PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALLtt - FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3.1980 A UTO INDUSTR Y COOPERA TING CAR CARE QUIZ •SELF-SERVICE ^G4S&GO!"\ "Gas-and-go" service station patrons should Im particularly aware of the Importance of regular car checks. If you're among this growing motoring popula tion, see how weN you do on this car owner quiz. You changed oil and flltar |ust a law hundred mHsa ago and on your waekty dip-stick check you dlscovor the oil looks dirty. Most llkaly reason Is: A. You have a faulty oil filter. B. This is the normal appearance of detergent-type oil. C. The engine has excessive com bustion. When traveling, tire pressure should be checked: A. More frequently. B. At the beginning and end of the trip. C. When tires appear to be low. 3. As a conscientious car owner, you look underneath your car occasion ally for leaks and find one of the shock absorbers appears to be leak ing oil. A. You replace it and keep an eye on the others. B. You replenish the fluid. C. You have new shock seals in stalled. 4. Power steering and brake fluid levels should be checked: A. Annually. B. Before starting a long trip. C. Monthly. 5. Battery connections should be checked regularly for accumulation of corrosion, which: A. Causes the battery to overheat. B. Reduces battery efficiency. C. Can ruin the battery plates. •jeeA e eouo )SB9| ib suoipeuuoo eseiu uaeio pod jo iBUjuud) pue eiqBO eg) jo seosj -jns 6uijobjuoo ueeMieq jopinsuj ub e)(!i spe uoisojjoq pajjoo s| g g •a A|l|)UOlU )! op e)|BS s.Ajojbs joj sp|n|j eseyi >peip o) Asee s.ii pejjoo eje o Pue g p -80j)8|jepBJBl|3 6uj|P -ubl| eiqep ejnsue oj jnoj jo omi )0 sies uj peoB|dej eq pinoqs spoons eiqeeoiAjes jaSuoi ou si jeqjosqe jpoip 6uj)|Be| v 'pejjoo 8| euoN € peoj eq)uo A u8i|M J8A8 ueq) juBiJOduJi ejouj s,)eq) ejoip e|duns b s| ejnssejd ajij 6u|)toeqo pejjoo ||B ojb o pua g V z IBuuesse ejB seBueip jem# pus i;o ojpouad AqM s.jegi eu|Sue jnoA episuj juBouqni b bb ||9m sb pm|j Bu| -usep b sb suoipuni no pejjoo si g t Zino X03H0 UVO 01 8U3M8NY I SANDY McKIE & SONS | Fox lake ChrT$l«f-Plyaoiilfc Dodge DUE TO FANTASTIC RESPONSE tfaaa Ft* fit OUR SERVICE SPECIALS WILL BE CONTINUED Jfcf pL SERVICE MANAGER THRU OCTOBER! PARTS MANAGER SmIW CWIM Parfi llttMat C C§H W$*4f hr An Appoinfmuif Todtfl 5B7-6471 ( »ANPY MpJKira myAa ) CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS •OPT SHOP 3 PAUL IASTII • . JMCR Ohio Energy Department Holds Car Care Program COLUMBUS -- The Ohio Department of Energy is launching its first care care promotion this year. Aimed at conserving fuel, the project was reported by the person in charge as receiving con siderable cooperation from newspapers and the automotive industry. Project specialist Sam Vogel cited the enthusiastic coopera tion he is receiving from the Automotive Parts & Ac cessories Association (APAA) and, on the state level, virtually every Ohio automotive trade organization, automotive firm and retailer of automotive pro ducts. APAA is actively recruiting support from its Ohio members as well as national members with Ohio opera tions. The Ohio project was launched September I after several months' preparation. It will feature clinics and con sumer education programs sponsored throughout the state by business and civic organiza tions. While the 1981 efforts de pend on the result of the Fall program, Vogel said he is get ting much better response "than I could have anticipa ted." As one example, he cited several newspapers which changed the publication dates of their Fall Car Care sections to coincide with the state pro motion. Vogel gave a list of fuel- saving tips that are among those being given to Ohio drivers: • Combine shopping trips with other errands. • Avoid traffic jams. • Cut car weight by removing unnecessary items from the trunk. • If you have a choice, take the smaller car -- if it is more fuel efficient than the larger one. Gel a tune-up. Replace the air filter. Switch to radial tires. Check the air pressure in the tires. Install a vacuum gauge on your car's instrument panel. Inspect wheel alignment. Avoid jack-rabbit starts. Shut off your car's engine if you are going to be waiting more than a minute. Don't let the engine oil get low or dirty. When the engine is cold, don't wait for it to warm up. Start off slowly -- it will warm more quickly and efficiently and use less gas. Turn right on red -- and don't block that lane when you want to go straight ahead. Think of the other driver. Walking is good exercise. Don't spend several minutes trying to find a parking spot within a block of your destination. Ohio DOE Specialist Praised for 4Energy' WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Ohio Depart ment of Energy project specialist Sam Vogel is getting just what he deserves: "Cooper ation," the president of the Automotive Parts & Accessories Association said. Julian C. Morris said APAA would work to enlist the cooperation of its member manufac turers, retailers, distrib utors, sales represen tatives and trade media as well as allot staff time to help maximize the success of Ohio's first state-promoted car care program. Praising the state employee for his own ••nergy, Morris said "We pledge to actively sup port the goal of educa ting the Ohio motorist on ways to save luel and money while driving a safer, more efficient vehicle." Morris said he hopes the Ohio program will be the forerunner of pro grams conducted by other states. "By working with Ohio's Department of Energy," APAA's presi dent said, "we hope to help produce results that other states will find ap pealing. "Mr. Vogel is, in our opinion, putting to gether a program that will be relatively easy for other states to imple ment." MOPAR LUBE & OIL & FILTER PartB ft Labor Included $21.85 mm. mmm. iggjggi *** R€6. S24.IS ^ Cftlotidet*J$ke STATE BANK 728-0433 ..we're still offering RUTO LORNS at reasonable rates uj Si- SBi lll§, mmHHMB • V ' / mfmmyMm m Come see us about our auto favorable rates...and with extended payments. (You'll have more months to pay and lower monthly payments.) On approval you can drive into ' your brand new '81! BANKING HOURS; lobby: Mon.Tu*«.Thuri. 9 to 3 Frl. 9 to I Sot. 9-Noon Drly» Up A Tm#, yy#d Thuft ffl $tof Walk-wp: Sot. • to 3 » '; /////Ay ,/////'/ '/ "• W//S rf//A M