DELUXE AGGRAVATION Combines skill, strategy and a shortcut option for * new playing concept! ? . The family-fun game that makes thinking fun! Ages 8 and up. •winoo FAMILY GAMES Two long-time family favor ites, Monopoly and Sorry! Both provide hours of fun. 2 to 8 players. BONKERS A zany, unpredictable gamel Create the board as you play ao it's never Jhesame. CUDDLE-UP BABY Ufe-sfae walking dol with long rooted hair and moving eyeal Choice of 6 outfits! 32-in.taH. like • real baby. Cuddfe-up baby has a heartbeat, tool SECTION I PLAINDEALER-PAGE2 Y.NOVEMBER S0.1&79 upl CONNECT SK| FOUR Object is to get 4 checkers in a row! Complete with 42 checkers, play frame, stand. Rag. $7.49 YAHTZEE GAME BIG SELECTION POCKET GAMES Choose from 6 excit ing flames involving sports, chance, skid, more! Rag. $1.59 BLACK BOX Powerful game of log ic and deduction! Strategy geme of hide and seek! Rag. $8.99 Chofca BOP BOP 'n REBOP GAME Fast and furious fun for the entire family! Make your opponents lose three points, and you win! >M Bttenes not tncfuded. Rag. $11.99 Now only wHhttUONS lifwrtsarr Mork from Ork in his spacesuit and pack. Stands 9-inches tall and fun of "Ne-No, a Na-No's." Refl-8 99 SNUGGLES So much like a real baby! Moves her head and cud dles her security accessory! 12%-in. tall. _ Rag. $12.99 CARRIAGE, STROLLER Durable, colorful plas tic with Mary Muffin decals. ftfrMJN smoua Ra» N* CARRIAGE BABY GROWS UP Feed her the bottle and watch her grow ... from 16H to 18-in. tall. Pud baby ring ... she's a baby again! 2 outfits. SSsmsr o BALLS APOPPIN Offense or defense firing of balls to center! Winner gets 4 balls in a row. SKEDOODLE Drawing Mw lihm Unique way to draw! With 12 design discs and instruction. 7V4x 10-in. Rag. $10.99 KISSING BARBIE Put on her special lip stick, press her back and she kisses . . . leaves a lipstick mark. Cornea with kiss print dresa, bouquet, stand. Rag. $9.99 Now only TV FAMOUS SCRABBLE Spading is fun with scrab- ble, the crossword gante. t15.S9 My Bottle Baby 14V4-fr». tad. Looks, feela, 4H Y sounds like a reel baby V §' •vhile drinking from her I bottle. No batteries. eech FOAM WOOD ROCKING CHAIR Great looking chairs built to last. Kid size 18x13x23-ln., white or walnut colorl Only 17-in. dod with a cute knitted outfit! Moving wheels on strollerwith music chimes! Rag. $9.99 Rag. $13.99 COOKWARE, TEA SETS Decorative aluminum play pots and pans or Hody Hobby aervice for 4 tea sets Rag. $13.59 NowOnty LOVELY BABY DOLLS Choose 11-in. Lovely Su san, 12-in. Baby Angel or 12-ln. Softie Love baby dolls in cute little outfits! Choiea LOVE-NOTE* PALS Playa music when squeezed. With song ' book. 11-in. tall. - * - - "• - w--. - : iwT»iinrî wi • t » mr-n-r-*ur-Km.3rT.-r,-~. JL