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Libertyville Independent, 27 Sep 1928, p. 8

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| PLarge Lux -- _ ~ORDAINED AT _ ST. MARYV'S LAKE _----"'e -- WADSWORTH o dained to the priesthood 'by His Em-- inence, Cardinal Mundelein on Sat-- urday morning, the ceremonies h1 ginning at eight o'clock in the Sem-- inary church. 1 Those thus achieving the goal of their vocation are: Rev. C. E. Dra-- per, Rev. A. J. Henderson, Rev. J. B. Kenny, Rfli'::'V,th. Rev. J. P. O'Callaghan, . F. E. Ploszek, Rev. T. J. Reed, Rev. J. M. Ryan, Rev. J. V. Shannon and Rev. F. --R. 1 -- To Those of Our assistants to the Cardinal, Re¥v. Jo#-- axmauobflm Cathe-- and Rev. ©G. C. Picard of the Stenger, all of ~Chicago. _ The Rt. Rev. J. Ke Archdeacon, thé t'k. 'B. 3. J.. and the Rev.'J. L Kell home in Atlanta, Ga., this week, aft-- er ' the summer with Mr. and Mrs. G. Whitmire. Mr. Mrs. J. R.«Porter and George were in Chicago. Saturday and Sunday visiting friends and also J _ TY ALAPZ TV EL AA &4 _ 2 | * s _ 3 s l ie nee n oin. desinnd. Tharsdey. regular monthly meeo! Tharsday. ?3'"""00'0'"?-000000 Mrs. Torfin, Mrs. W. A. Bonner and a'rmm"b Lake, Mrs. Warren Hook, were the com-- where she will spend the. mittee. week with .| _ Mrs. L. N. Alcock and Mrs. Chas. Miss Jennie. M returned to her Drawheim and daughter of Wads hrime ts os.nhmk.dt-'worth were MiHllburn visitors -- Fri-- for a week's visit. Hurt In Crash : When returning home Saturday from Carlisle, Ind., Fred Strahan and Henry Meyer met with an auto accident at Dixon, I!L-- Their car was badly damaged and Mr. Strahan Sept., 28 to Oct.,' 4 Inclusive Marshmallows 9 "Afgo 3%::;0?0!' B. R. Mait & Hops ROYAL BLUE STORE Meats, Fruits and Vegetables Priced Right PECIA L S who come in regularly to invest surplus money in our Certificates of Deposit, and who express them selves pleased with this ideal form of investment, we are grate-- ful for this continued patronage. To those who have not used this form of investment, we extend a cordial invitation to come in to-- day for your first Certificate. State BankoiMundelein > | """ His Eminence H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, Prop. Invest in Our Certific¢cates! QUALITY.------ALWAYS Customers 3 Large 10¢ Pkgs er received only minor bruises. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Distmeyer on-- tertained nearly fifty relatives in honor of the former's pa¥ent, F. G. came from a long distance to help him celebrate and each one wished :!;mmnonuppymmoxm Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Alcock spent a few days visiting with friends at Rockford and. Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Graves Whitmire have gone to Boston and from there 'mm;b.wfl Can.. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Webber, Mary Wag-- Strong Sunday. |been mechanically treated in such a | manner as to alter its physical prop-- 'ertieswith particular reference to the condition undaweann«othtdob' mlog * o 0o o0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0o o o sold in this vicinity. ] Revx. McNair read his resignation Changed by Chemicals Homogenized milk is milk that has Gloss or Corn or Hop flavored Ib. 19¢ of 23c | lliternrneerigs Miss Elizabeth Webb is taking a vacation from her work at the store and is taking a trip to Detroit and zzc other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dickey who have been enjoying a two weeks au-- Sm tomobile trip to Niagara Falls and * lother points in the east, returned zzc home Saturday. They report fine weather and a wonderful trip. A large number of Antioch peo-- regussc ple visited Wilmot the latter part of the week to take in the West Keno-- sha county fair which has been held at Wilmot for nine. consecutive 15 " By mixing plaster of parls with the \ I| white of an egg to the consistency of | Jmmqm.m.mt 'last Wednesday home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Darby. ----~> i -- Miss. Marion Doolittle returned to |neloneon-¢o.uwm. Miss Lily Meade of Chicago, was a visitor in the home of Mr. and 'nno'kgmw_' v & ' --~Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. John Fish motored | to points in northern Wisconsin over | w:-wmuotuwtmm | spent night with Mrs. E. C. ' Hook, |. Mrs. Geo. Brandstetter entertained several friends of Avi Ellen, Mon-- day afternoon in honor of her sev-- enth birthday. