CAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST >, McCullom 4 Margaret Loewe driving with a 4919 di«**yed a atop • > * f. UM 49 mph hi Beach Gals Seek Members The Gal's had a bowling night last week and although there were no newcomers, all those in attendance had a lot of fun. Hope to see new gals at the next meeting on Aug. 6 at 7:30 p.m. We will be discussing upcoming elections for vice-president and treasurer, also, activities for the Silver anniversary will be discussed. LADIES OF THE LAKE The ladies had their annual picnic recently and 16 members were present. There was good food and games and everyone had loads of fun. The next meeting will be Aug. 14 at 8 p.m. when the Silver anniversary activities will be discussed. New people are welcome. VACATION TIME Rich and Barb Reiter, along with their son John, went on a two-week vacation to Arkansas, where they visited with long time residents of the village, Bill and Petie Schmidt who now into society," said Joseph Romagnano, of 2* .. Robert S. •WSJ?1*' w traxfrporta to all of live in Mr friends Tail fo*y . . . . . John's tenth had two partial went swimming at thabeaoh and came back to John's house for cakV'-*fSJ:- watermelon. The five lucky boys who attended the party were John Lawson, Ronnie and Mike Krumsee and Chris and Timmy Colby. The other party was for relatives. , His great- grandma Lang, grandma Rutkowski, from Mt. Prospect; and grandmother Reider, from Chicago, were there. Hope you bad a lot of fun, John. BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK On Aug. 6, Myrtle Bi has a very special day. Reid is another year older on Aug. 11. Sandy Straumann is celebrating her big day Aife. 13. "Happy birthday" to all of you. ANNIVERSARIES Don and Sandy Lasco will be married another year on Aug. 11.1 hope you both have a wonderful day with many great years to come. -1**009 attiniOls. IDESO, sponsored by Paralysed Veterans of America, assembles the largest group of assistive devices for the handicapped. The show is open to both professionals dealing with problems facing the disabled, and disabled consumers, Who are invited to see the exhibit area, attend informative conferences on subjects affecting professionals and consumers, and visit the film festival which demonstrates disabled individuals living with their disabilities. " "If we are truly hopeful of making the 1980's the Decade of the Disabled, IDE '80 must begin an education process of the legislators, professionals and the public who will make things happen - architects, school ad ministrators, employers, medical product dealers and distributors, transportation officials and city planners. These are people who must consumers. The Re- habitation institute of Chicago wiU present a of lectures on "Access Living: Independent Living", "Rehabilitation Engineering: Integration Through Technology", "Urinary Care Management Using the Rancho Wrist Driven Flexor Hinge Or thosis", "What is New in Neurogenic Bladder Care", '^Promoting and Main taining Independent Living", "Rehabilitation Approaches in Multiple Sclerosis", "Access Living: Consumerism and Ad vocacy", "The Silent Majority....The Deaf Community", "Employment for the Disabled", and "Access Living: In dependent Living in Chicago". .* COOPERATION Cooperation means doing with a smile something you have to do any way. S, Aecetta, 3904 sHeet, no valid and no valid driver's license. James F. Baker, 3706 Anne street, speeding, 44 mph in a 90 zone and unsafe left front tire. Judith C. Bender, 102 Navajo, speeding, 42 mph in a 30 zone. Sandra P. Eckert, 2903 Sterling, speeding, 87 mph in a 25 zone. Ronald I Fikeus, 8904 High street, altered suspension. Joseph A. Filippo, Jr., Route 2, speeding, 55 mph in a 40 zone. James C. Peterson, 8718 Riley, Wonder Lake, speeding, 56 mph in a 40 zone. Samuel P. Zito, 2006 Orchard Beach, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Maureen A. Montressor, 4413 Clearview, improper lane usage. Arthur L. Ankebrant, 1218 Huron, Wonder Lake, G. Finch, 8904 Oak, 52 mph in a 40 Linda S. Frednd, 3718 Lee, *: Kreimier, 2810 Sberewood, speeding, 42 mph in a 25 zone. rail L. Tansey, 606 Orchid .Path, driving without lights twhen required. ^ Las C. Kasper, 4702 Shore, failure to reduce spee<^ to avoid an accident 1 {Catherine M. France, 4612 Shore, speeding, 43 mph in a 25 zone. Elaine M. Hermann, 1209 Hilltop, speeding, 45 mph in a 80 zone. Leonard A. Harrison, Jr., 5807 Meadow Hill, improper backing. James 4 J. Diedrich, 403 Green, disobeyed a police officer. - Joseph M. Dougherty, Crystal Lake road, speeding, 55 mph in a 30 zone. Thomas A. Tripicchio, 2707 Wright, no .valid registration. Joshua J. Wilkersen, 2006 Orchard Beach, speeding, 42 mph in a 25 zone. ' Marj(Hie E. Stastny, 2606 Kashmiri, speeding, 55 mph in a 40 zone. Scott T. Simeon, 3921 Main street, speeding, 55 mph in a 40 zone. pgu î v\ P 1 nam*® s'\ K •McilBHRY Rome - m ' ; firUHtishiiws County Fair Bedding EVERYTHING V'r- Use Our Layaway Plan i * lli II Must Sell At Sacrifice Prices!! Need To Make Room For New Furniture ALL OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD. NO Pt AS7ICS OR SIMULATIONS 385 82°° . McHenry, III. 5 ihmi 1 flifllaiiv .1. 8Hislli«HKY Hours.- Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fr i 9 Wed. G Sot. 9 om to 6 pov Slir Noo % % £ & -fj* ' •' S»F ' -4? Frc* ScMJp, Ugu i < vV ft? *** •O (V:v."TOV PoUse, 1407 DaireU, speeding, 44i fa AM* • ^ James A. Scully, Oak wood, Wonder. Lake, a traffid signal J. Wipper, Colombual violation of Hassfficanon and Jlo eye protection. , Julie L. Hiupl, 1006 Bay road, speeding, 51 mph in a 40 zone. - Kyle D. Xoeller, <912 Mason Hill, no front bumper. Mark Wade Meyer, 1521 Lakeland, no valid registration and no valid driver's license. Mark E. Schiller, 906 Draper road, speeding, 45 mph in a 80 zone. Phillip STtfyipple, 2111 Hiawatha, Wonder lake, speeding, 40 mfr * a » •17 too Tfaomaa L. Farrefl, 9113 Eaat lane, no »valid Frank D tMcCullon „ -- a l ^ M k rc&iouiiuixi. Harold A. Ohlrich, 4108 rnder Lake, Seneca, Wonder , speeding, 52 mph tar* 40 Thomas L. Lawson, 8610 John street, disobeyed a atop >191. Richard E. Arendarczyk, Jr., 8921 Greenwood, Wonder Lake, failure to display license. Johnsburg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Booster Club Sets Meeting The Athletic Booster club, will have its first meeting of the 1960-81 season at 7:80 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, at Johnsburg high school. All parents are welcome, especially new Freshman moms and dads to crane out and get acqtpinted! Call Mr or Mrs. George (Marilyn) Guetzloff, for answers to any questions. P.T.O. DISTRICT 12 Following are the new officers of the, Johnsburg Community Unit School District 12 for the 1980-81 year. President, Ms. Donna Olekszy; assistant to president, Ed and Lynn Corie; secretary, Sandi Freund; treasurers, Ken and Brit Lund. They are proud of their P.T.O. and invite the public to attend one of their meetings, if not to participate or get involved, but to see what it is all about! SYMPATHY the family of Peter M. Lieser, Mehring drive, who died Saturday, July 26. Funeral Mass was 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. John's with burikl in the church cemetery. the family of Fred Huemann, Johnsburg road, who died Monday, July 28. Funeral Mass was offered at St.; John's Wednesday, 10 a.m., with interment in the church cemetery. 0 die family of Jacob P. Winters, Meadowlark drive, who died July 14. Funeral Mass was at St. John's, July 16, at 10 a.m. and burial in the church cemetery. the family of Alick Hansen, Riverdale drive, who died July 16. He was the father of Mrs. Edna H. Robel, Johnsburg. Funeral services were held Saturday, July 19 at St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry. Burial was in Cole cemetery, Spring Grove. (Remember these folks of our community in your prayers - these are trying times for all. HOME AND HOSPITAL Please keep in your daily prayers all our sick and hospitalized friends and neighbors - be sure to send a card, make a call, or visit, either at the hosptial or home. CONGRATULATIONS Joel Wakitsch, the new Sports editor of the McHenry Plaindealer, "The Third Half". We feel he will do very well, and enjoy doing it. Joel formerly lived in Johnsburg. ST. JOHN'S St. John's School Board announced the formation of a pre-school program beginning in September, 1960. Three and four year olds will be accepted. For further information, call St. John's school, or Mrs. R i c h a r d ( D i a n e ) Himpelmann, Ringwood. Registration for new students at St. John's will continue as families move into the parish. Come to the school, during school hours, to register, or contact the Sisters at the convent. If no answer, call the rectory. DATES TO REMEMBER Aug. 10 - St. John's annual picnic cancelled. Aug. 12 - B.V.M. SoiL^l, St. John's meeting 1:00 p.m. • Schaefer residence. Aug. 23 • Johnsburg Rescue Squad - dinner, 6 to 8 p.m. - dancing, 9-1 a.m. - ' Johnsburg Community club » Marriage Encounter Weekend Scheduled Couples from Illinois, northern Indiana and southern Wisconsin who have attended a Marriage Encounter weekend will be convening at St. diaries Borromeo seminary in Romeoville, 111., north of Joliet, to hear inspirational talks given by some of the same people who are speaking at the Los Angeles international convention. The convention will start Friday evening, Aug. 22, and will close with a Mass late Sunday afternoon, Aug. 24. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Msgr. Joseph Champlin. Fr. Champlin is a former pastor and noted liturgist priest .of the Syracuse New York diocese. He has lectured extensively throughout the nation and probably is the best selling Catholic author in America today. His most popular and current books are "Together for Life", "Together in Peace" and "The Living Parish Alone No Longer". The theme for the weekend is "The Couple - Heart of the Family". Marriage En counter couples who wish to attend should contact Ken and Pat Bonine, phone (815) 246-9439. BEING ALONE Have you ever thought about this: Being . alone with your thoughts . k could be described as "boring from within." The McHenry Plaindealer NI2 WMt Elm Strovt «{um us-MO) CsMMshod 1975 MionollSMS0I70 PwMUIiod 1*5** We*Wi4ey « Friday «<McH«nry. Illinois ;$ rOtTMMTfKi ll»< l>l,|l| l» McH--wy H»liid<«l«r. llli W. llm Si McHenry. Illinois 4MM. ' SufeKribwi or* pro.Ho lmmo*oH noHco o4 chongo ol o<Mro» »o ;£ Thv McHonry HoMevlor. Ml] W. Hm S».. McHonry. III. MOM. A doduct.on ol ono month from <ho oapiroMon ol • lubtcrlpMon will bo modo wtioro o chongo ol oddross It provMod through Mi* Poll Ottko 4vportmont. lorry E. Lund-Publith«r AcM* Frovlich-Editor « . "W c - •- %• x