SECT mu ' PAGE 4 • PLA1NDEALKR. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER S. 1919 Sunnyside Area Betty Messer 344-2494 Please Write Lonesome Boy It's the time of year when people a long way from home start thinking more and more of home, and friends and family. It's just a year ago that PFC. James M. Eichhorn, Jr. was sent to Schwabish, West Germany. He graduated from Mc Henry West campus in 1978 and is now serving in an Army Artillery company. Jim is the son of Jim and Marge Eichhorn, 1414 Lake view, who miss him very much. He is also greatly missed by his sisters, Debbie and Renee, and his grandparents Kate and Andy Eichhorn, 1409 W. May. He misses McHenry, his family and friends, and would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone at home. If you would like to write, his address is: Pfc. James M. Eichhorn, Jr., S.V.C. Battery 1-41 F.A., A.P.O. New York 09281. Letters from friends can make lonely holidays away from home a lot brighter. WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS We welcome to the village, new residents', Larry and Jody Dodge and their daughter, Melissa. The Dodges recently moved to 1814 Lake view. Hope you are enjoying your new home and life in our pleasant little community. WISCONSIN VISITORS Holiday visitors from Marinette, Wis., were Rich and Kelly Messer and their son Jacob. Rich is the son of Betty and Rich Messer, 1405 Bayview Lane. When they visited his grandmother, Nettie Messer of Ingleside, she got to see her great-grandson, Jacob, for the first time. They also saw his sister, Sherry Johnson, and her family in Lily Lake. Jacob was born in April in Buchanan, Mich., and most of his aunts, uncles and cousins had not seen him before. HOSPITAL NOTE Mabel Zawislak, 1413 Bayview lane is in the McHenry hospital with a severe virus. Her friends and neighbors wish her a speedy recovery, and hope she hurries home. We miss her around here! VEHICLE TAGS Vehicle tags for the village go on sale Dec. 1 and are available from Village Clerk, Betty Messer, 1405 Bayview lane, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Tuesday 7 to 9 p.m. For further in formation call 385-6023. All residents are required to display a vehicle sticker on each car, truck, van, and motorcycle registered to their home address. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings go to Bill Mitchell, whose day was Nov. 27; Marion Pflug Nov. 30; and Paul Duell Dec. 1. Renee Januschik will celebrate Dec. 6. Best wishes to you all for a happy day RINTRMSEtfWC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday P I N S E N V A C c leans the way profess ionals do. at a t ract ion of the cost and many more to come. - CUB^COUT PACK 454 Cub Scout Pack 454 held their monthly meeting Wednesday, Nov. 28 at Bush school. Mr. Jerry DeWolf produced at the as the new scout master, replacing Walter Koslowski. The boys sang Christmas carols at Carestoel nursing home Saturday, Dec. 1, and received goodwill patches. The money from' the pur chase of these patches goes to the 1980 Olympic funds for the USA teams. The bake sale held by the pack recently in McHenry was a huge success, and everything donated was sold. The profits went into the pack treasury for fifture lso present at the meeting was Mr. A1 DeBaets of the McHenry Lions club, who came to speak about the "Vial for Life". This vial is placed in the refrigerator with a slip inside listing all medical information for each person in the household. A sticker is adhered to the window of the home indicating a vial is present and emergency people know immediately to look for it. The name and address of each home having the "Vial for Life" is also on record with the McHenry Sheriff's department. Parents at tending the pack meeting were invited to make use of this service, which most of than did. Plans are being made