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walish spent ' several days of last week with rela ! tives in New London, Wis. , Paving contract for' Route . 176, covering 14 1--2 miles in Lake county, was awarded Monday <by the state hichway --department®> to Kapschult Route : 176, Mundelein--Wau-- $162,672.91. § The route starts at Mundelein and runs northwest into Wauconda and then west to Burtons Bridge at the Little hope had been expressed for the awarding of this contract before miu.,or::.dl / had < blocked the ob-- taining 'of right--of--ways and the townships had threatened condemna-- equipment is all at Deerfleld where he just finished work. $3 o0 0o 0 0 0o o0 0 p 0 0 0 0o porthern Wisconsin. Mrs. Rose Garwood spent several days of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hook.-- . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kemp returned Friday from a visit with the former's sister in Minneapolis, Minn. o o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Mr and Mrs. Chas. Hook of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Dan Hook. Mrs. Dr. Struthers and Mrs. Har-- old Snyder were hostesses to several members and friends of St. Andrew's Guild at the Guild hall} Wednesday Edw. Hall has returned to his work as manager of the A. & P. store after a two weeks' vacation.: Harry Cater of Libertyville was a caller among friends here Sunday. Mrs. °G. B.: Jacobson entertained several little folks at her home Sat-- urday afternoon in honor of Nor-- ma's ffth birthday anniversary. The Eastern Star held a card par-- ty at their hall Thursday afternoon. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 at. Wilmot for nine. consecutive years. Richard Allner spent a part of the past week in northern Wisconsin. Miss Mabel Brogan was operated on for appendicitis at the Kenosha hospital last Friday. At present she is geiting along very nicely. Adolph Pesat enjoyed a few days hunting and fshing in . Northern Wisconsin during the past week. Mrs. Wm. Runyard entertained a number of the ladies of Lakeside Rebekah lodge at her home, Monday evening. s R. Schlyster has purchased the North End grocery and moved there 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 0 0 0o n:y::l.vm "m'm.:n scrimmage session ce the Friday game was held at the Warren high school grid Tuesday at-- ternoon. The lHneup of the first team aggregation was very much changed over the one that entered the gameo 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 scrimmage sexssion was Myers, who filled the fullback position. This lad is fast and furnishes a good deal of power behind the line, but --as is the case with the majority of the Gur-- nee backfield men he fails to be a threat in view of the fact that he is unable to pass to any good extent. Coach Kelton is at present con-- ducting a campaign to secure one good passer from his list of tryouts and with this object in mind is giv-- ing all of his players a tryout in this week's sessions. Because of the fact that the Gur-- nee line is light the coach is desir-- ous of working his team into a team with an efficient aerial attack which may . be-- relied upon in all of the There are several men trying out for the wing positions. Among them are Ames, Kelley, Strid and Davis. From -- this» list of --candidates : the coach expects to find a pair of wing men who can perform in --the requir-- JOB OF $162,000 _ IS LET BY STATE One of the star performers in the GRAYSLAKE _ o week. ~It may --be applied. to 'lovure. and org O ofticers . will be O ness se o'lovohln , coffee « 'tttend; ce | church-- m' Have Mase at 8 a.m.; Third Mass «. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. at 7:30 p. m. ° ~ 'Friends and strangers always wel . Beginning Sept. 30, we go back to ject for Sunday morning. This is the last Sunday of the year, and we are sending special invitations to members and friends of the church to come Sunday morning and help Men Outsidge the Church Believe." > 'Epworth League at 6:30. 