PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27.1»78 Speedy Pops The Question ROBERT DUNCAN AJS'D MARGUERITE OVERTON Seton Circle Cancels Two Coming Meetings Sunshine St. Elizabeth Seton Circle of Daughters of Isabella held its November meeting in St Joseph's hall. Richmond. Nov 30. It was agreed upon by members present to cancel January and February meetings and meet in July and august Present were Father Neville. Margaret Powers of Dolorado Circle and fifteen members Mildred Walleck led the opening prayer and Mary Obenauf gave the pledge to the nag Installation of officers was held Carol Brown and Jane Wilson were marshals who escorted the officers to regent Mary Obenauf for the ceremony. Those installed were Dolores May. past regent; Mildred Walleck. first guide Mary June Fitzgerald, inside guide Mary Schultz and Agnes May. trustees: Laura Kutish, financial secretary; and Rose Miller, recording secretary Mary Obenauf. Kay Boll, and Verona and Sandy Huff were installed at a meeting in Harvard Mary Obenauf stated that all correspondence sent to Lucy Schell. state regent must be stamped with the D of I seal Treasurer gave a report on the proceeds of the White elephant sale and Doll booth at the Bazaar Regent Obenauf ex pressed her appreciation to all who helped make it a success Kay Bell goes to Valley Hi each Monday to help at lunch time and later pray the Rosary with the residents. Mary Obenauf will help with the sewing drapes at Valley Hi She also encouraged members to send cards, letters arid make phone calls and visits to rest homes Mary Obenauf showed a program book with a cover she had designed for the con vention Some of the flowers needed for the convention will be donated by the Freeport circle A social meeting will be held on Dec 28 with a potluck and grab bag gift exchange A welfare fund was established to be used to help the needy Father Neville encouraged the formation of-a junior circle sponsored by the senior D of I to help in com munity and parish ac tivities Suggested ages would be grade 7 through 12 Kay Bell represented Dof I at a recent DCCW meeting Father Neville led the closing prayer and gave his blessing GEORGE COLI.ETTK George t oilette of McHenry, site representative for the Senior Citizen Nutrition council, wears a Merry Christmas smile as he distributes emergency meal boxes to seniors who may be homebound during a winter storm. George has had the pleasure of distributing more Sunshine Supplies than an> other volunteer in the project. On Nov. :H). while a snowstorm raged outdoors. citizens met at the National Guard armory in Woodstock to pack Sunshine Supplies for seniors who could become isolated in similar weather during the long winter months ahead Cans of meat, vegetables, fruit and juice, and packages of cereal, beverage and con diments were packed into boxes sized to hold three meals a day for three days. Foods were selected by Linn S. Olesen. nutrition project director of the Senior Citizen Meet and Fat program Menus vary each day and contents provide the recom mended daily allowance < RDA > for three days for a person 60 years of age or older." says Mrs. Olesen "This is a donation project and $5.19 would cover cost of items that would cost nine dollars or more in the supermarket These emergency food boxes are available through December at the Senior Citizens council on Newell street in Woodstock and at Meet and Fat centers including the Moose Lodge in McHenry. Meeting, Potluck For McHenry Moose Women s#8Wi by Cierr> Johnson The sound of the plane could be heard over the noise of the crowd, and the popping of corks signaled her consent Marguerite Overton said -,Yes' and the large Notre Dame stadium was kind to Speedy Duncan's dreams of love Early in the Nov 11 game between Notre Dame and Tennessee, ap airplane towing a proposal circled the stadium "Marguerite Overton-Will-U- Marry-Me0-Speedy". read the banner When Marguerite saw the banner. Duncan produced the ring and made the proposal good right on the spot She could hardly say no Friends jammed into the senior section around the couple and popped p>ocooocooc«x»c«co^ N ( o m m u n i t Y \ i JANUARY 2 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves com munity center at 8:45 a m rides available for senior citizens and residents-call :185- K518 by Dec 28 Free blood pressure screening 2 pm F irst United Methodist church 3717 W Main JANUARV 4 McHenry Barracks 1515 Veterans of World War 1 meeting at 2 p m JAM K Blood Pressure check Whispering Oaks community center 4513 Front Royal drne'-l- to A p ni JANUARY 17 Whispering Oaks Women ' s club 1 p m Who Won-> "/ /"<< d id you comr nut in tha t f igh t u i th your u i fe>" "Sh> rami ' crawl ing to me nr . her hands and knees . " What did she say ' 'C i ime out f ror t t under tha t h»-d . . iu coward champagne^ corks in celebration of the event Duncan is a senior at Notre Dame, finishing up an ac counting degree He wore number 49 while playing for the Irish, and though he never started his hustle and en thusiasm earned him