for the annual Blue and Gold dinner in February. the next pack meeting will be Dec. 19. This will also be the pack Christmas party. Health Examination School Code Revised loving parents should remember that Soldier Story Most soldiers would rather be generals than privates: Gene rals don't have to fight for their medals. In August, Governor Thompson signed a law aimed to strengthen the immunization and health examination requirements of all schools in the State of Illinois. The law requires that each child present proof of having imminizations and health examinations in accordance with the regulations of the Depart ment of Public \ Health each of the following situations: 1--Upon entering nursery school, kindergarten or first grade, fifth grade, and ninth grade. 2--Upon transferring to another school, irrespective of the grade. This is a new requirement that went into effect on Aug. 1, 1979. When m« _ jJWjT; stufenttransferring to a,new1 school mutt have proof of a recent health examination in order to register at toat school? Addltidriar health examinations of students may be required when deemed necessary by school authorities. _ ee t e : • ! We don't want to dis appoint anyone; con sequently, we make no predictions. - Twice Told Tales of FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files December 5, 1929) Five hundred members were present at the big meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America held at the. Palmer House in Chicago. Mrs. Vera Purvey, grand regent of Court Joyce Kilmer of McHenry, was among the grand regents who filled their stations and the local court was also honored for having an of ficer, Mildred Kinsala, chosen to act as monitor and Eleanor Kinsala to act as sentinel. Stockholders in the McHenry County Farmers Cooperative association this week will receive their first dividend check. . The association's statement of condition shows a very prosperous state of affairs for the company and prospects for a continuation of good business ate good. McHenry Lodge No. 158, A.F.&A.M., held election of officers, with James Perkins reelected to the office* of worshipful master for another year. Other officers elected were Floyd Hopper, senior warden; Seth Richardson, junior warden; George Johnson, treasurer, and Ray Page secretary. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 14, 1939) About 125 farmers (and some agriculturists) in vaded the Lion's den-of course, by invitation. The McHenry Lions club played host to a large group of farmers of this community at the Knights of Columbus hall. The purpose of the meeting was to better acquaint the farmers and business men in the com munity and give each a better understanding of the other's problems. For the purpose of coordinating these problems, the Lions club was successful in arranging for the popular editor of Prairie Farmer, Arthur C. Page, as speaker. Someone perpetrated a joke on S.I.H. about a lost key and he was flooded with keys. It was a good joke, well planned and executed. He promised revenge on that syndicate some day. TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of December 8, 1954) The Plaindealer is beginning a series of editorial cartoons that pertain to the various types of business houses that are here in McHenry. They show in a humorous way the ad vantages and the im portance of shopping in McHenry with the McHenry business men. McHenry residents are being encouraged to con tinue with home decorating plans for the holiday season. A number of prizes will be _awarded again this year for 8ECT10N 2 - PAGE S - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBERS. 1979 the most attractive and original decorations in several categories. The McHenry American Legion Post No. 491 will sponsor basketball for grade school boys again this year. Coach Cliff Fulton will give the boys instruction each week. Father McGowan, a great leader in promoting healthful recreation for our youth, has been named president of the league. