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Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 8

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~-- _-- count of the brilltant problem com-- -- posers of analytical work, and it is *~<~ hane«4bat Mr. Wood is' Tanked §!%th B o s C S mc on och ol _ " artmmc Ath0 OME , -- a a. _ AHdC--M ~*~W--3. Wood, Checker ProblegMm * | school got the bliuc r:bboi v-->~*-- fJG§ eoan' mw work;. Gurnee second _ * m" wauk h 8 es 'thlrd. Stafford school tec & Dist:ggyished Honor. .ilner as first prize for the T en n dn HIMRe ns S in 1 n moatercmmoemy c omen ue on Curnee district --also receix ;v"!'o b €l Chiel vo . plfye § ch s €I npL WAUKEGAN MAN ~---- @TH IN LIST OF ---- CHECKER EXPERTS *'To be rated sixth in <the list of a's greatest -- checker players the exceedingly fine honor that been accorded W. J. Wood, 804 Clik Ave., Waukegan. Morris System Chickerist,-- a monthliy magazine de-- vo to the interests of checker pléyers, in its October issue dévotes ch space to Mr. Wood's position _A¥ . embryo. ale + To the uninitiated it may be men-- tioned that first position in checkers is a standard positien: . They run-- first . position, second position-- and third position, and are the~gems of as it runs into Payne's first posi-- «ion 'problem, which makes it the finest analytical work ever published cnecker Colions. _ % v > rentcnediP on Ssd v on in P rlaiin ce 9 o. SnE E: / 1 . When one considers the thousands{returned to the city, after a week's of: brilllant checkes players in Amu-ivmt.lon' s .8 f f Nca dGuring the iast one hundred fifty| _Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel and chlldrer: ' Mn ce P ra VC LWA culat mnnar as Chicago visitors Friday Mr. and rMs. William Balziel are the proud parents of a baby 'boy, born Gctober 2%5, at the Lake County Gen-- eral hospital. _ -- w__;' Leslie Haines, who is with the Lid-- by cofpany in Chicago, spent the week _.'vuhhhfrtnu. hwe 0 C > Mrs. W. H. McClure and daushter; Gertrude, spent last Friday. visiting in _ THe Warren township community fair sponsored by the Ag. Clug, held checker colony the checkerboard. First . position was first composed and published by a man named Payne about the sixteenth century. f The" Waukegan -- export's Mirst post-- tion in émbryo. has been published throughout the world, and is the '_J. G. Finley, _ secretary of the American -- Checker Association," in the current issue of the Morris Sys-- NATIONAL THIS SUMMER WE PUT IN SOME LARGE ORDEKS FOK L ANNLID PFPLULIMAJ VELLL W Urrnle rakr ars CHASED THEM AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, AND WE ARE NOW PASSING THE SAVING ON TO PACK AND THE CREAM OF THE SUMMER PICKINGS. WE ARE GIVING SPECIAL PRICES AND ON ALL DOZEN OR CASE ORDERS DURING THIS SALE. -- . NATIONAL CANNED GOODS WEEK, beginning NOVEMBER 9th and lasting until NOVEMBER 21st of our "FREE C 'OODS".offer. Buy Canned Goods by the Dozen and Receive 1 Can FREE, Buy by the Cai 6 Cans No. 2%2 Size Sliced Pineapple Free to the one buying the Largest Amount of Canned Goods During This Sale o *e s k 6 Cans of No. 2/z Size Pineapple Free to the OUne Guessing Nearest to the Number of Slices in All the Cans in the Window. All Cans will be Marked. Any one Making a Purchase in Our Store During This Sale is Entitled to a Guess. , | 3 Cans Golden Gate 3 Cans Paradise Apricots .--.--.---------------- 3 Cans Libby Large Sliced Pineapple ------ 3 Cans Club House Fruit Salad........_---- GROUP 5 3 Cans Club House or Ferndell No. 2 Size Strawberri¢s ..._._.....ccoo=--------~ 3 Cans No. 2 Club House Black Raspberries .......--.__...--co--c~~ 3 Cans Club House No. ZBlackbefl'ia-......