4 Sunday Schook at 9:45.. T The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. John E. DeLong Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 2:30. The assisting host-- esses are Mrs. Lee Whitney, Mrs. Lightbody and Mrs. Tripp. _ The church school board will meet at the parsonage Monday evening, 'The regular morning church sery-- flce will be held on Sunday, Oct. 7. The pulpit will be supplied. 'There will be no evening service. Rev. H. B, Gwyn, Pastor. The services on Sunday, Sept. 30, (the 17th Sunday after Trinity) are: gog o o t :..n , t 11 o and sermon at 11. (xmfl:%atlo;m. The pastor officiating. cHmistiin screncs Auditorium 'Theatre. Bunday School at 9:30 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday is Railly Day. We hold a combined Sunday school and morn-- ing worehip service at 10:30, stand-- ard time. Promotions and exercises of all the departments. ~All are in-- vited to be present, especially the parents of the children. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Ilumcluelhteu:nnu 8T. JOSBHPHB CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor ¥irat Mass at $:30 a. m.; fei the Ivanhoe church and First church, at Mundelein, Congregational. God is Like --------" At 8 p. m. Third Big Community Night, put on by the men of Munde-- lein and Ivanhoe. at First Church. The meeting is in charge of your neighbors. A chorus of 20 men will sing special songs and lead the com-- :\:lnigdulu Annomtlxo)rqurtot ve a number. Dr. Clyde lm,dm"vmgnuw tothe minute address entitled "Liv-- ing in a Changing World." He is a man who knows how to combine wit }mmmmmam' your family and enjoy the great com-- munity get--together. The other two platform services brought , crowds that packed the church and so will this one. Don't you miss it-- | ~ Monday night, Oct 1, at 8 o'clock,: the members of Ivanhoe and First churches will gather at Ivanhoe church for the annual meeting. Dr. Robert J. Locke, superintendent of the Illinois Conference, will give a | stirring address full of suggestions and helpfuiness. . At the separate meetings of each church which fol | lows reports of officers, committees and organizations, will be given. The _officers will be elected and business ' will be transacted. After these busi-- First Church Sunday School please remember that time changes and that Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. Quarterly meeting Oct. T at 2 p.m. Wolgmor (English) Octp"' Ivanhoe church at 10 a. m. First church at 11:10 a. m. Notice change of time . Sermon Subject, "'The Kingdom of Bunday Bohool at 9:30 a. m. English service at 10:30 a. m. Quarterly meeting Oct. T--at 2 p.m ness sessions, a time of social fel-- 'lowship-- will be enjoyed over the . coffee cups. Make it a.100 per cent | attendance of the members of each Christian Science _ Bvil With Good "The Master Quest" is the sub-- Have you heard what's going to happén Friday t? ~Well, it you haven't you'd b be on hand at the co | at :8 a'clock, Sept. 28, fo will be a number of stunts that flg give you a lot of laughs and fun. re will be a fine program and goodness knows how many surprises. >So bring the whole family and enjoy the stunts and games and refreshments. The Ladies Aid has planned this stunt social for the benefit of the FirstChurch and, as Shakespeare has so well said (!) l"lt'- going to be the berries." Church Services at 10 rms-rmgmmscopu John 6. DelLong, Pastor The Church That Overcomes English services at 9:30 a. m. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH . Ivanhoe Sunday school at 11:a. m., ST. MATHEW'} LUTHERAN CHURCH FAIRFIELD FOR RENTING, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PROPERTY WMANAZ3EMENT, GENERAL <INSURANCE, SURETY BONDS, SERVICE, W . H. Lehmann, Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL at 7:30, at 2 " Little Betty Ann, age four, was sit ting at the table where also sat ber grandmother and Jimmy, age ten, & guests. -- Betty: Ann and Jimmy --were both very fond of pie and: as there was one plece left from the --preceding meg!, Betty Ann exciafned: "Ab, it's Just too bad there is only one plece, now Jimmy can't have any." 0o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o CLASSIFIED ADS o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALB--Heater and cook stove. Call at 171 Newberry Ave., after 5:30 FOR -- SALE --Grapes.