/ -, resent Wide Range Of Goals For '79 Although their goals and projects for 1979 mav he dtf- lerent. if all of- them are ac complished within the next lwelve months, both Mayor loseph Manek and the McHenry Area Chamber <>f 'ommerce should be well satisfied The C of (^Tists th«* formation |>f a political Act-ion committee* pis a lop priority, asserting that such a group would further Increase Chamber involvement |m governmental and legislative Imatters. Traffic is another matter of Iprime interest to this business (organization. In setting forth Iprojects.the officers and board listed evaluation of the* traffic Iflow problems in McHenry and |recommendations for solutions Another goal ;s increased Ipromotionof the Mi'Henry area through, broader publicity and |distribution of the Profile book which recently * became I available "Bigger and better retail promotions, making McHenry an even greater place to shop and save", is another, aim The Chamber leaders also hope to continue 'Thursday Night Fever", the slogan given in the recent change to Thur sday night store opening The C of C also hopes to continue the Industrial com mittee luncheons [tins a quarterly liuiustrv Newsletter and a "Salute to Industry" dinner 'Other priorities bere listed as follows: placement of ap proximately 40 benches througMuf the area for the convenience of the public. increased cooperation with local schools in the areas of Career Education. Economic Education, and Vocational Education: a 1979 Trade fair to be held indoors in the spring: a,Fiesta days week even moreLspectacular than 1978: -more meetings and social gatherings for all Chamber members: continuafmnof the money - saving group medical in surance program available to Chamber of Commerce members. - -continued effort toward the establishment of a SCORE chapter in McHenry county: -and finally, a healthy and prosperous year for all McHenry area businesses and citizens. Kit Carstens is president of the Chamber of* Commerce: Bonnie Gaza and Neida Rechisky are vice-presidents: and the treasurer is Kevin A. Flannery. Directors are Terry Audette. Phil Bartmann. Richard W. Doherty. Dr. Richard Farmer. Barbara Gilpin. John It was time for looking ahead ~ Jan. 3, - when city and Chamber of Commerce leaders sat down to set forth their goals for McHenry in the year ahead. From left are Robert Prendergast. executive manager of the C of C; Mayor Joseph Stanek and Kit Carstens, president of the Chamber. \ STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Huemann. V'ince Giacomm. Bryee C Klont'z. Tim Low. Thomas C. Miller, John E Murphy and Connie Tancredi. Robert A Prendergast is executive director and Sharon Nye is secretary In setting forth his goals. Mayor Stanek. notes op tjmistieally that "my hopes for 1979 are ambitious but cer tamly attainable" His No I priority is Jo see construction of a new com munitv and recreational building in Petersen park The building, he ;id<is. should be designed for niulti uses with strong empflusis on utility and low maintenance costs The mayor views thisjacility as a complex that will house many activities for all the people He continues to list some of the activities he hopes to see housed within the building: a rooms for meetings, weight and exercise, pool and ping pong, office, storage and kitchen, b tin- large fieldhouse type portion should accommodate basketball, volleyball, tennis, logging, shuffleboard. teen dances, winter concerts, the Trade fair. Ha Ho ween "pa^t ies and other uses to which a large open, high ceiling building would lend itself I believe we will acquire park land on the south edge of McHenry > :$•) acres or more'", the mayor said confidently.. He also believes 1979 will see the addition of the new sewer plant commenced which, when completed in 1980. will serve a jMtpifn^tion equivalent to 2f>.000 people "Hopefully.'" he said, "the stop and go lights at Crystal Lake road and Rt 120 and at Draper and Ringwood roads M^ill be vender construction" "Hv continued with the following goals The\ extensive street ^surfacing program that has most of our streets upgrJN^d will be continued with at letKL Si20.1)00 spent for that purpose in 1979 ---The parking lot between Green and Elm streets should be improved and possibly completed: May of 1979 will see the addition of a large slide system in Petersen park for our children's enjoyment This^ outstanding improvement is made possible by a generous donation from the McHenry Rofarv club .V -A dial a ride program may be developed for McHenry in the second half of the year Hopefull\. the Council. Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning commission will continue to anticipate1 future needs and that pending an nexations be resolved to the benefit and satisfaction of our citizens _ • - - "I am sure that the April ejection will give McHenry capable aldermen who will accept the responsibility of the job along with the title " These are some of the goals that I fully expect to reach fruition in 1979 One tfoal I would like each resident of McHenry to set for himself or herself is to attend a City Council meeting They are open to the public, start at 8 p m on the first, third and fifth Mon days of each month "May "God-bl^ss IVJflHonry in 1979" ' THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 Staird Winning ilrujspapn ® 1078 i.i Hni VOLUME 103 NUMBER 46 f.