_l 20 3 Cans Sunnyside No. 2 Red Rnpbel'ne&I 14 TELEPHONES: 24 AND 25 _ HaeF 15 the imat Aimerican in the fast American 1 CAN CLUB HOUSE FRUIT SALAD FREE Louaet _ ats _ aiag . +434 1 CAN STRAWBERRIES FREE GROUP 1 % i Pmoswele-- 1,02 at----_1.05 ' $4.02 \ institute in Waukegan Saturday. The Hallowe'en party given by the yourk citizen's club of the school en-- tertained their parents «Friday eve ning and a very enjoyable time was spent. All present met their (ate. Thursday -- and Friday oL'tnstM Thursday and Friday of week At the high schoot, was a complete s4c-- cess. There was the poultry, rabbits and all kinds of birds, flowers, fancy work, fruits and vegetables.. . There was a fine display in each departme i. Each school in teh township was given a showing and as entries were entered it was noted to which school district at a Hallowe'en party at the home of Rollo, Davis. "fOs 3 KA ts k h U % U 4 A 4 4 *4 *4 *¥ AMX K The 500 club was entertained Wed--| Arriving nesday evening at-- the home of Mrs.|apoke up Warren Hook,, . | _ "Hello, There 'wré sPveral sailos yet to be | my. fifled. The recent cold weather de| Ths~ m inayed the work. --_ _ name of ~~Mrs. Badie Welty of Waukegan, a R. N. of A. deputy, spent Tuesday in this vicinity. _ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sponéuberz and Ms. lar%et Bponenberg visited In Evanston esduy. ~--~~--~<--~~-- Miss Violet Jones of Waukegan en-- ierlained several out --of town friends uol as IIPBL pEAMW RMDR RAVN MISRRRUMCR CERCCT mmmmm_vfta banner as first prize for the school having the most entries to its credit. j accurate.~ . . > --._;, j . 'In the évening ten boys were given their letters in judging. Their names are Charles Martins, Warren Chard, On Friday the judging of pigs and poultry took place Robert Panzer of Stearng school, age 12 years, took the first prize judging chickens, and was awarde dthree chickens from the high school flock. Wm. Flood, Jr., of the Gurnee school, 12 years old, won first in the pig judging contest, and is now mmmmnot x fine pigs from the high school herd. 'There were sev-- eral high school boys who judged, but Durbin, Mortimer® Ames, Everett Hal, Avery Vose. Albert De Meyer --and Keubheth Clark. 14 . school got the blue r:bbon the schoor work;. Gurnee second and Steurns third. Stafford school feceived a ban-- ner as first prize for the school, and attacks younger lads seemed the more aeee00e00=== aase2000== Inew# Poliock of 'Qplc.@;;p: to the city. after a week oc snn t i c on Pn n oo o ariaiii i ppra t tm e ue t in oo on o c o s sn onl in d o seb n 0 0 c dn w . & se %¢ _ & _ & & y | stake highwarth ( 0 00 0 000 *!mwam--u e _ At h . "6 _ ME L e _ Thke owner 'of the voice came up !9 }", m onl .¥ #----f' SOME SPECIAL GROUPS WHICH WE OFFER TOTHOSE WHO CANNOT BUY DOZENS OF EACH: $1.38 1.20 $4.92 a. PFoandd * e #hep n en canrs TRIGGS & JOHNSON GROUP 2 3 Cans Thomas No. 2 Pears.....--. 3 Cans Shipmate No. 2 Strawperries .. 3 Cans Libby's No. 1 Sliced Peaches....... 3 Cans Our Boy Black Raspberries.......... REMEMBER: Every Dozen Cans of Food Bought Between November 9th ---- and 21st Will Be 13 Cans -- $ 1 CAN LUMBARD GREEN GAGE PLUMS FREE 1".' o fipe l n es ~~; «m ~ ag~~ ~EMUIMEE ME _ _ mnsarn® .o maetd "AF the ic "Chr camy ."hhlm Mrs. Jsoflu nenwei. sep.'2,. "20i8, C1 ee Pn ..."«Y.M.»-.--.A_-----L.--u*f she was 'aw in m!"."?" " cz_" 'John Doe', Valentine eays,>~order-- ed 100 gallons of moonshine and was to pay $500 for the cargo. He .aiked that it be delivered at 8 o'clock Sat-- urday night near Kohout's green-- house: -- 'John Doe', he addg,:once was conpnected with a -- Mundelein: restaun-- rant, is emall of stature and bas a ;c--;;'o;;er-avéfllefi <éxe. The John Doe was later. found to 'be Joe Horen, of Mundelein. ' 5 e James Fallon, war veteran, and a state highway officer, was arrested on Tuesday charged with taking part in & hijacking party, staged at> the expense of Jimmy valentine, 21%) Kristian avenue, North