the nickname "Speedy" W hile Speedy didn t make the waves in football that he had hoped to. both he and Marguerite will remember the 1978 Tennessee Notre Dame game, and the sensation that he caused that day Ms Overton attended St Mary 's college for one year and then transferred to Loyola of Chicago where she is studying nursing Most of her friends are still around Notre Dame and St Mary 's, and she attends all the Notre Dame home games., so Duncan thought a home football game would be the appropriate place to propose She kind of knows it's coming Duncan said before theproposal "I've been cold to her all month to build it up I wanted to really zap her with this " Marguerite was so shocked, sha did not see the ring produced by Duncan for two or three minutes She just kept saying, "I can't believe it 1 just can t believe you did this'" Mr and Mrs Paul Overtoil are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Marguerite to Robert, the son of Mr and Mrs Robert Duncan of Chicago, 111 The wedding is planned for August 1980 Sparkling Cruets Add some sparkle to those vinegar and oil cruets by simply tilling with water and a small portion of household ammonia Let the solution stand for an hour and rinse the cruets well McHenry chapter 1348 of the Women of the Moose held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday. Dec 19 at the Moose lodge, and the special event of the evening was a potluck dinner served at 7 p m by Marilyn Comstock and her committee Following the meal, there was a grab gift This ol' lady's concern o'er th' outcome o' th' movement. ERA. has been in r'gard f harm it may bring U future generations o' women, Now, me concern is directed toward th'/jipr."# use^t' be said. "Of*. a woman a yard an' she'll take a mile.", ari* no truer worm* were e'er spoken, seems t' me.' an' it fits a lot o^th' females o' this day Women re invadin' haunts o' th males o' th human race, deprivin' 'em o' their rights t' have private clubs sport teams, an', now. e'en th' privacy o th' necessarily private locker rooms This granny thinks some women have other things on their minds, b'sides reportin' on th' games, in trespass in on grounds that should be liifiited C th men Seems t this elder that it's about time th' male population git up on their hind legs an protest, loud an long an get th' females back in their God giv n place, a rearin th young so's society c'n develop, stead o' deteriorate, as it's been a doin More harm has been done. through th' ignorance o' folks meddlin wi'out th intelligence t' see ahead a bit further n th' tip o their noses Me thinks that a lot o th unrest, an' issues brought up t stir folks into unhappy reac tions. regardin their lot, re started wf th direct intent t break down society in our country One couldn't trace it but this granny recalls th hullabaloo that one woman started, back in th fifties, which affected curriculum in schools, all or th I'nited States This ol lady watches th' way we're affected wi' so many things foreign t th' society we knew in th' past Those who would see us go down, in defeat ha attacked our childern through drugs exchange among the members During the business meeting which preceded the dinner. Ms Winnie Clausen was enrolled and welcomed into mem bership Winner of the special award for the evening was Mabel Thomas dependin' on th' fact that they ha' no memory o' better times, when there was less o" harmful temptations Now th male Imputation has no place t hide out from th' aggressive females, out t' destroy th much needed right f'r men t' be together, wi'out th sound o' a female's voice, 'r th' sight o' cm a plavin' their wiles t' get attention Women, th female o' th human race, re possessive, in th' majority. The wise one II let her man go free, t do his thing, as th" savin' goes More marriages re broken f'r th reason that a woman wants t control th' man. an keep him to herself more "n is healthy f'r good relationship Now , this ol lady has t' bear down on th' theory o' women takin' their rightful respon sibility when they have childern, an' teachin' th' girls, an th boys. too. how t' be good wives an' husbands, an I don't mean in satisfyin' th physical urges There's more t' being good marital partners, n just goin't' bed wi' em Seems tfiat a lot o' young folks enter into th most important agreement o their lives, that o marriage, wi'out th first inklin o' what life is like, in livin together, rearin a family, an doin it wi a bit o success, an pride Teach th young how t' be regardful o each other, an proper r'spect f'r ever one. an let folks be unencumbered wi' one another an it'll create a better society f'r all Grandma Radtke Linda Muskovin To Be Married Mr Robert Muskovin of Michigan. Pat Muskovin. 