HORNSBYS fami ly centers -- HONOR THE PERFECT LOOK FOR BACK TO SCHOOL! 18% OFF Aw Courant Tw**d Fabric %4T 20% OFF Lottie* Open Wnn 394 Our rog. 4.24 yd. For |ackats, pants, vast*. 70% Our rag. 4.94 yd. Lottie* polyostar, 30% cotton. 45" wldo In color*: Cypros* Bluo, twoatar scarf ovar Bordoaux Win* and Raisin Brown. doan for th* lay*r*d dacron and flax (dry 20% OFF 21% OFF C*nc*rd SatiiMd id*lw*lss Sh,n*®" ft Sal* ̂ Yd. *a'# Yd- 34% OFF Ass*rt*d Sawing N*ti*n* 30% OFF Ass*rt*d Sewing Imm 797 • •• Valuos to 11.74. A varlaty of slzos for many sowing profocts. Valuos to 74*. Choos* from noodlo asst., Stitch Witch- ory, nam rlppors, tapo S2J% OFF WMmrak A "30% OFF Sapor Latch Hook Kits 3M Sab 12"x 12" "•9 %96 4.27 Mk\ Stretch 1«V24" R*fl- JL1T Rll • IUPK MWim tAYIR Irelher Fiw Ane $ewhi| ileehhw Im. 142.96 Silf HI** Fabrics 12" x 24 *•«. AST 6.97 •• Salt I Yd, Corduroy poly/cotton blond. 44 wldo. Gobor-Sik 12 Rag. 14.63 dino 100% docron/poly- a*tor50"/MT wldo. Su*d-- and Tony Boudo 1/5 yd. lorry • 54"/«r Arm THESE HORNSBY S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY *». 34 t 47 Yerkvilk, III. 1 } 0 Waverly Worm III. Route 1 36 Havana, III. *t 66 & 116 Pontiac, III. US 6 I ?6 pr>rKeton I# Marie! Or McNenry, III. 4 7 fcoodsfoci ^59 Kennedy Dr. Bradley III