Chicago, Sat urday night on Rand road near Ko-- hout's 'greenhouse, four miles east of Libertyville. * 'Doe' met Valentine as 'had been planned. and asked that the cargo. be driven along the road for a short dis-- tance eo it could be transfered at a more eecluded epot. | M®s. Valentine was driving, as Jimmy, once an agént for the Department.of Justice, is al-- most blind. .Jimmy's brother weas a ehort dfstance in the rear with anoth-- STATE POLCEMAN SOUGHT IN BOOZE "~HLJACKING CASE tnformation --to_ Be-- Flie Against James Fallon and 2 Others;~ Runner *Squawks' er car; carrying--the remainder of the 100 gallons. He had opposed . tas trip. but_Jimmy had talked him tnto wanted to get the men under the light so that he could identifv them, se comd him wife. ~ They entered the home. and Jimmy had his wife call the North Chicago nolice. Ebler and Caro'! ratnenf'in" had ns WE CBNECLIDS «"0el00 P v solice. Ebler and Carto' rempnanc{in~ i 'The funeral was held October 27. 21, Arriving at the home, gne of them 'the Volo M. E. church, Rev. ThomPkin f"'---""'_"--"""'""_fi"-- apoke up. -- 2 | conducting the service. Burial was at ,"{'}e:mflln'f';'r:":' 't:l malghed "Hello, Falloh." according to Jim--|Yoto. The pall bearers-- were 6. A: old, ful .m."," he e other 2 my. . -- ~-- _-- |Vasey, Frank Hironimus, Ed Lusk: on iractor and rb:v. 3::0 1 Thy man who answered© to the 'John Walton, D. V. Waite and Arthar | w . j C piows. C as name of Fallon, eaid Jimmy, told the Stanford_ °_ ; } omcs Bage, Grayslake, IL. _ _ .ORDERS FOR CANNED FOODS WITH THE BEST CANNIN CONCERNS IN THE COUNTRY. WE PUR. :S, AND WE ARE NOW PASSING THE SAVING ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS. THESE GOODS ARE FRESH . PICKINCS. WE ARE GIVING SPECIAL PRICES AND FREE GOODS WHICH WILL SAVE FROM 8 TO 10© S rimidin s "THE STORE OF QUALITY AND SERVICE" 6 Cans of No. 2%2 Size Pineapple Free to the First Six People Buying One Dozen Libby's Canned Pine-- apple ; Besides One Free With the Dozen. s 6 Cans 2%, Size Pineapple Free to the One Purchas-- ing the Largest Order of Libby's Canned Goods During This Sale. _ + * Note Libby's Special Offer eae ces canccccse e 08 000 . _ on a NfCy--Nity @plil Ol LB®G JPRRPRADIIE <> : _.-- kut-- inctoad mohj%:: 104 #]nu ""m""mflr Himimy-- an@ys. is "the i_tea th-- thn' Mrs. Rose Dillon was born Sept. 15, tas | 1855, and dted--Oct--25;~40%5;, --after--& nto Jhnz illiness of complication of dis enues:'A&he.--was the daughier Of Mr. @ 9-69-- why he '_",lqiinirkggi" "Alricht. give me a gun-- too," Jim--| my responded. 1 | . "Na. pot that way. but in court." | Vzlentine claims that in addition 'ni borrowing $480 to pay for the loa4,. upon which be would _have magke,| $40, he could have paid $50 to "Dov-"} to square.the case. Jimmy balked at | this and wondered why 'Doe', who. gave --the order did not have enon:h' mosey himself: as hé should have : had $500 ready to pay over for the | hkeen 'This came up Wwhile they wore | so the officerse withdrew, The identi-- ficdtion was all that Jimmy wanted. He had known, he contended, that shortly a{lter he had , been searched that he bhad beendouble--crossed by someone, presumably 'Joe Doe.' ® AGREE TO SPLIT ° Fallon, he said, then chook hands on a fifty--fifty eplit of the n}oons'pine; police that be had made the arrest, *-- Later, on Sunday,; according to the,! story Jimmy tells, he met Fallon_at ; the North Chicass tpouce station, and | Keé was accused of -- double--crossing. ; Jimmy said it was the other way. 4 uied % se e e n en ce e e S OSK L cargo. This came up while--they we'" in the houee, and was one oft the mairf reaeons why Jimmy wanted to be 'taken to the sheriff! > -- -- Eaton wes the man referred to 4 the "sargeant" with whom ,Fallon in-- terceded on the trip"in to Valentine's house, trying to get him from