690*. West Route 120. McHenry. and Mr and Mrs Eugene Nett. 2112 Chapel Hill road announce the engagement of Linda Muskovin and Vincent Nett. both 1977 graduates of McHenry high school An Aug 4 wedding is planned 'Twas the night before Christmas, wherr all through the house. Not a creature was stir ring, not even a mouse. -C.C". Moore. How to Live a Long, Happy Life People interested in living a lone, productive life would do worse than using Calvin "Pete" Pfingst. of Evanston. Illinois as an example. At 95 years of age, Pfingst is up and out every Monday morning to play golf, works a few hours every Tuesday at a nearby social center and drives several friends u> church every Sunday. A former school princ- pal. Pfingst retired in 194N after almost 3<) years with the Chicago Board of Edu cation. He graduated from the University of Chicago and received a master's de gree in education from Northwestern University. His first job after graduation was at a school in Indiana for $40 a month. Pfingst thinks hrs longev ity is due partly to heredity. His mother lived to 97 and her parents lived into then cM)'s. I he other factor Pfingst sa\s is his lifestyle. "I've avoided bad habits.' Pfingst told a writer from The National Council on the Aging. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I also take my time t<> do what I want to do. I \e never been in a rush. I also take a walk each day." He has a regular Monday morning golf match with an Hs-year-okl friend. Pfingst said we pla\ until we re tired. We're usually on the course by in the1 morn ing and play the back nine so we won't be rushed." Pfingst's moderate lile- st\le has kept him acti\e and in good health he has no hearing or sight prob lems and he walks with a quick. sure stride. Ever\ 1 uesday. Pfingst works m a senior center in Winnetka. a Chicago, suburb near Evanston. He keeps track of the biog raphies ol the center's more than 7(H) members, writing them in longhand. Pfingst still enjoys read ing the classics and the Bible and plays bridge sev eral times a week. A widower for ten years. Pfingst lives in a Presby terian retirement home, where he enjoys the com pany of the other residents. What you need most in later life are friends." he said, "and it's something you have to work at I'm a very wealthy man because 1 ha\e so many friends." * ** I.N A STUDY done be fore. enactment of legisla tion raising the mandatory retirement age to 70 in the private sector. David J Hkerdl and Raymond Bosse of the Veterans Administra tion Outpatient Clinic in Supplies volunteers from McHenry County college, the Senior Citizens council and senior Boston found that 12.8 per cent of the men sampled planned never to retire. These persons were gen erally older, presently un married. less likely to face compulsory retirement, had higher income, educational and occupational levels and claimed to be healthier. They did not reject retire ment because of financial •worries but because they found their work self-fulfill ing and were able to con tinue because of the lack of retirement regulations. I he study concluded that greater numbers of other able workers would forego retirement il given the choice and if pressures to retire were eased. * * * PEOPLE NEARING 65 who are not already re ceiving "Social Security benefits should contact a Social Security office two or three months before their, birthday to make sure that tfiey will have Medicare protection the month they reach to I hey should do this even if thev are not retiring, be cause Medicare is available to full time workers. Failure to apply may result in delays of from one to three months and as much as a year if a person fails to apply within three months after their 65th birthday month. THOUGHT FOR FOOD By G0UID CROOK Holiday Eggnog There are many views on how to achieve the perfect eggnog To use the whole egg or just the egg yolks or just the whites whipped to peaks There are different views on which spirits make the best nogs too. Try the following recipe for a really ex citing version of eggnog 8 egg yolks -- beaten until light and lemon-colored. 3/4 cup sogar -- beat into egg yolks until well blended. 1 bottle bourbon and 1/2 cup rum -- stir into above mixture. Now pour this mixture into a covered container and let stand overnight or until ready to serve. At this point fold iri 1 pint heavy cream whipped and then fold in the 8 egg whites which have been beaten with a pinch of salt until peaked Serve in mugs If you like, garnish with a few curls of chocolate shave with a vege table peeler from a semi-sweet bar Serves about 15 I might add that eggnoQ can be as potent or gentle as you like, depending on the amount of spirits used -- so decrease the amount given if it suits you better What An Investment I t s rea l l y too had q person can ' t inces t in income taxes they re one th ing y ou can he sure u i l l con t inue to go up Greetings To You In Many Languages HAPPY NEW YEAR (English) GLUECKLICHES NEU JAHR (German) ONNELISTA UUTTA VUOTTA (Finnish) GODT NYTT AR (Norwegian)* A GLICKLUCH NIE YUOR (Yiddish) FELIZ ANO NUEVO (Spanish) SZCZESLIWEGO NOWEGO ROKU (Polish) BONNE etHEUREUSE ANNEE (French) . BUON CAPO d ANNO (Italian) T not SI a tu ala u nt (Eskimo) GELUKKIG NIEUW JAAR i Dutch) SHIN NEN O ME DE TO Ilan^npspl BLAIDHAN NLA FE MHAISE DHUIT (Irish Gaelic) ANNUM NOVUM FAUSTUM FELICEM (Latin) GLEDIL NYT AR (Icelandic) GOON HO SINN SHEE (Chinese) GLAEDELIGT NYT AAR i Danish > STASTNY NOVY ROK (Czech) BLYDDYN NEWYDD DDA (Welsh i BLAIDHNA MHATH UR (Scotch Gaelic) BIBLE VERSE ' 'His name shall be called Wonderful, Coun sellor, the Mighty God. the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. " 1. Who wrote the above words? 