-- Telephone 600 M--1 or 220--M4.= > 89 1t FOR SALEB--Concord grapes. Henry Boysen, 8r., 3 miles north of Lib ertywille. Phone 604--J--1. 89 it FOR RENT----5 room modern bunga-- ~low near Grayslake; 12 acres of land, large poultry house, 2 car gar-- age, electric light, furnace. : $25.00 per month,. H. E. Drummond, Round Lake .IlL 89 1t Libertyville. Everything modern. For information, call Libertyville In-- dependent Office. S6tt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER m * e P | i | t 7 j | € . IL f au 1 A ' | ' 1. 1 F 1 SPRING LAMB 36c ib. -- Friday and Saturday, September 28 and 29 LIT TLE PIG SUGAR CURED HAMS SUGAR CURED BACON VEAL ROAST HIGHEST QUALITY AT : Reasonable MEATS BUTTER 52¢ lb. SHORT LEG OF LIBERTYVILLE'S LEADING QUALITY MARKET T Room House ._...___........$40.00 6 room house ........._..._......_--_$75.00 56 room bungalow ._.....................$45.00 5. room bungalow .......................$65.00 5 room flat, heat furnished........$65.00 5 room flat, heat furnished.......$60.00 INQU!@,OF REALTOR KAPING os» s *=-- TEDLBPHONE 469 FOR RENT--Exceptionally attract-- ', ive room for two, with board; rea-- sonable. 137 School St. 89 1t FOR RENT--Large six--room ltecn-| heated apartment, in Mundelein, all modern ~Rent only $50 per mo. Lyons & Rouse, Mundelein, IIl 'rel-' ephone 283. 38 3t FOR RENT--Garage in 300 block on Broadway. Call 21 or Independtat FOR RENT--Dairy farm of 175 acres FOR RENT--6 room apartment with equipped. Want man to take full charge of farm. Address T. W., clo Independent. 88 2t FOR RENT----E6 room cottage, electric garage. Heat and hot water furnish-- ed. Apply 131. 68. Stewart Ave. B35tf lights, large barn, chicken-- ouse, milk house and 1 acre of land. will leasge for one year at your own terms House will be re--conditioned and put is first class shape. Rent reasonable Alex Barr, 8418 Elaine Place, Chica-- LO8T+--Dog, malé Doberman Pinsch-- er; black with tan spots over eyes, on chest and legs; short hair; dog stands about 2% feet high. Notifty M. V. Reynolds, Lake Villa. Tele-- phone 35.. Reword. . 39 It WANTED--A Permanent place on' dairy or general farm; references. l 606 MILWAUKEE AVE. LOST AND FOUND Phone Graceland 1702. 36 t LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Thousands of housewives shop with absolute confidence at the Palace Cash Markets. Years Of conscienticus dealing with the public, have given "The Palace" a reputation of dependability as to Highest.Quality, Good Service and Fair Prices. Come to the PALACE Reputation 32c lb. the following for BONELESS ROLLED t OR HALF WANTED TO BUY=--fGiood, medium size, second hand trunk. Call at MONBY TO LOAN--We have a con _ siderable amount of special funds to-- loan oawgmmvod farm or city property. We invite your inquiry First National Bank, LAbertyvilie, Ti OR HALF SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR One of the, finest garages in the Lake County Countryside, fully equipped, is ready to serve you. Only trained mechanics will work on your car.. SATISFACTION GVARANTEED. M. C. CROWELL, Mgr. LAKE STREET, MUNDELEIN PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 103 Countryside Motors Countryside Motors Chrysler Dealers Ask About Our Special Service Plan POT ROAST MAc lb. 89 1t 42¢ lb. CHANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE $550 TAKES ALL ---- WORTH $3,000 Beautiful 3--plece parlor suite; #-- PDiece walnut dining room suite; 4 piece bedroom set complete, with epring and mattress; library table; b--plece <breakfast set; eilverware; lamp; two 9x12 Wilton rugs. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will ar-- range for delivery. 832 Leland Ave nue, one block east of Sheridan Road Chicago, II1. Pmmnm.?oo. "I 4t NMCKLE PLATING and polishing of auto parts and household erticles of all kinds. Reasonable. Waukegar Plating Works, 934 Lenox Avenue, Waeukegan, lilinois. ~8 4t 42¢ PRIME HIGHEST QUALITY PRIME MEATS AT 31}

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