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 10, 1969) 25% OFF Christmas Tablecloths 367 more gs christmas S.47 51"x 51" 51" x 70' 60" x 90" or 67" Round Reg. 4.87 Reg. 3.97 Reg. 6.54 Reg. 5.43 Reg. 9.54 Reg* 8*54 f hornsbys family centers^ Sale WalM SI*. Color MM 10 for Mada from any color print only up to 1 (ill also. Coupon must accompany ord Offor expires 11-14-74 Ttih mfw wet «o lM «Hth t ny o thw toyp .n. NEADQUA 25% OFF Battleship Sai Save ^ 1.79 Tf 197 ̂ *9. 6.76 Classsic soak 20% OFF Kitting Baifcie Doll 1.40 6. f Qual i ty Cor respondence Gi f t Sets Y Decorate your table for Christmas with a beautiful tablecloth from Hornsby's. Choose from "Royal Poinsetta" or "Sam pler" patterns to make your Christmas dinner a special event. No. SW4I1 4.97 v L a.MleLleedOoetles Comfort companions for llttlo foot. MaxIMo* wlpa-claan uppors with coxy, ptlo lining. • Chlldrons slzao M. Tho bravost warrior will Iowa to snugglo up In warm fluffy collar moccasins. Slxos 44. C. Koop your "Llttlo sport" on tho right track • In coxy, plus bottlas. Snug sock tops. Slxos 3-11. Reg. 4** Pr. SAVS Tho dash sothy Arnold. No. W-X SAVS 1.14 No. 14X dash sot hy Arnold 27% OFF No. 144 hy 4 1.47 1.7* cnnsTmai it. 471 mailt* * 11% OFF - ' •ogll>hl.MHMr 25% OFF "Brown Duck' Insulated Coveralls Reg. 40.04 Save 12S1 Exclusive heavy duty brown for utility and sportswear. f9 proof.' Wind rasistant. Bar tacki at all stress points. Wat« ropallant, 2-way zipper front, i duroy collar. Slxos 34-4* short, 50 regular, 34-54 long. No. 9HQ. 25% OFF Insulated Bib Overalls 7 Save 8M Reg. 35.43. Stay warm this winter with those heavy duty brown duck coveralls from Carhartt ft Hornsby's. dT_i' 34% OFF 4.47 1-4 qt. punch howl - - 114 ox. cups, hangars, plastic lad la. No. S44/171B. 41% OFF SAVS 4.47 Chooso from gold « spaarmlnt. No. 0-S44/114. 37% OFF 1.11 4-11% ax. |ars phis < 1144-14. 1.44 11% l-LIMr SAVI *?17J* Beautiful Holiday Reflections ) ^^0 To 26% Male o rP Factor Fomala Savo 1.34 39% OFF On Lotion SAVI 1.17 3S% OFF •nglisli Leather em Set mwFik. SAVI 1.11 fg 4 ox. spray cologno 33% OFF 42 4.M 4.74 Intlmato fragrance complement!. 34% OFF Mork tk Mindy® 24% OFF All Ike Kins' Men Same C53 , 2.0! ft? 7 Exciting strategy gamo for tho wholo family from Parkor Brothors. No. 72 20% OFF Mattel's Musical Calliopa Savo Rag. 1.79 S.76 I Just pump tho balloon full of air. Kays aro color coded to tho songbook which is in- , eluded I u. 16% OFF Ihristmas Candle Megs SAVE ® 1 # 42' • _ 1.S4 Decora to your tablo. mantlo, or bedroom 130% OFF 114" ••• *>'»/< SAVI 24% OFF Va M |No. K-4414. NO. K-4444. 34% OFF 1.44 China from roctongla art rear 7x11 or oval mirror 4x11 tray. No. 4441 4441. ft SUN •• «e n' • . •••• 23% OFF 'j r"* ng - f/r -v- . • » ' . / i • . . • .* * J rt<\ (!•'> IS.00 I OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 4:00 P.M.-9:00 A.M. $10.00 4400 W. RTE. 120, flfcHENBY, III. 20% OFF "Thermal Lined" Soldi Sieves SAVE $2.00 Rag. 9.97 Srushod suede cowhide, buckten color, warm thermal lining. No. 413S 20% OFF Shearief Lined" Suede Sieves 876 Reg. 10.97 Brushed suodo cowhide, sago br- sh color. S5% acrylic, 45% cotton. No. 41S7 SAVE 2.21 24% OFF Uo'i Tbenm Himl CaoL WW 9VCR 187 Rog. 2.54 Wool blond thermel boot socks and rod top. One sizo fits 10-14 •frotch. S^S4 ^sosss •oeuinvi • pieco Bevvv^ee iov vvnn hio wwwy» No. 4443. 38% OFF Tho sot contains 4 oa. 4 oa. |ulaa. 4 oa. rosks. 11 ox. hovorago. 14 ax. hod too. No. 1M4/9. «2" SAVSi Tho canton thinking tor you. I SX'70 5.41 28 Si •hovel ,47'»<' •rations. Door broom or fcor snow shovel. No XN-14 or No. XN-11. SAVI 1.41 | iitlful silk Christmas flowar. No. IM4. 