caused the Ceath at the Goldberg. widow. and pending equity |county hospital las' Fricay of Frank case, for $12,000. Doyie, age 59, employe of the 1. E. Maria Fvans, Waukegan. Letters nf| Meyer Construction company at High Administration iseued to Maud Cro« |land Park. He was taken to the his-- by and Mazie Davic. Bond of $800 |pital two weeks ago, dying at 9 a'ctlork Mildred Helen Jacobs. et al minors |Friday morning. > Mildred Helen Jacobes,. et al. minors North Chicago Tetters of Guardian ahip fssuet ts mnother. FPWanor BE Sandahl. Bond of $500 pctct- con elste of govermnment compensation. Stina Leander et al minore, Wan kegan. Lettors of Guardianehip feaned to Flenore Leander. mother. Bond of $4#000. Estate conmeists of life in eurance policy. _ No tresspassing or hunting allowed on the Elmwood Farm, Deerfield, Iil. \ James Brister. Zion. Petition to establish heirship filed and set for hearing November 9th. # "got #1 ind that L omudscttcticlt itc CIN 1 ion Greater than other Weeklies in County Combine * * . P o e vack j Cirqulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined *C* CC «_ ~@ntered 1t the Postoffice at tiberty cllic. MlizGis; 44.8¢c00g_Ctany.Murt Matter:----_------ uomm n renvensy Waukegan. He sa) 'a gallon for each de ni case he was caugh his fine NOTICE 74 of Minneapolis, was $s 3 :. sam.+* € Lake m viaiotns in lLaAk be ~ A piat of ' _ north of Rock 1 Keventh street *" plat had previ *"" the plainink & * and received | °* Both plats will ~A delegation of c.lizens represent ; iug 22 property owners on riunnysidut place appeared -- before the \magng Jboard Tuesday night and entered \'ig-i !oroul protest against the large sign | {beard on Milwaukee avenue, between ; |Sunnyside and the North Showve Line] tracks. The sign in question was put' there by the railroad company andi calls attentio nto the fact. that high | speed service' will be inaugurated .be-- tween Libertyville ang Chicago enr!.y} in 1926. As the sign is to be removed ; 'by. the company next spring, it wias| |the sense of the board--it was a bene; {fit to the community, rather than an| injury. Residénts of Sunnyside com-- | plained because it way p'aced in front| of their houses. -- ~ > 1 RESIDENTS ON SUNNYSIDE -- eago. that he wase giving up his pas-- torate near Aurora to build a bome in Lan~e Bluff. The preacher was the organirer of the Lake County ' lLaw and Order LeAgu»s.' inst--umental in drying u> that county o' illegal liquor OF PNUEMONIA ) A Mr. Mey first Jgay of special nelice taken a tie resuited" leaving the ques tion to President Hyatt o decide. He voted to allow the claim. Other routine mattecs kept the beard in session until about 11°30, when the meetin «was adjourned until i uveaday E_ W. Cotoy presrnted a pilat of the Lawrence and Houlithan farms, from Milwaukee avenue to the river, for constderation. Sewer,. water and side walk improvements are to installed, by special assessment lt is planned to ntake this one of the fintst sibdt visionhs in Lake County Countryside A piat of the Copetan4 property, north of Rockiand road and east of Reventh street, was also filed. This p'at had previously been subm.ited to the plaining and zoning commission, and received the o. k. of that body. Both plats will come up at future ses sion of the board for acceptance. turned down by the board laat month, babbed up again. and a vote beéing Street lights were ordered installed at east end of School street and at corner of Dougias and Jackson ave. The usual batch of bills were allow-- ed. and rebates on 12 sanitary sewer The usual batch of bills were ed, and rebates on 12 sanitary permits were granted QU Warning to North Shore bootieg: gers to ratch their steps is a Bat-- ural consequence of the announce-- ment of the Rev. Thomas Quayle, for four d»=cades occupant of Meth-- odist pulpits 'A Hithland Park, War kegan and other towns north of Chi-- Springfield, HMile. Ort 20 Anplica-- tion of Public Servtrre Compny of Northern Mlimatg ftar | cartificate _to construrt and aperate an e#tenceion of c its electric distribution eystem from Puffaln Grovb to Tone Grove, Ia@ke Counts: was filed with the IIli-- pols Commerce Commission today., P. S. CO. ASKS EX-- TENSION IN CO. coMpPLAiN 02 sicn soarp LAWYER LEAVES or four.years. IPn» attorney was cted 16 find out who owned the 1' y.--@ffected . a ordinancé was passed authorlz e president and clerk to «ign a ict with the telephone company, ervice regaiging the cfire atarm ipp 5Oe t o irmamip se n es e ed uie t sins uns cem ues cgee ic Ir. Meyer, who was injured the P hi 447 »9l nc --County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN r, who was it e fali. while iTMy. This! Wift proved--a sts of a| Al} property : the past G. Erskine. mney was,. tion with wi Kned the ; Lewis P Er® , YVamue --of _ per authoriz--. Real estate u: o «ign a. ship tagn niminany Fred P Sa gred the cting as t sUbdr * 1 s ; . "' Tvl:?m ';(sm(():fne af'f'n((':e_rr(s)o'l(dgg?tfy OTTO "ECK9 WAR ' . 