• * ' ' x - ̂ f ,y. ..1 y y v i ' , -V-V ' FRIDAY, JANU, mm?, -V,v • ^ 'M ? 5, 1979 1 SECTION 20 PAGES 20* ohnsburg District 12 Hold School dedication Students are shown leaving the new Johnsburg high school, 2002 Ringwood road, where dedication ceremonies will be held Sunday, sin' And Jan. 7, from 2 to 4 p.m. The public is invited to attend. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD First Driver Refresher School leaders in Johnsburg District 12 will be reflecting on more than two years of plan iiing andt'fforl Sunday. Jan 7. vhicli will be culminated in the dedication of thai community's new high school at 2002 Ringwood road. The public is invited ti» the two-hour program from 2 to 4 p tn The building presentation will be made,by Dr. Kenneth Fa lkingham. Johnsburg assistant /superintendent business affairs: and by Fred Matthews. K M Associates, project /irchitect and Harry Tyda. s/ate of Illinois Capital Development board project manager Acceptance of the building 'will 1If by Charles Boak. president of the board; and Feasibility study chairman. Mrs. Bobbie Hart, board secretary and Feasibility Study secretarv. and Miss Judv As(lima, the Student Council president (>[>en house orientation will be handled b\ the high school administrative staff The PT'O. teachers iiiid students wiil facilitate tours of the building and the Parent Teacher organization will seVve coffee and refreshments until 4 o'clock Dr Duane. Andreas, superintendent of-the district, will introduce honored plat form guests William Hayes, principal of the new high school, will speak briefly. Music will be offered b\ the Music department, under the direction of Hal Thompson The invocation ~~Nand benediction will be given b\ Father Leo Bartel oj St John's Catholic church. Johnsburg. and the Rev Mitchel Considine. pastor of Chain O Lakes h If Evangelical Convenant church, respectively The school structure should not be specially built around any oiuyparticular trend, but should «Ue flexible to serve changing educational needs". That was the opinii- Johnsburg staff mcmhegpi'? pressed during the planning stage Since then it has forme# one of the basic design premises for the school. It has served in planning along with the motto of the superintendent "form follows function". Supt Andreas urged that leaders in the' school con struction figure out the in tended function based on philosophy and intended teaching method and strategies, then have the ar chitect create the form to follow this function In > preparing tor the dedication Dr Andreas noted that the faculty, staff, board, community and students essentially "designed" this school in a Series of planning session^ stfith the architect engijpfer idreas noted that" "th:s fm approach to architecture provided a school which features not only national educational values, but the values that are intrinsic to Johnsburg " The walls of the new building can be modified to changes in the educational organization in three ways. They are described as "flexibility" of changing walls, "convertibility" of .changing room usage and "expansibility" by allowing future growth i m One example is the lean resource center which tentionally is an unencli room It allows versatility (Continued on page 18) in- sed ph > ' Course Of 1979, Slated Joiflt Meeting Time for resolutions again, although no one has asked for ours. A weak willpower discourages many of us from making promises relating to our own behavior. Much easier, it seems, to make sorj&e resolutions we hope the other fellow will keep. Thes^were our feelings this morning as we studied the goals set forth for a better McHenry. They were expressed by the city's mayor and the president and executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. ^ Wliat better pepffle to ask for goals for a community? Here are three men foj^Cvhom the good of the city is a high priority. That's all we can really expect. On the w hole, we tend to agree with the accomplishments they seek.