takin« Jimmy to the sheriff, according to the story told 'to Col. Smith. ; Higgs, John Forg of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saxene of Indiana, Mrs. Usborne, Morton Park, Mrs. F. Vin-- cent of Chicago, C, G. Husoa of Elgin, Mrs. Jesperson of _ Ringwood, and She was a member of the Methodiat church at Voto, where she lived most of her life. until a year ago, when she moved to Round Lake. . Mn o io rnaan c se * f'WélL wwe'll fight it out," came thev»: reply. Mivce # & f .15 OBITUARY iting until NOVEMBER 21st, will save money for everybody who takes advantage 1 Can FREE, Buy by the Case and RECEIVE TWO CANS FREE OF CHARGE. "; wen snn« ',_'_ aw >-- P me'",. ,""H.--.:fi'%'ua..'- *A Wfiwflm'm"'". fes x & s + GROUP 3 3 Cans No. 2 Lyndon Pitted Red Cherries 3Cm"o.ZB.-byStumBlueBcria.... 108 3 Cang No. 2 Telmo Royal Ann White Cherries % 3 Cans No. 2)/,Rosedale vSliced Peaches..... 1 02 1 CAN CLUB HOUSE RIPE FIGS FREE WANTED--Girl for general house-- CLASSIFIED ADS. home; pleasant room; good: wages, small family; no washing. Address ' work; good salary if competent. Call tt_lgdependent Office. . 44 1 mswm'd"'-- --**A ment sun.qlbs modern housg; 1i2%} --5 agres~with orchard. -- A ~splendid farm home 18 { pargge, ormnf.'-'ii congenial -- surroundings; _ buildin#® | prom town. worth price asked. Only g8.000. Set , CHAS. F. Fi lers & Petersen, 551 Milwaukee Avo., ! * Rc;al'l Libertyyille, L1L. uger me raree c4e i BM L amin e yorree Andifthones ME MONEY TO LOAN--We have a cum sid rable amount of speceial funds io loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We lavite your ingquiry. Firs: Natlo al Bank, Libertyville 10--¢1 Telephone 127--J. «upervision. i Redmound, BEverett, 1il (Deerfleld postoffice.) _ 45 2t FOR SALE--Bed davenport. best grade of velour, Revell made. Phone 445J. * _ % & 45 2 FOR l}_EN'l'---IArse,fifihéaled sleeping ~ room. Apply 603 Brainerd avenue. FOR RENT--Furnished flat or light housekeeping rooms. Mrs. J. £. Tinnd * "ik 1 + t 45 21 Nee g ie " y 3. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms, . 21> Broadway. . Phone 181-i 45 1t \}'AN"!"HJ*'"'I! to --work on shares, by an exBerienced farmer. Write to X. E.. care Independent. 44 2t -- -h-';lli."'l;lxh back. with warming oven; also two litter carriers, -- wich cables." E Wiheox, Mundelein, HL.--T 1 *x FOR SALE--Steel range, with ephone 627--R--2 FOR SALE--1Z Milk cows, 2 fresh balancée milkers and springers; 2 / ~MONEY TO LOAN -- FEMALE HELP WANTED £ Keuenene d y 5 E20 . P CCE ED OImD . Box 581, Libertyville, HJ _ 45 2t genera 3 Tk;-- ~modern POSITIONS WANTED HOUSES FOR RENT ; 3 Cans Libby's Large Milk for 38¢c. One Can FREE 3 Cans Libby's Small Milk for 21¢. One Can FREE (In Dozen Lots 1 Extra Can, or Five Cans FREE | _ With One Dozen) Libby's Red Alaska Salmon, per Dozen water ';:,)"2": . MmMALL ACLP WANILZ insured, to pay the losses of 1925, grage | ... . ~ amounting to $15.510 99. Said asses® 445.J. | SALESMAN With car, for Liberty-- ment will be due in thirty days. --_ 45 2, |¥llle and vicinity, to sell Fluid Asbes-- > J. S . DENMAN, Secretary. ______Jlo' Pthee--Wement,--directo o property Lake Villa, d'linois 45 21 cols. | boiders. * (Cresafes new roof_ out of| ; s 4* years |Oold.) Salary and bonus. Two refer TAKEN UP Black horse, on Satur-- Forq. ences required with applichktion. Writ«|~ days Oct. 24th Owner may have new.'WflA Weissenburger, Sailes Manager, same by calling at E. J. Long's home, 44 ;;I(or appointment, 20 E. Jackson, Room on Greenwood Ave., Deerfleld, IIl, and esecerctis , Chieago, 4llL _ --45 itipaying charges. o2 ~ 45 4 44 2t 215 $3.99 O FOR SALE--.oosier kitchen range :n kood -- condition; excellent ~-- baker, Telephone 627--M--2. 