'n j '""°°": | VETERAN, DIES IN t boay. sairned | before _ Dolite Magistrate CHGO. HOSPITIAL 1 pa W Ads 4 | Horace Martin of Lake Forest, | Leaves $200,000, Accord-- ) _ ing to Will Filed. | -- Milis was represented by Atty. E ¥. Orvis who wou'ld not permit his client to #aive examinafion,. but in-- | sisted that a prima facie case be presented by the state, which was 4npru_o|tod by Asst States Attorney 8. H. Block. a will filed with Judge Mart'n C Decker in the probate court Monday The complete list of cases Include: Charles L. iHendricks, . Higzhand Park--Hearing on petit'on for pro-- bate of will continued to Nov. 3u William Hermann, Antioch--Hear ing> on petition for probate of wil: contimued <to-- Nev--#8-- 1925. ---------- Actorney Horace Martin, of Lake Forest. who died two weeks .ago left $200,000 . in rea'. and personal property ~to his wile according to -- 'R().I';t:r!"':'.l--.:.;:;"l;i';w.' "Waukezan WiIt proved and admiited to ref Walter.aylor Saturday on a chasco of bighway robbery and was bound over to the grand jury in bonds of $20,000 _ He was unable to obtain bai land was remanded to the county | jail to await action af the Decem--| ber grand jury. | port of distribution Jued. closed * s » Joseph Soberak, Liberty ¥entory approved.. Proof of taken ' 2 Joseph Guerin. Waukegan --'Will evening. suffering a fractured skul).} proved and admitted to record, All Still wnconscious this morning. h property givent to wife, Mary _E was broucht to the Victory Memorial ; Guerin. Real Astate valued at $190,« heo«pital for treatment | #0h-- ~Bontd ~fited--at $20#~--Proot--ot>+ --Mr-- Nikatey --wa«e--ettmbing --up tire heirship taken * heodore Forby ap~ staira in his bars while at work '.")1 pointed ruardilan ad litem for minor; a neighbor: One of the runks broke. children ' and he fell to the ground, landing on MILLS IS BOUND TO GRAND JURY IN $20,000 BAIL The state put Pol'cemen Farl Clark and Virgil Stewart on the witness stand Clark was the of-- ficer who shot Mills in the foot when he was racing down .Wash-- ington street after an attempted rob bery in an alely beside the Thomas Markat in Genesee street. Both officrs i#entified Mills as one of the two men who particip: in the robbery. Millis himself did not take the witness stand. A pair of gunmen who "e'd un t=a men and attempted to enter a home in Laio Fore«et. kept the poiice on an all search. ROBBERS GET $12 FROM 2 VICTIMS AT LAKE FOREST Take Cash from Taxi Driver; Hold Up Negro But Find Him Penniless. The pair got only $12° for their painse. They took this from Sylvester Kent, a taxi driver, after riding from Lake Forest to Highland Park and then to Fort Sheridan. At FPart Sher-- idan they forced him to hand over all his money. jumped out and fied after warning him against an outery. later. two men. presumably the same pair, held up a negro named Rro#n in Lake Forest, but he had no money. & * Late in the night an """"1'-'{ was made to enter the home of omas Horan in Iake Forest Notée af the awakened oceupants frightened them away empty--handed. f $200,000, WIFE GETS WROLE SUM for hearing No nkapqwn. 1 . Waukegan in Executor author m ope adm 1} 6@ ille--In heirshi; m FALLS GN HEAD > <« > ~ CLIMBING LADDER; Esta $504 Pet+ «. Wittam -- Nikotey, --Farmer on _ Wauconda_ Road, ts Hurt-- To When Rung Breaks. SEEK IDENTITY OF MAN WHO | WAS FOUND DEAD ON TRACK Efforts to identify "the mijddie--a~~| man found on the Soao ling trac'ks south of Mundele:in early Manday morping, were continued today, with ; only one clue, a Moose lodge but-- ton, to ail the authotities. < ' POBLIC REARING OX THE OM _ mATTER Is 10 8¢ HSLD HOY: 2t The body is at the Treptow un--| dertaking eg:ablishment in Liberty--. ville. Mr."l're,pow. aiding ©Coromer Tayilor igp the investigation, asked| the Meyer Construciion company (0 check its employes,. in the belief t'bcl He was attended" Friday -- evenins by Dr. M. Penny of Qibertyville, and Sarurday morning was taken to Was kegan in an AmMbudance His edndition was critical. aut : was believed he had a chanee to m cover -- He foll anly about eight Tee! but had an unfortunate landing, stril, ing with the back of his head. The burial took place at two o'viock Wednesday afternoon from the home to Oakwood cemetery, with Rev. Bartz: officiating. The Ameri-- can legion will be in charge of the services. He leaves three sisters, Mrs. John Reardon cand Mrs.: George --P. Fiem-- ing of Waukegan. and Mra. Harry Zick of Racine, Wis. His remain« were