-And maybe it's only a selfish thought that we think the biggest attention of today, tomorrow and the day-after-tomorrow should be\our traffic problem Oh, it was mentioned, but on only one set of goals. And "evaluation" is something we've been doing too long on too many things We'd like to see some action. We remember only too well when we tried to stop all that action on the old bridge, but we were told that it was full speed ahead because of traffic congestion ' • J We didn't buy that but no one cared, and so while we lost a landmark we have cars zipping in and out of McHenry on two bridges a block apart We're resigned! But what about some a<^tion at the Rt. 31-120-Waukegan road intersection0 We've been waging a losing battle on this one for at least three years We know the state has promised to do something sometime. It will install a left turn signal for traffic on Elm heading east that would enable motorists to turn left onto Front. The state also will cut part of the concrete island away near thte Overton parking lot. allowing tWe extension of the right-tunvonly. To alleviate some of the congestion, a small triangular island will be built in the center of W'aukegan road, forcing traffic on Waukegan road to turn right onto Front street. Fine on all points. But we can't believe all the city goal setters are unaware that it's the right turners from Waukegan street that cause the headaches now An official of one of our governmental units said to us sometime ago, "You mean the drivers don't observe the don't block intersection' signs' "' W e just "laughed. They never have, and we don't have any reason (or sufficient optimism) to think they ever will. It's nice to know the state will help as out, but the plans we've heard will never cure the ulcer brought about by absolute frustration at this particular traffic impasse. However, a few police tickets to the westbound drivers who ignore the signs would ease the pain .- We have only one goal ir. 1979--to have,.some of our leaders who furnished a, nice, shiny bridge for the east side of town move farther west. We'll guarantee, you won't find a driving paradise! KAF James Jansen of the McHenry Senior Citizens club announces that the first series of the dp*er refresher course lias bjrni scheduled for Thur sday Jan 11. the second. Jan 18 liiid the third and final se/sion of this sepies Jan "25 Jenior citize/fs having a birthday between now and March are encouraged to avail themselves of this special free Feature Bullf Valley Children In Life Magazine The magazine Life had a new start recently, and in the January. 1979. isisue two young Mcllenrv area children appear in a full page photo The feature is "•Happiness is a Hot Tub", and the children shown in a year round tub are Mandy and Brent Toepper. the children of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Toepper of Bull Valley. Mrs. Toepper is the former Man Patricia Stiller The caption below the at tractive youngsters telte of them running in freezing temperatures from house to tub in only bathrobes and shoes., then soaking in the lti'i degree F water -Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roger Stiller and Mr. and Mrs James Toepper. all of McHenrv V service It is not necessary to be a member of the club to attend This will be the first series of 79. with the next scheduled for sometime in March. The sessions are from 10 a in to noon at the McHenry city hall Council chambers. However, it will be appreciated it interested persons come at 9 4.") a.m. Jan 11 becjffrse of the registration of class members Jansen can be contacted at :i8.~>-747r> for additional in formation cANNOl NCES ( \NDII) \CY State Rep Thomas Hanahan.' McHenry Democrat, this week announced his candidacy for speaker of the Illinois House The McHenry City Council, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning commfssion will meet'with representatives of the local school boards to discuss the future growth of McHenry Mayor Joseph Stanek told membersjjf the Council present at Tuesday night's meeting that he had been approached by the superintendents of both school districts who Requested thj7 meeting The mayor said the school boards' wanted to meet w ith the cit\ s governing body and planners to talk over future- growth and population Injections of the city The meeting will be' held Tuesday. Jan 2:i. at 7 .50 pm in the Council chambers Stanek also told the Council members that the meeting of 1he Municipal association of McHenrv counts will be held Jan 24 at \ndre s in Richmond He indicated that the meeting will be hosted b\ the Village of Spring (irove and municipal insurance will be the major topic of discussion In other action Tuesday night. Superintendent of Public- Works Fred Meyer told the Council that he had spoken to a Rockford firm regarding the purchase of t^as pumps tor the city Meyer explained that he would be. talking to McHenry firms soon, as he completes ground work tor the purchasing committee The committee is trying to determine what action the city should take regarding gas "purchases for city vehicles The city's contract for gasoline purchasing for public- works vehicles and police squad cars expired Jan 1 It was not renewed and no local gas stations submitted bids to acquire the city's business Meyer explained that it is going to cost about $10,000 for each tank the city purchases )nd has placed below ground ) He added tljat Fire Chief lleun Peterson had indicated that the city could: use a 050 (Continued on page 18) ". i I ;/• X Color It Winter Take a hill, (-'-over it with fresh fallen snow. Add some leafless trees. Throw in a few kids and sleds. The recipe is for Winter Fun. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYI-ORD r^ /•