45 2t FOR ~SALE--Selffeeder heater, -- in FOR SALE--300 pulletsr 8. C. R. 4. -- Reds and. Barred Rookg. ~F', Norean, GU@rnee. Phone Gurnee 61.8, -- <44 zt > good condition; reagonable. Tele-- phone 131--R. o en ~A0 IL _ large garage; lots of mw for a garden; west of© Milwa: Ave., in heart of town of Libertyyville _ Prige right for quick sale. . _Emma .Bunton, Prairie View,--Ht._ Telephone Tibeérty-- Jersey and Purham; T. B. tested; on Tom Yore's farm, near Everett station. A. De Vogefaere. 43 st ville oi1w--M--1. -- F O R 8 A L E----Two fresh red cows, _ in good order. CAll at Libertyville Fair Ground. 44 2t FOR SALE--Chester White row and FOR SALE--Eskimo Spitz Puppies 10,.pigs, 2 months old. Henry Peter-- sen, Mundelein, II1 : 44 2t FOR SALE--Ford stock truck, 1923 W. H. Peterson, Libertyville. Tele-- phone 604--W--2. . s 43 2t pupples, 6 weeks old. Bergeron Stock« Farm, Lake St. Road, 2 miles west o! Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. s9t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 3 Ford '1ouring > ~1 Ford Coupe-- 1 Chevrolet Truck a 'n't.": due in 3 yeare, secured by Jjb ertyvilie real estate; recently sold for $2500. SeNers & Petersen. Phone 451. FR& SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie s Real Estate. © ; ------ Phones: eMeo-llLJ Residence 104-- W $1000 6% GILT EDGE FIRST MORJ] 10ldsmobile Coupe 1 Maxwell Touring 1 Jewett Touring BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES peea $ --HEight rgom --house, --with CHAS. F. FITZGIBBONS | GROUP 4 3 Cans Club House Fruit Selacd ... 3 Cans Ferndell Sweet Potatoes ... 1 CAN WHITE MUSCAT WHITE GRAPES FREE --. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS One Can FREE. 1 CAN CLUB HOUSE NO. 3 SPINACH FREE 43 3t . GROUP 6 tertyyville Zoning . Commisston. ~*wilt JYMKF a report to the Village Board of Trustees, recommending _ a~ Zoning f l!'hu' and Ordinance for adoption. _ SPECIAL --TOWN ELECTION------ ,\:} NOTICE I8 HEREBY-- GIVEN to the --_ Legal Voters, residents of the Town-- .. ship of~ Libertyville, County of LAJ»@, _ HILINO!IS, that a SPECIAL TOWN-- BHIP ELECTION will take place on Wednesuay, the Eleyenth day of, Nov« Wednesday in said month. 3 The Election will begin at the hour of 7 A. M. and close at 5 P. M. in the Becond District: At C. Gotti & : fi"} Co.: Store, Libertyville, lllinois. « > _ ~Hall, Mundelein, I!linois. <= _ __~ ~..-- DThe electros will voté to decide the--.., following public question: Shall the . Town Board lease the property known . as the Town Hall lot together and siny. _*_ gular with the appurtenances thereto, ; * for_ a period of twenty--{ive years for an anuual rental price of one dollar ... per year, to the Lavertyville Memorial ' Association, for the purpose of remod-- eling the existing building into a Me-- > morial Hall to be used for--public and ' patriotic purposes. . ... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON f ZONING ORDINANCE Official notice 18 nereby given that x pubtic heartag witt be held, to give all inteérested persons an opportunity to be heard relative to the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Plan for the Village -- of Libertyville, I}iino#. Bald public hearing will be held in the Village Hall -- iibertyville, llllno}, at 7:30 p. m. Friday, h.to!vmbezf;{' l'fiq'l &nd after Tuesdiy, Novembeni10, 1925, the tenjative Zoning Ordinanee and ~ Given under my hand this 31st day of October, A. D. 1925. y & 45 1t 4 The NMirectors of the Millburn Mu tual Ineurance Company have levied an asseasment of Two Dollars and fifty _ acas n + --~*--2 =» LIOMOWYE.. c¥ ~"*'"x *First" District©~ xt _ "the" Town ***~* Hall, Libertyyille, Hlinois. . Feusl *t MILLBURN FIRE INSURANCE ASSESSMENT. NOV. 2, 1925. Chairman Liwertyyville Zoning $ Commisston. FESBE L HYXTT , being the Becond E. D. HUBBARD, Town Clerk. $1.95 1.26 1.26 1.50 $5.97 $3.15 .15

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