taken to the White & Tobin funeral home in Waukegan. George Richter, who robbed F. N. Tomlinson, North Chicago realtor. pleaded guilty in cireuit court Mon day on a charge of larceny and pe-- titioned for parole. He has refunded the money he took from Tomlinson and it is understood that he is to be turned over to Charles Mason, proba-- ho W TWe veteran was well known in the vicinity of libertyville and left many friends hbere. a notghbor: One of the rungs broke. and he fell to the. ground, landing on hix head. The base o{ the skull was fractured. a Otto C. Heck, 81, of Rondout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heck died at the Speedway hospifal in Chi cago Saturday from a complication of maladies contracted _ while he served in France with the 98th Transportation company. _ ~ _ _ _ Passes Away at Speedway from Complications Con-- tracted While in France. tion officer RICHTER IS TO Herr, M ed today Mr. Herr-- understands fhat Pailli» can pay a small finre on the charg* of malicious mischielf, and the coste. Charges bronght of Milwankee. aga former Zion motor BAILLIE CASE Wihilanr Aikoley. 'armer on the anconda read in Vernon township, I from a ladder in his baro Friday eningz. suffertog a fractured skKull. il} wnconscious this morning. h> as broucht to the Victory Memorial W SKULL FRACTUREFD the IS CONTINUED BF PAROLED H tb .?': ;:;"'" residence 7lnd'bAunln~-|a nndl:d:'l'-"'--"'; * RuCTSY sirgcterts 15 all ciagses 90 ie ,, triets _ ' ' '; WORKER DIES OF _ => ~ NJURIES CAUSED ~~-- ~ ---- BV BLOW ON HEAD Business «Hstricts, in which all types of legitimate retail business is peFr-- mitted. n addition <o residential uses.> _ Light industrial districts, in which residences avd business uses, and alse strictly nonnuigance. light industria) uses_ witl permit C ks | The ordinances providgs tor making changes in tWe future and also for a lBoard of Appeals to aid in the intep pretation of the --ordinance. Area . lim-- itations are established -- and froAt \yard, side yard, and rear yard require :. mrrts are set up in each class of d# \tricts.. Height Hmitations are also &# 'tablished at 35 feet, or 2+%% lm | the "A" and "B" residence 'and 45 feet, or three stories, in the Skull Fracture Proves Fatal to | Man Hit by Piece of Steel: | on Oct 22. The Zoning asd P'innins CGomnHI#-- sion, appointed by President Hyatt, several weeks ago. h*s been holding regular sessions, dreftin@ the . heces-- sary ordinances and discussing mat-- ters connected with the matter of zon ing the village. 'ihe fnitial work 'of the commission is about conplen a and the ordinances will be di 1sg e at a public hearing of the people in-- terested at & meeting to be held on Friday, November 27, at 7.30 p. m., at the village hall. ts £ schoo's, et€ permitred. "~I" ----Hes two Tats permitted smalil apart mitted. An inquest was he!d by Coronat Tavior Monday nirht. the jury fnd-- ing that death vssa due to a fracter ed akull + Inluries sustained on Oct. 2% when he was strvck by a plece of lron caus ed the death of Ernect Cook, middle aged emplove of the Pau\ Borchordt beildinz material company at High land Park. j Cook was elandin# boaide 4 ratters the building materia) company, at e > North. S8t. John« eatreet. Other eme -- _ ployes were on the ailn taking down ° _ the forme. A large piece df fi s which had been laid on a nr'ld. W¥y off and struck him on the begd. . w_,.'_z He was taken to the hoepital at Highland Park,. where be lay in a Cth tical condition until Sunday, whew be died. . EL rta to locate relatives hbave been unsucceesfal. The body is etiB held at the Prior andertaskingz eata'> lishment iq Highland Peark. Three divorces were granted in the. circuit court Saturday. -- * tAd The fights of ducke, out of the north on their way to the southland, derkened the lakes through the cour ty¥ Thursday and Friday of last week, due to the cold enap. Sunday, bow ever, cleared ont the ducks to a M# extent. a« the large number of benm ters. hundreda coming out from ChE caso. drove the birds further s6u0th in their route to winter quarters. A number of local «portsmen, however, enjoved good shooting up ustfl us til Sunday DUCKS DARKEN ___--_-- COUNTY LAKES -- THREE MVORCES ' ARE ALLOWED-- Wargaret Davis, who b#@ ®# her husband, Harty, failed to and on the hnsband's f divorce was granted. They Ure Zion. 4 «49 s Mrs. Hulda Mollan, High was granted a dectes in against her husband, And Catherine ©Johnson was 4 divorce from Willis R. Job $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Reaide Reside s and and accoszay uses nce disiricts, in 'whick double Fouses are aiso nce nt districts, in which ouses are also per-- ---- Comimi#--

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