PLAINDEALER • PAGE 19 -FRIDAY. APRIL fi. 1979 Go where nothing grows and create fantasy lawn Don't despair if your out door area is a soilless, sun less spot, because modern materials, a variety of plants and flowers and a little imag ination can transform your concrete patio or terrace into a green oasis! Begin by establishing the mood -- contemporary, country or ethnic. Ideally the interior style of the home should be carried out of doors to continue the flow of decoration and expand the total living space. The next step is to cover the entire surface--which is probably an unsightly con crete slab -- with "Poly- loom" II grasslike sur facing. Available in "real" grass colorations, bright "lawn" green or olive "verde" green, the artificial turf provides a lawn-like at mosphere and is easy to maintain. Impervious to weather, water and wear, the rugged olefin fiber will not mildew. rot or attract insects. Yard work is done once--at the time of installation. "Polyloom," which is widely available at carpet, department or hardware stores, can be installed pro fessionally or on a do-it- yourself basis. Standard 6- or 12-foot widths can be cut eas ily with heavy duty shears or a utility knife; it can be laid with or without an adhesive. O n c e t h e l a w n i s "planted," the local nursery will provide an abundance ot» ideas for greenery, colors and containers. Large4 red wood, concrete or terra cotta tubs are perfect for trees, evergreens and shrubs and create a year-round, green background for seasonal plants and flowers which in troduce color and variety to your man-made setting. Pots of red geraniums will enhance the colors of a climb ing rose garden for spring and summer; gold, brown and white chrysanthemums mu tate the scene for fall. Outdoor furniture also should be selected with easy m a i n t e n a n c e i n m i n d . Wrought iron, redwood or plastic can remain out .of doors in all weather, and a simple storage box can be built to house chair pads, cushions and tools. Your easy-care, fantasy garden can be maintained w i t h l i t t l e e f f o r t . T h e "Polyloom" grass carpet can be raked, vacuumed or hosed down and carries a five-year warranty not to fail or fade due to exposure to sunlight. All of your energy and creativity can then go to plant care and pruning, and your man-made garden will pro vide you with an abundance of growing and gardening ex perience^ Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful we must carry it with us or we find it not. --Ralph Waldo Emerson Itiis Easier have DINNER OUT For a fun filled feast for the whole family, come enjoy all the Easter favorites we have planned for you1 Call Now For Reservations At One Of These Fine Restaurants &?rt>gtooot> 3lnn ai new and ai. exciting CLX £p.\inqtimtl MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW FOR OUR SPECIAL r EASTER BRUNCH lewing from 10 a.m. to 3 ji.m. docHtaih. - ^Private, talking 10105 a^n Street - <cRinfimond {J[[. _ _ 815-678-4264 m w \,; il ORSOLINI'S "Food That Creates Conversation Since 1921" FEATURING TRADITIONAL EASTER MENU INCLUDING DAKED HAM & ROAST LEG OF LAMD RESERVATIONS PREFERRED 815-678-6617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED RT. 12 & 31 - RICHMOND, ILLINOIS Le Vichyssois 220 W. RTE. 120- LAKEMOOR Enjoy a Gourmet Easter Meal SPECIALIZING IN FRENCH CUISINE RESERVATIONS NECESSARY 815-385-8221 [Crescent Bay Landing 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg - McHenry - Illinois Reservations Now Being Accepted For Our ELEGANT EASTER BRUNCH Serving from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 385-8899 THE TOP DECK The Top Deck will be closed on Eoster Sunday to spend the day with our families. MAY WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY JOYOUS EASTER 1232 N. Green St., McHenry, III.