1.47 SAVI 1.11 ** Rag. 11.14 | Decorate your door with a beautiful wraath | decora tad with Red Cardinal or Poathorod • Partridge. No K-1411. No. K-4441. 31% OFF 11.44 4 ft. garland docoratod with Mi id Cardinals or ' flOa Poathorod Partridge. Sha's tho doll who kissos Pross hor back, sho tilts hor hobd. See hor puckor hor lips. 120% 0FFI Baby Magic iTonderkvol ao hor do magic wand and not tricks. Hours of fun 25% on Tonka| ahtv Pump HHB87I Soft, cuddly frlands fust right for baby I No. 4444/7 Tough stool construction. No 3900 22% OFF Happy Baby by Horsman® Reg S.74 Sturdy Playlkool toy drum with ho la In cantor for play balls 47 °UU6Hi ovaabla doll that laughs. No. 14 Targot practlco with this safoty targat sat. No. 411. 20% OFF eo 'Say-Talking TV jj 87 Rag. Hoar 10 different TV-talk ings whan you pull tho ring From Mattol. II L TON WADLEV lava monay aaslly with this gumboil piggy bank. No. 1|M lasy to assemble largo puxxlo places. No. 4414. pn 5 21% OFF Canon® PIO-D 10 Digit St Display I Calculator Ml* Reg| 82.87 Save 1T.II This calculator would bo tho perfect gift to give this , ... Christmas! Rasldos hawing both printod and 9 •< fluorescent display and many mora features. It comas complato with charger. Slxa 4 l/4"x4 4/T4"x1 5/4". No. PO-14. 30% OTP Reg 19.87 ? ^ t^ Calculator : Save 4.11 I Poaturas pochat watch with alarm function, an eight : digit, ana memory capacity with liquid crystal display with tlmo display, hour, mlnuto, seconds AM/FM Indicator and many mora faaturas. Na. Meyer Field of Bull Valley road, McHenry, con troversial figure in the debate over a site for the McHenry County college, announced that he has revised a sale price for his land. He now offers 200 acres of land for $1,625 per acre, or $325,000. Mr. Field's earlier price was $1,900 per acre. The -new addition to Harrison Elementary school on McCullom Lake road in Wonder Lake is "on schedule" and about 12 percent completed, ac cording to its architects, Fitch Larocca Carlington Jones of Chicago. The Warriors and the Warhawks of North Chicago , locked up in a defensive struggle of tremendous proportions with the orange and black squeaking out a last second 44-43 victory. Sales tax receipts for the fiscal year ending last June were reported by the Illinois Department of Revenue. Total for the state was $960,577,192 compared to $895,970,389 for the previous year. McHenry's total for the twleve-month period was $1,312,207.95. BBBBDBBBBBBB Safety Hints ooooooooooooc By Alan J. Dixon Secretary of State If you own or drive a truck, proper loading techniques will save you time and could save you money as well. When the weight of a vehicle is deemed unlawful by a police officer, the driver will be required to pull off the highway and remain standing until such portion of the load is removed or shifted to comply with the law. Materials unloaded shall be cared for by the owner or operator of the vehicle at the risk of the owner or operator. No arrest tickets will be issued when the overweight is 2,000 pounds or less and the owner or driver shifts or removes the excess. It is against the law for a driver to refuse to stop at an official weighing station; or to refuse to obey a police of ficer who orders an excess load to be removed or shifted. Fines of not less than $500 or more than $2,000 can be assessed for failure to shift a load. Take that extra minute that can mean a savings. (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Alan J. Dixon, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111., 62756.) CONSUMER V CHECKLIST Tune Your Furnace Tune your furnace annually. Tests have shown that a one-fiftienth inch layer of soot in a furnace can re duce efficiency by up to 50 per cent. The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 • 2 Years - $25.00 (Best Buy) HI Year-$13.50 I 6 Months - $7.50 ! J Payment Enclosed Noma. Addrass. Pricas good in McHonry 1 County.