2. Of whom was he speaking? 3. How long before the birth of Christ were these , » words spoken? 4. Where may this verse be found? Aiswtrs !• libit Vtrst 1. Isaiah the prophet. 2. Jesus Christ, the long promised Messiah. 3. More than four hun dred years B.C. 4. Isaiah 9:6. Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON Study In Quiet / Students need a place to study that is comfortable and removed from the regular noise of the rest of the family. Take the initiative and establish a study center for yourself Find a desk or part of a table that you can utilize. It should have enough surface space and leg room and stand at a comfor table height for the individual w ho's going to be using it most Try and locate your top space near a window where the light can enter naturally over your shoulder If you are having trouble finding a desk or study table, check the secondhand furniture stores. Auctions are also a possibility Typing tables and metal school desks are sometimes available at school and office furniture stores Com pare before you buy1 You could easily make your own desk from plywood or a door supported by a two-drawer metal file cabinet Remember to plan for some bookshelves within easy reach of your desk Boards with bricks or cinder blocks are easy to arrange, or. shelves can hang well when supported by brackets MAKING "8 V. ..Rocky Mountain powder snow is some of the driest and lightest in the world and an average 350 inches of snow falls at most resorts during the seasons. Powderhounds can't resist cutting Figure Eight's. THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP The McHenry I'laindealer (USPS 335 200) Established 1875 3S I 2 Elm Phon« 385 0170 McHenry Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday t Friday at McHenry Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY to P'0» d# mmtd'O't notum of 'hon^t o* addtmn to The Ml* 7 w flm I* McHenry III 400 SO * deduction (>• ont month frow •b# ••pro* o" o* o lubtr nptio»> **dl mod* a 'honge '>• odd-mil • « provided through Post OWxm Departrr*mf Adele Froehlich-Editor MEMIIR 1978 •[•SPAPCP NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mocuTiow 'm«n m eg NNA SUSTAINING S MEMBER-19/8 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' *•<»' $12 00 I 1 ear $17 00 In McHenry Outside McHenry County County PSYCHIC Irene Hughes AT CRESENT BAY LANDING Taking Reservations Now! Wed. January 3 - LUNCHEON PERFORMANCE Wed. January 10 • LUNCHEON PERFORMANCE Wed. January 17 - DINNER PERFORMANCE Wed. January 24 - LUNCHEON PERFORMANCE GR£SCENT cBAY~ AHpI N(j 3309 H. CHAPEL HIU R0. McHENRY 3858899 CLEANING SERVICE INC CONTRACT SPECIALS •New Homo? •Model Homes •Apartments PROFESSIONAL Small Office & Household CLEANING •Carpet Cleoni ig •Light Housekeeping •Inside Windows •Weekly Bi-monthly Monthly CALL 385-0283 TODAY •COUPONS FOR XMAS GIFTS Pregnant, NEED HELP74 CALL 'BIRTHRIGHT! OfflCF OPFN liOM » To I I A W j ANO KtOM 1 To P M MON lh(u F»l ' }* MM MSHIIK uwna 1153152999 YOUR WEEK AHEAD B, DAMIS Forecast Period -12 31 -1/6,79 AH1ES Mental faculties are keenly intuitive Spiritual m- Mar 21 Apr 19 spiration brings about a subtle change in outlook. TALRL'S There could be news of an inheritance, or perhaps Apr 20-May 20 it's a favorable business venture Guard against fraud GKMINI Telepathic interchanges with mate or partner May 21-June 20 bring a better understanding of the other s needs MOONCHILD An active imagination provides solutions for June 21-July 22 problems that come up on the job Be mindful of a sound diet LEO A romantic partner brings an air ol mystery into July 23-Aug. 22 your life Things are not as they seem VIRGO Look for hidden conditions if you are thinking of Aug 23-vSept 22 buying a new home Surface appearances are deceiving sometimes LIBRA Caution is urged in the signing of anv contract or Sept 234Jet. 22 written agreement Head the fine print SCORPIO There may be an element of good luck in money Oct 23-Nov. 21 making matters At least on the day dreaming level SAGITTARIUS Unconscious impulses bring inspiration leading to Nov 22-I>9e 21 creativity in music or another art form CAPRICORN Rewarding work having to do with hospitals or Dec 22-J an 19 religious institutions seems likely AQUARIUS Be alert A false sense of loyalty or sympathy for Jaii 20-Feb. 18 friends can lead you down the garden path PISCES Shacly or dishonest professional dealings will Keb 19-Mar 20 bac kfire Subtle changes bring exciting happen ings Pr crflto for you' Sun S»gn Analyst mhvI 'he day month year an<l pi acm of txrth pi us Si 00 for and to D' Dam.* Staff PC Bo* 526 PmaiiasPar* Florida 3356*; Grandma i Scz • • • REPAIRING l REGlUING lorry g Jim Seymour 815/459-0653 8 I