PAOf M THURSDAY, MAY 29 Carter Country CM Carter* • In forma Uvewtra FimTIWI 0 Face The Maelc «iU #WWME«torM 7:00 Wl̂ 'thO W«Hon« A vengeful back woodemenkidnapa Elizabeth and holda bar at gun point aflar Mary Ellen dierupta hit plana fo marry a 14 year old girl. _ _J NBC Magazine With David •rteklay Thia waakly aariaa offeraablendof current newaator iaa, topical raporta and orolilea Moat Oavid Brinkiay ia joined by contributing raportara Qarrick Ut lay. Jack Parkina. Dougiaa Kker. and Bat»y Aaron. (00 mtna ) WW Mork And Mndy Mork diecovere the human amotion of tear whan an inauranca ealea- man'a acara tactica and Exidor'a claim that tha world ia anding prompt him to aaal himaalf in a glaaa cuba right in tha middl* ol Mindy'e living room, vowing never to emerge (ftepaat) # Towrtat A aariaa of vignattaa about a widaty aaaortod group of travalaraoaafiratclaaaluxurytour of the glamour capitalaotEurope / Roma. London, Amatardam and Paria. Stara: Bradford Dillman. ffa'wjlMaVaitna ® • MKE At 7: (HLordMountbattan:AManFor The Cantury India ieindependent, PMMpmarrteaEUzabath, NATOia formed, King George VI diaa. and th* Korean armiatica ia aignod. m N'aAOraatldaa 9 Par Battar Or Woraa: Tha AmariaanPamNy •• SBO.OOO Pyramid CBS REPORTS: NURSE, WHERE ARE YOUT J.^n Mason, left, a nurse a* the Hospital of the Univetbiiy of Penn sylvania, talks with CBS News Cor respondent Marlene Sanders about the critical shortage of nurses in America's hospitals, in CBS Reports: "Nurse, Where Are You?," THURS DAY. MAY 28 on CBS-TV. "Nurse, Where Are You?" reveals that less than half of the nation's 1.4 million nurses stay in hospitals, in part because the pay is better elsewhere than the $14,000 a year the average hospital staff nurse earns. And fewer people are entering the nursing profes sion. The broadcast reveals that the public perception of nurses as, i» the words of one staff nurse, "bedpan car riers and waitresses," is far from the truth. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV C0MFU10C MKVtCtl INC BowMngOame Ayudat I Movla -(No Information available) "Be turn 3" (Paid SubecriptionTeievlaion)NoOther Information Available. (106 r. F.A. Soccer 'The Road to Wembley', Quarterfinal 4. • Movie-(Mvetcal)**** "Top Hat" 1B3S Pred Aataire, Oinger Rogera Two young people meet and taH in love, but aha thinka he'* Do It yourself and save at... Jensens HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER & BADE BUTK * Hardware * Kitchens & * Electrical & Accessories P l u m b i n g N e e d s w „ „ * Bath Towels, *wailpaper & Curtains & Draperies Accessories 338-6929 or 338-1936 670 Calhoun St. Woodstock, III. her beet frlend'e huaband. (2 »•) QPgan'alaland 7:30 W Boaom Buddiee Kip and Henry declare a war of wita when they decide to ruthleaaly compete with their conniving rival at the agency for an ambitiou* doctor'* account. (Repoet) • • Joker'eWM ® • Over Eaay Queat: Violiniat Itzhak Perlman. Hoata: Hugh Oowne and Prank Blair. (Cloeed- Captioned; U.S.A.) # Body WorkaDr. Tim Johnaon hoata another in thia continuing aeriee of programa. examining the innerworkingeandmechaniemaof V E Movie-(Science Fiction) "Star Trek -The Movie" 1B7B William Shatnar, Leonard Nimoy The further adveaturea ol the U.S.S. Enterpriae and itacrew. " ' "0) (2 hre.. 30 mine.) fc _ What WM They TMnk Of Naxt? VCMMNIMINtlwOflOptClfl Tho Moral St* -0 tariMwd 7:SSW® Itewecene S.-00 Magnum, P.I. A weekend of tenaion and turmoil culminatea in terroriem with draa- tic reeulte for Magnum. (Repeat; SMI Thwraday Night At Tha Movla* 'Almoat Summer' 1378 Stara: Bruno Kktoy. tee Purcall. A Southern California high achool meeta the final challenge of the achool year in a climactic atudent I election. (2 hre.) RBnentelectti Dough Bnaw 'Independent PHma' Hoata Oene Siekel and Roger Ebert look at the beet feature Mmeproduced by the new breed of American indepen dent fHmmakera. including: 'Re turn ol the Seceucua 7,' 'Heart land.' 'Oai Young Un.' and 'Tha Haunting of M.' W TetePratwce-U.S.A. Peintrea Du XVtle Steele 2) L'Hietoire Da L'Automobile 3) En France Comme Si Voua Y Etiez 4) Portea tt'iCSk i Movla -(Comedy) **• l*mMkiia4 BaaAfVBNABB 4AAA WltnOW ClaudatteColbart, John Wayne A Hollywood-bound noveliat en counter* * Marine flyer and hi* pal aboard a ooaat-bound train. (2 Movie -(Orama) •••* "Panic In Needle Park" 1B71 Al Pacino. Kitty Winn. An innocent girl from Indiana »a*a in love withaNew York heroin addict and becomea addicted heraeN. (2 hr*.) "Pa • • NocheANoche • Thureday Night Baaoball (Joined In Progreaa) Minnoaota Twina va Taxaa Rangera (Due to blackout regulationa thia game may not be aired In your area. Pteaao check local elation.) 0 Top Rank Boxing Prom Lae Telethon Contlnuaa _ A.B.T.S.: Parte' Leigh'AOueation of Faith'2) New York City Ballet 'Serenede tor Stringe in C' 3) Great Paintinga 4) Tha International Flute Cla** of Michel Deboet S) The Bemede Quartet SanPrancteco •m Taxi To Tel The Truth Strevineky' it Ttda Old Houae Plana for the new garage are mede and tha down-draft atove ia inataHed in the main hoeee. (Cloeed-Captioned U.8A) 9 Movte -(Comedy) ** "Little Mlaa Marker" 1BSO Walter Mattheu. SaraStimaon. 8orrowful Jonea ia a atingy. grouchy, horee racing bookie until he becomea involved with little Miea Marker The^d^Rated PQ) (22 hre.) 9:48 _ Hon available)* "Poaaa" (Paid SubecriptionTeleviaion)No Other Information Available. (106 'ismrcs S:8S +00 Nuree, Where Are Vo«i?There'aa crial* in America'a hoapitale today, a lite or death crieie that cen t be remedied by eurgery or medical breakthroogha. The cri- aia ia a ahortage ol nuraea and CBS Newe examinee thia danger- oya situation. (60 mine.) 30-30Hugh Oowne an- chore thia weekly magazine profit ing noteworthy eventa in newe. ecience. end entertainment. (60 ia.) $$AN In The FemMy VIc Bradan'a Tennia For Tha Future Smglaa Strategy I' Coech